The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 246 The Army of Immortal Attendants (1)

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This immortal servant transformation plan has now become the "top priority" of Wuyou Peak, attracting almost everyone's attention. After Wuyouzi, Zhu Rui, Qiao Xiaodie, Tan Guangyu, Yuxin and others complete their personal tasks, they will Take the initiative to participate and make suggestions for Ren Yu.

As the saying goes, paper can't stop the fire. Tu Zhenzi finally learned about this project. While he was shocked by Li Yun's genius idea, he immediately assigned Bizhenzi to participate and personally supervise and assist.

Just as Yang Wenqing's younger brother Gong Cheng discovered, the strength of the immortal disciples who successfully integrated the demon crystals in the early stage has increased rapidly, and they can already hunt first-level demon beasts. Such combat power has impressed Ren Yu, Bizhenzi and others. There is hope of success.

What surprised them was that the soul power of these people increased faster than their physical fitness, reaching the level of ordinary Qi refining period disciples.

Moreover, the outstanding ones among them, such as Wang Qiang, Lin Li, Li Si and others, have soul power that has even reached the level of mid-to-late Qi refining disciples, and can drive magic weapons and activate monk talismans!

This situation makes it very likely that these immortal servants will develop in the direction of what Li Yun calls "soul warriors".

However, if you want their soul power to be further enhanced, on the one hand, their physiques must be simultaneously enhanced, and on the other hand, special cultivation methods are required.

Ren Yu and Bizhenzi were keenly aware of this trend, so they unearthed many cultivation items from the existing resources of Qingyuan Sect, some of which were used to strengthen the body, some to enhance soul power, and even many monks who were not big These immortal servants were forced to practice whatever body refining techniques they were willing to practice.

The immortal attendants did not know that even monks with spiritual roots were not willing to endure such hardships to practice this kind of body refining technique. Instead, they thought it was a gift from the Qingyuan Sect to them, and they all devoted themselves to the body refining training with a hundredfold energy. During this period, I was tortured to the point of unspeakable pain every day.

However, such efforts are definitely worth it. With a strong body and abundant blood, it is possible for their soul power to grow.

In turn, soul power, as a force of the same level as a monk's spiritual power, will also nourish and promote the body of the immortal servant. This is a phenomenon that Ren Yu and the others discovered later.

It can be said that the Xianshi transformation plan was boldly conceived and vigorously promoted by Li Yun. However, many of the detailed observation records, data analysis, practical training, etc. were continuously improved by people like Ren Yu, and gradually formed a complete system. planned.

Without the efforts of people like Ren Yu, although this plan is wonderful, it can only be a flower in the water and the moon in the mirror.

Li Yun has a clear understanding of this, but this is exactly the effect he wants to achieve, because he definitely does not have so much time to focus on this matter. Only by exerting the power of everyone can this matter be done well.

After leaving the cave, I quickly arrived at the testing site and found that the team of immortal attendants had expanded a lot, reaching nearly three hundred people!

Such a scale was somewhat beyond his expectation. However, after having the God Gathering Stone, such a number was far from enough. To form a real lethality, the number of immortal attendants must be as large as possible.

Li Yun has already conceived a blueprint in his mind. If there are thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people, and through the amplification effect of the God Gathering Stone, the soul power of so many immortal servants can reach the level of Golden Elixir or Nascent Soul. level, forming a powerful lethality, I am afraid it is invincible in this lower world!

When the time comes, with just this army of Immortal Attendants, Wuyou Peak will be able to sweep through everything and seize everything.

"Junior brother!"

Ren Yu's cry came, waking Li Yun out of his reverie.

"Senior brother! The record is pretty good, there are three hundred people!" Li Yun said with a smile.

Ren Yu nodded and said: "Not bad! However, with the nearly two thousand immortal attendants on Wuyou Peak, I'm afraid we can only pick out these three hundred people..."

He quickly explained the difficulties faced by the Immortal Warrior in merging demon crystals.

"Junior brother, Ancestor Bi and I have used all the methods we can think of. However, the level of merging demon crystals is too difficult. It is really difficult for people who are not particularly strong-minded to pass the level." Ren Yu sighed.

Li Yun didn't expect the situation to be so bad. His goal was to reach hundreds of thousands of people. Now he can only select 300 people out of the 2,000 people in Wuyou Peak. This success rate is too low. You must know that these people are all ordinary people. If there are so few geniuses in the world who can succeed, I am afraid that if you want to reach a scale of 100,000 people, the selection base required is too large!

Moreover, if you want to build a fleet, the number of immortal attendants you need will be even larger. If you cannot effectively increase the success rate of fusion, this idea will basically not be realized.

"Senior brother, please show me all the recent records." Li Yun said immediately.

Ren Yu immediately brought out a large pile of jade slips, which were piled as high as a hill. What was burned inside were the original data transformed by the immortal servant, which was extremely precious.

Li Yun grabbed a jade slip in his hand and read it quickly with his consciousness.

Soon, the jade slip was read, thrown aside, and another one was picked up to continue reading...

