The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2526 Strange gaseous planet life

( ) This situation will be a disaster for both the ice system material itself and the inner planets!

Because once the ice system material is captured by the gravity of the planet, it is difficult to actively increase the speed to offset the attraction of the planet like the Bronze Fleet. Instead, it rushes directly to the planet and "kiss" it intimately!

During the process of rushing towards the planet, these icy materials will melt rapidly due to friction and heat, and their volume will become smaller. However, if they are originally very large, they will still be quite large when they reach the surface of the planet. At this time, the lethality of the "kiss" between the two parties will be extremely terrifying. It can completely smash the entire planet into a big crater, thus triggering terrible secondary disasters, such as subsidence, flint rain, floods, shipwrecks, and thermal hurricanes. , sandstorms... These disasters will cause the entire planet's ecological environment to completely collapse, and it will take at least hundreds of years to return to normal...

The ice material itself will naturally be shattered into pieces, and the creatures on the living planet will also suffer widespread extinction, because not many creatures can survive this natural disaster that lasts for hundreds of years...

However, why can living planets in the habitable zone maintain vitality for countless years?

The occurrence of this situation shows that the ice-based materials rushing towards the inner circle rarely fall on these living planets. The reason is precisely the contribution of the Xuanling gaseous planet!

It would not be an exaggeration to call Xuanling Gaseous the protector of life planets in the habitable zone!

This is because the Xuanling gaseous form is extremely huge. In the Xuanling solar system, apart from the sun at the center, it has the largest size. Therefore, its traction force is also extremely huge, and it affects the surroundings. Other planets and various interstellar materials have an influence, and their status in the planetary system is extremely transcendent.

Since its location is just outside the habitable zone, most of the ice-based materials close to the habitable zone are attracted to it and rush towards it, and are attracted and digested by it, thus ensuring that other planets, and the safety of planets with life in the habitable zone.

It can be said that in many solar systems, huge gaseous planets like Xuanling Gaseous One are indispensable. Without their existence, planets in the habitable zone will be hit by more ice-based materials or other materials. , the birth of life under such circumstances, and its continuous development and improvement will be greatly affected...

Of course, this protective effect is not 100% reliable. There are always one or two ice substances that will escape the attraction of the Xuanling gaseous state and rush to a deeper position, so this "kissing" phenomenon will also occur. It happens from time to time, but because the amount of ice-based material that escapes the Xuanling gas phase is small, and the closer it is to the sun, the faster it dissolves, and the size will become relatively smaller. Under such circumstances, Even if there is a chance of "kissing", this chance will be very small...


Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the unexpected. As long as this happens, it will be an extremely terrifying and huge disaster. Judging from the information records of various living planets, such disasters of great collisions between heaven and earth have happened in history. It has happened before, and every time it happens, it will cause the mass extinction of countless living beings!

Many times, such a mass extinction event will become a huge watershed in the evolution of life on the living planet. Old life forms will suffer a heavy blow, and new life forms will take advantage of the situation to rise and gradually evolve into a new civilized world...

As the boss of the planets in the Xuanling Solar System, Xuanling Gaseous One can be said to have made great contributions to "protecting" the planetary system here. However, this time, due to the sudden disappearance of all living planets in the habitable zone, it was also affected. It was pulled closer by the strong traction of the sun, and at the same time, its speed also accelerated...

In addition to it, other outer gaseous planets have also accelerated their revolutions around the sun to a greater or lesser extent in order to cope with this sudden change. It can be said that Gu Cheng's withdrawal of the Giant Transformation Technique is just like A small butterfly flapped its wings and stirred up a gust of wind, which grew stronger and stronger until it affected the entire planetary system of the Xuanling Solar System!

Gu Cheng is really proud of himself!

"Sir, we finally contacted Gu Cheng's soul body!" Xiaoxing said.

He immediately flicked open several light curtains, which displayed many situations inside and outside the bronze fleet.

"Okay! It seems that their situation is quite normal..."

I saw Gu Cheng appearing on the light screen, looking quite anxious, and said loudly: "Brother Ling, tell us the coordinates of your place quickly, we were caught by that gaseous planet!"

"What's the energy level?" Xiaoxing asked.

"It's not enough speed to get rid of its pulling force!" Gu Cheng responded.

