The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2551 Yika Star

( ) "Look..." Ling Daozi said.

The starship began to slow down, and the colorful lights and shadows in front of the two people gradually changed. They evolved from the original light spots to light groups, and then gradually turned into a blurry scene with shadows. Finally, increasingly clear images appeared. The scene, with a "swipe" sound, the starship stopped!

"Wow!!!" they both exclaimed at the same time!

I saw an extremely huge planet appearing in front of me. There were large tracts of blue, yellow, red, white, green, purple... there were so many colors that it was dizzying!

This is simply a colorful planet, and in the polar regions, it is also surrounded by light and shadow, existing as if it were solid!

That is an aurora, which is still vaguely visible even in the daytime, indicating that the core of this planet is operating extremely normally, full of vitality, the magnetic field is in good condition, and the magnetism is very strong!

From a visual inspection, the surface area of ​​this planet is at least ten thousand times that of the Xuanling world. How many races and life entities will be born on such a vast planet?

The Star Transport Ship flies slowly around the Yika Star. It can be found that there are many small celestial bodies around the Yika Star. Some of these small celestial bodies are much larger than the Xuanling World!

For Yika Star, there are many moons in the sky, more than a hundred large and small, it is almost impossible to see them!

It can be said that this is a small planetary system, with the Yika star as the center and countless small celestial bodies orbiting it. This situation is similar to the Xuanling gas state, except that the Yika star is a solid planet.

While the starship is flying, it sets up a monitoring network to collect all kinds of information...

Ping Liang didn't know what Ling Daozi was doing. He returned here after leaving Yika Star. During this period, he experienced a lot of things and was extremely excited. It was only at this moment that he became somewhat sober and said quickly: "Xiao Ling, you have something." I don’t know, most of these outer planets have been occupied by alien races, and now they have probably captured some places on Yika Planet!”

"Are these the aliens you are talking about?"

Countless light curtains popped up from Lingdao, and what was played on them were pictures of small stars. The scenes inside were three-dimensional, clear and detailed, and even the sounds seemed to be at the scene. Ping Liang was dumbfounded and said in surprise: "That's right! It's them! The alien race is actually composed of multiple races. They have captured some stars and formed an encirclement on the Yika Star itself!"

"Oh? What about the people who originally lived on the star?" Ling Daozi asked.

"Most of them have withdrawn to Yika.

But some people who had no time to evacuate were probably enslaved by alien races..."

"Slavery? Did you see it with your own eyes, or did you hear it?"

"This... guess!" Ping Liang said with a slightly red face.

"So, you have not detected the intelligence within these foreign camps?"

"We in the Evian tribe don't have it, because everyone is busy organizing to resist their attack, and we have no time to spy on their internal situation. Moreover, we don't understand their language. Even if we have captured their people, the results will not be able to Got any valuable information..." Ping Liang said.

"Well, based on the video information you provided last time, I have initially deciphered their language, but now it seems that the deciphered language is not all of them, so I must use this time to decipher all their languages. Take the next step!" Ling Daozi muttered.

"What?! You want to decipher all their languages? How long will it take?" Taira asked in shock.

"It doesn't take too much time. We just need to fly around a few times..." Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"What..." Pingliang wondered if his ears heard it wrong.

With his level as a platinum wise man, he had studied the languages ​​of those alien races for a long time and still couldn't figure it out. However, he didn't expect that Ling Daozi had already deciphered some of the languages ​​of the alien races. He just said that as long as he flew a few more circles, he could decipher the languages ​​of other alien races. All the languages ​​​​were deciphered. This speed made Pingliang feel extremely incredible!

However, he soon discovered that in the light curtain created by Ling Daozi, some Evian languages ​​began to appear simultaneously under each picture and video. In other words, the dialogues of the characters in the picture were translated at the same time. So that he can instantly understand the meaning.

"Wow..." Pingliang exclaimed softly and stared closely.

Sure enough, as time went by, more and more pictures and videos had deciphered language explanations, and in the end, all the pictures and videos were deciphered!

"Oh my God!!!" Ping Liang exclaimed, the shock in his heart was simply unbearable!

How did Ling Daozi's head grow? How can one person be so smart? !

"Xiao Ling, how did you do it?!" Ping Liang asked in disbelief.

"To put it simply, I have a talent for languages! Brother Ping, don't dwell on this issue, and hurry up and check the information. This information should be very precious to Yika Star and your Evian tribe, right?" Ling Daozi said with a smile. .

"This... is good!" Ping Liang suddenly realized and quickly checked it.

