The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 265 Mysterious Magical Weapon (5)

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A figure hurriedly walked outside a large room on the third floor of Qingyuan Immortal Tower. It was Yu Zihao, the eldest disciple of Xia Yangmenyang Qingqing. He came to look for Cui Shen. Because he was in such a hurry, he didn't seem to think of knocking on the door, "Bang With a sound, he pushed the door open and rushed in.


When Yu Zihao saw the scene in the room, he immediately screamed.

I saw countless naked men and women lying in various directions in the room, and there were more than a dozen on the beams. Even Cui Shen himself was naked, with his eyes closed, as if he was feeling something.


Cui Shen slowly opened his eyes, his expression still seemed to be confused.

"Ancestor...what are you doing..." Yu Zihao said curiously.

"I'm...just doing an experiment..." Cui Shen said vaguely.

"That's it. By the way, good news, good news!" Yu Zihao woke up suddenly and shouted excitedly.


"Qingyuan Sect has finally launched a mysterious magic weapon!"


Cui Shen stood up suddenly, and then realized that he was still naked. With a flash of inspiration, he put on a robe and exclaimed in surprise: "Is there really a mysterious magic weapon?!"

"Really! Those foreign caravans are like crazy now, they are all squeezing over to sign orders! The disciple just came to you to ask for instructions on how much to order?" Yu Zihao said loudly.

"Shut up! What I'm asking is...the so-called mysterious magic weapon, can it really be driven by mysterious force to stimulate the power of the magic weapon?!" Cui Shen shouted hysterically.

You know, he has been studying the Mysterious Talisman every day for nearly a month, but he has found nothing. Now, the Qingyuan Sect has actually launched the Mysterious Talisman. How can he feel embarrassed? !

No wonder he couldn't even control his emotions.

"Ancestor... this is true! If you don't believe it, we can go to Wuxian Peak to see. The combat power of those immortal attendants is really incredible now!" Yu Zihao came to his senses and said quickly.

"Wuxian Peak? Let's go!"

Cui Shen couldn't wait to pull Yu Zihao and soon arrived at Wuxian Peak, not far from Fangshi.

I saw that this place was surrounded by a surging crowd, not only the Qingyuan Sect monks, but also many members of the foreign caravan, many of whom had transformed from their original identities as spies into caravans.

There happened to be a team of Immortal Warriors training in the peak. They were all well-equipped, with one sword and one shield, or one sword and one shield, arranged in two rows, facing each other from a distance.

The purpose of the training is naturally to demonstrate the power of the mysterious magic weapon, so a huge stone peak has been erected in the center of the field.

A Pulse Shaping Monk appeared, but it was Wang Tiannan who had appeared in the Qingyuan Immortal Platform. He flicked his hand, and a magic sword flew out of the sky with a cry of "Woooo", and slashed around the stone peak. The spiritual light flashed, and Mars It was splashed everywhere, but the stone peak was not damaged at all, which shows the hardness of the stone.

Of course, the onlookers understood that Wang Tiannan's move was to show that this stone peak was not tofu, but a genuine experimental peak stone.

"Big knife team, chop me hard!" Wang Tiannan yelled.


The immortal servant equipped with the Xuanli magic sword responded loudly. The Xuanli was activated, and the magic swords flew out in the air. Under the control of Xuanli, they started chopping around the stone peak. The light of the sword was vertical and horizontal, stone chips were flying, and stone dust was filled. , after a while, this extremely hard stone peak was chopped into rubble by this sword formation!


When the monks onlookers saw this scene, they exclaimed and took a breath of cold air.

Unexpectedly, the power of the Xuanli Magic Sword seems to be more powerful than that of the Monk Magic Sword. This is simply unbelievable.

A look of surprise flashed in Cui Shen's eyes. With the power of his spiritual consciousness, he could naturally clearly sense that the power stimulated by the Xuanli Magic Sword was indeed much higher than that of a monk's Magic Sword of the same level.

"How did the Qingyuan Sect do it?! How could such a magical weapon appear in this world?!" Cui Shen screamed in his heart, feeling that his whole body was not feeling well.

"Ancestor, should we buy it?" Yu Zihao asked urgently with a fiery look in his eyes.

"Buy! Buy as much as you have!"

Cui Shen said decisively and disappeared.

The rich man is going crazy!

However, it's not because I'm busy, but because I'm excited. I feel like my little heart has been pounding wildly today, as if it's about to jump out of my chest.

Now, not only were there queues outside the sect's main hall, but also in his reception hall. When foreign caravans heard the news that the Xuanli Magical Artifact was released, they were like flies smelling the scent of divine blood, and they came from all directions.

After signing the orders one by one, Wu Caizi's fat hands were almost out of blood, and his face was a little strangely pale. He had to swallow another high-quality blood-tonifying pill to regain some color.

"Next..." Wu Caizi hummed.

A figure came in quickly and handed over two copies of the contract.

Wuchaizi took it and looked at it, his eyes widened, and he felt his heart beating wildly involuntarily. He looked up and said, "Brother Yu?!"

"Haha, brother Wucai, business is booming! Sign the contract quickly!" Yu Zihao laughed.

"Are you...sure you want this much?!"


"Pay in full and deliver the goods one month later. You can get a 20% discount on the payment with the best spiritual stones." Wu Caizi said in one breath.

