The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2401 useless investigation

Sure enough, after the requirements for aircraft were reduced, the research process in various research areas of the weapon refining field was greatly accelerated!

The original information was sealed, and Ling Daozi came up with new information. This information was obviously much easier to understand. It was in line with the IQ of those great immortals and could be touched by them after jumping or flying. So Acceptance is high.

After these great immortals came into contact with this information, they couldn't help being pleasantly surprised and felt that the benefits were too great!

Everyone is rapidly improving in their own areas of expertise...

However, these improvements are basically rough lines. In other words, Ling Daozi's information will give a solution to a problem, but why it is solved in this way and the rationale behind it can only be carefully considered by everyone in the future.

For example, when refining a spacecraft shell metal plate, Ling Daozi will give a design plan, main raw materials, and refining methods, and then leave it alone. Subsequent refining requires corresponding research areas to follow up and refine it.

To be honest, Lian Daozi has solved the most important part of the problem. The rest depends on their actual control ability. The level of the metal plate after it is refined is what they need to consider.

Since the plans and methods are basically understandable, even if they are different from their original ones, they must strictly follow the new ones. Of course, there will be some acceptance issues.

Some relatively stubborn people will compare the old method with the new method, and then they will find that the metal plate made by the new method is indeed different, much better than the original one, just like the outer shell of the original battleship. Problems would occur as soon as they were corroded by the Zerg venom, but the new metal plates were not damaged by various toxins. This surprised them so much that they put down their original methods and accepted the new information.

In the minds of these great immortals, although the information was brought out by Ling Daozi, they did not think that the information came from Ling Daozi himself, but that it came from the disc and was a gift from a friend in the starry sky.

This is what most people think, but some people are beginning to realize that this information may have been given directly by Ling Daozi!

And Ling Daozi may be the representative of those friends in the stars, who came specifically to help them!

The person who holds such an idea is Wu Yongzi, the wisest man in the immortal world.

After being rescued by Ling Daozi, Wuyongzi began to actively devote himself to this secret mission after a period of reflection and recovery.

For those of them who specialize in playing wisdom,

There are many things that can be done in this refining field, such as participating in research tasks in various areas, logistics management, data management, and later, all the incoming and outgoing resources are managed by them, which is very important.

Wuyongzi accidentally discovered during the data management process that the data provided by Ling Daozi were basically burned by himself without using the disk!

Because he had gone in and out of Ling Daozi's space countless times, and later accidentally discovered that the disk had been casually thrown into a small corner by Ling Daozi, and there was already dust on it!

Obviously, Ling Daozi has not touched this disk for a long time, so what happened to the jade slips he took out randomly in various research areas?

Wuyouzi noticed that when there were problems in those research areas that could not be solved and Ling Daozi was asked to help, Ling Daozi often went to see what the problem was, and then quickly took out a jade slip from his body and said The solutions are all above and let each research area solve them on its own.

These jade slips will be sorted and preserved by Wuyongzi in the end. As the common wealth of Xianting and various forces, Wuyongzi will of course focus on research. In the end, he concluded that the information on these jade slips should be Ling Daozi's instant creation. All The answer to the question is actually already in his head!

In addition, based on the comparison of the before and after information, Wuyouzi can also infer this, because the disc information given by Starry Sky Friends at the beginning was for the most high-end aircraft. Not many people can understand that information and it is extremely difficult, but this This is the characteristic of disc information.

And Ling Daozi suddenly abandoned Yuanpan's information and used new information to help Xianting build a lower-level aircraft. The new information must not come from Yuanpan, but from Ling Daozi himself.

"Oh my god... If this is really the case, then Ling Daozi is really awesome!" Wuyongzi was amazed in his heart.

What makes him feel incredible is how can a human race under the age of sixty know so much? This is completely unreasonable.

Regarding this eternal mystery, Wuyongzi quietly launched his own investigation. For him, investigating the secrets of Ling Daozi fascinated him more than anything else.

After some research, he discovered that Ling Daozi had already demonstrated his comprehensive ability to master all Taoist arts during the Daoyi Competition. After coming to Xianting, he also showed that he was proficient in all the Taoist techniques for building aircraft, without any of them. It can stump him, and his Tao skills are far superior to all the great immortals!

Just from the laser experiment he casually showed in front of everyone, everyone was fascinated by lasers. Wuyongzi himself was also quietly conducting similar experiments. However, the result was certainly not what he imagined, because he completely did it. There is no effect like the experiment Ling Daozi did that day.

