The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2643 The Decline of Intellectual Civilization

Ince's words made Jueba a little confused, and he said anxiously: "It turns out that the president didn't get the information from General Long! I thought he would report to you about the base, but he and we will discuss this... Everything I reported was about the war!"

"War?! How could there be a war?!" Ince was startled.

"Of course there is a war!" Jueba said loudly.

"What the hell is going on?! Are we at war with someone?!" Ince and Rosen were both a little uneasy.

"Haha, you two are really focused on studying intelligence, and you don't even pay attention to our war with the aborigines!" Jueba laughed.

"Aborigines? Aborigines from this area?"

"That's right! They occupy the latrines and don't poop, which is a waste of resources. Of course we have to drive them away or kill them. Naturally, they will be unwilling to do so and will rise up to resist. If not, a war will break out!"

"You?! You actually fought with the aborigines?!" Ince's face turned extremely red and he shouted excitedly.

"Oh, President, please don't get angry! If you get angry, it will be my fault! The President also knows that those aboriginal people are not worthy of our action? Their level of civilization is so low that they are vulnerable to us, but we are big In order to prevent the murder debt from affecting the progress of our civilization in Yimi, the Lord asked the Bada, Guyol and other races to attack them, thereby transferring the murder debt to these puppet races in a disguised form... Jueba said with a smile.

"It's so..." Ince and Rosen looked at each other with astonishment on their faces.

"Exactly! However, the strength of these puppet races we control is also relatively low. It will take a long time to kill or drive away all the indigenous people, so it may affect the progress of base construction. However, we have already thought of a way... "

"any solution?"

"Our Federation of Doctors is here to test the power of Death Sixteen..."

"What?!" Ince and Rosen screamed!

"Hey, you two don't need to make a fuss. These aborigines are not much different from ordinary low-level beings. It doesn't matter if a group of them die! I heard General Long's report before that the Death God Sixteen has spread on the main stars in each star field. , I believe it won’t take long to poison all the natives, and our puppet race can reap the results without having to make much sacrifice, which can be regarded as a reward for them obeying our orders..." Jueba said proudly.

"Is this really the decision of the Great Lord?!" Ince asked with a gloomy face.

"Of course! Without the Great Lord's decision, who would dare to take this decision?!" Jueba said loudly.

"Why haven't I heard of it? For such an important decision, you should at least inform me, right?" Ince asked suspiciously.

"This...could it be that the people of the Supreme Presbyterian Church were negligent? Or was the president studying some important topic at the time and no one dared to disturb you?"

Rosen said excitedly: "Impossible! Our Intelligence Federation has not received this news at all! If we have, I will definitely report this news to the president as soon as possible!"

Jueba felt a little headache. There was no point in debating this matter with these two intellectual masters. Besides, he really didn’t know anything, so he didn’t want to get burned. So he said, “I don’t know much about this matter either. I guess it’s one of them.” There must be some reasons, right? Maybe the president can just ask the Great Lord..."

"Humph, what other reason could there be?! I have always been opposed to war, especially attacks and plunder on low-level civilizations! They know this, so naturally they avoid me when making decisions, and now they let me I came here to preside over the construction of the base. I guess I must have driven out all the indigenous people and freed up the territory..." Ince sneered.

"Well... the progress reported by General Yilong last time should be almost there..." Jueba muttered.

"Sad! What a shame! In order to build these bases, so many indigenous people were exterminated. What a sin this is... If Yimi continues like this, there will be big problems!" Ings sighed.

Rosen was also sighing and was speechless for a moment...

Jueba was stunned and wondered: "President, it is just to destroy some low-level life forms. It also reduces the consumption of cosmic energy and saves resources. This should be a good thing. How can it affect our Yimi?"

"You?! Those are living intelligent beings, by no means low-level beings. We, Yimi, are only slightly more advanced than them. We must destroy them and build our progress on their bones. How can we feel at ease? With so much vitality disappearing, the energy and resources of the universe cannot operate and circulate due to the lack of their link, and the vitality will be greatly weakened. This is not a good thing for the universe. On the contrary, the loss of such a Having more vitality and blood will affect the vitality of the universe. Do you think it is a good thing that there are only Yimi people left in this universe?!" Ince scolded.

"Well...hey, I'm just a bastard. How could I have thought of these things? President, don't make fun of me! This time, my mission is to help General Long eliminate the aboriginal people in this area. This is what the president told me. , then how about I just go easy on them and let them live?" Jueba laughed.

