The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2607 Detoxifying Pill

( ) What could be behind this sudden dark energy nebula?

This question has aroused the endless interest of Li Yun and Xiaoxing...

While waiting for the new monitoring network to be formed, the two of them were also rapidly digesting the influx of information in order to fully grasp the situation in the starry sky.

Based on the information collected by Ling Daozi earlier, the information the two of them have learned now is more comprehensive and informative.

Sure enough, driven by that advanced civilization, a large number of alien races entered various star fields, gradually penetrated into various planets, began to siege cities, and expel or massacre local life forms. This was undoubtedly a terrible catastrophe of life...

However, their invasion is still in the stage from the beginning to the stalemate. Only the Shangtang Star Region and the Hongshan Star Region have fallen, and the other star regions are basically still in a stalemate.

What Li Yun and Xiaoxing are most concerned about is what is happening to the aborigines in the Shangtang Star Territory and the Hongshan Star Territory?

With the influx of information, the answer to this question has been slowly revealed...

It turns out that because the strength of these two star regions is too weak, even if there is no alien invasion, they are actually in a vassal state in this starry sky. The Shangtang Star Region is close to the Xinyun Star Region and becomes its vassal. The Hongshan Star Territory is close to the Yuen Long Star Territory and has become its vassal. Therefore, after the aliens cut off their contact and invaded, they basically surrendered without much resistance!

Although surrender is indeed a very spineless thing, there is also an advantage, that is, the aliens did not go on a killing spree, but allowed the indigenous people to still live in their core area. The area was naturally compressed to a large extent, but basically there was no affect their original living conditions.

Moreover, that advanced civilization has begun to build bases and facilities on a large scale in these two star fields, requiring a large number of manpower to do some low-level tasks. Therefore, many people from the indigenous people and alien races are participating in this large-scale construction task. Now Very busy!

"Great! It seems like they got a blessing in disguise..." Li Yun smiled.

"Yes. Participating in these missions can broaden their horizons and acquire a lot of new skills. Moreover, they are already far behind the alien races. Even if they are with the alien races, they can improve a lot. However, they will have to It’s difficult to get rid of the control of the alien race..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, since they have chosen to surrender, they should be mentally prepared for the consequences of being controlled by aliens. Anyway, they were controlled by the Xinyun Star Territory and Yuen Long Star Territory before, and now they just have a new controller. That's all..." Li Yun said.

"Indeed! We really have to thank these two star regions.

It is precisely because of their surrender that we can now observe the building plan of that advanced civilization. Moreover, there are more people of advanced civilization in these two star fields, and we can definitely dig out more about them from them. information! "Xiao Xing said excitedly.

"It makes sense! The bases they are building now are spread across the entire star field. What's the mystery behind it?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"Sir, do you think these bases look a bit like the observation arrays we built before?" Xiaoxing said.

"This posture looks very similar. Could it be that the wisdom developed by this civilization is somewhat similar to our pre-universe era?" Li Yun was a little stunned!

"Xiao Nu really discovered a lot of things that are similar to our previous universe. For example, the special uniforms they wear are very similar to the uniforms of the space warriors designed by our previous universe. The box that projects video images is similar to our projection. There is almost no big difference between the instruments, and from the analysis of the battle scene between him and the opponent's warrior described by Hassan, it was basically a duel between a cultivator and a space warrior... And now what they have created The base is quite similar to our observation array, so I don’t know how they will operate after they are built..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun nodded repeatedly after hearing this, quite agreeing with Xiaoxing's analysis.

Xiaoxing continued: "In addition, the route of the poison used by the other party is quite similar to the development direction of pre-universe civilizations in medicine. Its toxicity is concentrated in active molecules, and through molecular-level attacks, it destroys the cell molecules in the living body. Being destroyed and eventually replaced, this poisoning method is very difficult for drugs in the third-level civilized world to overcome!"

"Is this active molecule different from our ultra-nano level robot drugs?" Li Yun asked.

"The two are still different. Robotic drugs can do countless things under my control, while active molecular drugs can only rely on their active instincts to perform independently. Their abilities are extremely limited. Otherwise, Xiaoling will not Maybe through simple drug experiments, we can find a prescription that activates the vitality of cell molecules in the patient's body, and in turn swallows the active molecular drugs and makes them his own..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Xiao Ling did a great job indeed! However, it is still too slow to rely on the medicine on this prescription. If we really want to completely eliminate the poison, we have to use our robot medicine!" Li Yun said.

