The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2517 Mars 1

( ) This sounds like "Everyone is a knife, I am a fish." Others are already sharpening their knives, but I still want to eat fat so that the things on the chopping board will look better...

Of course, the nature of Li Yun and Ling Daozi's ideas is somewhat different, because if they don't come to swallow the world of souls, then the world will fall into a greater disaster. Therefore, they are indeed here to save the creatures here, and Not here to be a killer.

The ones who really sharpen the knives are undoubtedly the Hongtong Space Pirates. In addition to searching for soul stones and property, I'm afraid they will also seize the vitality of this planet. By then, no one can escape their terrifying methods...

It is precisely because of realizing this that Chu Cheng and others feel that it is unsafe and hopeless to stay here, so they must follow Ping Liang and others to leave here no matter what...

"So, we just need to wait until Xingyun Castle comes?" Chu Cheng said suddenly.

"That's right! With a cosmic battle fortress like Xingyun Castle, you won't have to worry about anything. You can live there happily in the future! Even I will envy you when you follow such a battle fortress to travel among the stars!" Taira sighed. road.

"Well... how about we go to Xingyun Castle together, boss! With you leading the way, Li Yun and Ling Daozi will definitely accept us!" Chu Cheng said quickly.

In his opinion, the status of people like himself is too low, and maybe Li Yun and Ling Daozi will not pay attention at all, but if Ping Liang recommends or leads the way in front of them, then things will go much smoother...

"Haha, you don't have to worry. Although I have never met Li Yun and Ling Daozi, judging from what they have done, they are very easy to deal with. You know, there are dozens of lives in the entire Xuanling world. More than a trillion, but they were all taken into the Xingyun Castle!" Ping Liang laughed.

"What? Trillions?!" Everyone was shocked.

"That's right! These beings all originally lived in this area. After the ancient elders came, they quickly formed the prototype of the Xuanling World, allowing them to move here to live and develop. Therefore, there are particularly many people, many races, and vitality. Prosperity is not comparable to that of your soul world, but your level of soul power development is much higher than theirs, so in terms of civilization level, the two sides should be comparable!" Ping Liang analyzed.

"I see... Three of our elders went to the Xuanling World before. I don't know what the situation is now. Maybe they are also in Xingyun Castle now!" Fairy Mi Tao thought.

"You can ask the people there when the time comes. If they didn't leave with the other Xuanling spaceships, they should be in Xingyun Castle." Ping Liang pondered.

"Great! With Star Fortune Castle,

Our world of souls will be saved! "Fairy Mi Tao said happily.

"It's a pity that our world of souls has gone astray. The way it is now, it can only be said that we have brought it upon ourselves. It's really sad..." Chu Changchang sighed.

Yangshan and Hunte were also silent for a while, with gloomy faces...

"There is no unstoppable road! When Xingyun Castle comes over, you will have embarked on the path of the universe. Then try your best..." Ping Liang encouraged.

"Thank you, boss!"

The world of souls continues to move forward in chaos. The lives of the creatures here are getting more and more difficult. Natural and man-made disasters continue. People are eager for a miracle to happen...

And in another starry sky, the situation of the living planet here is even worse than that of the Soul World!

Although this planet named "Mars One" by the small star was originally slightly closer to the sun, the life forms on it have long adapted to this fire ecological environment. They can fully absorb the abundant energy in the sun, temper themselves, and use All kinds of fire-based life forms make this planet full of vitality and Taoism...

The level of fire life beings appearing here are much higher than those in the Xuanling world, but they are still in the late stage of cultivation civilization and have not been able to make the transition to the higher level four civilization. Therefore, this also means that they cannot leave their own planet. In this starry sky, go and see the vast stars outside...

This time, it can be said to have suffered an unforeseen disaster. The sudden disappearance of the Xuanling World caused it to receive a sharp increase in the pulling force of the sun. The entire axis of rotation was seriously tilted towards the direction of the sun, and the seasonal changes on the planet were suddenly chaotic!

The scope of tropical regions has greatly increased, and many areas that used to have a slightly cooler climate and were very suitable for life to thrive have become tropical areas. Such drastic climate changes are not something that life can adapt to in a short period of time.

And this is just one aspect of environmental change.

Soon, due to the greatly increased traction of the sun, in order to avoid being pulled by the sun, Mars 1 could only speed up its rotation and use greater centrifugal force to resist the sun's gravity. This shortened the day on Mars 1 to a quarter of its original length. One, that is to say, people used to be able to live one day, but now it has become four days!

