The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2589 What is the most powerful thing in the universe?

( ) Li Yun sighed slightly when he heard this and said: "Compared to the difficulty of cultivating positive particles, what is a million years? I wish I could practice for a hundred million years..."

"One million years is too long and will have a certain impact on the spirit and spirituality. One million years is just the right time span. Sir, hurry up and practice. The slave will call you out when you get to the Yika Star Territory." Star said.

"Okay!" Li Yun responded and disappeared.

In the special space of Tianyun World, one Xuanling Day in the outside world can last for ten thousand years. Therefore, during the approximately one hundred Xuanling Days on the road, Li Yun can have a million years of time. Come to practice positive particles, of course you can’t waste it.

However, as Xiaoxing said, if the cultivation time is too long, people's mental power and spirituality as a life will also be greatly depleted. This will not only affect the efficiency of cultivation, but also make people become Exhausted, slow to react, and reduced IQ, therefore, the longest time of continuous cultivation cannot exceed one million years, otherwise the gains will outweigh the losses...

Xingyun Castle continued to move forward, flying at super-light speed according to the route calculated by the think tank. In this state, even Sheyang, Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guohuan and Zhaojing could not stand it anymore and all fell into a coma. Among them, only Xiaoxing and Gu Cheng were left in the castle, as well as the six planets Huang Qi, Ku Rong, Leng Shuang, Ter Rui, Sheng Yan and Ruoshan who were still awake...

"Eh? Where's Brother Li?" Gu Cheng asked curiously.

"My lord, I have something to take care of. I'll be back soon." Xiaoxing said.

"I see. I wonder how long it will take us to reach Yika Star?"

"About three Xuanling months."

"What?!" Gu Cheng was shocked!

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you say it would take about half a year last time?"

"That was the starship's speed-of-light flight, but now we are flying at super-light speed, so of course it must be faster!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Wo..." Gu Cheng took a breath of cold air.

What Ling Daozi said before about half a year has shattered his outlook, because if he uses the fastest so-called light speed ship of the Evian tribe to fly, the journey will probably take more than a hundred years, but the ship carrying Ling However, Daozi's clone and Heiliang's star ship arrived in the Yika star field about half a year later, which made him dumbfounded.

But now it only takes three Xuanling months to reach it.

Time shrunk twice again, which completely frightened him!

"Hey, three Xuanling months is a long time. If we really let go and fly at full speed, we may not need to..." Xiaoxing said again.

"Is that so?! Then how long will it take if it flies at full speed?" Gu Cheng asked.

"It's hard to say, because even I can't completely determine the true potential of Star Fortune Castle. Therefore, I can't say how far it can reach if it flies at full speed, but it is definitely faster than the current state. Of, besides..."

"What else?"

"This full-speed state not only tests the bottom line of Xingyun Castle's capabilities, but also tests the solidity of this positive universe. If the space is not solid enough to withstand this speed, I'm afraid we will fall into the dark universe. Risk..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god... is there really a dark universe? Will we really fall into it?!" Gu Cheng asked in disbelief.

"The dark universe definitely exists, there is no doubt about it! Although we have not met anyone from the dark universe so far, your Excellency and I have discovered and been able to use certain dark matter particles and dark energy. At the same time, according to our According to observations and calculations, the dark universe accounts for almost 70% of the matter and energy in the entire universe. Therefore, compared with the normal universe, its energy is more abundant and the environment is more turbulent. The amount of energy in the dark universe must be greater than that of the normal universe. There are many more universes, and the superpowers in them are more powerful than the normal universe. Therefore, we estimate that people from the dark universe will come to the positive universe sooner or later, whether they are traveling out of curiosity or in an organized way. Come to plunder and colonize, it may happen, or it is happening now..." Xiaoxing said.

"It's over, it's over..." Gu Cheng's expression changed greatly after hearing this, and he murmured.

"You don't have to be so discouraged. If people from the dark universe come to the positive universe, if they can't adapt to the energy environment here, their own abilities will be greatly affected, and they may not be able to defeat people from the positive universe. This is just like us Just like when people from the regular universe go to the dark universe, there will be an adaptation process. They need to adjust or re-train, or refine some special treasures, which greatly shortens the adaptation process. Therefore, for now, there is no need to worry too much. After all, We haven't met anyone from the Dark Universe yet..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"That's right..." Upon hearing this, Gu Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly agreed.

