The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2624 1 mutation

( ) Xiaoxing said: "Sir, it seems that there are indeed many talents in the Yimi civilization. It seems that there are no talents of this level in our Xingyun Castle..."

Li Yun smiled and said: "This kind of talent can only grow up if it is in the corresponding position, has experienced countless experiences and lessons, and finally enlightened. At present, we do not have this kind of talent, or we have not discovered it yet. The main reason for this kind of talent is that our development is based on think tanks. We have already passed through countless experiences and lessons and rushed directly to success..."

"Hehe, that's what the adults are saying! If we want to have higher-level talents, we must let more people go to the corresponding positions to train and think more independently. Maybe the plan proposed by Xiaonu last time to cultivate special talents in adversity We need to step up implementation..."

"Whether it is good or bad times, we must step up the implementation. I believe that our Xingyun Castle will have many more talents than Yimi Civilization in the future!" Li Yun encouraged.

"Don't worry, sir, I'm very confident about this, too... Huh?!"

Xiaoxing was suddenly startled, with a suspicious look on his face...

"Did you feel it too?" Li Yun asked.

"Yes! The energy wave should come from the direction of the high-energy area in the center!!!" Xiaoxing said loudly.

"Yes! It seems that our induction is not wrong..." Li Yun nodded.

Xiaoxing quickly took control. Countless monitors were aimed at the central high-energy area, and information began to pour in...

Both of them had just sensed a sharp increase in the energy wave of dark energy, and the direction was coming from the central high-energy area. They thought of the previous information from the Yimi people, saying that there seemed to be some changes in the high-energy area recently, which made the two of them vigilant. !

The induction of dark energy is due to the dark spirit root attribute of the two people. It is difficult for other people who do not have this attribute to sense it, unless they are the powerful people of the universe or people who are extremely sensitive to energy waves. This is the problem of countless people in the universe. One weakness is that if they really meet someone from the Dark Universe, without careful inspection, they will almost think that the other person is not a cultivator or a person with super powers, but just an ordinary mortal. This will of course make them lose their vigilance and put them in danger. …

Of course, the opposite is also true. People in the dark universe are much less sensitive to the energy of the positive universe, unless they are powerful or spiritually sensitive, or they just have the positive spirit like Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Pai Lan. Root attribute, this situation definitely exists.

Li Yun analyzed the continuous flow of information at the speed of light, and said with some suspicion: "Is there really a mutation?!"

"There is indeed a change, but judging from the level of the energy wave, it is not very high.

There is only Level 2. This level will not cause harm or damage even to ordinary life. It may be just a smaller energy mutation..." Xiaoxing analyzed while looking at various data.

"From the level of this energy wave, how can we deduce the level of mutation at the center?"

"The decay rate of dark energy with distance is slightly slower than that of positive energy. Therefore, the mutation level at its center should be level three. This will not have any impact on the surrounding star fields..." Xiaoxing analyzed .

"Fortunately...if it's just a change of this level, it's nothing!" Li Yun said with a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but this is only the first energy wave mutation we have encountered since we came here. Maybe there will be more in the future. The more times it happens, the more it will be helpful for us to analyze..."

"Does this energy wave have any effect on the mapping of the universe..." Li Yun thought.

"This...cosmic mapping is to transmit part of the information of a world to very distant places, even the outer universe, through energy channels. This requires extremely high energy. Although the information has almost no quality, the intensity of the energy will change with the times. It will continue to decay with the increase of distance. If the level of the energy center is not high at the beginning, after reaching a certain distance, the energy will be completely annihilated and the channel will disappear. If the information has nowhere to land, it will scatter and die... With the current abnormality Judging from the energy waves generated, it is not enough to have a big impact on various star fields, let alone carry their information for a long distance..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, what you are talking about is mainly about the construction of energy channels. Indeed, it is impossible to build a channel that runs through the universe with such an energy level. However, energy channels are only one aspect of the universe mapping phenomenon. We know that, This phenomenon is a bit like a mirage. It mainly uses the water mist mirror in the middle to map information from one place to another place through this mirror. This mapping process seems to be that the role of the energy channel will be extremely weakened. More importantly, this How is the mirror formed..." Li Yun said.

