The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2648 Fire Attack

( ) Of course! General Jue is the most brave man in our army. When those space pirates heard the name of General Jue, they were so frightened that they peeed. How could they dare to make trouble? ! ” Rosen boasted.

"Hahahahaha..." Jueba proudly blew his beard and showed off his strong arms...

"Huhu——" "Huhu——" "Huhu——"

The storm started again, and the simulation test continued. This time, it was an energy wave of the highest level six. It didn't take long before the simple formation outside was blown away without much struggle!

"Wo..." Everyone exclaimed!

Fortunately, I was inside Yimi No. 4, otherwise it would have been extremely dangerous in such an energy wave!

Without the confinement of the formation, the test area suddenly became chaotic, and countless materials were blown up and flew to the outside...

Moreover, the strong surge of air flow caused the surrounding gas to be swept up, forming a huge air whirlpool with this place as the center, affecting a large area around it. Those who did not know were all frightened, thinking that high-energy radiation waves like the last time Here we go again, trying to find ways to save ourselves...

This energy storm lasted for a while and finally stopped...

"Eh?!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

I saw that after experiencing such a terrible energy wave impact, the Hongshan Mountains still maintained a relatively complete mountain body and foundation. However, after losing a large amount of material, it was much shorter than before, severely damaged, and no longer As majestic and majestic as before...

The strength of the Hongshan Mountains is jaw-dropping. It can be seen that its fame is not just a boast, but well-deserved. This is also the origin of the name Hongshan Star.

"President, the Red Mountain is so strong, I'm afraid that no matter how high the energy wave is, it won't be able to blow back to its previous state!" Rosen exclaimed.

"Yes! Hongshan was definitely not blown away by the energy wave, but there should be another reason!" Ince judged.

"Oh? What does the president think is the reason?"

"Either the energy wave here is very different from the one we created, and it belongs to our unknown intellectual realm, or... I'm afraid there is another mystery to this matter, maybe it is man-made!" Yingsi said in surprise.

"Man-made?!" Rosen and Jueba were both stunned.

"If someone created such a high-energy storm like we did,

Then move the Red Mountain? "Ince reminded.

"This... it's not easy to move this red mountain. Even No. 4 has to consume a lot of energy to do this. Who here, except us Yimi people, has the ability to do it?" Jueba He said suspiciously.

"General Jue, don't forget, there are still people here who can cure Death Sixteen's deadly poison!" Ince snorted.

"Yes!!!" Jueba and Rosen suddenly shouted.

"Is it really that person who took action?!" Rosen exclaimed.

Jueba still didn't believe it and said: "Even if that person could move one away, countless red mountains were lost on the Red Mountain Star, and the high-energy radiation wave only lasted for a short period of time. How could he have done so during that time?" So many mountain ranges have to be removed from the interior? In our case, Yimi No. 4, we would only have to remove five or six mountains at most, and we also have to consider whether there is enough internal space!"

"This... makes sense! So now of course we can't be sure whether this matter was man-made. However, if that high-energy radiation wave was really man-made, then this person is undoubtedly the most suspicious! This person can heal Judging from the ability of Death God Sixteen, it seems possible to create such an energy storm and move the Red Mountain away, but the problem of the internal space is a bit puzzling..." Ince analyzed.

Rosen nodded and thought: "The president is right! This person's ability is immeasurable. With his own strength, he can surpass the strength of so many people in our Yimi Medical Association! We have arranged this It was a big game, he spent countless time poisoning so many people, but he broke it all by himself! And..."

"And what?"

"This man is obviously a good man! He saved so many people at once, which is a huge act of kindness, and this can also explain why the missing people on Hongshan Star did not die, but all lived extremely healthy The reason!" Rosen analyzed.

"That makes sense!" Ince agreed.

After some analysis, the two people basically concluded that the cause of the energy wave disaster before Hongshan Star was changed from a natural disaster to a possible man-made disaster. In the blink of an eye, the cause became much more complicated than before.

Because if it is not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster, then who is this person? Could he be the one who healed Death Sixteen? Why did he deal with Yimi's base? He has taken away so many materials and personnel from Yimi. Has he already learned many secrets of the Yimi world?

What exactly does he want to do to the world of Yimi? ! ! !

This series of problems makes both Ince and Rosen feel a little headache, because if these problems cannot be solved, then it will be a bit redundant to continue to build the base here. With such a powerful person watching, no matter how good it is, as long as it is If he tries to destroy it again, won't all his previous efforts be wasted? !

"General Jue, if this person comes again, can you guarantee the safety of these bases?" Rosen asked.

