The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2478 Gu Cheng’s doubts

( ) As for whether there are hidden dangers in cooperating with Ling Daozi, Gu Cheng has certainly considered this issue. In his opinion, Ling Daozi is just a human race who is 60 or 70 years old. With the blood level of the human race, no matter how talented he is, , and it is impossible to cultivate to an extremely high level. How can it be compared with what I have practiced for so many years?

He is just a ray of consciousness now. The last time he snatched the flying boat was an accident, and his defeat in Guozhanqi was mainly because he was not as smart as him. So Ling Daozi will be responsible for helping him find it. He is responsible for digging the Tiangang Stone and Tiangang Baoxing. He has the final say on how much compensation he will give Ling Daozi in the future, so there is no need to worry at all.

Gu Cheng was secretly proud of his plan, and was about to take out the treasure map for Ling Daozi to see, but heard Ling Daozi say: "Brother Gu, it doesn't matter if we talk about the treasure map later, now we have arrived at the Starry Sky Array , let’s go shopping first…”

"Star formation?!"

Gu Cheng was slightly startled, why did he come here and seem to have no sense of the existence of this formation?

Generally speaking, a large-scale formation has its own aura, and as for the Starry Sky Formation, which is so large that it can cover the entire Xuanling World, the strength of its aura will be shocking!

However, at this time, Gu Cheng could not detect the existence of the starry sky formation no matter how he sensed and observed it, which made him feel a little surprised.

Isn't this formation good? Or is it just Ling Daozi bragging?

"From the bottom to the top, there are generally four layers, and the folding degree of each layer is different. Of course, because the layers are twisted with each other, the folding degree will change greatly. Not only the number of folded layers is Irregular, and the folding degree is also irregular, and the maximum folding degree can reach thirty-two levels!" Ling Daozi introduced while controlling the Starship.

Under his control, the starship easily entered the formation, and the starry conditions outside the ship seemed to have changed significantly.

"Wo..." Gu Cheng exclaimed softly, finally finding the clue!

He had been busy communicating with Ling Daozi before and did not observe the stars, but when he came back to his senses just now, he found that the stars in the sky had changed greatly compared to before, and they were simply fragmented!

But now after entering the formation, the stars have changed again, and they look different from what they saw before!

All of this should be related to the starry sky array arranged by Ling Daozi.

"Brother Ling, why can't I feel the pressure of the formation?" Gu Cheng asked suspiciously.

"The pressure of the formation? Why does the formation have to have pressure?" Ling Daozi asked curiously.

"The formation has its own power. Generally speaking, it will give people a sense of oppression, let alone such a large formation arranged by brothers." Gu Cheng explained.

"Brother Gu's words are quite reasonable. However, different formations have different expressive powers. The pressure of the formations you mentioned is more used to intimidate the opponent. Such formations will indeed exude powerful energy. pressure, and the purpose of my formation is different from theirs. It is to protect the mysterious world from being discovered. At the same time, this formation is also to confuse the enemy and make him fall into it and be unable to extricate himself. If this formation emits If there is strong pressure, it will be easily detected by others and its effect will be greatly weakened..."

"Yes..." Gu Cheng couldn't help but suddenly realized when he heard this.

"So, the aura of this formation is contained, and it is almost the same as the outside world. Originally, this formation was still somewhat imperfect, so the Xuanling aura that penetrated was detected by the Evian fleet, making it still You can lock your eyes here, but now, the formation has been perfected, and the Xuanling aura has been completely blocked. They can't sense your blood aura, so it's much safer here! Even if they fly to the nearby star field, it's still very difficult. It is difficult to discover the Xuanling World because the time and space here have undergone tremendous changes. They must be able to pass through the blockade of the formation and enter inside to discover the existence of the Xuanling World!" Ling Daozi explained.

"It's so..." Gu Cheng couldn't help but admire!

Now the Starship Ship has not completely closed off the spiritual sense detection, so Gu Cheng's spiritual sense can be probed outside the ship for sensing. As a result, he found that the starry sky outside was indeed as Ling Daozi said, no different from the aura of the ordinary starry sky. This It's hard for people to believe that they are flying in a formation.

In this formation, Gu Cheng was surprised to find that he really couldn't sense the breath of the Xuanling world. In other words, if the opponent's fleet entered this formation, if it failed to cross the formation and come inside, In interstellar space, it is impossible to discover the existence of the Xuanling World, let alone if the opponent is outside the formation, it will be more difficult to discover.

If it weren't for Ling Daozi's control, it would be difficult for Gu Cheng to discover the connection points within the formation. It was often when the starship suddenly appeared in another starry sky that he suddenly realized that the starry sky had changed again!

