The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2640 Ambush

Xiaoxing's words revealed the role played by space pirates in the human trafficking industry. It is they who plunder people everywhere that make the slave markets on various planets flourish...

Li Yun knows that human trafficking is an ancient and long-lasting business. Whether in the Xuanling world, in this starry sky, or even in a higher-level civilized world, this business can continue to exist, so he wants to let it It is impossible to completely continue. All I can do is limit it to the maximum extent.

Now, Rommel takes the initiative to fight against space pirates, which actually indirectly attacks the slave markets in various places. This is a good thing, so there is no need for him to stop his actions, he just needs to pick up scraps from the side...

Xingyun Fort quickly locked the direction of Yimi No. 9 and quietly approached...

"Sir, there seem to be dozens of spaceships approaching from the Yimi Civilization!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"So fast?!" Li Yun was startled.

"No! They should have been on their way here a long time ago. They did not set off after the weapon spirit of Yimi No. 9 sent a message. The Yimi civilization is six to seven hundred light years away from here. Judging from the distance There are two starry skies that are relatively independent from this place. With the speed of their spaceship and the use of portal treasures and other means, it will take decades to fly here..." Xiaoxing said.

"The light years you are talking about here refer to Xuan Ling Light Years, right?"

"Yes! If converted into light years here, it is less than one light year. Therefore, if calculated according to the annual calendar of Yika Star, one light year is a relatively independent starry sky. This is easy to calculate and judge."

"Well, it should indeed be converted. After all, we have left the mysterious world transformed by Gu Cheng and come to a more normal starry sky. Such starry sky should be more normal in this universe." Li Yun agreed.

"Okay! From now on, we will adjust various data information according to the Yika star almanac! This is not a big deal for our think tank. Look at these dozens of Yi Mi spaceships, one of which has the same level as Yi Mi 9. Similarly, the others are also quite advanced, it seems that some important person from Yimi is here!" Xiaoxing said.

"Strict monitoring! The more people like this, the better. It will help us understand the Yimi civilization!"

"no problem!"

Because those Yimi spacecraft are still some distance away from the starry sky, they can't see clearly yet, but the small stars can detect them from such a distance, which shows that the scope of the monitoring network has been greatly expanded!


How is our dark energy monitoring doing? Li Yun asked.

"The scope of the dark energy monitoring network has exceeded the original positive energy network arranged by Xiaoling. We already know more about the dark energy nebula!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Oh? How's the situation?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"The size of the nebula is quite large and the composition is relatively complex. However, it is mainly composed of water, wood and ice. If all this dark energy nebula can be collected into Tianyun and Xingyun Castle, it will greatly replenish our dark energy and provide It is extremely helpful for us to create an environment similar to the dark universe!" Xiaoxing said.

"What a great idea!!!" Li Yun's eyes lit up!

Xiaoxing's suggestion is very attractive. If all this nebula can be taken away, then creating a dark cosmic environment is secondary. The black hole hidden behind it will also be revealed. This is the most important thing!

Before, Li Yun was still imagining how to uncover this nebula and observe the black hole behind it. Now it seems that it is better to just pocket it and no longer have to worry about its influence...

"But..." Xiaoxing said thoughtfully.

"But what?"

"This nebula may have a special role in mapping the universe here. If all are taken away, all the star fields will be directly exposed to the reflection of the black hole. I don't know what the consequences will be..." Xiaoxing said.

"This...if there is no nebula, the disturbance of the black hole will directly affect each star field, and the impact is inevitable!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Yes! In fact, why these star fields are distributed around the central high-energy area is precisely because they are affected by the strong pull of the black hole. For the black hole, these star fields are its future food. If If there are no accidents, these star fields will be swallowed up by it sooner or later!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, this process will also accelerate as these star fields get closer and closer to the black hole. In order to get rid of the influence of the black hole's gravity, their revolution speed will gradually accelerate. By that time, the lighter matter on these planets will It will be sucked in by the black hole first, especially the gas above..." Li Yun continued.

"If these planets lose their gas, the environment will deteriorate and become unsuitable for the survival and development of life. This may be their fate... Therefore, if we do not take away the nebulae, their lifespan may be extended a lot..." Small Star said.

"In this case, let's observe more and take less action for the time being, and then we'll see what happens..." Li Yun sighed.

"Okay! It's not too late to make a decision after we fully understand the situation!"

