The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2521 Huangmao Planet

( ) "Keep your heart! Keep your heart! Keep your heart!!!"

Fairy Shouxin seemed to hear someone calling her in her daze, which interrupted her sweet dream!

She wanted to open her eyes, but suddenly she remembered the tragic situation of the Shouxin Planet before she fell into coma. How could she dare to open her eyes and look?

"Who? Who is calling me..."

"It's me! Yinghuo!"

"Yinghuo?! You... weren't you rescued? Why did you come to the sun?" Shouxin asked curiously.

"On the sun? What sun? This is Xingyun Castle!!!" Yinghuo said loudly.

"Xingyun Castle? Where is it?"

"This is the battle fort of Li Yun and Ling Daozi I told you! Now that Shouxin has been moved here, everything is safe!" Yinghuo said.

"It's safe? Really?!!!" Shouxin suddenly asked excitedly.

"Of course! If you were on the sun, would you still be alive now?" Yinghuo teased.

After Shouxin heard the words, he immediately opened his eyes. Suddenly, a quiet and deep starry sky came into view. Starlight was looming, faint nebulae rolled up at will, and stars shuttled by from time to time...


Shouxin exclaimed in surprise, feeling that the starry sky was incredibly beautiful, so beautiful that people were intoxicated, and so beautiful that they felt extremely safe...

"Haha, I told you to move in earlier and you didn't listen. You have to suffer to know how good I am!" Yinghuo laughed proudly.

"Oh my God! This is Xingyun Fort?! A battle fort?!" Shouxin exclaimed in disbelief.

"That's right! This is a battle fort, a battle fort with a small universe!" Ying Huo said loudly.


Shouxin exclaimed, feeling uneasy anymore. She quickly checked her planet and found that the planet was now scarred and devastated. It was unbearable to see!

However, what surprised her was that not many of the creatures above seemed to have died. Many people were working hard to restore the ecological environment...

"How could they withstand such a terrible disaster?!" Shouxin said in shock.

"Li Yun arranged a protective shield before leaving to protect these people! Of course, due to his haste, many people were missed. Those people could only save themselves, but these protected people were lucky. Nothing happens to people!" Yinghuo explained.

"So that's it..." Shouxin suddenly realized, tears of excitement flowed from his eyes...

As a star spirit, the lives on these planets are like her people. If she had known that Li Yun was such a person, how could she have made such a stupid mistake?

Shouxin felt a little sorry for herself and kept introspecting. However, what she needed to do now was to quickly fulfill her duties as a star spirit and restore the core of the planet's earth. So she quickly asked Yinghuo to help and went underground I'm busy deep down...

"Sir, all the stars around here have been collected!" Xiaoxing shouted excitedly.

"Not bad! This time we harvested more than a hundred stars, large and small, which can be said to be a great harvest! Unfortunately, a lot of them still fell..." Li Yun said.

"Those falling stars are too small. At most, they are just some untransformed low-end beings, so they won't have much impact." Xiaoxing said.

"Well, if the stars in this habitable zone are cleaned up, will it have a big impact on the stars in other orbits?" Li Yun pondered.

"It still has a big impact. Generally speaking, the habitable zone is located in the middle and front part of the solar system. The planets in this zone are too close to the sun, and basically there will be no birth and development of life. Sooner or later, they will be swallowed by the sun. Things, and on the periphery of this belt, there are mostly gas planets. These planets are relatively large. Since they do not receive much heat from the sun, they are generally cold, which is also quite unfavorable for the birth and development of life. If there is birth, Most of them are weird creatures. The planetary system as a whole has the power to influence each other. If there are no stars in the habitable zone area in the middle and front, it will be like a whole piece has been removed from the middle, whether it is the inner or outer planets , will be affected to a greater or lesser extent. How this impact evolves needs to be confirmed by observation..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Are there any stars in the inner area here?" Li Yun asked.

"There are two!"

"There are actually two more? They are so close to the sun, why are they still fine now?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"It does not mean that it will fall if it is close to the sun. As long as the star can resist the sun's gravity, it can continue to orbit until the sun becomes a red giant and it will be swallowed up." Xiaoxing explained.

"Oh? I'd really like to see how they resist the gravity of the sun." Li Yun said with interest.

"no problem!"

The small star opened several light curtains, and what was played on them were the two planets orbiting the sun in the habitable zone. It seemed that they were not affected by the disappearance of the stars in the habitable zone, and they were still orbiting the sun stably...

