The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2679 The rogue style of fighting

( ) Wu Xu’s appearance cheered up Li Yun and Xiaoxing!

This is an unexpected factor that may cause the two people's previous analysis to collapse. The two of them know very well that there are no examples of the weak defeating the strong in Star Wars. On the contrary, there are many such examples. If there is a powerful commander, It can completely make up for many shortcomings of the weak side, and even these shortcomings may turn into strong points under certain conditions. Nothing is impossible.

When there was no Wu Xu before, Xiaoxing judged that as the battlefield expanded and the fleet increased, Wood's control would be difficult to fully control. Therefore, the Xudun side was likely to fall into chaos and be suppressed by the Yimi fleet, but now with Wu Xu , Xudun and Wanrou have become the bridgehead of small and medium-sized civilized fleets. With their joint command, their combat power is very likely to exceed the level...

This Star Wars upgrade is a sure thing!

Looking at Yimi again, fleets are gathering from the main star and major satellites one after another. The handsome ship has not moved at this time. However, it turns out that the two reserve fleets here have been engaged in the battle ahead. Their purpose Of course, it is to intercept Wanrou and other fleets who are attacking frantically, so as to prevent them from breaking through the defense line and attacking the main star of Yimi behind...

For the Yimi fleet, if the fleet of foreign civilizations is allowed to attack the main star and the seven satellites, it will not only become a joke, but also a major blow to the people's psychology, and it will become a stain on the First Power Association. In the future, in civilization The status in China will definitely decline...

In the space in front of the handsome ship, Libashan was processing a steady stream of information received. He looked out the porthole with his eyes, spitting out one or two instructions from time to time, or simply communicating with the ship's spirit...

As a military genius of the Yimi civilization, he rarely appears in front of the public. Many people only know his name but don't know who he is. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that a military genius looks like a gentle and elegant man with a smooth face. , a middle-aged scribe with clear eyes!

If he hadn't been wearing a military uniform now, no one would have thought that he was so powerful when walking in the busy city!

However, in the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, they thought this scene was normal and should be so!

The reason is that military genius does not mean that you must be tall, muscular, and hairy. On the contrary, the higher the level of civilization, the higher the requirements for military level. It is impossible to command a high-level battle by relying solely on personal force. So handsome!

On the contrary, the larger the battlefield and the higher the level, the higher the requirements for wisdom. If wisdom cannot keep up, force alone will probably bury countless people under its brainless command. There are many examples of this in history. yes…

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people with both personal strength and superb intelligence will become handsome men. In fact, there is no conflict between the two.

If a person is highly intelligent, he will naturally have his own unique insights into martial arts, thus reaching an extremely high level!

It is precisely because of this that after these people practice to a certain level, they will slowly transform and return to their original nature. They will become more and more beautiful in appearance and body, no longer the image of a reckless man before.

Therefore, it is not that his personal force is incompetent, but that he has cultivated to an extremely high level, and even his appearance has changed greatly...

Just like the Great Lord I saw before, if he appeared in the outside world, many people might ignore him because he looks like an ordinary fat man. Only those with extremely high spiritual awareness can pay attention to him. to his existence…

He stood still before making a strong effort, and did not take action even when he saw the three fleets in front of him in a very passive situation. It gave the impression that his command ability was not as good as that of his opponent Wood, but this was not the case.

The commander of those three fleets is someone else, a deputy chairman of the Yilihui, Wei Gong. His command ability is indeed not as good as Wood's, which makes the situation extremely passive. However, fortunately, the Yimi fleet has the advantage in strength. , making it impossible for the Xudun side to carry out major damage to its spaceships. Therefore, since the war between the two sides, they only lost a dozen spaceships each, and it was basically a tie!

However, if calculated in terms of losses, the losses of Yimi's side are much greater than those of the other side, because the value of their spaceships is much higher than that of the other side. The loss of one ship is equivalent to the entire loss of the other side, so the sanitary workers can now be said to be I'm so anxious that I can't even hold my face!

Before setting out for the expedition, he issued a military order in front of Libushan that he must completely annihilate the other three fleets. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came into contact with them, he quickly fell into a passive position and let the Xudun Fleet lead the way. His mothership The guards were also running around here and there, rescuing emergencies everywhere, and were very busy...

He hasn't even realized that the situation on the battlefield has changed drastically, because the opponent's support fleet has arrived one after another and entered the battle one after another!

"General, the opponent's backup has arrived, and the Fourth Army and the Fifth Army have gone to intercept it!" Ship Spirit said suddenly.

"What? So fast?!" the health worker said in shock.