Ren Yu didn't feel anything at first. Gradually, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, because Li Yun's reading speed was so fast. Even if the foundation-building monk used his spiritual sense to sense it, he couldn't do it so fast. He looked at Li Yun in shock. His movements will cause his head to tremble wildly!

"Junior brother...could it be that he can cultivate his spiritual consciousness? No, even if he has spiritual consciousness, it is impossible to sense it so fast! Could it be that the power of his spiritual consciousness has reached an extremely high level?!" Ren Yu thought in his heart yelled.

The figure flashed, and a beautiful figure suddenly appeared, it was Bizhenzi.

She did not alarm Li Yun, but she stared at Li Yun with great curiosity, with secret thoughts in her mind.

Not long after, Li Yun was distracted and read all the jade slips with concentration, closing his eyes and meditating.

"Xiaoxing, how is the situation?" He thought to himself.

"Master, the reason why the demon crystal fusion failed is actually clear at a glance. It's just that they didn't learn to use big data to analyze the problem." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Tell me quickly!"

"Many of the demon crystals chosen by the Immortals for fusion are extremely ferocious evil beast demon crystals, such as demon tigers, demon leopards, demon bears, demon eagles, etc. After all, these people are geniuses in the mortal world, and they all want to possess tigers and leopards. With such power, no one is willing to lower themselves to choose some small beast demon crystals such as demon sheep, demon rabbits, demon chickens, etc. to fuse. However, the demon power contained in the demon crystals of those vicious beasts is too huge, and for many It is difficult for people to surrender, so the success rate is so low." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"I see. It seems that Senior Brother Ren and the others did not arrange the fusion strictly according to the principles we originally set. If the demon crystal and the immortal servant are allowed to pair up on their own, the chance of success will be much greater!" Li Yun suddenly realized.

"That's right. It's just that we didn't expect that these immortal servants were so determined to become stronger. They all wanted to have strong power. In fact, in my opinion, it would be very good for them to choose a demon turtle or something like that. The fusion is definitely It's easy, and you can live forever..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"That makes sense!"

Li Yun finally opened his eyes and found that Bizhenzi was also here. He quickly saluted and said, "I have met the ancestor!"

"Yun'er, where have you been these past few days? I also want to ask if you can talk to Wu Qi and Wu Dan..." Bizhenzi smiled.

"Ancestor, I have been busy upgrading items these days. As for the conversation with those two uncles... the heat is almost there..."

"Okay! I want to talk to them personally about this matter and let these two peaks become our sect's semi-finished product suppliers!" Bizhenzi said loudly, her wonderful eyes shining.

"Ancestor, I have a bigger plan for Immortal Warrior's transformation, and I need the sect's strong cooperation!" Li Yun said again.

"Oh? Just tell me if you have any plans!"

"I want to open this plan to the entire sect and let all the Immortal Attendants join in. Anyone who can pass the level of integrating the demon crystal can become a member of the Immortal Attendant Army!"

"What?!" Bizhenzi was stunned when he heard this. He covered his mouth with his delicate hands and was speechless for a long time.

Ren Yu was also a little surprised at the side. He didn't expect that Li Yun had such a big appetite.

"In addition, we want to recruit geniuses from all the mortal empires under our jurisdiction. Regardless of age, anyone who can pass the Five Elements Formation and fuse the demon crystal can join the army of Immortal Attendants!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Oh my God!"

Bizhenzi and Ren Yu exclaimed, unable to believe their ears.

"Yun'er...are you sure? You know, just training these three hundred immortal attendants has consumed countless of our energy. If we really build an army of immortal attendants, I'm afraid it will be difficult to gather the strength of our entire sect. Ah!" Bizhenzi said in shock.

"Junior brother, the resources required for the transformation of the Immortal Warriors are massive. What's more, the level of integrating demon crystals is too difficult and the elimination rate is too high. If you want to build an army of Immortal Warriors, it will probably take an extremely long time..." Ren Yu said deeply. Experience the way.

"Ancestor, senior brother, please rest assured! I have found the reason why their fusion failure rate is too high. Moreover, in the future, their training will focus mainly on body training and soul power, so that they will grow faster. I estimate It won't take long to form a strong combat force. Not only will it not affect the overall development plan of the sect, but it will also become a powerful supplement to the sect's strength. As for resources, since the army of immortal servants will provide the sect and Wu Of course, the contribution of Worry Peak requires the joint investment of the sect and Wuyou Peak. However, I believe that when their cultivation reaches a certain level, they can definitely be self-reliant and turn to generating income, just like Wang Qiang, Lin Li, and Li Si. , now we can hunt animals to generate income, and we no longer need to invest!" Li Yun said.

"This... I wonder why junior brother thinks their fusion failure rate is too high?" Ren Yu asked anxiously.

Li Yun immediately explained the reasons for Xiaoxing's analysis. Ren Yu and Bizhenzi suddenly understood and nodded repeatedly.

If this problem is solved, the success rate of the Immortal Warrior will increase dramatically, which will greatly speed up the transformation of the Immortal Warrior and save a lot of energy and resources.

Moreover, after clarifying the key directions of training, the training tasks of the Immortal Server will be greatly streamlined, making it easier to carry out on a large scale.

...To be continued.

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