When Li Yun saw this scene, he couldn't help but said in astonishment: "How on earth did they do it?"

"Adults, you might as well think about our Star Fortune Castle..." Xiaoxing reminded.

"You mean...our quality?!" Li Yun suddenly said.

"That's right! Xingyun Castle's current mass is extremely large. If it were not hidden by the formation, it could attract many stars to revolve around it. The same is true for these two planets. Their masses must be extremely large. With strong potential energy, if they speed up their revolution appropriately, they can offset the centripetal force of the sun on them, thereby ensuring normal operation. Judging from our observation data, the stars in the habitable zone have been taken away by us After that, the speed of the two planets orbiting the sun increased to a certain extent, which shows that our actions still have an impact on them!" Xiaoxing said.

"Revolution speed? Yes, I understand. Yinghuo and Shouxin's strategies against the sun's centripetal force were both wrong!" Li Yun suddenly said.

"Hey, it's true! Both of them want to fight against the gravity of the sun by accelerating the rotation, but this approach is tantamount to seeking death. Only accelerating the speed of orbit around the sun is the most appropriate method. However, with the abilities of the two , it is still very difficult to accelerate these two planets to a speed that can offset the gravity of the sun..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"It seems that the spiritual abilities of the two inner planets are quite strong and their minds are clear..." Li Yun praised.

"They have been fighting against the sun's gravity for a long time, and they should have honed this skill long ago! Only planets such as Yinghuo and Shouxin, which are not usually affected by the sun's gravity, will panic and respond randomly when sudden changes occur. It’s up to us to be rescued in the end!”

"In this case, we don't need to worry about those two planets. Now let's go to the Soul World to see..."


Xingyun Castle turned towards the direction of the Soul World...

As Xingyun Castle collects more and more stars, the only star left in the habitable zone is the Soul World. In this solar system, other stars have begun to be affected to a greater or lesser extent. As Xiaoxing said, The two more massive planets in the inner circle have accelerated their revolution speed, while in the outer circle, the movements of many stars have also undergone some subtle changes...

This wild star field seems to be moving!

It is strange to say that before the Xuanling World was born, this star field was still in good condition. After the Xuanling World gradually grew up, nothing abnormal happened in the star field. But after the Xuanling World disappeared, the entire star field Star Territory has been greatly affected!

However, from Xiaoxing's point of view, this is actually understandable, because after Gu Cheng came here, he did not change anything. At most, it was a lot of small and medium-sized interstellar materials scattered in the habitable zone. These materials were originally in this star field. , but they were relatively scattered. After Gu Cheng performed the Giant Transformation Technique, these substances gradually gathered. Since this time was extremely long, his influence on the surrounding stars was almost zero... However, after he suddenly disappeared, accompanied by What caused the collapse of this world was the powerful potential energy released by the accumulation of these materials. This potential energy was enough to change the fate of other surrounding stars. However, after the collapse, all the materials spread out at once, and the potential energy also disappeared, resulting in the entire habitable environment now. Zoned stars, and the chaos of this solar system’s planetary system…

It can be seen that it is very difficult for a solar system's planetary system to maintain stable operation. As long as some unstable factors appear, the original balance of the system will be broken, and it must go through an extremely difficult adaptation period before it can be saved. , if you are lucky, another balanced system will appear. If you are not lucky, it will collapse within a quarter of an hour...

Deep in this wild star field, there is movement on a seemingly desolate planet!

This planet is different from the human-faced planet that the Bronze Fleet encountered previously. The human-faced planet is covered with a thick layer of atmosphere, with rolling clouds, lightning and thunder, which is daunting. However, this planet is extremely desolate, and its surface is It is rocky gravel, slightly red in color. The most conspicuous thing is that there are countless potholes scattered on this uneven land, as if they were smashed by meteorites from the sky. They look pitted and riddled with holes...

However, this is just the appearance of this planet, and only the appearance of one side of it. If you see the other side of it at this time, it will be another amazing scene!

I saw that on this side, the planet was facing the sun, so under the potholes on the surface, countless huge plants stretched out. These plants were quite strange, they could continuously extend and grow, and they were soft, tough and dense. , can grow up to hundreds of miles in the sky, covering the entire surface of the earth, with no spare inch visible, and it is extremely lush.

This planet can be called a wild planet. As it slowly rotates, the plants in the places facing away from the sun slowly shrink in, showing pits. In the places facing the sun, plants grow crazily, getting longer and longer. The higher it goes, the more jaw-dropping...

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