The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 267 Air Pirates (2)

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"Uncle Ge! Are you okay?! You are so amazing! You can actually save us from death in this situation!"

Yang Lin shouted. He was so scared just now that he didn't expect Ge Liang to give him a big surprise.

The three of them teleported at least 30,000 miles away from where they were. It can be said that they narrowly escaped death.

"Hmph! It's not that easy to kill me! Cui Shen! Sui Huan! Just wait..." Ge Liang roared.

While reattaching the broken arm, he took out a bottle of plaster and applied it to his own broken arm, swallowing the elixir in his mouth.

This time, the physical damage was too great. Rebuilding a broken arm would cost a lot of energy in the body. It was really a big loss!

Fortunately, he escaped safely, and the Lingshi Mountain obtained from Qingyuan Sect was still there, so the loss of a broken arm was still within the tolerance range.

"Alas..." A sigh seemed to ring in his ears.

The three of them felt a gentle force passing through their bodies, and then dissipated like a breeze.

Ge Liang was startled, stood up in surprise, and looked around suspiciously.

"Ancestor, there seems to be someone!" Su Heng exclaimed.

"Impossible! We were teleported here randomly, there is no way they can chase us!" Yang Lin shouted, his face slightly distorted.

"Of course they can't!! Where's the spiritual ring?" Ge Liang exclaimed.

"What?! No, the spiritual ring...Lingshi gone!" Yang Lin was stunned and quickly touched his fingers and found that the spiritual ring on his hand was also missing.

"My storage bag?!" Su Heng touched his chest and found that the storage bag hidden there was also missing!

The three of them looked at each other, and their hearts suddenly went cold.

Unexpectedly, after working hard all night, Ge Liang had to pay the price of losing his arm. In the end, not only was the Lingshi Mountain he snatched gone, but even his own spiritual rings and storage bags were also lost!

"Who?! Who are you?!" Ge Liang shouted hysterically.

"Air Pirates..."

"What? Kong Kong Pirates again?!" The three of them were shocked.

The people who came this time were probably really empty-handed thieves. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to take away the Lingshi Mountain from them so easily. It was as light as picking something out of a bag.

"Are you...really a Kong Kong Pirate?!" Ge Liang asked in horror.

"Of course! The pirates take action without any false starts! Everything is in vain!"

A gust of breeze blew by, and Ge Liang and the others suddenly felt a chill on their bodies. When they lowered their heads, they found that not a single bit of clothing was left on their bodies. They quickly covered their vital parts, shivering as if they had fallen into an ice cellar!

"This is a small punishment for you who dare to pretend to be my name!"

The sound seemed to be very far away, but it was still close to their ears, making the three of them dare not move for a long time...

Tu Zhenzi and Wu Caizi were sitting in Wucai Peak, pacing back and forth, restless.

Unexpectedly, just as Li Yun sent the message, someone was eyeing Lingshi Mountain, and there were two groups of people at once!

They had previously acted according to the trap set by Li Yun, and their purpose was to let people know that the Qingyuan Gate had been robbed by Kong Kong pirates, so as to prevent others from trying to rob them again.

This strategy is simply brilliant!

Qingyuan Sect can be pulled out of the potential crisis vortex in one fell swoop.

However, Ming Kongzi seems to have been gone for a while and has not come back yet. I wonder if there will be an accident?

"Haha, haha! It's so funny!"

A loud laugh fell from the sky, and a figure flashed, it was Ming Kongzi.

"Ming Ancestor!" The two of them were surprised and sang loudly.

"Haha! Lingshi Mountain is back!"

Ming Kongzi threw out a small pile of spiritual rings and storage bags and laughed.

"Thank you so much, Ancestor Ming! I don't know why you are so happy?" Tuzhenzi put away the Lingshi Mountain.

asked carefully.

"Just now, I played a trick on those candid thieves and looted them all. Haha, it seems that being an air thief is quite exciting..."

"I see…"

Tuzhenzi and Wucaizi suddenly realized that Ming Kongzi had come back so late to play tricks on the thieves.

"I wonder if our ancestors can explain it in detail so that we can also enjoy it?" Wu Caizi took advantage of the opportunity and said with a smile.

Ming Kongzi briefly explained what happened tonight, leaving the two of them dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, these two groups of people unexpectedly thought of doing things under the name of Kong Kong Pirate. It seems that although this Kong Kong Pirate has a very famous name now, , but it has also become the target of blame for many people!

Tuzhenzi suddenly thought of his original conjecture. If the Kong Kong Pirate was really Li Yun, if his identity was discovered in the future, it would be a huge disaster for Li Yun. Moreover, the Qingyuan Sect was also involved, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried. My crotch tightened and my face changed slightly!

Ming Kongzi's spiritual sense was extremely sharp and asked: "Xiaotu, what's wrong?"

"No...there is nothing wrong! The disciple just thought that although Lingshi Mountain has returned safely this time, there may be other thieves who will covet our treasures in the future..."

"Hmph, I'm here, why are you afraid of these candid thieves?! Even if the thief comes in vain, there's no way he'll come back!"

"Yes, yes! Our ancestors are here, so the Kong Kong Pirates will naturally run as far as they can!" Tuzhenzi responded quickly.

"Well... Now that the Qingyuan Sect has money, it can't become a miser. It must turn the money into strength. This is the safest thing!" Ming Kongzi thought.