Jueba was startled and said: "This matter can't be man-made, right? This person's ability is in curing diseases, and he can't be the creator of such an energy storm. As I said just now, even if he can move away There's no place to put a few mountain ranges, right? No matter how advanced his spaceship is, it can't fit a few Hongshan Mountains. If mountains like this are placed in the internal space, if the space is damaged, the entire spacecraft will explode immediately! "

"This... I mean just in case!" Rosen said.

"What if? Master, think about it, he can do things that we can't do, and his ability is certainly far superior to ours. Even if I try my best, I'm afraid I can't guarantee the safety of the base!" Jueba said loudly.

"In this case, we'd better prove this first, and then decide whether to build a base!" Rosen sighed.

Yingsi pondered for a moment and said: "No! Before the matter is proved, the base must be built and the matter must be investigated. Our time is also very tight. This high-energy area has experienced mutations before. Without the protection of the base, Everyone here will be harmed by radiation, and it is impossible to carry out any more experiments!"

"Yes! President!" Rosen and Jueba responded in unison.

The people of Yimi quickly took action according to Yingsi's advice...

There are only a few faint stars in the deep starry sky, and the large tracts of space thorns turn this starry sky into a restricted area. It is extremely difficult to break into...

Suddenly, at the edge of the thick nebula, a moving silver light spot appeared, looming through the clouds.

It quickly arrived at the outer edge of the space thorn area, stopped, and slowly flew around...

Upon closer inspection, it can be seen that it is the Yimi-9 carrying the Yimi and Doga clan teams such as Rommel. It has been searching for space pirates everywhere recently, but it did not expect to come to this area now.

Rommel and his confidant Finsen sat in the bridge space, carefully observing this space thorn, and found that the terrain here is indeed very complex. However, if the space pirates think that it is safe to hide here, they are totally wrong!

"Ship Spirit, the space pirate fleet in front disappeared after entering here. It probably hid in the depths of this space thorn. Are there any stars there?" Fensen asked suspiciously.

"There is not some star there, but an ancient space forest. The depths of the forest have been opened up as a base by space pirates!" Ship Spirit said.

"That's it..." Finsen and Rommel suddenly shouted.

Just listen to the ship spirit continue: "This area of ​​space thorns is quite wide. The fleet can easily enter because it is familiar with the terrain, but if we go in, we are afraid of getting lost, and these thorns are not only sharp and hard, but also poisonous. So the best thing to do is..."

"What?!" Fensen asked urgently.

"Fire attack!"

"Fire attack?!!! OK!!!" Rommel's eyes lit up and he cheered loudly.

Indeed, fire defeats wood. This place is full of wood-attribute materials, and fire attacks cannot be better. Those space pirates hid their lair in the middle of the woods. I wonder if they have considered this weakness?


"But what?"

"With the fire, the space pirates must be fleeing everywhere, and there is a problem with the information waves in this starry sky. Our monitoring can only be partial. Therefore, if we want to completely annihilate these space pirates, we must set up space formations in advance to This area is completely surrounded..." Ship Spirit said.

"No problem!" Rommel agreed.

Soon, Yimi No. 9 deployed a space formation in this starry sky and set up many nodes. Each node is a small Yimi spacecraft. Such a spacecraft is equivalent to a space fortress, which can Control a large area of ​​the surrounding starry sky. In this way, this starry sky will be truly airtight, and the space pirates inside will probably be unable to fly...

Yimi No. 9 is fully prepared and plans will begin soon...

“Boom—” “Boom—” “Boom—”

All the spaceships fired their cannons at the same time, and streaks of fire were blasting towards this thorny area of ​​space as if the god of death was calling!

"Huhu——" "Huhu——" "Huhuhu——"

Large groups of fireballs soared into the sky, embellishing this space thorny area with great splendor, just like sparks blooming in the night sky, more like the twinkling stars in the starry sky, the stars are dotted with unique brilliance. !

However, these sparks lasted only a short time. After burning out their own energy, the fire gradually extinguished, leaving only wisps of green smoke rising from Xiaoxiao...

"Eh?! What's going on?!" Rommel suddenly exclaimed softly.

Fensen was also dumbfounded, wondering what the reason was...

They thought that this place would soon become a sea of ​​fire, and the space pirates hiding inside would definitely flee in all directions, but the reality hit them hard in the face, and even the ship spirit of Yimi No. 9 became rarely silent...

"Ship Spirit, what is the reason for this?" Rommel asked.

"General, I haven't done any experiments before. Now it seems that the material of these space thorns is somewhat special, and its ignition point should be extremely high. I'm afraid it will be difficult to be ignited by such a fire..."

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