Another point is that the light that Ling Daozi said can bring information, as well as high-energy ray waves. These concepts are also completely new to Wuyongzi and others, and they know nothing about it!

How did Ling Daozi analyze those light waves and judge that there were superpowers fighting in that distant place, and they might have light-speed spaceships or super-light-speed spacecrafts. People who could travel through the mysterious world in an instant would never be able to do so. A possible path to completion?

Wuyongzi became extremely interested in the so-called concepts of light information and energy waves.

For wise men like him, the unknown realm is like a powerful magnet, strongly attracting them to explore...

But he finally discovered that the gap between him and Ling Daozi was huge, simply out of reach!

Ling Daozi randomly threw out an experiment, but he couldn't do it no matter what. What was the reason?

As the investigation deepened, Wuyongzi collected countless information, and finally discovered that Ling Daozi did not appear out of thin air, but had appeared before!

The place where it appeared was not in the fairy world, but in a lower realm!

Naturally, this information came out because he was studying Li Yun's information. At that time, Ling Daozi participated in a Taoist competition in the 108th Realm of Hua. As a result, he easily scored points in all the Taoist competitions. The process was simply It’s no different from the Immortal Court’s Taoist Competition!

It is precisely because of this characteristic that Wuyouzi is sure that Bi Ling Daozi is this Ling Daozi, and they should be the same person.

And Ling Daozi seems to be from the Dayun Palace. The owner of the Dayun Palace is Li Yun, so Ling Daozi should be Li Yun's slave!

"Oh my God...that's it!!!" Wuyongzi felt ecstatic.

After some thinking and analysis, he clarified many things one by one. For example, Li Yun would cause some small troubles in the lower world and the spiritual world, which were caused by the speed boat; Li Yun liked collecting scraps the most, Now Ling Daozi also asked major forces to collect scraps for him; Li Yun appeared in the starry sky some time ago to help the immortal army fight insects, released a video drama to remind people in the immortal world not to kill the beasts in the starry sky, and also showed scenes of interstellar travel , this drama has so far made countless people obsessed with the starry sky; then there were changes in the fairy world, including star changes, nine large whirlpools and nine beams of light, and then the ultimate secret of the mysterious world was discovered. During this period, Li Yun seemed to disappear in the starry sky, but he still released a video drama through the Immortal Machinery Department, which revealed many things, including "The Dragon Emperor" which perfectly reflected the chaos in the immortal world at that time, until the Holy Emperor barely retained his throne in the end. !

What else did Li Yun do during this period? What role did he play in the chaos of the Xuanling world?

Wuyongzi discovered that there was one person who was very important in this process, and that was Yuan Yi!

If all the forces have suffered losses in the chaos of the Xuanling World, then the only one who has gained the greatest benefit is undoubtedly the Immortal Machinery Agency!

The Immortal Machinery Department has harvested batches of immortal stones by creating trends and releasing video dramas. Its current strength may have reached the level of a giant, and no one in the immortal world can match it!

Yuan Yi also impressed people in this process, especially when he revealed the secrets of the stars and the secrets of the mysterious spirit, which made him famous and his level greatly improved!

Ordinarily, based on Wu Yongzi's understanding of Yuan Yi, Yuan Yi was just an ordinary immortal before, and there was still a long way to go before he could become a great immortal. However, in a short period of time, with the help of video dramas and revelations, Yuan Yi With two secrets, he became a great immortal recognized by everyone!

Isn't there something fishy behind this?

Wu Yongzi continued to trace back, and finally found out the clues, that is, Yuan Yi had made a preliminary move before, which was to organize a chess match between immortals and spirits. This chess match allowed people from the immortal world and people from the spiritual world to place bets at the same time. This is definitely the first time in history that chess has been operated like this, and it is Li Yun who is cooperating with Yuan Yi!

Li Yun's reputation began to spread in the fairy world because of that chess match, especially his chess lectures and a personal feast of music, which fascinated countless people and made them crazy!

I heard that the famous beauty Fairy Mengxia in the fairy world later went to the spirit world to look for him...

It can be seen that Li Yun and Yuan Yi have a cooperative relationship. Yuan Yi's video dramas all come from the Universiade Palace. So, will the secrets revealed by Yuan Yi also come from Li Yun? !

Wu Yongzi is indeed known as the number one wise man in the immortal world. After his constant deliberation, he finally came to a conclusion that shocked himself...

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