Time is so short, people haven’t had breakfast yet, and it’s getting dark soon!

This time change makes everyone confused and almost going crazy!

In addition, in order to resist the gravity of the sun, the internal activities of Mars have become more frequent and violent. The ground veins often break during the confrontation with the gravity, making the underground volcanic activity extremely active. People are completely unable to predict where. A new volcano will suddenly appear in some place. Moreover, many places that have become extinct volcanoes and have been transformed into living bases by people have begun to smoke again, and some have re-erupted. Many people are caught off guard and are hit by the blazing volcano. Swallowed by magma!

Although these people are basically fire-type beings, not everyone can withstand such high-temperature lava. Therefore, more and more people are falling into the lava and dying...

Now everyone is in danger. People no longer dare to stay inside the volcano and move to the ground one after another. However, no one can guarantee that the ground is safe, because the emergence of volcanoes is not caused by human will. People only I can comfort myself with prayer.

When Xingyun Castle came here, they found that the people on Mars were living in purgatory. In order to avoid the volcanoes and high temperatures, people ran to higher, more remote and farther places, but there was no material to guarantee them in those places. Life needs, after the energy and materials it comes with are used up, I am afraid that I will only starve to death!

Of course, people with high cultivation levels can live without food, but those at the bottom are more likely to starve to death. Faced with this tragic situation, the people at the highest level on the planet are helpless, because even they have too much time to take care of themselves and have no spare time to take care of themselves. Those at the bottom?

No matter in which world, when a disaster of this magnitude occurs, the first to be abandoned are usually the people at the bottom...

Just like in the Xuanling world, if Li Yun and Xiaoxing hadn't rescued those at the bottom, they would have been wiped out with Gu Cheng's awakening!

Therefore, whether it is for the entire civilization or specifically for each individual life, if you do not want to be abandoned, enslaved, plundered, or colonized, the best thing to do is to do your best to make the fastest progress and squeeze in. High-level people can at least have many more opportunities to be rescued or save themselves than others. If the civilization can jump to a higher level, it will have greater ability to protect itself, rather than like the Xuanling World, the Soul World and Mars. On the brink of extinction…

"Sir, Mars can't last long like this!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"That's right! If this continues, more and more materials will be lost, the structure of the earth's veins will be completely damaged, and the entire planet will become a hell on earth!" Li Yun agreed.

"When the slave calls the stars..."

Xiaoxing controlled Xingyun Castle and soon came to the top of a super large volcano. He saw thick smoke billowing here, and the crater material piled higher and higher. The ejected flint could reach hundreds of miles into the sky. The momentum was so strong that it was shocking. Stunning!


A sound wave suddenly came from below Xingyun Castle, and it drilled through the crater like a substance!

After several times, Xiaoxing's control finally stopped.

"Will the star spirit come out?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"Hey, the sound wave contains the power of neutrinos, which is enough to penetrate the protective space he is in. If he can't realize that someone is calling him, then he is too weak!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Maybe he will think it's still a matter of mutation!" Li Yun thought.

"Then he will also come out to check!"

"That's right! Just wait and see..."

After waiting for about a long time, Xiaoxing suddenly shouted: "He's out!"

Li Yun quickly looked around and saw a figure emerging from the crater. His body was chubby like a caterpillar. He looked a little panicked and looked around...

"Sir, it's your turn!" Xiaoxing smiled.

"no problem!"

Li Yun disappeared out of sight, but he rushed close to this person and said with a smile: "Don't look, it's me calling you!"

The fat man was startled when he heard this. He quickly turned around and saw that he was a young man in a purple robe. He was quite good-looking and had a smile on his face. He didn't look annoying.

However, he quickly realized that this person was not simple, because with his own cultivation, he could not see through the other person, and did not even notice that he was coming to his side. If this person suddenly attacked just now, he might not even have time to fight back. !

When the fat man thought of this, he couldn't help but gasped and asked quickly: "Who are you?! Were you really the one who made those noises just now?!"

"That's right! My name is Li Yun!"

"What...are you calling me for?!" The fat man was secretly shocked and asked urgently.

Of course he is a knowledgeable person. Those sounds just now were like the sounds of heaven and earth. They were definitely not made by ordinary people. Obviously, the young man Li Yun in front of him was not an ordinary person.

"Senior, don't be nervous. I just saw that senior is in a difficult situation right now and wanted to help..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What?! How did you know I was in a difficult situation? That's not the case!!!" The fat man's face turned red and he shouted loudly.


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