The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2451 Changes in the Soul World

Many years ago, Li Yun and Xiaoxing began to come into contact with information about the soul world, and learned a lot about the great soul master Tuke in the soul world.

According to the information they obtained from searching souls from soul clan members, it can be determined that the Great Soul Lord Tuke has excessively consumed his soul power due to cultivating soul insects and is still in a coma. His plan is to wait for him to wake up. We must begin to conquer the powers of each interface and fully control the entire Xuanling world!

That's right, it's the entire Xuanling world, including the fairy world!

He was even preparing to develop beyond the Xuanling world. He once gave an order to the Soul Machine Palace to send people to explore beyond the starry sky and spread soul insects over a large area...

The soul clan is very powerful, and they are not afraid of the immortals at all. The immortal world has also sent out immortal armies to conquer them, but in the end they basically all came back defeated.

Just like the last time an insect plague occurred in the spirit world, demon world and demon world, the people in the soul world fought fiercely with the Zerg. Although the overall strength could not match the Zerg, they also prepared many powerful methods to cause the Zerg to suffer heavy losses.

When the Fairy Army team encountered the Zerg, the result was extremely embarrassing.

It can be seen from this that the soul world does have the capital to challenge the banxian world.

There is no doubt that Great Soul Lord Tuke's personal strength has reached an extremely high level. That is why he has such great ambitions!

In addition, in the soul world, in addition to the great soul master Tuke, there are other great soul masters, as well as many extremely powerful soul masters. These people themselves fought fiercely among themselves, but they were all suppressed by Tuke later.

If Tu Ke is excluded, the combat power of other great soul masters, ordinary soul masters, and soul clan masters at all levels is also extremely high. Therefore, the soul world is a very unique existence in the Xuanling world.

However, no matter how strong the soul world is, it is still in the third level of civilization. At most, it has reached the late stage. They can compete with the fairy world, but they cannot surpass this cultivation civilization level and enter the fourth level civilization stage.

The Great Soul Master Tuke may be dreaming of becoming the master of the Xuanling World, but he probably never imagined that he has been fighting with other people for so many years. He has fought countless battles, including those in the immortal world. As a result, he is now so tired that he has to fall asleep, but the world has quietly changed. He has now been surpassed by two young humans. !

The development of Li Yun and Xiao Xing did not follow the normal cultivation civilization at all. In other words, there may not be any clues about their development at the beginning. When they were very weak, they met the strong soul clan and the immortal. They will torture them to death, but as they gradually develop and advance on their own path, they become stronger and stronger, and finally easily surpass these strong men, and go farther and faster, We have now entered the middle and late stages of level five civilization!

Moreover, with their extremely deep accumulation, they are afraid that this fifth-level civilization will soon be surpassed by them. In this regard, the two of them have extremely firm confidence!

Tu Ke and other great soul masters in the soul world, as well as various powerful figures in the immortal world, have gone from being far ahead in the beginning to being far behind now. The major difference may lie in the path that Li Yun and Xiao Xing initially chose and their Just different.

The two of them stood at the pinnacle of the fourth-level civilization to examine the cultivation civilization. The combination of the two produced a magical effect. The initial weakness was only temporary. After they studied the cultivation civilization thoroughly, their understanding of the world became Extremely profound, getting closer and closer to the origin of the world, which makes up for some of the shortcomings of the fourth-level civilization, giving them the opportunity to break through the fourth-level civilization in one fell swoop and reach the height of the fifth-level civilization!

from this angle,

Cultivation civilization actually has great potential. Although it is among the third-level civilizations, it is very unique because the rules it follows actually coincide with the way of cultivation in the universe and are the initial stage of this avenue!

As long as it goes well, or if there is some catalyst to stimulate it, it is entirely possible for it to embark on the avenue of cosmic cultivation!

This catalyst, if viewed from the perspective of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, may be the addition of the fourth-level civilization from the outside.

The collision of the wisdom of these two civilizations brings them closer and closer to the origin of the world, so they have unlimited development potential!

Their path of integrating two civilizations may have been difficult at first, but after overcoming various difficulties and persevering, their path became wider and wider, becoming their own broad road!

On the other hand, the path taken by people in the soul world and immortal world has always been the path of cultivation civilization. Without a catalyst, it would be too difficult for this civilization to reach its limit, because many people have ignored the origin of this world from the beginning. They practice based on empiricism and pass on the basic understanding from generation to generation. Their progress is very slow and they often take detours...

Now, Li Yun and Xiao Xing can easily torture them to death, but they won't do so.

