( ) Li Yun glanced at the four earth-attribute satellites, nodded and said: "This method is worth trying. If you want to make him feel dangerous, it is actually very simple..."

"Oh? What do you plan to do, sir?"

"We can get close to them and release the huge gravitational field of Xingyun Castle a little. If he feels the huge pressure, he will naturally react!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Good idea!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Is it almost done here?" Li Yun asked.

"The fish has taken the bait! The bronze fleet can come in!" Xiaoxing said.

Kurong and others flew for a while and saw that they were very close to the fleet. The five of them communicated for a while and were about to attack with all their strength, but suddenly they were startled!


"Where's the fleet?!"

"Why did it disappear in a flash?!!!"

"It's over, it's over, it must have been discovered by it!"

"Impossible! How is it possible?!"

"That's right, we have adopted the stealth method and are moving so carefully, how could it detect us?!"

"Look quickly..."

The five people saw the bronze fleet disappear in a flash, without even the energy aftermath appearing before. They couldn't believe their eyes, so they began to search frantically. However, after a while, they felt bad!

Because they found that they seemed to be flying involuntarily in the direction of Xuan Ling Qi State One!

"not good!!!"

"Too close to that planet!"

"Run away!!!"

"Oh my god, it's terrible..."

"This damn planet! How can it be so involved?!"

The five people yelled and struggled desperately, causing the speed of falling into the Xuanling gas state to slow down slightly, but this trend still continued...

In fact,

If they were not so panicked, they would definitely think of orbiting the central gaseous planet like the Bronze Fleet. As long as the speed is enough, they can temporarily avoid falling and become a satellite of Xuanling Gaseous One.

However, these planet people do not have the consciousness and experience of being satellites. In the process of their growth, they only know how to constantly devour, forage everywhere, or dominate one area, attracting the surrounding materials to fall down and devour them, so at this time Nature failed to choose the best way to escape the control of the gravitational field.

In addition, although they devoured the star spirit, the star spirit's natural ability was not absorbed by them much in the process. As Li Yun and Xiao Xing said, devouring this Taoist technique can only earn the essence of life once, and It cannot be fully earned, only a small part, and most of the others have been destroyed or actively destroyed and destroyed by the opponent. The essence that can be obtained by the devourer is actually extremely limited.

Therefore, planet people are not able to control their planet bodies well, and they do not quite understand the relationship between planets. For them, planet bodies are more of just bodies. The bigger the body, the stronger it is, that's all.

Now, they fell into the gravitational field of the Xuanling gas state. They couldn't get rid of it when they panicked. The more they struggled, the deeper they fell. Soon, they found that their situation was getting worse and worse, because the Xuanling gas state was against them. The pull seems to be getting bigger and bigger. If we don't save ourselves, the outcome may be disastrous!


Ku Rong took the lead, and countless dust on the planet was picked up by the wind and blew violently toward the sun!

The power of this dust storm was extraordinary. It caused the earth-wood planet of its own to fall suddenly, and it even jumped out a lot!

Seeing this, people from other planets quickly imitated what he did, blowing the material on the planet towards the sun, thus counteracting the pulling power of the Xuanling gaseous state, causing their own positions to move outward...

This method is simple and effective, but they all know in their hearts that this is a suicidal approach, because the more material is lost, the smaller the planet's body will be, and their abilities will become correspondingly weaker. In the end, , I am afraid that I will spit out the essence that I have worked so hard to devour over the years...

But if they don't do this, they can't think of any other good way to get out of this predicament, so they can only bite the bullet and continue to brag!

The scene became spectacular. I saw five planets in the starry sky ejecting five huge streams of material towards the sun. It was like a rocket burning and boosting, pushing the five planets towards the outer periphery of the Xuanling gas state. …

When the people of Xingyun Castle saw this scene, their eyes widened and they screamed in surprise!


"They don't even want the body!"

"Of course, if they don't do this, they will definitely fall into that gaseous planet..."

"But they will suffer heavy losses by doing so?"

"It's better than losing your life, right?"

"That's right! If your life is gone, what's the use of these materials?"

"There should be other good ways..."

"Little luck! Xiao Ling!"

These people talked about it for a long time, and finally they remembered Li Yun and Ling Daozi.

Ling Daozi's voice came: "Of course there are other good ways! Didn't you see the bronze fleet orbiting the Xuanling gas state before? When it orbits fast enough, this centrifugal force can offset it Without the pulling force of the central planet, and when the speed reaches a certain level, you can get rid of the gravitational field and fly to a safe enough area..."

