The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2455 I was attacked!

When Tuke heard this, he praised: "Brother Huan's analysis is extremely incisive! It seems that the facts should be as Brother Huan said!"

"Thank you, Lord, for your praise! If this is really the case, then the Dark Soul World is not simple. They have actually opened up an interstellar route to the Xuanling World. Having two powerful men like this come here means that there are others. People from the Dark Soul World come to Xuanling, which means that they move earlier and faster than us. We want to conquer them. Maybe they have already thought of conquering us. Therefore, we conquer We must be cautious in our actions in the Dark Soul World, and we must not go there blindly. Maybe the opponent has already opened their pockets and is waiting for us to get in..." Duo Huan analyzed.

Tu Ke broke into a cold sweat when he heard that. His previous ambition seemed so pale now. He clamored about conquering the Dark Soul World without knowing the situation. This was simply a sign of weakness. Could it be that I have slept for a thousand years, and the more I sleep, the more stupid I become? !

His reflection was very timely. To a certain extent, people who sleep too much will definitely become stupid, because wisdom can only become smarter and wiser if it is constantly thinking and thinking. Tu Ke slept for a long time. After thousands of years, I am still dreaming of dominating the universe. Naturally, wisdom cannot operate too smoothly. It is understandable that people become stupider than before.

But he is a super soul master after all. After realizing this, he immediately reflected on himself and actively mobilized his brain power to keep up with such drastic changes in the past thousand years...

He has secretly regretted it now. If he had known that the changes in this thousand years would be so terrible, he should not have chosen to sleep at such a critical moment to recover, but of course there are not so many ifs in this world...

"So, the news we got earlier that soul worms have spread to most of the Dark Soul World may be false news. It was sent deliberately by people from the Dark Soul World to lure us into a trap?" Pictured Kesi thought.

"Yes! This possibility cannot be ruled out, because it is really difficult for our people to cross such a long distance. On the contrary, since someone from the Dark Soul World can come to the Xuanling World, it means that they have the ability to open up this interstellar Channel, they can spread false news to lure us there, and maybe they will carry out an attack on the way! In short, after learning the news that the Holy Emperor and Wu Siqi were taken away by people from the Soul Clan, Brother Shang and I We have discussed this matter countless times, and everyone’s conclusion is..."

"What?!" Tuke asked urgently.

"The Dark Soul World must have the intention to annex the Xuanling World. They should not only target our Soul World, but also the Immortal World and other interfaces at all levels. We even suspect..."

"What do you suspect?"

"The insect plagues that occur in the spirit world, the demon world, and the demon world, as well as the insect plagues that spread to our soul world, are all possible actions created by people in the dark soul world. These actions are coordinated with the nine energy whirlpools and nine rays of the fairy world. The purpose of the action of the huge light pillar is to destroy interfaces at all levels and create chaos, so that people in the Dark Soul World can fish in troubled waters and achieve what they want!" Duo Huan said loudly.

"This..." Tu Ke was completely stunned, his mind was racing, and he quickly digested the huge amount of information revealed in Duo Huan's words.

According to Duo Huan, all the chaos in the Xuanling World are ultimately caused by people from the Dark Soul World. They want to provoke fights and troubles all over the Xuanling World, and plunge the Xuanling World into chaos. Chaos, in the end they will come out to clean up the mess and rule the Xuanling world perfectly...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing were shocked when they heard Duo Huan's judgment. Yes,

They didn't find it funny, but they appreciated it very much!

Although they knew that all this was not true, and that many of the chaos were in fact caused by the two of them, the amount of information Duohuan and others could obtain, the accuracy of the information, and the interface they were in were too Judging from the remoteness and other conditions, it is extraordinary that they can come to such a conclusion!

Many times, one cause will have multiple effects, and one effect will also have multiple causes. Who can say that the current situation in the Xuanling World does not include factors from the Dark Soul World?

From the inference just now, it can be seen that the people of Soul Machine Palace are not inferior to Immortal Court and other major forces in terms of wisdom. It is no accident that they have reached the level they are today.

The Soul Machine Palace is indeed an extremely powerful force in all levels of the interface. It is full of talents and masters. No wonder they all have the ambition to conquer the outside world.

Tu Ke's face was a little uncertain. He now suspected that the powerful man who attacked him just now was most likely someone from the dark soul world, because someone who could use such a powerful soul thorn must be a person with extremely strong soul power...

If this person is not found, I am afraid that I will not be able to live in peace from now on, and the entire soul world may be affected. You know, they dare to do something to themselves, let alone others?

