The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2660 The cunning stone spirit

( ) The cosmic pollution mentioned here mainly refers to the positive universe. Since these people who believe in the cave world are controlled by those in the dark universe, and their purpose should be to get some benefits from the positive universe, so those who believe in the cave world are swallowed up. The main targets are the material and precious vitality of the positive universe...

Speaking of vitality, it can be said to be the most precious thing in the universe. It is precisely because of vitality that the magnificence and magnificence of the universe are meaningful. Otherwise, no matter how majestic, spectacular, or amazing the universe is, without vitality, there will be no life. If people are admiring it, then why is there any need for the universe to exist?

Each of us can imagine an incredible and beautiful world, but if it only exists in imagination and no one can see it in the real world, then that world is actually illusory and has no meaning...

Life is of great significance to the universe, and vice versa. The two are actually complementary to each other. After Li Yun came to this universe, he understood this more and more deeply.

In the world of cultivation before, countless people believed in the belief that the weak should eat the strong and the strong should be respected, which resulted in constant killings, indifference to human life, and great damage to life. However, Li Yun did the opposite and never killed anyone since his debut. But he has received huge benefits from the underworld. This is the most powerful proof that the universe protects the vitality!

However, the emergence of the Faith Travertine undoubtedly brings a touch of coldness and ruthlessness to life. If it is controlled by people from the Dark Universe, it must be the work of some murderous strong people in the Dark Universe. Such strong people They will exist in both the positive universe and the dark universe, and there are still many of them.

In particular, the energy level of the dark universe is higher than that of the normal universe, and may be several times higher than that of the normal universe. Therefore, the amount of energy in the dark universe is greater and its ability is stronger. There is no doubt that the belief travertine they developed has a lethality It will also be higher!

When Li Yun encountered Belief Travertine for the first time, it almost caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, Lei Xiang and Fang Zijing activated it in the Tianyun world at that time, and everything was still under control, so nothing happened. Otherwise, it would have been a disaster. Maybe Star Fortune Castle won’t even exist now…

Thinking of this, Li Yun and Xiaoxing immediately became alert to the sudden appearance of the belief cave stone in front of them, which was suspected to be a cave world, because it was a huge threat to all life forms in this starry sky!

They saw that this belief travertine had devoured many life forms and substances along the way from the outer reaches of the Ika solar system to near the habitable zone, and its appetite was not small!

It wiped out all life forms on many small stars, and the most terrifying thing was that it rushed into a gaseous planet and took advantage of the extremely chaotic environmental conditions there to swallow up a large number of unique life forms. After leaving there, we wandered all the way to the livable zone...

"Fortunately, we relocated the indigenous people of the five main stars in advance.

It didn't take action! "Li Yun said with some fear.

"Yes! However, the main reason is because it has just swallowed a large number of lives from the gaseous planet. It needs some time to slowly digest them and turn those lives into its believers, thereby gaining the power of their faith..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes, it is now interested in the life of Hongshan Star again..." Li Yun nodded.

"Fortunately, we found it, and considering its level, it's not difficult to deal with!" Xiaoxing judged.

"Well, you still can't be careless and don't let it cause too much damage to Hongshan Star..." Li Yun reminded.

"Don't worry, sir! The level of this stone is not too high. I'm afraid it is about the same as Yimi No. 9 and No. 4! Before, it could only enter some small stars for devouring operations, but later on large gaseous planets, it was attacked by those unique Life Land fought back tenaciously and had to withdraw early. In our imagination, the powerful Faith Cave World will be able to swallow up a planet just like our Xingyun Castle!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This...impossible! It's still far from the Faith Travertine in front of you. Unless it becomes as huge as the nebula in front of you, you can use the tearing power of the black hole to carry out planet-level devouring operations..." Li Yun concluded.

"It is indeed impossible! Therefore, a lower-level belief cave world like this is more like delivering food to us..." Xiaoxing said happily.

Of course, he talks lightly, but he will never let down his guard when controlling, because for Xingyun Castle, no matter which action is taken, the first prerequisite is to ensure the safety of the trillions of creatures inside...

Xingyun Castle quickly activated and approached the Red Mountain Star. At the same time, Xiaoxing sent a message to Rosen, asking his Yi Mi No. 4 to prepare for battle at any time to deal with the possible devouring actions of the Faith Cave Stone...

After hearing the news, Rosen felt a little doubtful. He didn't think that a stone needed to be so valued. However, since it was what Ling Daozi said, it might be true, so he immediately activated Yi Mi No. 4 and prepared for it...

