The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2593 How powerful is the boss?

( ) When everyone heard what Kunze said, they couldn’t help but secretly feel sorry for him. They all agreed with Kunze’s opinion, but they were worried that he would offend the clan leader by saying this, and the consequences would be disastrous!

Hassan's face changed as he listened. It was obvious that his thoughts were racing. He summoned the elders of the clan today to talk about this matter. He originally expected there would be resistance, but he didn't expect that the resistance would be so great now. Even Kunze, who was determined to follow his fate, jumped out to oppose it!

Looking at the expressions of other people, it was obvious that they all agreed with Kunze's words, which made himself and Bengden almost isolated...

You know, as the leader of the clan, he is also a little impatient. If it were not for the clan members, he would have stopped doing it!

At this time, he suppressed the anger in his heart and hummed: "Do you know that if you don't want to fight this battle, you can just give up the fight. It feels good, but if this battle is lost, what will the tribe do? They will How do I miss you?"

"This..." Kunze was stunned, his mind racing.

Hassan continued: "No matter whether this war is moral or not, or whether the methods we use are too cruel, all of these are much less important than the life and death of our entire Doga tribe! Now I am the leader of the tribe. From the position, the entire clan is ordered to enter a state of emergency war and immediately prepare for a war with the Evian clan!"

When everyone heard this, they quickly stood up and responded loudly: "Yes! Patriarch!!!"

When Kun Ze saw this scene, his face turned red, and finally he reluctantly responded in a low voice...

Hassan saw that his move worked, and he was secretly proud of himself. However, wielding a big stick served as a deterrent. If he wanted people like Kunze to carry out the order properly, he still needed some other flexible means.

He turned and waved his hands and sighed: "You all sit down. What Elder Cai Kun said just now is not unreasonable, but what you don't know is why do we, the Doga people, want to take refuge in the superiors? Why do we listen to their orders? Why? Do we have to fight to the death with the Evian tribe? All this can only be said that we are forced, and we have no retreat at all!"

"What?! Is this so?!" Kunze and the others were startled and screamed.

"Isn't it because we want to use their strength and resources that we cooperate with them?" Zion, another war elder, asked in surprise.

"Cooperation?! Do you think we are cooperating with our superiors? Cooperation is carried out by both parties on the basis of basic equality, but the gap between our Doga tribe and our superiors cannot be calculated. There is no basis for cooperation at all!" Ha! Sang said loudly.

"This..." Zion, Kunze and others were stunned again.

"Clan leader, are the higher-ups really that powerful?" Zion asked curiously.

"They just provided that vicious poison. Coupled with the control network that blocks information, how powerful can it be?" Kunze snorted.

Hassan looked at the two war elders and felt that iron could not make steel. These two people were very powerful in fighting, but it was a pity that they were a bit stubborn and too straight-tempered, so they were unable to improve in Taoist cultivation. One floor…

"Elder Benge, please talk to them..." Hassan sighed.

"Yes! Patriarch!"

Bengden responded and said: "Do you think that kind of poison can be easily refined? For a person in the poison path, if he can refine this kind of poison, then he will reach the pinnacle of success. , all of us may be poisoned by it! And for a medical person, if he can deal with this poison and cure the poisoned person, then his medical skills can also reach the pinnacle and cure all of our current problems. disease!"

"What? How is this possible?!"

"This is not impossible, but a reality! This has been proven by Enbai, the miraculous doctor of the Bada tribe! Until now, he is still at a loss for this poison. According to him, the toxicity of this poison has reached deep into the human body. Cell molecules, and it’s still not clear what those highly poisonous poisons do to cell molecules, so doctors really have no way to deal with the poison!” Bengden sighed.

"This..." When the people in the palace heard this, they couldn't help but be speechless.

Speaking of that En Bai, they were well-known as a miraculous doctor whose medical skills had reached an unimaginable level. But if even he could not do anything about this poison, it could be seen that the level of this poison indeed exceeded all the current poisons!

Bengden continued: "Do you think the information interception network in the sky is simple? It is definitely not simple. Ika is so huge, the starry sky is extremely vast, and the information light spots are like tiny particles in comparison. dust, and the speed is extremely fast. It is not easy to intercept them all, because the information light spots are almost pervasive. If there is a loophole, they may penetrate. Therefore, the general array The law cannot stop them at all, because they cannot possibly seal all the sky on Ika!"

