The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2406 The useful information revealed by Mr. Nian

At that moment, the demonic barrier that had been lingering in his heart for a long time was finally driven away by the sunshine, and he was free!

Master Shizhen felt that his whole body was relaxed. He flew out of the window and bathed in the sunshine and air of nature. He ran, jumped and screamed, as excited as a child. There were no demons or obstacles...

He didn't know how long he ran, but suddenly he found a high mountain in front of him. It was extremely steep and as high as the clouds. He decided to climb it, but what made him strange was that no matter how he ran or flew, he could not reach the foot of the mountain. What's more, he couldn't reach the foot of the mountain. Forget about climbing...

"What's going on with this mountain? No matter how far it is, there should be an end, right?" He murmured.

But what surprised him was that the mountain seemed to be running faster than him, and it got further and further away, until finally there was only a small dot left.

"Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me!!!" Master Shizhen shouted desperately, chasing after him crazily, and finally fell to the ground exhausted, helplessly watching the little dot completely disappear before his eyes...

"Master, are you okay?!" A voice called to him.

Master Shizhen finally woke up and was stunned for a while, finally realizing that the person in front of him was the Holy Emperor!

The Holy Emperor now felt that he had been cured and was in a very good mood, but seeing Master Shizhen like this, he could not show it, because Master Shizhen had become like this just to save him.

"I'm... not... okay..." Master Shizhen said blankly.

"Is everything okay? Just fine! Why do I hear you telling others to wait for you?" the Holy Emperor asked curiously.

" not a person, it is a mountain..."

"Gaoshan? You asked Gaoshan to wait for you?" The Holy Emperor was startled.

Others felt baffled when they heard this.

"Hey, maybe it's because I was a little confused just now. I originally wanted to climb this mountain, but the mountain got farther and farther in front of me, and finally even the shadow disappeared..." Master Shizhen sighed.

Wuyouzi suddenly asked: "Under what circumstances did you see that high mountain?"

"At that time, after I heard that the Holy Emperor had taken Li Yun's detoxifying pill and successfully detoxified it, and heard from Brother Nian that it only took less than an hour for Li Yun and Ling Daozi to develop the pill, the poisonous demonic barrier that had troubled me for a long time suddenly Dissipated, I broke through the demonic barrier, and soon I saw the mountain, but it was getting further and further away from me..." Master Shizhen described.

"I see...actually,

What you see is not a mountain, but Li Yun and Ling Daozi. Their medical skills are superior to yours, and their progress is rapid and unattainable. Now, I’m afraid it’s impossible for you to touch their lapels..." Useless Zi Youran said.

"This..." Master Shizhen was startled. After thinking about it carefully, he found that Wu Youzi was right.

Wu Yongzi is worthy of being the most wise man in the immortal world. Of course he is very good at interpreting dreams. Based on the actual situation of Master Shi Zhen, his analysis of his dreams can be said to be very accurate!

Master Shizhen's face was feverish and strangely red. He turned to look at the Holy Emperor and asked, "Holy Emperor, are you really cured of your poison?"

"Well, I feel fine!" The Holy Emperor nodded.

"let me see…"

The Holy Emperor stretched out his left hand, and Master Shizhen felt his pulse with his right hand. He looked carefully and found out that it didn't matter. Master Shizhen was completely shocked!

I saw that the poison in the Holy Emperor's body was gone. The organs that were riddled with holes by the poison were not only restored, but also looked much better than before. The whole body was shining with fairy light, as if he was reborn from the fire. , no wonder the Holy Emperor looks many years younger, as if he has returned to his prime!

In Master Shizhen's view, this situation is somewhat similar to the Phoenix Clan's Nirvana Rebirth. In other words, the more severely the Holy Emperor is crippled by the poison and the heavier the pain he endures, the greater benefits he can gain after recovery. !

This is because, whether it is the poison itself or the treatment given to the Holy Emperor by Master Shizhen and others later, the Holy Emperor was tempered in the process, and the poison and the medicine were transformed into nutrients by the antidote. It fully nourished the Holy Emperor's body and brought him huge benefits.

This kind of detoxification method is exactly what Master Shizhen dreamed of, because only in this way is medicine the best way to fight back against poison!

Aren't you here to poison me? Then I will let you become the nourishment for my growth, making me stronger...

Master Shizhen has implemented this kind of detoxification method many times in the past, but when faced with Xiaomei's poison, he was helpless. Not to mention converting it into nutrients, even if he wanted to expel it from the body, he could not accomplish.

However, Li Yun and Ling Daozi perfectly developed this detoxification method within an hour, which amazed Master Shizhen and others!

"Okay...ok! Congratulations to the Holy Emperor! This poison has finally been completely eliminated. I wonder if the detoxification pill is still there? I want to study it carefully..." Master Shizhen said.

"It's not that I don't want to get one for you, but the cost of obtaining the detoxification pill is too high, and a high-end aircraft is needed to exchange it..." the Holy Emperor said with shame.