"Of course it would be great if you could do this! But they have been hit by Death Sixteen, so what room for maneuver do they have? Even the Federation of Doctors doesn't have an antidote, right?" Ince sighed.

Jueba was startled and said: "Absolutely not! Those who are hit by Death Sixteen will definitely die. The only difference is sooner or later..."

"So, I'm afraid this starry sky is now only lonely... Huh?" Ince suddenly screamed in surprise.

"What's going on, President?"

"Look! There seems to be a lot of life on that planet, it doesn't look like all the natives are dead..." Ince said excitedly.

Rosen and Jueba quickly looked at the projection screen on the bridge and discovered that a huge planet appeared on it. There was an extremely spectacular scene on this planet, a vast sea, endless majestic mountains, and endless lush vegetation. Forests and continental masses are one after another, and huge vortexes are blooming everywhere like flowers, blooming with their beauty and pride!

And in the polar regions, there are charming auroras that are constantly flashing, as if they are frozen and lingering for a long time...

Everywhere on this planet is full of vitality, and the aura is so rich that it reaches the sky. No wonder Ying Si's spiritual sense is so sensitive that he quickly discovered this!

Rosen and Jueba were both stunned. They didn't expect that the Death God Sixteen had not been able to kill the vitality of this place after so long. Instead, he had cultivated such abundant vitality. What on earth was going on? !

What Ying Si and others are seeing now is Yika Planet, and Yika Planet is the first planet that Li Yun and Xiaoxing treated. Those poisoned people are naturally the first to recover, so the vitality here has long been restored. , gave Ince a big surprise...

"What's going on? Didn't General Long say that all the aborigines were hit by the Death God?" Jueba said in shock.

"This is not like being hit by the Death God. In this breath, life is full of vitality and full of joy. Even I feel happy when I smell it!" Rosen said.

"It's not easy to know what's going on. Let's go down and check..." Ince said.

"President wants to go down?" Rosen was startled.

"That's right! We can't contact General Long and the two masters now, so we are idle. Let's go and see the situation on this planet first..."

Naturally, Rosen and Jueba did not want to go against Ince's idea, so the fleet quickly disappeared and quietly landed on the planet Yka...

"Sir, I didn't expect that Ince and Rosen were anti-war elements. No wonder they were excluded from important meetings by the Grand Lord and the Supreme Elder Council of Yimi..." Xiaoxing said.

"The Intellectual Arts Federation to which these two people belong looks a bit similar to the highest technological institution in the former universe. What they represent is the era of scientific and technological civilization before Yimi. Perhaps in the eyes of the Great Lord and the Supreme Elder Council, , that era of intellectual civilization has long been obsolete, so it seems natural to not allow them to participate in important meetings and not inform them about the war!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Indeed! From the perspective of Yimi's senior officials, their current strength mainly comes from the supernatural civilization, so the Yilihui and the Physicians' Federation are more important. The Wisdom and Art Federation has been gradually excluded... However, due to Taking advantage of the high energy of the starry sky here, the Wisdom Federation seems to have a new role, especially those bases are necessary, so the Great Lord and the Supreme Elder Council simply sent them all here to work. Live..." Xiaoxing smiled.

Li Yun nodded and sighed: "The era of intellectual civilization in Yimi is really a pity! If it weren't for the people of the Great Lord and the Supreme Presbyterian Church who were eager for quick success and quick progress, which promoted the rapid development of those powers that relied on drug development. , and eventually outweigh the uncertain benefits brought by intellectual civilization. Perhaps now there will be more intellectual masters in the Yimi civilization, and intellectual civilization will become more stable and more developed..."

"Your Excellency is right. If Yimi's intellectual civilization can be combined with the cultivation civilization, it will not only solve the problem of talent longevity, but also its development potential will far exceed that of the current supernatural civilization. At the same time, it can also eliminate The side effects brought about by superpower civilization. As we have analyzed before, there are great hidden dangers in the current Yimi world. If they are not careful, their civilization may fall, and once it falls, it will be difficult to Climbing up again..."

"You seemed to have said last time that the hidden danger in the world of Yimi is very likely to be caused by some simple method. I wonder what the idea is?" Li Yun asked.

"Hehe, sir, you really noticed that there was something in Xiaonu's words..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Of course!"

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