"You mean...this interception net has now sealed the entire sky of Ika?!" Kunze said incredulously.

"Of course! Only in this way can all races on Ika be completely isolated from the outside world, so that they cannot know what is happening in other star fields. Moreover, this network not only intercepts information, but also intercepts the opponent's spacecraft and individuals. As a result, they were completely imprisoned on the Ika planet, making it difficult to escape! Therefore, except for some spacecraft and individuals who escaped when the interception network was not fully built in the early stage, they were all suppressed in the network in the later stage! In addition, , this network can also play a role in surveillance, rapid response, interconnection, etc., allowing our various races to freely communicate information and understand the process of this war. Such a network is a miracle, and it is by no means what our races can do. We can do it!" Bengden shouted.

"Oh my God..." Everyone exclaimed softly. Under Bengden's explanation, they finally realized the extraordinary nature of this network.

Bengden continued: "The two abilities brought out by the above, the poison and the interception net, are far beyond the abilities of our species, and these are only a small part of their powerful abilities. The clan leader and I were taken to their world by them During the discussion, I saw with my own eyes the conditions in their world. Its level of civilization is beyond our imagination. A child there might be much smarter than me! I don’t understand many things, but those children But they can speak eloquently and clearly. And they have so many wise men, and any one of them can have extremely powerful Taoist skills. I am very satisfied to be a student in front of them..."

"Wo..." The people in the palace screamed, they couldn't believe their ears!

Unexpectedly, Ben Geden, the wise elder of the Doga tribe, could only be a student in the world above? !

Then where people like me go, won't they be no different from a fool? !

Kunze and Zion were stunned!

Only now do they really feel the power of their superiors. However, in their opinion, what Bengden just said was to emphasize how smart the people above are, but being smart is of no use. Being able to fight is the most important thing. !

Zion asked: "Brother Benge, although they are smart, what are their fighting abilities?"

Bengden glared at him fiercely and hummed: "How can a civilization at that level have weak combat capabilities?! In fact, the clan leader and I were shocked by their powerful combat power, so we had to choose Surrender to them and obey their orders! Because if we don’t obey, I’m afraid they can send out a fleet and easily wipe out our entire clan!”

"A fleet? How is this possible?!" Zion was stunned.

"How is it impossible?! Do you think their fleet is the same as ours? Let me tell you, their spaceships can fly at the speed of light, and they are extremely skilled in cooperating with each other in combat. The weapons equipped on the spaceships are so powerful that we dare not even imagine. Just one cannonball can completely destroy an entire city. No matter how powerful you are, it will be difficult to protect yourself from that one cannonball..."

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone's expressions changed greatly when they heard this, and they exclaimed.

"Are there really such powerful artillery shells?!" Zion exclaimed in disbelief.

"Of course! I saw it with my own eyes on their spaceship. That one cannonball completely shattered a star that was as big as our hometown!"

"It's over, it's over..." Zion lamented.

Kun Ze was confused for a moment, then he reacted and asked: "What about their personal combat power?"

"Personal combat power? This cannot be determined accurately, but we have seen that their special warriors have some special treasures on their bodies. Those treasures are extremely powerful. Throwing an object at random can knock down a mountain. A big horn can cut off a large forest with a single slash of the sword. With that kind of ability, I'm afraid it won't be a problem to defeat you..." Bengden mused.

"You mean, their combat power mainly relies on those treasures?" Kunze's eyes lit up.

In his opinion, if those people mainly rely on external forces to fight, then their own fighting power is unlikely to be extremely strong. This is exactly the opposite of people like him, because they rely on their own body and Taoist power to fight, which is very difficult to achieve. Stop borrowing some treasure and waiting for external help...

"Well, what the clan leader and I have basically seen are the external forces they display. We rarely see them using their own body strength to fight. Maybe they don't need to use their own strength at all, or maybe their own strength is not enough. They are strong, so they need to use external force, but no matter what, they can easily defeat us with external force alone. Those cannonballs and those fleets are simply not something that our physical bodies can withstand!" Bengden sighed.

When Hassan heard this, he sighed: "Elder Benge is right, our bodies cannot withstand those shells at all. I have personally confirmed this!"

"What?!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

What does the patriarch mean? Had he been hit by those shells?

:. :

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