The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2650 Land Demolition

( ) Judging from the previous performance of the ship spirit, he did not tell Rommel, Finson and others about Nishimitsu Souta's suspicions. He probably did not want to cause panic among the Yi Mi people themselves, but his previous performance made them anxious. And the vicious side is undoubtedly revealed. It is obvious that the ship spirit must also be troubled by this matter...

If the Yi Mi people and a large number of people from the puppet race are infected with the deadly poison of Death Sixteen, then no matter what kind of results they achieve, they will ultimately be in vain!

"Sir, judging from the extent of their infection, they are about to enter the outbreak period. They are really trapped in a cocoon..." Even Xiaoxing was mourning for the Yimi people...

"If a full-scale outbreak breaks out, we still have to rescue them. We can't watch them suffer from the virus!" Li Yun sighed slightly.

"Hey... Don't worry, sir! Let's take a look at the situation in the Yimi world first. News will probably come out soon. Maybe they can really develop an antidote..."

"That's right. Besides, the outbreak of the virus is also long-term and is a case of slow torture..." Li Yun agreed.

"Yes, just like the Evian people, they slowly lose weight and will turn into a human skeleton after a long time... If the Yimi people develop such a poison, they must have the consciousness to try it themselves. , why not let them be tortured by it, and see if they dare to develop and use it casually in the future!" Xiaoxing said harshly.

Li Yun was slightly startled when he heard this. It seems that Xiaoxing is very disgusted with the Yimi people. It is true to say that they are so indifferent to human life, and they also control the puppet race, transfer the murder debt, and use deadly poisons at any cost to achieve their goals... This kind of civilization is definitely not What kind of people are they? If they continue to cause trouble like this, there will only be more and more victims, and they will eventually harm others and themselves...

Do you really need to save such a civilization?

"By the way, can those thorns in space be saved?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this. It can be said that those thorns are also one of the innocent victims.

"Okay! The Yimi people sprayed poison mist on them, then we will spray the antidote on them, and the thorns will be fine!"

"Very good, then let the Starship Fleet take action!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Xiaoxing quickly arranged the instructions...

As the Starship Fleet sprayed the antidote, the fate of those space pirates hiding in the thorns of space took another turn in their ignorance, from darkness to light. As for the gameplay of people from advanced civilizations, Maybe these space pirates will never understand...

at this time,

In addition to Shangtang Star and Hongshan Star, the current situation has also changed significantly on the main stars such as Yika Star, Xinyun Star, Yuen Long Star, Qiushui Star, and Yaoqing Star.

While Li Yun and Xiaoxing were treating the local aboriginals, they also captured the Devourers among them. This caused the leaders of each aboriginal race to change. After the change, the leaders of each aboriginal race changed. The mental outlook has taken on a new look, and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the entire race have been greatly improved than before!

Their desire to fight is very strong, but Li Yun and Xiaoxing have long warned them not to attack the foreign tribes now, because behind the foreign tribes are the more terrifying Yimi people, so they only need to defend their existing territory, and in order to To appease their fear of the Yimi people, they were given a choice at that time, that is, if they wanted to move into Xingyun Castle, they would follow the agreed ceremony and put out a signal to move in the clan temple.

After these indigenous races have experienced years of war, infection with viruses, leaders turning into Devourers, and learning that there are even more terrifying Yimi people behind the alien race, they have long been frightened and no longer have any nostalgia for this homeland. , after deliberation, they put out signals in their clan temples demanding relocation.

Judging from the information recently collected, almost all of these indigenous races have decided to relocate, and they are basically following the requirements of the relocation operation...

"Sir, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to move all these aboriginal people in first, and keep the Yimi people and the puppet race? They will be shocked when they see it!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Yun thought for a moment and agreed: "This is indeed a good time. Rommel is searching for space pirates in other places. Ince, Rosen, Jueba, Cruz and others are staying on the Red Mountain and Shangtang planets, and other major stars All the puppet races on the island received orders and did not attack... By the time they came to their senses, all the aboriginal races would have been left empty..."

Xiaoxing said: "Yes! Judging from the current situation, the Yi Mi and the puppet race themselves have been infected with the Death God XVI. These viruses will continue to spread on various major stars. Although the indigenous people have immunity, However, there are still a large number of life forms in various indigenous race areas, and these life forms will be infected with the virus sooner or later. Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is most appropriate to move all the indigenous people into Xingyun Castle first..."

"That makes sense!!!"

