The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2652: Go to Yi to explore the road first

( ) The two people quickly got together to discuss...

"Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling!! Xiao Ling!!!" He Minte shouted.

"What's the matter with Master?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Tell us the truth, have we already been infected with Death Sixteen?" He Minte asked.

"Yes!" Xiaoxing said affirmatively.

"Oh my God!!!" The two of them screamed, trembling involuntarily!

This was what they were most afraid of, but they didn't expect it to actually happen! Thinking of those ghosts who were tortured by Death God Sixteen and turned into humanoid skeletons, their hearts were almost broken...

"What are you afraid of?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

"What are you afraid of? Can we not be afraid?!" Pai Lan exclaimed.

"Hey, you have a lot of antidote pills in your hands. Each of you can take one and the problem will be solved. What else is there to be afraid of?" Xiaoxing teased.


The two of them suddenly realized that they had been dealing with detoxification pills all day long, and they had not even thought of this. It seemed that even the most powerful people would inevitably panic when encountering a life-or-death situation, and their hearts would be in a mess. clue.

He quickly grabbed an antidote pill and drank it. Then he thought of his subordinates outside, so he gave one to each of them and they all drank it. Then he felt relieved...

"By the way! There are also those Yimi soldiers outside us!" He Minte said loudly.

"You don't need to take care of those people. It's enough for you to take care of your own people..." Xiaoxing said.

"This..." The two of them were startled and looked at each other.

"This is a cycle of cause and effect. They spread so many viruses, and ended up cocooning themselves and getting infected. This is the result they deserve. If these people can be rescued easily, wouldn't it be very disrespectful to the indigenous people? Is that fair?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This..." The two of them choked on Xiaoxing's words and held it in their hearts, feeling extremely uncomfortable...

"In fact, if you were not brought to Xingyun Castle by us, you would not be able to tolerate such detoxification pills. You must know that although Death Sixteen was not developed by you, you are hosting large-scale experiments here. person, infected so many people with the virus,

Tens of millions of people have died from this, and you should feel lucky that you can still get our treatment! "Xiao Xing said.

He Minte's face turned red after hearing this, and he said with shame: "Xiao Ling taught you a lesson! Although we were acting under orders, we really didn't take human lives into consideration when presiding over this operation... During this period of time, Xingyun was What I saw, heard, and felt made me feel extremely regretful for what I had done before!"

Pai Lan squeezed out two lines of hot tears from his small eyes and sobbed: "Brother He is right. I was also deeply poisoned by the senior officials of Yimi. They asked us to preside over this operation. It is obvious that they have no good intentions. It is the general. We are responsible for this huge murder debt! I finally figured it out now. The Great Lord and the people of the Supreme Presbyterian Church do not take us into their hearts at all. They completely treat us as abandoned sons and arrange them here to help them. Kill people and do things!”

He Minte said harshly: "Yes! Everyone, including us and those Yimi soldiers, are their abandoned sons. They have not told us the news that the Death God Sixteen can be infected through the air and ordinary contact until now. , it’s too late! If it hadn’t been for Xiao Yun and Xiao Ling, we would all have died in unknown ways, and we would have suffered endless pain before we died!”

"I have decided to leave Yimi completely from now on and join Xingyun Castle!" Pai Lan shouted loudly.

" too!" He Minte hesitated for a moment and then announced the same thing.

Xiaoxing listened to the lively words of the two of them, and of course he would not believe everything they said. However, such a statement in the end seemed to indicate that what they just said was from the bottom of their hearts, because in the universe, if such an oath is made, generally speaking, Even sincerely, and with their great power, unless they use the trick of the false Holy Emperor to deceive the universe, otherwise, they are actually considered to be people of Xingyun Castle, and the Universal Accord Recognition Association Slowly seep into their bodies and minds, and over time, they will be completely transformed into Li Yun's little slaves!

And those subordinates are also their slaves or disciples, and their fate follows them, so no matter what they say, those people will only follow suit...

"Okay! It's a wise move for you to do this!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

He quickly received confirmation from Li Yun that these people had already entered into a cosmic agreement with Li Yun and could be regarded as people from Xingyun Castle.

"Oh, it's a pity that we still have some close people stranded in Yimi. They are probably suffering the torture of the Death God Sixteen now..." He Minte sighed. The reason why he hesitated just now was precisely because he thought of this.

Pai Lan said: "We can't control that much! Once they are infected with the virus, it will be equivalent to announcing their demise. We are beyond our reach now and can only let them wish for themselves!"

