The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2441 Attitude towards life

Although Gu Cheng's inscription records did not explain the portal in detail, with the wisdom of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, it was not difficult to deduce the function and main operation mode of the portal, which gave them the idea of ​​developing this treasure. idea.

"Sir, why don't we also test this portal. If it succeeds, it will allow these ships in Xuanling World to escape further." Xiaoxing said.

"Very good! With the portal, they should be able to have more opportunities for survival and development. This treasure must be built in the short term!" Li Yun praised.

"No problem! We already have a complete theoretical and experimental basis for wormholes. All we need is high-energy energy. But now we have treasures like Juzhen Cloud. A small piece of Juzhen Cloud can condense an unparalleled With the energy, it won’t be a big problem to create and maintain a wormhole..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That's true! If you look carefully, Juzhen Cloud condenses positive energy, so the portal created in this way should travel through the positive space. But if we can also have treasures that condense dark energy, then we can create a portal that can If we reach this point in the portal that travels through the dark pole space, we can disappear directly in front of our opponents. For example, we can disappear in the positive pole space, enter the dark pole space, and then jump from the dark pole space to its positive pole. Strike at the back of the space!" Li Yun imagined.

"Wow... Sir, this is such a wonderful idea! If we can freely enter and exit the positive space and dark space, we can fully control the battle in the universe. If we are temporarily unable to defeat others in a certain space, we can also easily escape to another space. After practicing well, come out and hit them hard, haha!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"This is indeed a good strategy and tactic! But at present, we know more about the positive space and less about the dark space. We need to strengthen research and experiments in this area!" Li Yun said.

"No problem! After all, we have always grown up in the positive space. It is normal to be unfamiliar with the dark space. Now it is time for us to open the two space channels!" Xiaoxing said with confidence.

The analysis from the portal Zhoubao to the positive space and the dark space is the official beginning of Li Yun and Xiaoxing's exploration of the avenue of the universe. Based on the countless cosmic wisdom they have accumulated in the past, they are finally going to make big strides in application. Onward!

In addition, the two of them are also very interested in the treasure map mentioned in Gu Cheng's inscribed text. What kind of treasure can attract all the powerful powers in the universe to compete for it?

It’s not that they covet this treasure map, because they know that most of the time, such a treasure map is more like a trap, and the purpose is precisely for those who are attracted to it!

Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be a real treasure map, but if this is the case, this secret will generally not be leaked easily. Even those who know it will carefully keep this secret and will not deliberately spread it.

Therefore, it is worth studying what happened to Gu Cheng at that time in order to analyze the authenticity.

If Gu Cheng really has a treasure map, it should be in his body. In other words, the treasure map is in the Xuanling World!

This is probably the reason why those people persist in tracking him!

"Do these eight ancient masters know something about the treasure map?" Xiaoxing asked suspiciously.

"They should know a little bit, but it is impossible to know everything, because they are just a ray of consciousness of Gu Cheng, and their memory is extremely limited. Moreover, with Gu Cheng's great power, it is impossible for him not to have thought of this.

That is, as long as something happens to one of these clones, the secret may be leaked, so the tasks assigned to them are only responsible for daily care and monitoring..." Li Yun analyzed.

"That's what the adults said. However, if each of them knows a little bit, then it adds up to a lot. Maybe we can analyze many problems from it. Let's leave this task to the little slave!" Xiaoxing said with a smile. .

"Then you must be careful! Lest they become suspicious!" Li Yun warned.

"rest assured!"

Xiaoxing's actions in the eighth and ninth levels of the fairy world are still going on. The population in Xingyun Castle has surged. Now it has increased seven times on the basis of the original 100 billion, and the total has reached 800 billion. !

The distribution of the life population in each level of the fairy world is actually not uniform. The lower the level, the greater the population and the lower the life level. The higher the level, the smaller the population and the higher the life level. Therefore, after collecting the seven levels of the fairy world, Xiaoxing After some statistics, it was found that the number of people in Xingyun Castle reached 800 billion. On average, it was exactly the same as the first-level fairy world with a population of 100 billion.

Among these growing populations, mortals still make up the vast majority, while monks and immortals make up a minority. This is because, no matter which world they are in, low-level life is always the lowest and thickest part of the ecological chain. It is from these most basic lives that more and more advanced lives are gradually born!