After flying around in the starry sky formation, Gu Cheng's questions kept flowing like a river. He wished he could understand the formation thoroughly right away, but this was almost impossible.

Ling Daozi answered all questions, and the purpose was naturally to convince Gu Cheng that this formation was indeed enough to protect his body, and there was no need to terminate his sleep so quickly.

In Gu Cheng's view, Ling Daozi did this because he certainly hoped that he would not awaken the main body as soon as possible, because in that case, the main body would sooner or later lose the giant transformation technique, and by then, all the creatures in the Xuanling world would If they are implicated, a large number of lives will be lost, this is inevitable!

Therefore, he is also weighing the pros and cons of doing so. For him, the safety of the main body is very important, and other things can be put aside. Therefore, if the safety of the main body cannot be guaranteed, then take away the giant transformation technique as soon as possible and run away. Just the best choice.

However, he knew in his heart that once his true body was exposed, he would not be able to completely seal himself off due to his sensitive bloodline induction. He could not give up his bloodline, right? As a result, he will be locked by the Evian fleet immediately, and he will definitely catch up with him. The most important thing is that the Hongtong space pirate who is tracking the Evian fleet will also follow. When the time comes, not only the Evian The fleet will be eaten by them, and you will fall into their hands. It is not difficult to imagine the consequences.

Now it seems that this starry sky array does have a strong protective effect. It is difficult for outsiders to discover the mysterious world hiding inside. When the two fleets arrive, if they cannot find their own in this star field, If there is, it is possible to think that one has escaped and chase him out again. This result is the best, because the main body will not be affected by this incident and can sleep until the injury is fully recovered, and Ling Daozi also has time to save it. Xuanling’s creatures…

If things continue to develop in this way, then not awakening the main body is the best choice. However, with Gu Cheng's many years of career in the universe, he certainly knows that everything will have unexpected changes. If the accident is within the controllable range, Fortunately, if you fail to control it, the consequences will be difficult to predict!

For example, who is Ling Daozi? If he was involved with the Hongtong space pirate, wouldn't what he did just fulfill his wish?

This idea flashed through Gu Cheng's mind, but he rejected it!

Because he thought that if Ling Daozi was really related to the Hongtong space pirate, then there was no need for him to know the news of the Hongtong space pirate's arrival in advance.

As long as he keeps playing chess with himself, he doesn't even need to make any other moves. He will not be aware of the arrival of the two fleets at all, so he only needs to wait.

Then another surprise was that the starry sky formation suddenly failed when they arrived!

This is something Gu Cheng feels he cannot control, because this formation is now completely controlled by Ling Daozi. If he wants to harm himself, he can temporarily disable the formation at that time, and then he will be exposed to those two Under the supervision of the fleet.

This possibility is possible, and there is a certain probability, because Gu Cheng still has insufficient confidence in Ling Daozi. How high can a sixty or seventy-year-old human race reach, even if he is a genius in formation?

Being able to arrange and appear in this formation is already amazing, and I can't ask for more from him.

Gu Cheng now believes that Ling Daozi really wants to help him, but whether Ling Daozi has the strength to make himself completely invisible, and whether he can respond in time when an accident occurs, are all things he needs to consider.

His expression was gloomy and uncertain, and this scene certainly fell into Ling Daozi's eyes.

"Brother Gu, do you still have any doubts? Why don't you tell me..." Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"This... Mingren will not say anything secretly. I feel that the Starry Sky Formation can indeed seal my aura, but I am worried that if an accident occurs, if this formation cannot resist and is exposed, then I will be very passive. "Gu Cheng sighed.

"What does the accident you are talking about include?" Ling Daozi asked.

"For example, if two fleets fight here, their firepower is not comparable to the so-called crystal cannons in the Xuanling world. It is entirely possible to penetrate this formation, and then there is a possibility of exposure." Gu Cheng said.

"If I told Brother Gu that this formation has the ability to absorb energy, would you still worry about this accident?" Ling Daozi said.

"Absorbing energy?!" Gu Cheng was stunned.

"That's right! Did you see that there are countless meteors hitting the formation now, but when they enter the formation, nothing strange happens. They just penetrate into the formation as usual, but they slowly lose their kinetic energy. , and finally became just a flowing stone in the formation..."

As Ling Daozi spoke, he shot out a lot of light curtains. Judging from the images played above, it was just as he said, the meteor hit the formation. The outside world did not find anything abnormal, but the meteor entered the formation. After that, it gradually slowed down and finally turned into a meteorite wandering in the formation...

"Eh?!" Gu Cheng exclaimed.

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