But the speed of his inspection was countless times slower than that of Ling Daozi. Soon, Ling Daozi had a more detailed understanding of the current situation of the Yika Star Territory.

As Taira said just now, the alien race has captured most of the outer planets of Yika Star, and has formed an encirclement of Yika Star!

The strength of these alien races varies from strong to weak. The powerful ones have already invaded the Yika planet, occupied many areas, and began to transform the environment of those areas to become suitable for their survival and development. Look at this situation, These alien races are ready to fight and develop here for a long time...

From the information, it can be found that the various races on Yika are obviously not very united. After the aliens attacked, they fought and retreated, gradually retreating, allowing the aliens to smoothly occupy some territory and develop it into their base.

If in this process, the powerful races of Yika Star, such as the Donggui tribe, the Tata tribe, the Caibo tribe, the Saha tribe, and other first-line races, or even the Eyun tribe, the Chaqier tribe, the Huabutu tribe, etc. If the second-tier races could be dispatched in advance, they would not be expanded so smoothly by the alien races.

Now, many weak races on Yika have been invaded by aliens and have withdrawn into the second-line or first-line race areas. These powerful races finally realized that something was wrong and began to organize resistance. However, at this time, the aliens were already on Yika. After taking root, it is almost impossible to expel them, because although the alien races have varying strengths, they can be said to be united and advance and retreat together. The strength of the powerful races among them is even stronger than the first-line races such as the Donggui tribe. One point, if the various races on Yika Planet had not relied on the advantages of local snakes, I am afraid that the losses would be even greater now...

Ling Daozi focused on the situation of the Eyun tribe and the Donggui tribe. These two races represent the second-tier race and the first-tier race on the Yika planet respectively. Now it seems that they have entered a state of all-out war and have accepted Many weak races, their battles with alien races have fallen into a stalemate. The fighting between the two sides is intermittent, advancing and retreating, causing casualties on each other...

This situation occurs mainly because the powerful races among the alien races are attracted by the first-line races such as the Donggui, Tata, Caibo, and Saha tribes, while the slightly stronger ones attack the second-tier races such as the Evian tribe. In this way, both sides have equal strength and each other's offense and defense...

However, so far, the battle between the two sides has been dominated by the battle between middle-level and lower-level soldiers. The superpowers on both sides have restrained themselves and have hardly been deployed, forming a tacit fighting form, that is, your If our side doesn't show super power, I won't show it here either. Everyone keeps their own cards in hand and won't show off easily.

Therefore, on many battlefields, the scenes we see are more of team battles, including spaceship battles, cannons, bows and arrows, spears, flying spears, flying swords, stones, and a variety of unprecedented offensive and defensive weapons. Ling Daozi's eyes were opened...

This kind of battle can be said to be a routine battle in the world of cultivation. If it is well organized and the spacecraft and other weapons are of high level, it is not impossible to overwhelm the opponent's super power. Because after all, it is a team battle. No matter how strong an individual's ability is, sometimes it is inevitable. will be defeated by it.

However, judging from the information provided by Ping Liang and Gu Cheng, these conventional weapons are nothing to the superpowers of both sides. If they are deployed, these weapons will be wiped out in an instant. Therefore, although now The two sides were fighting lively, but the substance had not yet been touched upon.

Unless both sides dispatch their ace spaceship, the light speed spacecraft, it means that the battle between the two sides has reached a fever pitch!

But in this corner of the universe, the light-speed spacecraft means that the nuclear weapons of the previous universe are used to deter the opponent, not to fight easily. Therefore, Ling Daozi has not seen a light-speed spacecraft until now, so he cannot Know what kind of combat power these races' so-called light-speed spaceships can achieve.

But from Taira's description, we can know that the so-called light-speed spacecraft on Yika is actually an extremely high-speed spacecraft, and it is impossible to reach the state of light-speed flight. Moreover, after each ultra-high-speed flight, the energy consumption is extremely terrifying, requiring It takes a long time for energy replenishment to be possible, which greatly limits their combat effectiveness.

And this is also the main reason why the light-speed spacecraft will not be easily dispatched. Once the light-speed spacecraft is dispatched, it must be in a hurry, or at the most critical moment, and it must not fail. If it fails, it means that this war will ended in failure…

Ling Daozi already knew from Ping Liang's description that these light-speed spacecraft can be said to be the condensed product of the civilizational achievements of various races in the universe. They have gathered all the most powerful cultivation achievements, cultural achievements and talent achievements of the race, including the best talents, Supplies and property are the highest symbols of this race...

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