The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2580 Coming in droves

( ) "That's good! So, all we really need to do is measure how high the sky is!"

"That's right..."

This group of people discussed for a long time, and finally reached an agreement that the earth is as thick as the sky in the solar space, so they gradually shifted the topic to how to determine how high the sky is...

In other areas, discussions on these challenging issues are still continuing. There is a tense and busy scene in the Dazu Temple, and no one notices what is happening in the outside world...

Suddenly, a temple guard hurried in and reported to Shexian: "Leader, Feng Lie, the leader of the Feibao tribe, is coming outside!"

"Oh? Feng Lie? Did he also come to declare a challenge?!" She Xian was startled.

"No! He said he received an order from the highest clan temple and came here to report and gather!" the temple guard said.

"What?! The highest clan order?!" Shexian was stunned.

He quickly interrupted his research and took the temple guards out to greet him, only to find that Feng Lie was indeed outside!

"Brother Feng is here! Please come in! Please come in!" Shexian said enthusiastically.

The relationship between the Phoenix Tribe and the Flying Leopard Tribe has always been good, so after confirming that Feng Lie was not here to declare war, Shexian would of course receive him with high standards.

The two entered the temple, and Feng Lie was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him!

After asking what was going on, he said: "Someone also encouraged us to come and declare a challenge to you before, but I rejected it!"

"Thank you, Brother Feng! But what happened this time?!" Shexian asked.

Feng Lie took out a letter talisman and said, "See for yourself!"

Shexian took it, took a quick look, and exclaimed: "Oh my god! What the hell is going on?! How could the clan leader say that our Phoenix tribe will have something that affects the life and death of our Zhenyang tribe?!"

"I also feel a little baffled, but this is indeed the highest clan order, so I came here to see...could it be related to the challenges you have received from multiple tribes this time?" Feng Lie said suspiciously.

"This...their challenge should only affect our Phoenix tribe, right? In any case, it cannot affect the fate of our entire Zhenyang tribe!" Shexian objected.


But isn't this the biggest thing that has happened to you recently? There can't be anything else besides this, right? "

"Of course! This matter has almost pushed us to the edge of the cliff. If we can't solve all these problems, I'm afraid our Phoenix tribe won't even have a place to stand among the Zhenyang tribe. Is there anything else than this? Is it bigger?!" Shexian said excitedly.

"This matter is indeed unreasonable. I know that their purpose is to target Uncle Yang. This is a very unfair approach. I must submit this matter to the highest clan temple and let the prophets make a ruling!" Feng Lie said fiercely. said ruthlessly.

Shexian's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "Then I have to thank Brother Feng! I have already decided to lodge a protest with the Supreme Dazu Temple. I hope Brother Feng can help me then!"

"No problem! Not all of us Zhenyang tribe members are as shameless as them. I believe our prophet will be able to report the law to you and give you justice!"

"Hearing Brother Feng's words, I finally have confidence in our Zhenyang Clan again..." Shexian sighed.


As soon as he finished speaking, a temple guard shouted.

Shexian was startled and asked quickly: "What's the matter?!"

"The leader of the Tianlang Tribe is coming from the northwest!" the temple guard shouted loudly.

"Looking northwest?!" Shexian's eyes lit up!

Wang Xixi is one of the prophets of the Zhenyang tribe. Such a big man's sudden arrival can be said to make the temple of the Phoenix Tribe Alliance shine!

Moreover, the Tianlang tribe and Wangxi tribe have always had a good relationship with the Phoenix tribe and Sheyang. His arrival is definitely a good thing!

"Hurry up and welcome!!!" Shexian said loudly.

At this moment, he became excited and quickly called out Zhang Yuan, Sun Xiong, Bai Ban and Fairy Changman. Together with Feng Lie, a group of people quickly greeted them. Sure enough, Wang Xixi and several people were not far outside the palace. , is staring at the sky with great arrogance, not knowing what he is thinking...

"Meet the Prophet!!!" Shexian shouted with great excitement.

"Greetings to Prophet Wang!!!" Feng Lie and others shouted in unison.

"Haha, no need to be polite! You guys are quite the same... Xiaofeng is here too?" Wang Xixi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Feng Lie hurriedly responded: "Reporting to the Prophet, I received an order from the highest clan temple in the clan, so I rushed here day and night, and I just arrived not long ago!"

"Oh?! Clan order?!" Looking northwest, he was startled.

"Yes, it's the highest clan order! Didn't you and the other prophets sign it together?" Feng Lie asked curiously.

"That', I came here in a hurry after suddenly receiving the highest clan order in the clan!" said Wang Xixi.

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized.