"That's what our ancestors said! Now, our army of immortal warriors has gradually taken shape, and we still need to invest heavily. In addition, the monk team is also strengthening training..."

"Oh? Monk team?"

"Yes. Recently, we have fully updated the equipment of the monk team, and it will no longer be as uneven as the last martial arts performance. And..."


"Moreover, judging from the recent progress in the cultivation level registered by the disciples, it can be said to be extremely fast! In just a few months, many people have improved by one or two levels during the Qi Refining Period, and many have even advanced to three levels in a row!" Dozhenzi exclaimed.

"What?! Upgraded to three levels in a row?!" Ming Kongzi was slightly startled.

"Not bad! According to the data we just compiled, there are 655 monks in the Qi Refining Stage who have been promoted to three levels in three months! And there are 268 people who have been upgraded from the Qi Refining Stage to the Pulse Shaping Stage. Man!" Tuzhenzi said cheerfully.

"This is unreasonable!" Ming Kongzi suddenly stood up and shouted angrily.


Tuzhenzi was stunned, and Wucaizi was also a little stunned. He didn't know why Ming Kongzi suddenly became angry.

"You guys! You're really pissing me off!" Ming Kongzi yelled angrily.

"Old... ancestor! This is a good thing..."

"What a fart! You...are going to destroy them all!!!"

"This..." There was confusion in the eyes of the two of them.

"Alas! The early stage of cultivation is the foundation stage. Even if you reach the golden elixir stage, you should not pursue rapid progress, otherwise it will leave countless flaws and affect your future enlightenment and immortality..." Ming Kongzi sighed.

The two of them were startled, and their faces suddenly became extremely livid.

With the power of Ming Kongzi, he naturally has the most say in the path of cultivation. Now, his point of view is against the monks' pursuit of rapid progress. However, the Qingyuan Sect has been advancing rapidly in a large area recently, and it seems to be prosperous. But it may lay hidden dangers for the future!

"The Qingyuan Sect's Heart Method says at the beginning, monks, cultivate between heaven and earth, use the way of heaven as a guide, use themselves as the furnace, blend the essence of heaven and earth, and understand the aura of heaven and earth... Don't you still understand that what we cultivate is Heart, what you cultivate is enlightenment, what you cultivate is Tao! Without an exquisite heart and a penetrating perception, how can you clearly understand the charm of the way of heaven? Only when the heart and way are unified, and the body and way are unified, can you fly freely in the world. Between heaven and earth! If you blindly pursue the rapid advancement of power, but lack the understanding of the aura of heaven and earth, for a monk, this is like letting a child grow into an adult quickly, while the spiritual intelligence remains at the infant stage. Isn’t this abnormally long?!”

Ming Kongzi's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of Tuzhenzi and Wucaizi hard. The more they listened, the more frightened they became. Finally, they couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground softly.

Not to mention those disciples in the Qi refining period, even they themselves had been immersed in the pleasure of rapid progress in cultivation during this period. They were feeling complacent in their hearts, but unexpectedly, they were slapped by Ming Kongzi, and they were temporarily sober.

"Old... ancestor! What should we do now?" Tuzhenzi reacted and asked urgently.

"Hmph! First of all, you must stop being so impatient and aggressive, and calm down to lay a solid foundation again! As for those disciples, they must be allowed to re-cultivate. From now on, when a 'truth-telling hall' is set up within the sect, you must personally prepare for the disciples They explain various questions on the journey of cultivation."

"Yes! Thank you for your ancestor's religious teachings!" Tuzhenzi said sincerely.

"The three golden elixirs you made are all small elixirs with flaws. It is precisely because you do not have a thorough understanding of the golden elixir avenue that you have hastily made elixirs! As a result, it will be a bit difficult to break through to the Nascent Soul..." Ming Ming Kongzi sighed slightly.

"What?!" Tuzhenzi was shocked.

He didn't expect that his golden elixir would be so bad in Ming Kongzi's eyes, which shocked Tuzhenzi.

"The three of you have laid a good foundation when building the foundation. The Tao platform has reached the excellent level, which means that the number of flaws is around thirty. However, after building the foundation, you pursued rapid progress, which led to the formation of Xiaodan. , the flaws are around fifty..."

" there any way to remedy this now?" Tuzhenzi asked urgently.

"Well, if you don't want to lose your skills and rebuild your cultivation, you can only pursue repairs with elixirs. At the same time, you must strengthen your understanding of the Tao Yun. It would be great if there were Tao Fruits..."

"Daoguo?!" Tuzhenzi's eyes lit up.

"That's right. Dao fruit is just a general term. Any fruit that contains some kind of Dao power or several kinds of Dao power can be called Dao fruit. It contains some aura of heavenly Dao. After eating it, it will increase the corresponding amount in your body. If your Tao power accumulates, your Tao platform will naturally become better and better, and the Golden Elixir Avenue can naturally be restored!"


Tuzhenzi and Wucaizi exclaimed softly, with excited expressions on their faces.

Unexpectedly, there is such a miraculous fruit in the world, which can help monks rebuild the Taoist platform and rebuild the golden elixir!

If you can get the Tao Fruit, wouldn't you no longer have to worry about the flaws left behind by practicing too fast? From now on, you can make rapid progress while eating the Tao Fruit to repair the flaws, without any delay, wouldn't it? !

...To be continued.

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