"Your Excellency is right! Now the think tank has developed a pill to get rid of this kind of poison. Just one pill can make all the poison in the patient's body disappear and restore most of the essence. Moreover, after taking the pill, this Antibodies already exist in the human body, so we no longer have to worry about this kind of poison!" Xiaoxing continued.

"Very good! The cost is not high, right?"

"For us, there is almost no cost. Of course, if we want to make money, we can make huge profits. This routine has been practiced for a long time in the previous universe..." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun couldn't help but sigh slightly when he heard this. In his opinion, the medical industry in the previous universe could only be described in terms of money and sin.

There, the entire medical industry is controlled by some huge medical forces across the planet. These forces are supposed to save lives and heal the wounded and bring happy lives to people in this industry. However, only a handful of people can get happiness from it. Most people pay It's a huge financial cost and a painful treatment experience...

The reason is that these huge medical forces have monopolized the entire medical market. Even if people are unwilling, they have to accept their treatment when they are sick. The principle of these forces is basically to put profits first, and patients pay the price. The price is nothing in their eyes.

Under the principle of profit first, medical forces can use their resources and power to expel medical personnel with conscience from the industry, and ultimately completely control the entire industry and market.

It also uses its strong strength to promote the advantages of its products overwhelmingly, replacing some of the original medical techniques that are low-cost, effective and have no side effects, making patients pay a much higher price to accept their new treatments. Products, and these new products may not even have enough clinical trials, and it is not known whether they have any side effects. However, these medical institutions have ways to get them to pass the review of regulatory agencies and use them on patients. This is irresponsible. This practice often leads to countless innocent victims in the end!

However, these individual victims basically belong to a vulnerable group and have no power to fight against the medical forces. They can only swallow the bitter pill silently. Some people even think that it is their own problem...

The reason why Li Yun knew this was from think tanks, because he had not had much contact with this industry before. However, with the continuous optimization of brain structure and the continuous improvement of computing power, he has completely moved forward with the think tanks.

From the think tank, we can see a large number of relevant cases in the previous universe. Many of them were patients who accepted new products and new Taoist treatments under the instigation and persuasion of medical staff. However, those new products and new Taoist techniques are not fundamentally good. Mature, there are great side effects. In the end, after the patient was seemingly cured of the original disease, it didn't take long for him to fall into a new terrible disease...

For example, there is an ordinary case where a patient has a problem with his hip joint and is diagnosed as needing replacement. For the pre-universe medical technology at that time, this was still a major operation that was somewhat difficult. The patient first had to choose an artificial hip joint. So, people from the medical forces came on the scene. They rejected all previous artificial hip joints, and then recommended a new metal hip joint. The price is of course extremely expensive, almost two hundred times more than the cost, but in medical Under the powerful publicity campaign of powerful personnel, the patient finally chose this new product.

After the replacement surgery, the patient seemed to have recovered, but within a few months, new problems began to appear. He began to become irritable and a little nervous, and eventually he almost fell into a state of collapse. Later, he still I went for a checkup and found that there was an element in his body that greatly exceeded the standard, and this element came from the metal hip joint, called "cobalt". This element will be absorbed in the living body and poison the nerves. However, medical treatment Even though the institution was aware of the possible side effects, it still used it on patients. Naturally, its purpose was to pursue huge profits.

In the end, the patient had to undergo another surgery. Although he recovered, in addition to the loss of money, the pain the patient suffered during the process was also unimaginable, because the internal organs and flesh and blood in his body had long been messed up by the cobalt element. Horrible…

There are so many things like this that it is impossible to describe them, and behind these cases, almost without exception, is the pursuit of huge profits. A piece of straw can be sold for the price of a gold bar, and tens of yuan can be sold for thousands of yuan or more. Ten thousand yuan, and the patient has no knowledge at all. Even if he knows, he has no choice at all. Only by keeping his eyes open, understanding more and comparing, can he avoid one pit after another...

As Xiaoxing just said, if you want to make money, the detoxifying elixir developed by the think tank can be sold to the Evian people at a sky-high price, squeezing them out, and in the end they will have to thank themselves...

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