In addition, the two also considered that energy changes may indeed occur in this high-energy area. As Ince said, once an energy wave change occurs, without these bases to protect everyone, everyone will be harmed by high-energy radiation waves. It is even possible to be killed by it. In the universe, such a thing is not rare, but happens from time to time.

In the face of the powerful universe, life is like weak grass, which may be wiped out by the power of the universe at any time...

The two quickly announced the news and started this action plan, which made Gu Cheng, Chixia, Sheyang, Baiping, and everyone in Xingyun Castle extremely excited!

The entry of so many powerful people and people into Xingyun Castle will not only not become a burden, but will also further enhance the strength of Xingyun Castle. There is no doubt about this!

Xingyun Castle is like a battle fortress with strong growth potential. There is almost no ceiling, because it is becoming more and more like a small universe...

Of course, the planets and other Devourers don't care about this. Although they are all in Star Fortune Castle, their fate is still very different from others.

Here, they have become a sight, an object of contempt for everyone, an incarnation of the devil, and a warning to everyone. If they follow the evil path of devouring, this will be their end!

However, Li Yun is now conducting an experiment to see if it is possible for these devourers to be cured. The subjects of the experiment are Yun Duan of the Donggui tribe and Tai Jia of the Tata tribe. After vomiting violently, I feel a little exhausted now, and my cultivation level has also dropped a lot. I don’t know when I will be able to recover...

For Li Yun, if they cannot eliminate the desire to devour, or directly eliminate the meaning of the way of devour, then this experiment will not stop!

And these two great masters have to realize this by themselves, otherwise they can only spend their lives in their own small space...

The relocation operation first started with the Evian tribe. Xingyun Castle soon came to this area to survey this vast territory...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing couldn't help but express their sincere admiration as they looked at the Evian tribe's territory flashing past like a fleeting glimpse of light!

It is such a vast and fertile land that can nurture billions of Evian people. For them to make up their mind to leave this fertile land, it is only possible when they feel that they are really desperate...

However, this is only one reason. On the other hand, they decided to move because they saw the situation in Xingyun Castle. Water flows to lower places and people move to higher places. If they do not seize this opportunity at this time, Jump into the world of advanced civilization, I'm afraid you'll never have the chance again!

How to relocate so many people and materials?

It is extremely difficult to do it quickly and safely while avoiding the surveillance network of the Yimi people.

But for Li Yun and Xiaoxing, they have their own way.

Since the information sources in space have been disrupted, the Yimi people's surveillance network can only see blurry images. As long as the space information near the earth is slightly disrupted, and some clouds and fog cover it, the surveillance network will be able to see only vague images. You will become completely blind!

Soon, thin clouds and mist slowly poured out. The clouds and mist refracted and scattered the sunlight, rendering the sky colorful...

Xingyun Castle acted at the same time. It did not just bring people in, but had a bigger plan. At this moment, a ray of light shot out from the castle and began to spread, extending in two directions along the border of the Evian tribe. Extend, extend…

Not long after, the lights on both sides overlapped somewhere, and the entire Evian area was shrouded in a network of light!

What cannot be seen with the naked eye is that while the light is extending to both sides, it is also extending underground, extending, and extending again...

When the lights overlap, all the lights underground are also successfully enclosed!

"Get up!!!" Xiaoxing roared fiercely.

I saw this huge piece of land mass pulled away from the ground by the light network and flying into the air! ! !

“Hu—” “Hu—” “Hu—”

The land mass seemed to be getting smaller and smaller under the influence of the power of space. When it reached the entrance of Xingyun Castle, it whizzed through easily and stopped somewhere in the starry sky with a "swipe"...

"Wo..." A burst of screams broke out in the control space!

Gu Cheng, Chi Xia, Bai Ping, She Yang and others were all frightened and dumbfounded...

Such a large-scale land demolition operation is probably unprecedented, and it is only possible with a space battle fortress like Xingyun Castle!

But for Xingyun Castle, such a migration is just a piece of cake, because in the past, even the whole planet could be moved in, let alone just a continent.

Of course, this time the relocation requires more skills, just like a doctor controlling a scalpel, cutting, suturing, protecting, moving... without even a big movement in the middle, so that even the surrounding races No one found out!

"Successful!" "Successful!!" "Successful!!!"

"The star luck is mighty!" "The star luck is mighty!!" "The star luck is mighty!!!"

There was thunderous cheers in Xingyun Castle...

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