At this moment, the Yimi No. 9, which was wandering around in the starry sky, suddenly received the signal position of the No. 4 ship spirit!

"Found it!" Ship Spirit No. 9 shouted excitedly.

"Wow!!!" The people inside the ship exclaimed!

It’s really not easy!

Yimi No. 9 has been wandering in this starry sky for a long time, but no information about Yimi No. 4 was found at all. This made everyone's hope disappear little by little, and their hearts were constantly falling, almost falling. rock bottom…

Originally, they thought that if they could find Yi Mi No. 4, they would be able to find that person, and then force the other party to hand over the recipe for the detoxification pill. After saving themselves, they would take it to Yi Mi World to make a lot of money.

But as time goes by, their thoughts slowly change, and they become that as long as they can find that person, they must ask him for the detoxification pill, and they can pay him a very high price.

But now, their hopes are about to be shattered. At this time, what they are thinking about is that as long as they can find that person, no matter what the cost, they must ask that person to give them an antidote to detoxify them, even if they become slaves. It doesn't matter, because the pain of being tortured by the Death God Sixteen is too terrible...

As time goes by, this level of terror has actually severely tortured these people. Many times, just when they think of the aborigines who have turned into humanoid skeletons, they will shudder, tremble all over, and be scared to death...

"Where?!" Rommel asked urgently.

"Strange, it seems to be in the direction of Hongshan Star..." Ship Spirit No. 9 muttered.

"Red Mountain Star? Is this strange? Maybe Yingsi has escaped and then fled back to Red Mountain Star..."

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be a big mistake? What we are looking for is not Ince, but that person!" Ship Spirit No. 9 roared fiercely.

"Yes!!!" Everyone suddenly understood.

If it is true that only Ying Si and his Yi Mi No. 4 escape back to the Red Mountain Planet, it will not be a good thing for everyone. Without seeing that person, everyone's hope of survival will be shattered...

No matter what, the discovery of Yi Mi 4 was an important clue after all, so Yi Mi 9 immediately locked the direction of Hongshan Star and flew quickly...

But after the man who believed in travertine came to Red Mountain Star, he was obviously attracted by the vitality here!

If it had come a while earlier, the situation would have been different, because at that time all the people on the Red Mountain Star were infected with Death Sixteen. Everyone was depressed and lacked energy, and the entire planet could be said to be lifeless.

Moreover, the Red Mountain Planet at that time was hit by the energy storm created by Xiaoxing. All bases were scrapped, and many Hongshan Mountains were moved away, making the Red Mountain Planet look devastated and miserable...

That kind of situation may not attract those who believe in Travertine. However, in recent times, all the Hongshan Stars have transferred to Xingyun Castle and obtained detoxification pills, which eliminated this serious problem and everyone is in high spirits. , life vitality also flourished, and they devoted themselves to the reconstruction task of Hongshan Star...

As time went by, those bases were restored and upgraded, and the planet's environment also changed greatly. Although some Red Mountains were missing, there were a lot more water surfaces, grasslands, and even underground scenery, making the Red Mountain planet Exudes a unique charm...

Faith Travertine had little nostalgia when visiting other major planets, because the life on those planets was lifeless. It could sense that those people seemed to be sick, and if it swallowed them, it would probably catch the disease, so It left firmly!

But when it was far away from the Red Mountain Star, it noticed a strong vitality rising straight into the sky, strongly attracting it to rush over and stop here.

However, as Xiaoxing said, since it has devoured a large number of lives before, it will take a certain amount of time to convert all those lives into believers. With the ability of this belief in travertine, the time required is not short, so it is not in a hurry. , just slowly wander around in space orbit...

For it, the level of civilization on this planet is not high, so those people must be the food on their plate, and they can eat it whenever they want, without having to worry at all.

"Eh? What are those?!" Shi Ling suddenly discovered something.

What he saw was the experimental bases built under the leadership of Rosen. Both the appearance and the internal facilities were very different from those of the aborigines and the puppet race. With the eyes of the stone spirit, they could still find their extraordinary features. at.

This discovery made Shi Ling a little vigilant. He could feel that these bases contained power that could threaten him. This meant that there were experts on this planet!

As mentioned before, the stone spirits who believe in the cave are not simple, but are very cunning and resourceful. After all, they come from the dark universe. With the height of the development of the dark universe, the power and wisdom possessed by their masters must be extraordinary. , so these stone spirits also have high intelligence, and almost every one of them can stand alone...

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