"Yes! We failed to annihilate them before their backup arrived, and we can no longer complete the military order!" The ship spirit sighed.

"It's over, it's over..." the health worker lamented repeatedly.

"We can't control that much now. The marshal has sent an order, asking us to try our best to hold back the three fleets of Xudun, Gezhi and Letian. Otherwise, if we let them break through our defense line and attack the Fourth and Fifth Armies, what will happen? It will be more serious!" Ship Spirit said.

"Not bad...what can you do?" the health worker asked.

"Our three fleets are now like a piece of loose sand. Each spaceship is scattered across the starry sky. It cannot form a formation or form a joint force. It is lucky that the opponent has not concentrated firepower and destroyed each one, but we have also lost twelve ships! But now As a plan, the number of remaining spaceships on both sides is almost the same. We simply let each spacecraft go to the other side's spaceship to duel. In this way, it becomes one-on-one. In terms of individual strength, we have the advantage, and the other side's After the formation is broken up by us, it is impossible to organize effective tactics to contain us!" Ship Spirit said.

"What?! Is this okay?!" the health worker said in surprise.

"Okay! This tactic was passed on by the marshal just now. I thought about it and found that what he said is very reasonable. Let's implement it according to his tactical ideas!" Ship Spirit said loudly.

"I see... Then let's try..." the health worker said doubtfully.

In the Yimi fleet, the control of each warship can be in the hands of the captain or the ship spirit. The authority of both parties is large or small, and it is mainly determined by the marshal.

For example, in this war, the control of all battleships was placed in the hands of the ship spirit. The captain only had the second control right. However, the marshal had the right to cancel the command authority of the ship spirit and replace it with the captain or himself. command.

Therefore, all ship spirits must pay attention to Libashan's opinions, because he has the supreme status and power of the fleet.

The reason why Libushan handed over the control of the battleships of the Star Wars to the ship spirits is because the Yimi civilization invested a lot in the ship spirits of the battleships, and their level was relatively high. The advantage of this is This allows each fleet to receive high-level control and training in peacetime, and facilitates unified command, coordination and cooperation in wartime, thereby exerting a higher overall combat effectiveness!

And he himself has the power to adjust the control rights of the ship spirit and captain at any time. This can limit the power of the ship spirit and captain to avoid that when they make major mistakes, others must be buried with him. ending.

In fact, when performing tasks in peacetime, the main control of each warship is still placed on the captain, and the ship spirit mainly plays a supporting role. However, in actual execution, this situation rarely occurs. On the contrary, the main role is to control the warships. They are all controlled by the ship spirit and assisted by the captain.

This is because the abilities of Yi Mi Shipling are getting higher and higher. Not only can they receive and process information quickly, but their ability to think and make decisions is also constantly improving. Moreover, they are less affected by personal emotions and therefore make more decisions. Rational decisions are less likely to make mistakes.

But everything has its advantages and disadvantages. The control of the ship spirit has made many captains lazy, and they are not so eager and diligent in self-cultivation. Therefore, as the captains of those battleships continue to improve their ship spirit levels, their own level However, it stagnated or even retreated. Therefore, many captains were accustomed to relying on the ship spirit for control, and few dared to take the initiative to turn off the ship spirit's power and take command themselves.

At this time, the guards and the ship spirit received the instructions from Li Bashan and did not dare to neglect, and quickly arranged the plan. He himself first found Wood's ship and started bombarding it regardless of anything!

Wood fought smoothly in the previous stage of the battle, and could even be said to be hearty, and made a big splash. After the arrival of his younger brother Wu Xu, he felt that the time had come for his side to turn from defense to offense, so he started Formulate new tactics, prepare to kill all the way through the area where the three guard fleets are located, and meet up with Wu Xu, so as to concentrate superior firepower in a battle of annihilation!

However, he suddenly discovered that the ship of the sanitary worker had directly attacked his own ship and started fighting, which caught him off guard!

This style of play is purely a rogue style of play. It was only used in the more primitive stages of civilization, and has since been gradually abandoned. All civilized forces pursue various tactical combinations. Not only do they want to win, You also want to win beauty and fun!

Of course, a tactical master like Wood would disdain to use this rogue style of play. It can be said that this style of play has never appeared in his tactical combination. Therefore, when he suddenly encounters the guard's style of play, He was confused for a moment...

Then he soon discovered that the warships of the three fleets of the Guardsmen were all going crazy, looking for their opponents, catching them and fighting. It didn't take long before the starry sky became extremely lively, with fighting everywhere, and everywhere. There were spaceships, cannonballs flying everywhere, and energy waves exploding one after another as if they were free...

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