Shexian was shocked and said: "I wonder what happened to our Phoenix Tribe that would actually affect the life and death of our entire Zhenyang Tribe?"

"I don't know much about this matter, but since I'm here, let's learn about it by the way..." Wang Xixi said.

Shexian's eyes lit up. He was about to go to the Supreme Dazu Temple to protest, but he didn't expect that such a respected prophet as Wang Xixi would come to his door. No matter what, he must seize this opportunity and win him over to his side. The Phoenix Tribe speaks!

"Now that you've come, let's be safe. I hope the prophet will come to you soon! I will tell you everything I know and let you know everything you need to know!!!"

"Haha, good! Good...Eh?!!!"

Wang Xixi was about to enter the palace when he suddenly turned his head and said curiously: "Is the purple fish here too?!!!"

This Zi Feiyu is also a prophet of the Zhenyang tribe. He has never been to the Phoenix tribe before. I didn't expect that the wind would blow suddenly today!

Shexian was in high spirits. Unexpectedly, even Zi Feiyu came. Judging from the situation, he probably rushed here after receiving the clan order. He was suddenly very excited and hurriedly went out to welcome him...

From this time on, powerful people from various tribes of the True Yang Clan, and even patriarchal figures, came in droves, which made Shexian and others very busy. Those in the palace who were thinking about research problems had been transferred to other dimensions. There were only five clan leaders and four Xinyang left, and then they summoned the clan's honor guard and song and dance team, and the hall instantly transformed into a sea of ​​joy, with singing and dancing, so lively!

As time went by, Shexian and others not only did not relax, but also became more and more excited, because in this short period of time, more than 3,000 powerful people gathered here, including The seven prophets of the clan! Except for the Dajue clan, the Wufu clan, and the Baimu clan, the three super powers who competed for ten thousand years are not here, all the powers from the Zhenyang clan are here! ! !

The hearts of Shexian and others were trembling violently. They even forgot to call Sheyang. Because there were so many superpowers coming here, Sheyang should come out to receive them. However, since this happened in a very short time, Inside, and the guests came one after another, making them so busy that they had no time to think...

In contrast, Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guohuan and Zhaojing were extremely calm, appearing much calmer and calmer than Shexian and other five clan leaders. This is because in their eyes, although people like the Zhenyang clan It is extremely powerful, but it is countless times inferior to Li Yun, Ling Daozi, and Gu Cheng. I have seen such powerful people and a cosmic battle fortress of the level of Xingyun Castle. Looking at these people again, Xin Yang and others just felt it was a bit lively and couldn't help themselves at all.

Seeing this situation in the eyes of prophets such as Wang Xixi and Zi Feiyu, they couldn't help but marvel!

They were shocked to find that the cultivation level of the four people in Xin Yang had reached an unbelievable level for this age group, and the demeanor and demeanor displayed by the four people were even more surprising. They were obviously people who had seen the world. To be able to behave so calmly and calmly in such a big scene...

The eyes of these prophets flashed with inspiration. While observing, they didn't know what they were thinking in their hearts...

However, Xinyang and the other four people had already received the reminder from Ling Daozi and knew what was going on. Therefore, even if Shexian asked them to call Sheyang, they would only obey and disobey.

Although Ling Daozi did not say what exactly this was about, to the four people in Xinyang, Ling Daozi's words were much more important than those prophets, so everything would be done according to his instructions.

While they were helping to receive the guests, they were eager to know what would happen next, which would affect the life and death of the entire Zhen Yang clan...


A burst of laughter suddenly came, resounding throughout the Dazu Temple...

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound and looked at each other. Who is so bold and dares to laugh so wildly in Dazu Temple? !

When Wang Xixi, Zi Feiyu and other prophets heard this, their expressions changed, and they all stood up and walked straight out of the hall!

Shexian and others quickly followed...

When I arrived at the entrance of the temple, I saw a silhouette of a person in the distance in the sky. A few people dodged, and suddenly they were in front of me. Wang Xixi, Zi Feiyu and others quickly saluted and shouted: "Greetings to the master of the temple!!!"

Shexian and others suddenly realized that this person was Dajue, the great temple master of the Zhenyang tribe. You know, although they all knew about his existence, they had not seen him for many years because they were juniors, so they met him. I couldn't even recognize him.

They quickly knelt down and shouted, "Master of the Great Temple!!!"

"Haha, get up! Are you all here?" Dajue said proudly, holding his head high.

He enjoyed this feeling of being aloof very much. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was crawling at his feet, trembling. He was like a giant, and everyone else was like a little ant. They had to rely on him and obey. He, only by his obedience can he have a way to survive and receive his grace and blessings...

"We're all here! Please give me the instructions from the master of the temple!!!" Everyone responded in unison.



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