In their opinion, this place is a light-year away from Yimi. By the time they send the detoxification pill there, they are afraid that they will have perished long ago!

Moreover, this message itself had been on the road for a long time. Before this message was sent, a crisis had already broken out in Yimi, so it was even more late!

"Don't worry, we are planning to send a high-level starship to the city to explore the road first. Of course, we will also bring detoxification pills there. If they haven't fallen yet, we will save them by the way..." Xiaoxing said.

"Really?!" The two of them were stunned.

"Of course! You guys can go together this time too!"

"Okay...okay!" The two of them responded in succession.

Soon, Ling Daozi took He Minte, Pai Lan and others to control a starship and flew out of the Starship Castle. However, they did not leave directly, but first reached the sky above the Red Mountain Star...

Ince and Rosen were supervising the work personally, because all the bases were basically paralyzed and the time was too tight to meet the mission requirements, so they had no choice but to go into battle in person.

In their view, they can ignore this war, but the base must be built well, because it is necessary to deal with the central high-energy area. Without these bases, once a change occurs in the high-energy area, everyone will suffer.

In addition, these bases are also extremely important to their Imagination Federation. Many Imagination experiments are conducted in the bases, so the two of them are full of blood and devote themselves to this rescue operation...

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Yingsi's ear: "Brother Ying, this is He Minte, come up here quickly!"

"With Master?!" Ince was startled.

"Yes, it's me!" He Mint said.

"You finally showed up! I was looking for you!" Ince said in surprise.

He and Rosen quickly flew up to the sky, but did not find anyone there. Just when they were suspicious, they heard He Minte say: "Relax your consciousness and come to our spaceship!"

A faint light followed, and the two found themselves being swept away involuntarily. When they stopped, they took a closer look and found that they were in a strange space...

This is the bridge space of the starship. The style here is very different from that of the Yimi civilization. All the designs, placements, decorations, perspectives... are all unique, and there is a strong message of advanced civilization in them. Ying Si He and Rosen have extensive research in intellectual arts, so as soon as they saw the environment here, they were immediately attracted!

"Where is this place..." Ince was a little stunned and murmured. He knew that this place was definitely not He Minte's spaceship.

"Haha, this is the Starship!" He Minte's voice sounded behind him.

"Starship?!" Ince and Rosen were slightly startled and quickly turned around.

They found that He Minte looked a little different from before. The most obvious thing was that he was not wearing the special battle uniform that everyone in Yimi had, but a very new and beautiful blue robe. There were also There are some lights and shadows flickering faintly, which looks quite mysterious...

"Master He, what's going on?" Insiqi asked.

Although he is the president of the Zhishu Federation, and his identity and status are higher than that of He Minte, the No. 4 senior doctor, the problem is that the Zhishu Federation is now being excluded, while the Physicians Federation has a strong position in Yimi. A lofty status, because no one can do without them.

In fact, Yingsi often needs help from Minte in the practice of super powers, and the relationship between the two has always been good.

In Yimi, senior doctors like He Minte and Pai Lan are very popular, but because of their high status, only people like Ince and Rosen can get their help and services. Of course, the price to be paid is also extremely high.

Therefore, no one would easily offend a doctor, especially senior doctors like He Pai. They also took advantage of this opportunity to get to know and serve high-level officials from all walks of life in Yimi, thus improving their reputation and value. , the status of the Doctors Association in the Yimi civilization continued to increase. Later, when the Yimi civilization completely entered the supernatural civilization, their status had reached the top of the civilization, even surpassing that of the intellectuals. Above the Art Association!

If Heminte and Pailan hadn't been "assigned" to this starry sky and were infected with the Death God Sixteen, and saw the more advanced civilization of Xingyun Castle, with their status and the vast world of Yimi, Due to their personal connections, it is almost impossible for them to leave Yimi...

"Haha, this is our spaceship. It's called a starship! It's much more advanced than our Yimi spaceship!" He Minte said with a proud smile.

"Oh? This isn't our Yimi's spaceship? How did you get it?" Ince asked urgently.

"Brother Ying, come with me and let me introduce you..."

He Mint took Ince and Rosen to walk around this space. While walking around, he introduced the content. The content he said was extremely novel and contained rich information on novel intellectual techniques. The two people could not help but marvel at it. !

"Oh my gosh, Master He seems to have a very profound research on wisdom!" Ince praised.

"Oh? Is there any?"

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