The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2612 Baiping and Zudi

( ) The hormones Li Yun mentioned are somewhat similar to some special drugs from the pre-universe. These drugs are of no benefit to the living body and have extremely serious side effects. However, before the side effects appear, the drugs can cure the body. The potential is stimulated, allowing the living body to obtain higher abilities in a short period of time!

It is not that there is no market for such drugs that have great potential in the short term. On the contrary, the market is quite large. Many people know that they are very harmful, but they still choose to use them. There are various reasons, such as winning in a competition. Gain both fame and fortune, be able to turn defeat into victory in times of crisis, make breakthroughs in one fell swoop when faced with difficulties, etc. As long as the gains outweigh the losses, then someone will be willing to try.

However, the doctors brought by Rommel did not clearly explain the side effects of these drugs to the Doga people, but used them directly on them. This situation is of course inappropriate!

Perhaps in their view, these Doga people are like ants, with extremely low status, so there is no need to explain it clearly to them. And if they are people of the same level as them, their actions will naturally be different. In other words, the Doga people have no right to know in front of them, and they are not worthy!

"Sir, these drugs are indeed hormone-based. The think tank has analyzed hundreds of observed samples, which can completely prove this! However, Xiaonu estimates that the Yimi people use drugs to transform lives into superpowers. This The process will definitely produce side effects, causing major or minor harm and sequelae to the living body, but their doctors will take corresponding drug measures according to this situation to eliminate such harm and sequelae. Then, in order to improve the different They will use stronger drugs, and then gradually eliminate the damage and sequelae... As the cycle continues, their abilities will gradually improve..." Xiaoxing said.

"You mean... for Yimi doctors, using hormones to improve the ability of the Doga people is just the beginning. If they have problems, these doctors will help them eliminate the damage and sequelae?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"There is a possibility, because this is one of the methods used by the Yimi people to improve the superpowers of life forms. However, it is unknown whether they will use it on the Doga people. Maybe after they achieve their goal, they will not I will no longer care about the life and death of the Duoga tribe... At least before the Duoga tribe defeats the Eyun tribe, they can still ensure safety and normalcy..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"It makes sense! From this point of view, the pressure faced by the Evian tribe is very great, and they have almost no solution..." Li Yun sighed.

"Yes, for the Yimi people, the Yika Star Territory and other star territories must be captured, so they can do whatever it takes, regardless of the life and death of the races under them. With their abilities, they can naturally achieve it. Their goal, but what they didn't expect was that we were coming..." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, now they are focusing on dealing with the Evian tribe, so we will also use the Evian tribe as a test field.

Give them a good fight..." Li Yun said.

"Oh? Your Majesty, what you mean is... we will also arm the Eyun tribe and let them have a good fight with the Duoga tribe?" Xiaoxing's eyes lit up and she said excitedly.

"We don't need to over-arm the Eyun tribe when soldiers come to stop them, and water comes when the soil floods them. We only need to be able to deal with the various offensive methods of the Duoga tribe. In this way, we will slowly force out all the methods of the Yimi people, and we will naturally You can get more information about their civilization..." Li Yun smiled.

"No problem! As long as Xiao Ling takes action, the Evian tribe can be built into an extremely strong turtle shell. It will not be a problem to block the Doga tribe's spaceships and chariots. As for those teams, they are originally hiding in the spaceships and tanks. Behind the chariot, if even the spaceship and chariot cannot function, it is even less possible for them to function!" Xiaoxing said with confidence.

"Of course! It's too early for Rommel to rely on holographic warriors. The most important thing is to rely on spaceships and tanks to open up the situation. I see that they are now comprehensively transforming the Doga tribe's spaceships and tanks. Xiao Ling is also We must take action as soon as possible to help the Evian tribe build solid defensive formations in various strategic locations..."

"Okay!!!" Xiaoxing quickly conveyed instructions to Ling Daozi, as well as various information...

About a few hundred miles away from Songzi City of the Eyun people, there is a high mountainous area. The terrain here is dangerous, with rugged rocks and lush vegetation. In particular, there is a kind of black pine that covers most of the mountainous area, making the place look dark. It gives people an eerie feeling...

This is the famous Black Pine Mountain, a place where bandits are rampant. However, it seems to have stopped a lot recently, its popularity has decreased, and other low-level creatures are running around, becoming more and more courageous...