It can be said that this dark energy nebula and the black hole behind it are the key goals of Li Yun and Xiaoxing's trip, and they are related to all life in each star field, so they must act with caution. The two of them are very cautious. Let’s study it carefully based on the information collected by the Dark Energy Monitoring Network...

But they said that the fleets in front of them chased and intercepted the Hongtong Space Pirate all the way, and when he opened a gap to escape, they were not willing to give up. They all pursued with all their might as if their eyes were red, even using the teleportation treasure. , but it is a pity that the Hongtong space pirate made a strange move this time and was cruel. He actually chose the direction of the wilderness star field and fled all the way, never looking back or turning. After the fleets discovered this, they finally started Regret, because no one wants to follow Hongtong Space Pirate to the funeral.

These fleets retreated one by one, and in the end there were only a few fleets left. The combined strength of these fleets may not be the opponent of the Hongtong Space Pirates, so they had to turn around and turn back...

What surprised them was that after the Hongtong Space Pirate succeeded in his plan, he did not choose to return, but continued to fly in the direction of the Wilderness Star Territory. It seemed that they were determined to take risks there this time. Already…

What made them even more unexpected was that something happened to the first few fleets to retreat when they were approaching the edge of the original starry sky!

"Whoosh——" "Whoosh——" "Whoosh——"

"Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——"

Unidentified artillery fire suddenly struck from a distance. Many spacecraft rushing ahead were hit, and large groups of fire immediately appeared. The sound was extremely shocking!

All the fleets were shocked and didn't know what happened...

However, before they could recover, more gunfire followed, and multiple spaceships seemed to be suddenly frozen by a large piece of ice. They all suddenly misfired and started spinning on the spot!

At this moment, each fleet finally realized what kind of enemy was hiding here, and they actually dared to block the way. Moreover, looking at the target of their attack, it turned out to be an indiscriminate attack regardless of the fleet. This was obviously a rhythm to make everyone an enemy!

These space pirates really have never been afraid of anyone. Others have always been afraid of them. You must know that no matter how big or small they are, they have burned, killed, and looted all the way. Therefore, they immediately automatically united to find the enemy...

However, what surprised them was that their search system was unable to find the enemy. They didn't know how the enemy used to hide themselves. This was very passive!

Space pirate spacecraft are constantly being hit by unidentified missiles. Many spacecrafts can no longer bear it, lose control in space, and fall into the distance...

Finally, a space pirate spaceship discovered where the missiles came from, and began to fire cannonballs in that direction. Other spaceships also followed suit, and a large number of cannonballs rained down there!

However, although they have many artillery shells, the effect seems to be very poor, and they cannot suppress the opponent's firepower at all. The opponent's artillery shells are also quite different from theirs. They seem to be able to turn in the starry sky, and almost every shot is missed. The missiles can cause certain damage to the spacecraft of the space pirate fleet, causing the energy shield of the spacecraft to drop sharply. If it is hit by multiple consecutive shells, the spacecraft may be exploded, and the shell of the spacecraft is exploded in space. The consequences are extremely serious. If the gap cannot be repaired in a short period of time, it may split by itself due to the huge pressure, or be completely destroyed by the opponent's continuous attacks...

Seeing that the situation was not good, these fleets saw that the opponent had ambushed many spaceships, and they must all be extremely advanced, and they could not fight against them at all. They quickly turned around and fled!

However, the other party obviously had no intention of letting them go. More cannonballs were like scythes in the hands of the god of death, hitting the space pirate spaceships with incomparable precision, making these spacecrafts like kites with their strings broken, falling uncontrollably into the depths of the universe. go…

Not long after, several more space pirate fleets and tribal fleets returned here, and were also suddenly attacked. The process and results were similar. However, due to the large number of fleets this time, many spacecrafts took advantage of the chaos to escape and fled wildly. …

The interceptor and ambush here is of course Rommel's Yimi 9. There are many small fleets on this mothership. The capabilities of these fleets alone are enough to cause heavy losses to the space pirates and those tribal fleets. So far, , the space pirates were unable to put pressure on the other side at all, but their own army was almost wiped out. Only a dozen spacecraft escaped from the trap, but they all suffered heavy losses...

Since he had to continue to intercept the returning fleet here, Rommel did not send anyone to chase the escaped spaceships, nor did he salvage the sunken spaceships. What he didn't know was that those sunk spaceships The spaceship was quickly salvaged by the Starship Fleet, and the life inside was not actually destroyed...

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