The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2708 Qiming people declare a challenge

( ) Very good! "Yingsi, Hemin Te and Pai Lan said excitedly.

With Ling Daozi's guarantee, they believe that Yimi's side can finally be temporarily safe and can sprint with all their strength in the competition, greatly increasing their chances of defeating Qiming!

After all, the three of them came from Yimi. If Yimi wins in the end, it will be their pride...

It didn't take long for Qiming's spy hidden in Yi Mi to find a good opportunity to pass back the changes on Yi Mi's main star. However, the information above that the new type of artillery shells had been burned out and could no longer be refined was revealed. Inexplicably deleted...

Wu Xu and others were shocked when they received the letter!

Only then did he realize that the small battleship that disappeared last time was actually obtained by the Yimi people!

Big trouble!

You must know that although it is only a small battleship, it has been completely renovated, and many of the research results obtained by Qiming during this period have been applied to it. More importantly, there are still some elements in the ship spirit system inside. There is top-secret information about Qiming. If this information is known to the people of Yimi, it means that everything about Qiming will be exposed under the eyes of the people of Yimi...

After reading the letter carefully, Wu Xu and others could finally confirm that their worries were not unnecessary, but had become a fact!

According to the news report, the ship spirit and all the soldiers were unconscious in the storm. The Yimi people successfully obtained all the information and had a complete understanding of the Qiming plan!

However, since the Yimi people also suffered heavy losses in the last starry sky battle against the Devouring Monster, they have no plans to attack Qiming for the time being. On the contrary, they seem to be in no hurry, but focus on launching a new campaign. Research plan, this plan looks almost like a replica of the Qiming Project, but in fact it is more comprehensive, more detailed, and more advanced than the Qiming Project!

With the solid foundation of Yimi civilization and such an advanced research plan, their progress and development speed are self-evident...

what to do? !

This was everyone's first reaction after seeing this letter.

They secretly sighed in their hearts that Qiming's luck was really bad. The morning star was so far away from the Yimi star that even a small warship blown away by the wind could fall into their hands. As a result, the entire Qiming plan was completely exposed and the efforts of countless people were ruined. Destroyed!

Nowadays, the competition between the two sides is almost transparent. There are no secrets anymore. It just depends on who can develop higher, faster and stronger!

Wu Xu sighed: "Time is running out.

Moreover, our foundation is already relatively weak. If we don’t step up and increase investment, I’m afraid it will be too late! "

Dawantian, the Lord of Wanrou, said fiercely: "I'll fight them! If we bring all our resources to Venus, I don't believe we can't defeat them!"

"That's right! It's all about death anyway. I don't want to die too useless. I must destroy a few of their warships first!" Rong Xu agreed.

"There are too few warships. If you want to attack them, knock out one of their guardian satellites!" Wu Zhi shouted.

"That's right..." Everyone agreed.

Wu Xu waved his hand and said, "Don't be too pessimistic, we don't necessarily lose!"

"Oh?!" Everyone was startled.

"But why?" Dawantian asked anxiously.

Wu Xu analyzed: "From the letter and newspaper, although the Yimi fleet won a complete victory against the Devouring Monster last time, it was only a tragic victory. Their own fleet and officers lost 30%! The rest The battleships are also damaged and need to be repaired and replenished, so their strength has actually dropped significantly! If we didn't have that terrible corrosive cannonball, we can definitely defeat them now! Even if they come here now, with our current strength , enough to fight them to the end..."


"That makes sense!"

"Isn't it just because we are worried about their corrosive shells that we don't take the initiative to attack them..."


Everyone agreed.

Wu Xu continued: "The Yimi people have learned about our Qiming plan, but they have not come over. There should be several reasons for this. In addition to the previous war that caused a significant decline in their strength, another one is that they are still under attack. The threat of Death Sixteen's deadly poison is a huge shadow and pressure they face every day. It will not only consume a lot of their resources, but also torture them physically and mentally. In addition, when they see our After the small battleships, they will definitely realize that our achievements are already very high and have surpassed them in some aspects. In this case, they will also feel that they are not absolutely sure of defeating us now, so they have to learn from us first. Research the base and improve your strength!”

"Not bad..." Everyone nodded.