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized.

Ling Daozi's words were like enlightening them on the way of the universe. These people who grew up in the Xuanling world began to come into contact with the way of the universe. Both their vision and wisdom were improving rapidly...

At this time, what the five planet people didn't know was that the material they sprayed out was continuously entering the Star Fortune Castle and becoming the food of the Star Fortune Castle.

If they knew this, they would definitely be so angry that they would vomit blood, because it was because they swallowed the bait arranged by Xiaoxing that they fell into the gravitational field of Xuanling Gas Phase One. Now they not only vomited back everything they swallowed before, Moreover, he gave all his previous savings to Xiaoxing as interest!

"Hey, this interest is really rich!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"That's true! I wonder how much material they will spray out to eliminate this disaster?" Li Yun asked with a smile.

"They had already fallen into a very deep position when they were panicking. By then it was too late to use such means to save themselves. Calculated based on the gravitational field, they probably had to eject about one-third of the force. Only matter can escape the control of the gravitational field..."

"One third?!" Li Yun and Gu Cheng were both stunned.

This kind of material quality is simply taxing and the losses are heavy!

"At least one-third! In fact, if they were careful with their use, they wouldn't have used so much at all. They only needed about 10% of the substance to achieve the corresponding purpose. But they were extremely panicked, so they sprayed out excessive amounts of substances, and The injection method was not designed well, so a lot of it was wasted..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That's right! Many material jets are not able to offset the direction of gravity very well. Instead, they flow sideways. This is simply such a waste!" Li Yun agreed.

"This is called panic, and it should be related to the fact that they are facing such a crisis for the first time." Xiaoxing said.

Gu Cheng smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be easier to capture them if they only had two-thirds of their star body left?"

"Of course! The strength of planet people is related to the size and mass of their bodies. The larger the body, the higher the strength. Now that they have lost one-third of their matter, their skills have been greatly reduced, and their roots have been damaged. There is no You can't recover from a long period of recuperation." Xiaoxing nodded.

"Then when are we going to take action?" Gu Cheng asked urgently.

"Don't worry, even if they escape the gravitational field of Xuan Ling Qi State One, they can't escape from our hands, so why not appreciate their struggle first..." Xiao Xing said happily.

"That's... right!" Gu Cheng smiled and his mood became relaxed.

The mentality of Li Yun and Xiaoxing is the powerful mentality that truly controls the overall situation. Gu Cheng finally realized this and found that he was now too impatient in front of them. This was a sign of lack of confidence. So he quickly put on a powerful posture, relaxed and enjoyed the wine...

Looking at the self-rescue actions of the planet people, we can see that the aura of the material jet is extremely huge, sweeping across the entire planet. The amount of material is quite amazing, not to mention that five planet people are spraying out together, so they can't get over it. Everywhere, there was billowing dust and smoke, blocking the sky and the sun, making it impossible to see the scene below.

Therefore, the five planets were unable to discover the astonishing scene where all these material flows were guided into the Star Fortune Fort.

The five people sprayed the material flow desperately, feeling that their speed was constantly accelerating, and their hearts finally felt a little calmer. However, when they looked at their star body, the five people suddenly felt sad!

They didn't expect that when they came out to forage this time, not only did the star body not grow, but they lost nearly one-third of the material mass at once, and the entire star body shrunk to a point that they couldn't bear to see. This made them really want to cry without tears!

The consequences of the massive loss of materials are multifaceted. In addition to the decline in strength, their various abilities are also declining, the internal operating system is completely disordered, and even their thinking is somewhat chaotic.

In other words, their minds are confused now. They don't know where they are, where they have to fly to to be safe, and they don't know the ins and outs of this matter. For them, what they are thinking about now is The only thing is, find a place to recuperate quickly and restore the internal operating system first!

This is equivalent to a cultivator who needs to restore his own meridian operation system after being seriously injured before he can repair other injuries. If he cannot recover, he may not even be able to digest and absorb the spiritual stones and crystals, so how can he heal the injury? ?

The bodies of these planetary beings are as huge as planets, and their internal operating systems are also extremely complex. After losing nearly one-third of their matter this time, this operating system must have suffered a major blow. Therefore, they need longer time and energy to slow down. Slow recovery, whoever can recover first will have the upper hand...

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