"no problem!"

Yu Zihao took out two storage bags, one containing ordinary spiritual stones and the other containing top-quality spiritual stones.

Wu Caizi took the storage bag and scanned his consciousness wildly. He felt that a burst of hot blood was about to spurt out of his body, but he held it down tightly, and his face turned purple and red...

"Okay! The spirit stone is correct!"

Wu Caizi shouted, forced out the spiritual blood from his hand, and pressed two blood seals on the two contracts!

"Thank you, Brother Wucai! Then I'll be waiting for the good news!" Yu Zihao took one of the blood contracts and said goodbye.

Wu Caizi immediately turned around and rushed into the back hall, locked himself in an empty room, vomited several mouthfuls of spiritual blood, held his hands to the sky, and roared hysterically: "It's going strong! It's going big! We're going big!! !”

Yu Zihao's order just now can be said to be the largest order Qingyuan Sect has ever received. Among them, there are 500,000 magic shields, 250,000 magic knives and magic swords, and can be equipped with 450,000 to 50,000 magic swords. One hundred thousand immortal attendants!

The Xia Yang Clan is worthy of being the overlord of Daxia’s cultivation world. It has an extremely profound foundation and makes big moves.

In their view, an army of 500,000 immortal warriors is enough to ensure that they remain invincible or even far ahead in this unprecedented arms race.

To achieve this goal, in addition to the financial resources of the Xia Yang Clan, it is also necessary to see whether the Qing Yuan Clan is willing to sell so many mysterious magic weapons.

You know, in this arms race, the Qingyuan Sect actually holds the initiative. If it is unwilling to earn this money in order to ensure its leading position, other immortal sects will have no choice.

Therefore, when Yu Zihao handed over the contract, he felt a little uneasy, worried that Wu Caizi would not be willing to sign the blood contract.

Fortunately, as God wished, the signing process was extremely smooth.

Completing the mission assigned by the sect made Yu Zihao feel relieved and finally let go of the big stone hanging in his heart.

However, the slightly strange look on Wu Caizi's face just now made Yu Zihao have a trace of doubt in his mind, "Wu Caizi is so excited, obviously because he received this big order. This proves that the Qingyuan Sect It’s not that it doesn’t want to sell mystical magic weapons, but it wants to sell them in a big way, and the more it sells, the better, as if it doesn’t worry at all that it will lose its leading position in the competition among the Immortal Attendants Army…”

You know, the Xia Yang Sect has assembled an army of nearly half a million immortal servants. Such a huge team is enough to sweep through some small and medium-sized sects. However, the Qing Yuan Sect is actually willing to accept money without blinking an eye. To equip Xia Yangmen with this army, isn't it afraid that this army will pose a threat to itself in the future?

When Yu Zihao thought of this, he looked back at the other foreign caravans, who were still signing contracts with the Qingyuan Sect one after another to purchase Xuanli magic weapons, and suddenly a strange feeling arose in his heart.

Qingyuan Sect is open to foreign caravans. In just half a day, it is possible to receive a huge mountain of spiritual stones. Isn't it too fast to attract money like this? !

Moreover, the Qingyuan Sect is only a third-rate sect, and it suddenly received such a huge wealth. In the eyes of other second-rate or above sects, what is it if it is not a big fat sheep? !

Doesn't it know that? !

If it knew, how could it be so calm and collected its money? ! You even publicize it so much, lest the world doesn’t know about it? !

Countless doubts arose in Yu Zihao's heart. Suddenly, he sped up and ran towards the Qingyuan Immortal Tower.

In Cui Shen's room, the mysterious force test items had disappeared and it seemed much more refreshing. Yu Zihao quickly reported to Cui Shen the situation of the blood contract signing and his thoughts just now.

"What you said makes sense..."

Cui Shen heard Yu Zihao's analysis, thought for a moment, and nodded in approval.

"Old Ancestor, the Qingyuan Sect is so confident that it sells mysterious magic weapons at a high price. Is it really not afraid?!"

"Perhaps... there is information that we cannot grasp! Judging from the performance of Qingyuan Sect, either it is too stupid, or it is obviously sure that it can control the situation. However, to control such a situation, it is by no means a simple matter What an easy thing! Even our Xia Yang Clan is faced with many difficulties." Cui Shensi thought.

"Oh? Ancestor is saying that even if our Xia Yang Clan does the same thing as the Qing Yuan Clan, it will be difficult to control the situation?" Yu Zihao was startled.

"Yes. There are two problems with this situation. One is that the arms race between the immortal warrior armies is related to the future of each sect. Every immortal sect is investing heavily, and no one knows what kind of situation will arise in the future. The second is that In a short period of time, the drama rich has become a fat sheep in everyone's eyes. Even the Xia Yang Sect cannot guarantee that it can block all those who covet it. You must know that Daxia is only a third-rate cultivation area. As long as there are powerful people in the second-rate cultivation area who hear the news, There may be problems." Cui Shen analyzed.

"What the ancestor said makes sense! I'm afraid the Qingyuan Sect will soon be harassed by various thieves! The Kongkong pirates who have recently appeared in Daxia's cultivation world may come to visit them soon." Yu Zihao said with a gloating smile.

...To be continued.

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