Therefore, the total number of soul power armies and pre-reserve armies has reached a terrifying more than 700 billion, while the monk army is far less than 100 billion!

Although the individual strength of the monk army is extremely strong, and the combat power when organized is also terrifying, they are still not as good as the soul power army.

This is because the soul power army has now differentiated, and the high-end part of it has gradually grown into powerful people. Their combat power is also very powerful, and many cutting-edge talents have emerged, and they have begun to stand out in various fields and become soul power. Elites in the army!

Some of these elites went to participate in the Centennial Taoist Competition organized by Xianting, and many people began to become famous in it.

Xiaoxing estimates that after taking over the eighth and ninth levels of the Immortal Realm, the total population in Xingyun Castle will reach 900 billion!

With such a population base, it would be difficult for Xingyun Castle to become stronger!

As the recruitment operation progressed, the fairy world in the apocalypse gradually stopped hustle and bustle. In many places, only some untransformed lives were left, while more places were uprooted and the ground was scratched.

Various species have found a place to survive in Tianyun World, and there is no need to worry about extinction. Therefore, there is no need to clear out the animal and plant life in the entire fairy world now. In fact, the number of these low-level life forms is extremely huge. , without the threat and enslavement of transformed life, they became the masters of this world and began to occupy a dominant position in this seemingly wild world.

This situation seems to be that the fairy world has regressed back to an extremely primitive era, where life is galloping, fighting, surviving, and reproducing endlessly on the extremely vast land...

Don’t worry that the world will become desolate after losing high-end life forms. In fact, the vitality of these low-end life forms is incredibly powerful. In a short period of time, they began to occupy the dominant position in the fairy world and destroy the suffering. After the disaster, the fairyland becomes even more beautiful and vibrant, making people want to stay here for a long time!

Soon, a new video drama, "The Catastrophe of the Immortal Realm" began to be sold on various Xuanling spaceships. The original beauty displayed in it was breathtaking, making many people eager to visit it...

Since the population is now highly concentrated in the worlds of various Xuanling spaceships, information spreads faster. If there is a slight disturbance, people from major forces will soon know about it.

At first, people thought that the video drama "The Catastrophe" should reflect a desolate and terrifying post-disaster scene. However, when the video started playing, they were deeply attracted!

As the exciting music played, I saw that the majestic scenes in various parts of the fairy world are still gorgeous, with towering mountains, rushing rivers, towering trees, vast green grass, continuous, volcanic eruptions, and the sea is pushing the waves. Ice and snow dye the world into silver, and thunder and lightning bring heavy rain, nourishing everything in the world...

Groups of animals are galloping on the grasslands, ferocious predators are active in the mountains, various raptors and birds are flying in the sky, and huge schools of fish appear in the oceans and rivers from time to time, with big fish eating small fish. , a thrilling drama of hunting and escape...


Everyone was fascinated by this scene!

It is the first time for many people to realize that the fairyland they live in is so magnificent and colorful, so majestic and magnificent, so vibrant, so livable and charming...

When they thought that they originally belonged to this magical land, but now they had to abandon it, a sad emotion surged into their hearts, and each of them couldn't help but cry secretly...

These lower beings do not know that they are facing the catastrophe of the end of the world, but they are still exuding the breath of life crazily and showing off their proud figures. They are carefree and full of vitality. Even if they can live for an extra quarter of an hour, they will You can also fully enjoy all the beauty of this quarter of an hour!

Regardless of the wind and rain, regardless of the thunder and thunder, regardless of the ice and frost swords, regardless of the fire and water... Every life continues to grow in the struggle with nature. So what if the end of the world comes, I smile to the sky and kiss my heart. Earth is born with heaven and earth, and lives with heaven and earth...

Life is so lovely, isn't it?

Countless people have been moved by the life attitude of these lower beings, and are silently proud of them and bless them...

Is there a miracle?

Such a lovely life really shouldn't die like this. We haven't seen enough...

This question is on everyone's mind.

As soon as this video of "The Catastrophe of the Immortal Realm" was released, it aroused everyone's homesickness and love for their hometown. This emotion has reached such an overwhelming level that even the immortal figures in the weapon refining field can't stand it!

They came to the Immortal Palace to find the Holy Emperor one after another, wanting to see if there was any other way to save the Xuanling World and preserve this magical world...

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