"Mirror? Your Majesty is right. The reason why this area can produce a mapping effect must be that there is a mirror. This mirror may not always exist, but under certain conditions it may appear..." Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"Yes, just like the mirror in the mirage phenomenon, it mainly comes from water mist. Through the refraction effect of light, the image of one place can be mapped to another place. When placed on the map of the universe, this mirror may be What is it made of?" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, we are still not sure what formed the mirror. In this mirroring event, the only thing we can be sure of now is the source of information!"

"Information source? You mean...these star fields?"

"That's right! Since we understand the history of Yika and the history of the ancient era of the pre-universe, we can connect the two and determine that the source of information comes from various star fields in this starry sky, and these The star field has a characteristic, that is, it is distributed and orbits around the high-energy region in the center. It should be noted that they not only orbit this dark energy nebula, but also orbit the sun in the center, which means that This dark energy nebula is also orbiting the central sun. Therefore, this dark energy nebula can actually be said to be a planet in this solar system! And the Yika star, the Xin Yun star, the Yuen Long star, the Qiushui star, and the Yaoqing star , Shangtang Star, Hongshan Star, etc. are more like satellites of the dark energy nebula, and they have been captured by the dark energy nebula..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes, no wonder I always feel that the operation of these star fields is a bit chaotic. It turns out that they are not real planets, but satellites!" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Judging from the collected data and information, this is the most reasonable explanation!" Xiaoxing nodded.

"Since these large star fields are actually just satellites of dark energy nebulae, and their information will be mapped out, could the mirror be the dark energy nebula in the middle? We know that the speed at which dark energy decays with increasing distance It is very slow, so if an energy channel is formed by dark energy, it can be extended to very far away without disappearing..." Li Yun thought.

"Despite this, looking at the scale of the universe, this energy channel is quite limited. Unless it happens to be very close to the edge of the universe, it is impossible to cross the universe, let alone reach several universes away. Go to the front universe..." Xiaoxing said.

"What if this dark energy channel happens to lead to the energy connection between the universe? For example, it is the material energy channel between the universe, including souls and some matter, which can be transmitted..." Li Yun imagined.

"This...can't be such a coincidence, right?" Xiaoxing asked suspiciously.

"Well, this is just my imagination. The real universe may not be such a coincidence. So putting aside this possibility, what kind of environmental conditions must be met if the information from these star fields is really to be transmitted to the outer universe? "Li Yun asked again.

"My lord, let's see..."

The small star quickly popped up into a light curtain. There were several more vivid universes in the picture, and this starry sky was located in one of them.

"To map this bit of information to pre-universes several universes away, there may be two to four other universes separated in between. If it is as you imagined just now, the information here will be sent between this universe and the neighboring universes. energy and matter transmission channel between spaces. So what happens when it reaches the second universe? Is it such a coincidence? The possibility is almost zero, and if it does, what will happen when it reaches the third universe? I’m afraid it will never happen again. It’s impossible…” Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. It seemed that his idea just now was indeed unlikely to be realized.

Xiaoxing added: "If we want to transmit this bit of information to the pre-universe, it will indeed be an extremely long road and risky. The probability of success is almost zero. Why do we say it is almost the same? Because it is still possible. For example, why Can our soul be transferred here? Although Chaos Palace and Tianyun swear that they worked together to summon it, the summons is a summons, and there must be a channel to realize this wish!"

"Yes! So where is this passage?" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he asked urgently.

"We have previously imagined the existence of material energy channels in the universe, but we have never seen it, so we cannot confirm this. However, a certain physicist in the former universe once imagined a bridge, and this bridge is the connection between the universes. Channel, of course, does not exist all the time, but when the two universes are quite close, an energy channel will be formed. Through this energy channel, the two universes are connected. Those with abilities can use it to To another universe, some matter and energy also get the opportunity to exchange with each other!"

"This...if the two universes are really connected, then matter and energy should flow from the high-energy and high-pressure side to the low-energy and low-pressure side!" Li Yun thought.

"Yes, but at a certain point, the situation will be reversed, because the party with low energy and low pressure will become the party with high energy and high pressure..."

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