However, he quickly thought of a doubt and said: "The people in the Dark Soul World have the ability to open interstellar channels to our Xuanling World. This shows that their abilities are indeed stronger than our Soul World, and even stronger than the Fairy World. However, they No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to change the celestial phenomena, right? Now the sun and moon in the sky have undergone great changes, and the stars have become indistinguishable. I still don't believe that this is the work of people from the Dark Soul World. !”

"This..." Duo Huan was startled and suddenly speechless.

After all, Tuke is Tuke. His experience and wisdom are still incomparable. He can see the key to the problem at a glance. Yes, the changes in the stars are indeed a big problem. For many low-level civilizations, in their eyes, the stars are the way of heaven. It is supreme. Any change in the stars may mean corresponding changes in the world. Therefore, they believe that the stars cannot be changed artificially.

The same is true in the Xuanling world. No one thinks that someone is powerful enough to change the stars. So when Tu Ke pointed this out, everyone was stunned because they also thought it was impossible from the bottom of their hearts. , therefore, there should be another reason for the change in the stars, which has nothing to do with the world of dark souls.

Tu Ke said: "The Dark Soul World cannot be so strong, otherwise they would be heaven-like existences, so why would they travel thousands of miles to conquer the Xuanling World? Therefore, this matter requires further investigation and confirmation! "

"Yes! Palace Master!" Duo Huan responded quickly.

"What happened next? When those nine energy vortices and nine large beams of light appeared in the fairy world, what was the result?" Tu Ke asked, this was something he was very concerned about.

"According to the information we got from the Immortal Machinery Department, the two soul clan members were discovered by powerful powers in the immortal world and were outnumbered. As a result, the person who took the body, Wu Siqi, was caught, and the other person who took the body was caught. The Saint Emperor escaped! Later, the real Saint Emperor returned and took charge of the Immortal Court again!" Duo Huan said.

"Is that so? I'm afraid the process is very tortuous, right?" Tuke said in surprise.

"The palace master is right, but the information we can get is very limited. Since all the tribes in the soul world are now forced to do this by the army of soul insects, everyone has too much time to take care of themselves. The tracking of external information has long been relaxed, and we don't know that now in the immortal world How is the situation with other interfaces..." Duo Huan sighed.

Shang Yun said loudly: "Brother Tu, the external affairs are not important now. What is important is to control these soul insects first and turn them into our effective combat power. Only in this way can we be able to deal with the outside world unanimously!"

“Brother Shang’s words make sense!”

“First fight within, then fight outside!”

"Now that our homeland is destroyed, why talk about foreign conquest?"

"We must kill them fiercely to avenge the people in the clan who were devoured by them!"

"Brother Tu, please conquer the soul insect army as soon as possible!"

"That's right..."

The more people talked, the more angry they became, and they all asked Tu Ke to quickly solve this urgent problem and restore the homes of all ethnic groups.

Tuke waved his hand, signaling for everyone to quiet down, and said, "Everyone, do you know what happened when I woke up before?"

"This..." Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

Duo Huan quickly asked: "Palace Master, what happened?!"

"I was attacked!" Tu Ke said in shock.

"What?!" Everyone screamed.

"Is it above the forest? Or in the palace?" Duo Huan asked cautiously.

"No! It was when I was still not fully awake!"

"How is it possible?! The place where the palace master sleeps is protected by advanced formations and countless protection methods. No one can break through so many levels to attack the palace master!" Duo Huan said loudly.

Tuke shook his head and said: "The fact is that someone passed through those levels and gave me a soul thorn, which made me wake up completely in an instant! I sensed that soul thorn very clearly, and it contained an extremely huge power. The soul power, and it is extremely pure, disappeared in a flash, not even a trace was left for me to study, which shows that this person's control of the soul path has reached a superb level, even I am ashamed..."

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically when they heard this, and they were in an uproar.

"I have searched the nearby area comprehensively just now, but I still haven't found where this person is hiding. This is a huge hidden danger and threat, much more serious than the army of soul insects outside!" Tuke said harshly.

Duo Huan was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "Could it be that this person comes from the world of dark souls?"

"It makes sense! It must be so!" Shang Yun agreed.

When everyone heard this, they all nodded frequently. Judging from various signs, the person who dared to attack Tuke must be from the Dark Soul World.

Tu Ke snorted: "Your guess just now is correct. Behind the army of soul worms is most likely the people from the Dark Soul World. Their people have penetrated into our soul world and commanded the army of soul worms to destroy all interfaces. Now, their target is everyone here..."

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