"Understood! However, the problem now is that the energy of that portal is not enough for you to reach where we are now, so you can just hang around there for the time being, absorbing interstellar energy to repair the spacecraft, and wait for us to come over and respond! "Xiao Xing said.

"I see!"

"At the same time, you should pay attention to the various conditions of the gaseous planet, which is the Xuanling gaseous one. The information can be demonstrated through these light curtain lines so that I can better understand it!"

"no problem!"

"Thank you, Brother Gu!"

"It should!"

Gu Cheng contacted Ling Daozi, and his heart immediately settled down. Now the status of Ling Daozi and Li Yun in his mind has been raised to the top, almost becoming his reassurance. Therefore, after receiving Ling Daozi After the aforementioned mission, he immediately ordered Gerilie and others to start observing and detecting the Xuanling gas phase one, and the military morale of the entire fleet also stabilized...

It didn’t take long for information about Xuanling’s gaseous planet to come in one after another. From this information, it can be seen that the largest gaseous planet in the Xuanling solar system is indeed extraordinary. Its size is equivalent to that of the original Xuanling world. More than three thousand times. Because it is in a gaseous state, its mass is equivalent to more than a thousand times that of the Xuanling World!

This mass is almost five times the total mass of all the Xuanling solar system!

It is conceivable that if there is no central sun, Xuanling gaseous one will most likely take its place and become the new center of these planets, forcing other planets to revolve around it...

It is precisely because of its size that it can attract the icy materials and other interstellar rocks that rush through space, and become the protector of living stars in the habitable zone!

What is surprising is that strange life has also been born on such a gaseous planet!

These life forms are very adapted to the ecological environment of gaseous planets. They can be large or small. The big ones can be so big that it is jaw-dropping. The small ones can’t even be distinguished by the naked eye. Regardless of whether they are big or small, they can be in the atmosphere. Fly freely and easily in the environment to find food!

The atmospheric environment of Xuanling Gaseous One is extremely complex, with various energy factors and different regions. As a result, different levels of civilization and life were born, which are extremely rich and colorful.

But these civilizations and lives all have to face a common difficulty, which is the extremely severe natural disasters on this planet, the huge hurricane flow!

The hurricanes here are endless once they start blowing. Sometimes after a large cyclone is generated, it can last for a whole thousand years without disappearing!

This is because the energy on this planet is too huge, and the energy flow can be continuously replenished into the cyclone, making it blow harder and harder, more violently, mighty, and never-ending...

A hurricane of this level is a great threat to most lives. If you are caught in it, you may get lost in it and it will be difficult to break out on your own!

However, everything has exceptions. Even in such powerful hurricanes, extremely advanced life forms are born. They can hunt and live in hurricanes calmly, and even live in them for their entire lives.

In addition, in the ecological environment dominated by the atmosphere, the situation is changing, and thunder, lightning, storms and showers are everywhere, and the scale is staggering!

The thunder and lightning contained powerful energy, so some life forms were born that specialized in hunting thunder and lightning. Such life forms can be said to be at the top of the biological chain on this gaseous planet!

It can be seen from the information coming from the Bronze Fleet and the monitoring network that in the atmosphere of Xuanling Ecology 1, thunder and lightning are constantly being generated, but many of them are being eaten by some unknown creatures while they are still brewing. A bolt of lightning can affect a huge area, and there are creatures along the way that are devouring the pure lightning energy, which makes people stunned and excited!


Even beings with thunder attributes like Xiao Xiang and Xiao Dong were stunned!

They don't dare to swallow thunder and lightning directly like those beings. If they do that, it is very likely that they will be blackened by the thunder and turn into a scorched dragon...

"Sir, we can also see from the information sent by the monitoring network that Xuanling Gaseous One has more than a hundred larger satellites. Each of these satellites has its own characteristics. Some of them are not smaller than Xuanling World, Yinghuo, Planets like Shouxin and Soul World are home to all kinds of life, which is really amazing!" Xiaoxing said.

"This is indeed a bit unexpected! These satellites are not in the habitable zone. Where does the heat required for life come from?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

It is impossible to maintain life on a planet without heat, so the concept of the habitable zone was born.

In the habitable zone, the planet can receive the light and heat from the sun. It is neither too hot nor too cold, and is very suitable for the birth and development of life. But now, judging from what the monitoring network has discovered, maybe this The habitable zone can be greatly expanded, as life has been discovered on many outer stars...

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