"Not meeting him is not necessarily a good thing..."

"But why?!"

"Have you ever heard of survivorship bias theory?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This does not!"

"Okay, let me explain to you. Just because we haven't seen a person from the dark universe, we can't say that there is no dark universe or people from the dark universe in this universe. In this incident, those who don't seem to be The people in the dark universe who do not exist are actually more important than the people in the positive universe that we have only seen, because it is very likely that they are better at disguise and hiding, and their abilities may be better than ours, so that we There is no trace of them, and once they start to appear on a large scale, the end of the universe may be coming..." Xiao Xingyu said in shock.

Gu Cheng felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard this, but from the bottom of his heart he strongly agreed with Ling Daozi's words. He was right. The reason why the people of the Dark Universe have not been discovered by the people of the Positive Universe is because they are more sophisticated. Good at camouflaging and hiding, they may be gradually adapting to the energy environment of the positive universe, and are looking for ways to conquer the forces of the positive universe, and how to plunder the wealth and population of the positive universe to the dark universe...

When the people from the dark universe really attack, it must be when they feel very sure that they will win...

"In addition, your Excellency and I still have a certain say in this matter, because we have discovered their clues, such as the existence of dark matter particles and the existence of dark energy. Moreover, I can also reveal a secret to you, That is, you and I both have dark spiritual root factors and can sense dark matter particles and dark energy. If we practice them, then we will become very authentic people of the dark universe!" Xiaoxing continued .

"Oh my god!!! You...don't..." Gu Cheng said in shock.

He did feel a little panic. If Li Yun and Ling Daozi turned to practice dark matter particles and dark energy with their talents, then the positive universe would lose two superpowers and gain two more dark powers. As the super power of the universe comes and goes, the strength comparison between the two sides will sharply widen...

"Why not? If you want to understand the environment of the dark universe, you must practice and adapt to a better understanding. Of course, we will not become people of the dark universe just because we have cultivated dark matter particles and dark energy. After all, we are in the real world. The universe has grown up, so you don’t have to worry so much..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"But, will you change after you practice? I just heard what you said, dark matter and dark energy account for more than 70% of the universe. If you practice, your strength will be greatly enhanced. At that point, I just couldn’t stop..." Gu Cheng analyzed.

"This...what you said is not unreasonable! But..."

"But what?!"

"You still don't know what is the most powerful thing in the universe!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Isn't it the positive particle you mentioned before? And the dark particle? Dark energy?" Gu Cheng asked.

Xiaoxing shook her head and said, "Wrong! These things are not the most powerful!"

"Then what else?!" Gu Cheng asked anxiously.



"Yes! Only wisdom can let us know that there are neutrinos, positive particles, dark particles, dark energy, black holes, quasars... and other amazing things in the universe; only wisdom can make our bodies Communicate with these substances to achieve knowledge of astronomy and geography, integration, and freedom in the universe. Only wisdom can allow us to control these things and use them to achieve the goals we want. Therefore, the most powerful The most important thing is wisdom..."

"Well said!!!" Gu Cheng praised sincerely.

"We practice dark matter particles and dark energy not because we want to become people in the dark universe, but because it is an important means for us to recognize and understand the dark universe environment. Only by understanding their situation can we find their weaknesses. , in order to avoid being plundered and colonized by them in the future, so that disastrous consequences will not occur to the people of the two universes... In short, an event always has its positive and negative sides. If you only see the negative side, then you will not be able to go Learn and understand, but only reject and oppose. If you can also see the positive side, then you may try and get in touch. Maybe you can get an unexpected ending because of this. Of course, there are A problem of one degree of control also requires your wisdom to grasp it accurately..." Xiaoxing continued.

Gu Cheng sighed: "You are absolutely right! However, the vast majority of people do not realize this problem, and they always do not seek a thorough understanding of some things, or have only a partial understanding of them. If they could study like you and accumulate wisdom, If you use your wisdom, I’m afraid our current situation in the Evian tribe will be very different!”

"Wisdom is not as simple as you think. It is not something we can simply succeed by studying and accumulating. It requires countless people, countless time, countless efforts, and countless successes and failures before it can be harvested... "

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