In a deep valley deep in the Black Pine Mountain, there are several black beasts hunting a group of blue sheep. Although there are only a few of these beasts, they are very tactical. They first look at the terrain, and then a few of them are around first. He hid at the top of the mountain, blocking several escape routes for the blue sheep. Then, he sent out one of the most powerful beasts to suddenly appear in front of the blue sheep, scaring them so much that they ran back...

Blue sheep are good at climbing hills, so they, led by the leader sheep, calmly fled to another mountain top. They believed that although the beast was powerful, its climbing ability and endurance were definitely not as good as theirs, so I can definitely escape successfully.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to approach the top of the mountain, another beast appeared and blocked the way above. Now they finally panicked and retreated quickly. After frantically descending the slope, they climbed to the top of a mountain again, but when they When we were about to get close, another beast suddenly appeared!

The blue sheep were finally in complete chaos. They descended crazily and fled desperately in the direction where there were no wild beasts. However, what they didn't know was that that direction was a dead end because there was a cliff there, and several wild beasts had long been optimistic about it. The terrain is clear, so they are not in a hurry at all, and slowly stop behind...

Sure enough, when the group of blue sheep ran to the cliff, they were all stunned!

In front of you is a deep and bottomless valley, and behind you are ferocious and brutal beasts. If you go forward, you will die, and if you go back, you will die...

Scenes like this are not uncommon in nature, but occur frequently. Often, a few ferocious beasts can genocide a group of sheep or a group of low-level prey. For these low-level prey, their fate is extremely tragic. , However, this is the law of nature where the weak eat the strong!

If you are not strong enough or smart enough, you will inevitably become the prey of others and be manipulated by the strong...

In fact, these beasts have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. They have never appeared before and only quietly watched in secret places. This makes the blue sheep feel that this place is very safe and comfortable, with food and water, so they They have spent a very peaceful and comfortable time here. Each one has become fat and even their vigilance has dropped a lot. But now their good days have finally come to an end, and a sudden disaster has occurred. Falling from the sky…

The leader of the sheep regretted it because it failed to fulfill its responsibility as a guardian. It also knew in its heart that the entire sheep flock was now facing the crisis of annihilation. If there was no miracle, it would soon be over, including itself!

So, it jumped to a high place and shouted loudly to encourage the sheep to fight and repel the powerful enemies!

The sheep were all inspired by the crisis, and they gathered together and divided into several groups. Each group aimed at a beast and prepared to charge...

The beasts behind were startled. Unexpectedly, these blue sheep were not in chaos yet and still wanted to fight to the end. This was interesting, but it didn't matter. They like to play with their prey most. They first play with the prey until the blood is flowing. At this time, if you start killing and devouring it, the taste... tsk tsk... must be the best!

When the beasts thought of this, they all became excited, roared wildly, and prepared to fight!

"嚓" "嚓" "嚓"

The sword flashed, and the heads of these ferocious beasts flew into the sky. The beast's blood spurted out and the surrounding area turned black...

Several figures appeared, and the leader looked quite capable, with a serious face. It was Bai Ping, the black market master who had traded medicinal materials with Shen Geng from Songzi City before!

Baiping led the crowd into the underground passage and finally survived. After hiding for a while, he felt that he should be safe. He thought that the incident was all caused by Zudi from Black Pine Mountain and a group of bandits who robbed the medicinal materials, so he decided to find Zudi. Revenge, eradicate the roots, and from now on the black market here will be your own...

After a period of exploration and investigation, they finally found this valley, which should be Zudi's hiding place, so they led the crowd to sneak over. Unexpectedly, there were these beasts and blue sheep making a noise here, so Just take action and kill the beast to save yourself the trouble.

When the blue sheep saw this scene, they were so shocked that they dared not make a sound, and each one shivered. Unexpectedly, such a powerful beast was unable to fight back when encountering these masked men, and they immediately went to see Hades...

Of course, Bai Ping and others would not care about this group of blue sheep, but moved towards the depths of the valley. Behind them, there were nearly a thousand people, all of whom were the elite of the black market force, all wearing black turbans and black masks. Wear black clothes, full of energy and confidence!

They knew that Zudi's bandits were almost wiped out by the Doga army last time, and only a dozen masters managed to escape. Therefore, they are not here to fight with them, but to eliminate the remnants...

Deep in the valley, a dozen people were watching this scene closely. They were Zudi and the dozen other masters who had escaped. They had been in Black Pine Mountain for a long time and were extremely familiar with everything here. Therefore, when Bai Ping led his men to encircle and suppress them, they had already discovered him...

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