"What?!" Dan Kuang, Shi Zhen and other alchemists were all shocked when they heard this!

Father Nian laughed and said: "Such an antidote pill is like a high-end aircraft, a treasure from the future. Such an exchange is an exchange of equal value. It would be great to have it!"

"Future treasure?" Everyone was startled.

"Of course! Do you think you can develop an antidote pill on your own? Do you think you can build a high-end aircraft with the help of people like these in the immortal world? If there were no Li Yun and Ling Daozi, just dream! Let me tell you, Li Yun and Ling The era that Daozi lives in is already in the fifth-level civilization era, but what about you? In the third-level civilization era, you are more than a mountain away from them? It is as huge as a natural chasm..." Nian said proudly.

"This..." Everyone was stunned.

They were extremely shocked. Although Nian's words were a little harsh, his words revealed a wealth of information. It seemed that they were indeed far away from Li Yun and Ling Daozi. It was almost impossible to catch up with that high mountain!

Dan Kuang reacted and teased: "Brother Nian keeps talking about us and them, but what about you? What era do you belong to?"


The old man was stunned, his face suddenly turned red, but he said shamelessly: "Haha, of course I belong to the fifth-level civilization era! All of us in the White Tiger clan belong to the fifth-level civilization era! Because we have moved into Xingyun Castle , are exposed to things and knowledge from the fifth-level civilization era every day, and their progress is unimaginable to you! What do you think the Xuanling world is? It is just a speck of dust in this vast universe, and external civilizations are simply not Taking it seriously, if Li Yun hadn't wanted to save Xuan Ling's life, I would have persuaded him to go with us to the outer stars!"

"Wo..." Everyone was in an uproar.

Mr. Nian said more interesting things this time, and the Star Fortune Castle mentioned in it aroused everyone's strong interest!

Wuyouzi asked anxiously: "Brother Nian, congratulations! I wonder what that Xingyun Castle looks like?"

"Xingyun Castle is the super-light speed ship you dream of! It can fly countless thousands of miles in one second. Once you experience that kind of speed, you will never forget it. Brother Huayu and I experience it often!" Dad said proudly.

"Oh my god...countless thousands of miles?!" Wuyouzi was completely stunned!

Unexpectedly, the legendary super-light spacecraft has appeared, and Nian Hu and Hua Yu often experience it. No wonder the two people's auras are different now. This is the obvious difference between those who have seen the world and those who have not. .

Wuyongzi and others were extremely envious, thinking that it would be great if they could also take a trip to Xingyun Castle and experience super-light flight...

Mr. Nian said loudly: "Exactly! Xingyun Castle is in this star field today, and it may appear in another star field tomorrow. We have seen many more starry skies than you! And..."

"And what?"

"The power of Xingyun Castle is beyond your imagination! It can easily swallow an interface or a star, and the internal space is like a small universe. It can be said that it is effortless to contain the entire Xuanling World!" Mr. Nian hummed.

"Oh..." everyone exclaimed when they heard this!

This news was like the sound of nature, it hit everyone's heart hard!

Unexpectedly, Xingyun Castle can easily accommodate all the people of Xuanling. Isn't this what the people of Immortal Court are pursuing now?

The Holy Emperor said anxiously: "Brother Nian, can Xingyun Castle really hold the entire Xuanling people?"

"Of course it's no problem! There are more than 100 billion people in it now, and we haven't seen anyone yet!" Nian said.

"What?! More than 100 billion people?!"

"That's right! That's more than 100 billion people!!!" Father Nian said harshly.

Everyone’s mouths opened in big circles and they couldn’t believe their ears!

The Holy Emperor turned to Hua Yu Xiansheng with a suspicious look on his face. Hua Yu pondered for a moment and nodded: "What Brother Nian said is indeed true! Xingyun Castle is the super battleground that Li Yun and Ling Daozi have focused on building in recent years. Fort, its capabilities are beyond what we can imagine! Devouring stars, devouring interfaces, distorting space... these are all small things to it. To be honest, if Li Yun hadn't wanted to help you improve your abilities, you could go to the stars separately. , spread the vitality, he can completely catch all the Xuanling people and go far away, there is no need to go to such trouble to ask Xiao Ling to help you..."

"This..." The Holy Emperor finally understood it completely!

The so-called friends in the stars are none other than Li Yun and Ling Daozi, as well as their Universiade Palace forces!

And the appearance of Ling Daozi was exactly what Li Yun sent him to help them improve their abilities...

The numerous major events that have occurred in the Immortal Realm in recent times are entirely caused by the various arrangements made by Li Yun and Ling Daozi around this underground power. They are just playing a game between them and this underground power. Just trying to survive in the cracks...

Of course, Li Yun's purpose is to save them, otherwise, he is fully capable of walking away on his own, and he is even fully capable of plundering the fairy world, and then letting them fend for themselves here...

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