Xingyun Castle came to the sky above the Soul World and carefully observed the star. If compared by volume and area, the Soul World can be said to be the second largest star in the Xuanling World. It is only smaller than the Immortal World and is about one-third of the Immortal World. one!

In other words, the entire soul world is equivalent to the size of the third-level fairy world. This is an extremely huge star. No wonder the soul world is quite conspicuous in the starry sky. Looking at it from many interfaces, you can find this slightly reddish star. planet!

"Sir, should you pull it in directly, or..." Xiaoxing asked.

"Don't worry, the soul world is quite different from other interfaces. They are extremely powerful, especially the big soul masters among them, who are even more unruly. If they are pulled into Xingyun Castle now, I am afraid it will affect the castle. The other interfaces are peaceful..." Li Yun thought.

"Then how about closing them down first and then opening them up after they understand the situation?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Let's take a look at the situation above..."

The two quickly called up many pictures to observe the movements in the soul world...

Although there is no ground network laid in the soul world, the monitoring network is extremely capable. There is no problem in monitoring above the surface and at a certain distance below the surface. Therefore, a large amount of information is flowing in continuously.

"Eh?!" The two of them were slightly startled.

Seeing some situations happening in the soul world, the two of them found that if they hadn't noticed for a while, the soul world seemed to have changed a lot!

The most important and extreme situation seems to have happened, that is, Tu Ke can no longer suppress the other great soul masters. These people are now gathering in the core area where Tu Ke is located, and it seems that they want to overthrow him!

However, there must be a reason why it has developed to this intense level.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing hurriedly checked the information about Soul Machine Palace, and soon the cause and effect of the matter were basically understood.

It turns out that the cause of the matter was nothing other than the last insect plague. At that time, the Soul Machine Hall Jingma stationed in the spirit world, demon world and demon world was attacked by the insect army and the entire army was wiped out!

Losing so many people at once and destroying their many years of layout was a heavy blow to the Soul Machine Palace.

Since the troops of the Soul Machine Palace are all recruited from various soul clans, their loss also means the loss of all the clans in the soul world. Of course, each race will ask what happened, but the Soul Machine Palace itself can't figure out why they suddenly The whole army was wiped out, and only some clues were known from the previous information, which may be related to the resistance from all walks of life and the loss of control of the soul insects. Therefore, the Soul Machine Palace was unable to explain clearly to all races, which of course caused their dissatisfaction.

Not long after, the soul world was suddenly attacked by a large army of soul worms. These soul worms were the ones who had left the demon world first.

At that time, this part of the soul insect army went directly to the soul world. Li Yun and Xiaoxing did not pursue them due to time issues. Instead, they first eliminated the remaining insects in the demon world, and finally rescued various interfaces in the demon world.

After these insects came to the soul world, they immediately started a bloody storm. They naturally ate up and killed everyone wherever they went. They also attacked the Soul Machine Palace and rescued a large number of soul insects from their hands. , through reproduction and fighting to support war, their power is growing!

Of course, all the tribes in the Soul World rose up to encircle and suppress the Soul Insects, but the army of Insects killed more and more, and the more they killed, the more powerful they were. Until now, all the tribes in the Soul World were retreating steadily, and finally they all retreated to the core area of ​​the Soul Machine Palace!

The army of insects drove all the tribes in the soul world here from the outside and surrounded them. Viewed from a high altitude, this scene was really spectacular. Countless huge insect whirlpools were seen blooming like black flowers. On the earth of the soul world, it rises and falls, stops and turns, gathers and disperses, drifts and stays...

Places outside the core area are actually close to collapse, because the boundary trees on each interface have been eaten away by the insect army, and the interface has collapsed, leaving only ruins...

Seeing such a terrifying insect army, the soul clans from all walks of life have been frightened to death. At the same time, this has also aroused their dissatisfaction with the Great Soul Lord Tuke. Everyone knows that these soul insects were actually cultivated by him. Unexpectedly, instead of harming other races, the Soul Insects are now harming their own people. If this debt is to be settled, of course it will be settled on Tu Ke!

All the great soul masters united to ask Tu Ke for their crimes. Of course, their purpose in doing so was to wake up Tu Ke and let him find a way to get rid of these insects. After all, he was the one who cultivated the insects. If he could have If there is any way to deal with them, it must be Tuke's way.

The people in the Soul Machine Palace were unable to protect Tuke under heavy pressure. All they could do was wake him up in advance and let him think of a way quickly...

When Li Yun and Little In the process…

It is indeed not an easy task for a superpower like him to wake up from a deep sleep, and the precursor activities are extremely alarming...

:. :

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