"So, we must not belittle ourselves, but should meet their challenges with confidence! Now that Yimi has also established a research base, the competition between us and Yimi has turned to our respective research plans. Who can Whoever can achieve higher achievements in this plan will have an advantage in the competition. If we can continue to make progress and be significantly ahead of the curve, it will not be difficult to defeat them. Even if we develop particularly ahead of the curve, it will still be possible. It is possible to defeat them psychologically and win without a fight!"

"Wow!!!" Everyone exclaimed and their eyes lit up!

Wu Xu said it right. Now that both parties have invested all their energy and resources into the research plan, a very targeted competitive relationship has been formed. Whose research is better and the results are more impressive, and whose spear is sharpened. Whoever's shield is stronger will win the competition!

Just imagine, if the Qiming people can come up with a material that is not afraid of the kind of corrosion that corrodes cannonballs, will the Yimi people still dare to attack?

Or maybe they are a lot further ahead and the Qiming people build a real light-speed spaceship that can easily fly at high speeds without using portals and other treasures. No matter how powerful the new artillery shells of the Yimi fleet are, they can't hit it. Can people still not surrender obediently?

In the final analysis, the competition between advanced civilizations is mainly based on comprehensive strength, and the best embodiment of comprehensive strength is the spaceship. Each spaceship is a comprehensive reflection of the achievements of the entire civilization. As long as it can create a true speed of light spaceship, or even a faster-than-light spacecraft, then as Wu Xu said, the psychological defenses of the Yimi people will collapse in advance, and the Qiming people will win without a fight!

After thinking about this, everyone's morale suddenly became high and full. As if they were full of chicken blood, they invested in a new round of research plans to develop new materials and build a real light-speed spacecraft. This has become the focus of this round of research plan...

Moreover, the Qiming people personally conveyed this information to the Yimi civilization in an unusually high-profile manner, which was equivalent to issuing a challenge to the Yimi people...

"What?! Lightspeed spaceship?!" The Great Lord was so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth when he received the letter!

"Yes! Qiming people are now very ambitious, fully committed, and sprinting with all their strength, hoping to build a true light-speed spacecraft..." Libushan said.

"Oh my God..." The Great Lord couldn't help but exclaimed.

The five supreme elders on the side were also stunned!

Do they feel that the Qiming people are going crazy?

Lightspeed spaceship? What is that concept? That is something that only exists in the imagination. Countless people have proposed this concept for countless years, but no one has ever been able to realize it, because there are many levels that are simply insurmountable, and any of these levels cannot be overcome. It comprehensively tests the comprehensive strength of each civilization. As long as there is a shortcoming in one aspect, it is impossible to achieve light speed flight...

There are many people who have dreams and ambitions, but once they put it into practice, they will find that there are many difficulties and obstacles. It is really not something that ordinary beings can do...

"Impossible! Qiming people are seeking death!" the great elder concluded.

"Hmph, these lunatics really think they can build a light-speed spacecraft with just faith and slogans?" the second elder agreed.

"That's right, even we don't dare to have such extravagant hopes. It's even more impossible because their foundation is so weak. In my opinion, they are like children trying to play with a sledgehammer. They will definitely be killed by the sledgehammer in the end..." Three The elder shook his head and said.

"That makes sense..." The fourth elder and the fifth elder also agreed.

"What if they succeed?" the Great Lord said.

"This..." Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look at each other.

The Great Lord continued: "Before, we had no idea that they could build such a small battleship, let alone that they would have a Qiming Plan, but not only did they create such a development plan, they also caught up with and surpassed us! "

"Even so, they have only reached our previous level. If they want to achieve the speed of light on this basis, it is still extremely far away..." the great elder said.

"However, we must also consider that their foundation before the Qiming Project was even weaker, but they were able to impact our civilization level in a short period of time. This shows that their plan is very effective and has a strong impact. If As they continue to make progress, it is not impossible to achieve light speed flight..." the Great Lord analyzed.

"I admit that there is a possibility that they will realize it, but this possibility is very small, very slim, but..." the great elder thought.

"But what?"

"The reason why Qiming people are proposing such a goal now and openly sending it to us is because they have ulterior motives..." the great elder said.

"With ulterior motives?" Everyone was startled again.

"That's right! Everyone can set the goal of a light speed spaceship, but no one can probably build it! However, in the current competitive situation, it has a certain significance..."

"What's the meaning?!" the Great Lord asked urgently.

"Because there is such a big goal there, whoever reaches it first will win. This will force both parties to invest all their resources in it. It is equal to everyone. All resources will be hijacked by this big goal. Don’t take action to start a war…”

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