The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2711 Another hope

( ) Wow! ! !

Upon hearing this news, the emotions in the entire Xingyun Castle were about to explode! ! !

During this period of time, the information coming from the Yimi starry sky has been stimulating everyone's nerves. This magnificent starry battle and the amazing scenes of battleships fighting against devouring monsters have made everyone excited and unable to control themselves...

They experienced the difficulty and coldness of cosmic existence, and also saw the splendor and excitement of cosmic life. Many people understood the truth that the universe is a coexistence of light and darkness, beauty and danger. You can pursue the light and excitement you yearn for. Beautiful, but the premise is that you must have the ability to overcome darkness and danger. Without this premise, I am afraid that light and beauty only exist in imagination!

In fact, after seeing the vigorous research plans of the two major forces of Yi Mi and Qiming, many people have been inspired by it. They have strengthened their own cultivation and research, trying to improve their abilities in order to contribute their own efforts to racial civilization. A force.

However, these actions are more of individual conscious actions. Although after this kind of behavior becomes popular, it will definitely bring about overall improvement, but it is not the same as the level of competition of Yi Mi Qiming.

But after Xiaoxing announced this competition information, the situation was completely different!

The competition between the three major civilizations Xuanling, Yika and Aitan has directly raised the level of competition to the level of competition between entire civilizations.

As a result, the past small-scale competition between individuals has transformed into an organized, planned, and overall group competition model. Various talents and resources have been well integrated. After this integration, all The level of power that explodes can completely defeat the previous model. Everyone in the civilization can be tempered and improved from such a competition!

In addition, this competition is not only an internal competition, but also a competition between the Star Fortune Castle civilization and external civilizations. As a Star Fortune Castle person, how can you be willing to lag behind?

In order to adapt to this competition plan, Li Yun and Xiaoxing also made adjustments to the environment in Xingyun Castle.

Except for the core main star and the three main surrounding satellites that have not changed, the other planets have separated and formed three small planetary systems. Each planetary system is composed of the main star and several small satellites. As for these three planetary systems How to allocate the population and resources on the planet is completely left to the control of these three major civilizations.

The three major civilizations not only slowly rotate around the core area, but also have independent operating systems, making the Star Fortune Castle look more like a small universe!


The great changes in Star Fortune Castle stunned the planets and Devourers!

In fact,

After these people were restricted here and became a landscape, they have long learned from the pain and felt heartbroken by what they did in the past. After watching their own tribe lose themselves, they not only gradually recovered their vitality, but also developed more and more. Well, now they have to move towards a higher level of civilization, and they really feel bad...

Now they understand that although taking the wrong path can achieve temporary benefits, it is not as good as taking the right path. Although taking the right path will be slower at the beginning, it will be very hard, and sometimes you will be confused and hit hard, but if you continue to Keep walking, keep persisting, and the road to the right path will become wider, brighter, and higher!

Although those Devourers were the strongest in their clan before, many of their clan members have far surpassed them in terms of cultivation level, and this is even more so in terms of knowledge of the universe. Everyone is making progress every day, and they I can only continue to become a landscape...

The first ones who couldn't bear it were the people from the planet.

Huang Qi shouted loudly: "Li Yun, Ling Daozi, we also want to form a civilization and study light-speed spacecraft!"

"That's right! They can do it, why can't we?" Leng Shuang agreed.

Ku Rong said: "We are now considered to be Star Fortune Castle people, and we are willing to contribute to Star Fortune Castle. We also have the ability and potential to develop a light-speed spacecraft!"

"As long as we are given a chance, we will definitely succeed!" Sheng Yan agreed.

"Gee, our ability is much stronger than theirs. If we come to study it, we will definitely study it first!" Ruo Shanjiao said with a smile.

"Of course!" Turui agreed.

"Master Yun, just give us a chance!" Great Master Yun Duan of the Donggui tribe shouted loudly.

"We have cut off the way of devouring, and now we have to study the speed of light!" Taijia of the Tata tribe agreed.

"That's right..."

"Give us a chance..."

"I will never devour it again!"

"Yes! I can swear to the universe that I will never devour it! If I devour it again, I will surely die!"

"Yes, I can do it too!"

"I can...I can...I can..."

The planets and the Devourers collectively begged for mercy. For a moment, the crowd was furious, and the voice of begging for mercy resounded across the starry sky...

"In that case, let me give you a chance! I have said it before, Xingyun Castle does not lack your power. If you don't change your stubbornness, I will erase you all just once and never keep you again!" Li Yun's voice said slowly.

"Yes! Yun Zun!"

"If anyone dares to devour it again, I will be the first to kill him!" Huang Qi said loudly.

"Yes, we don't need Yun Zun to take action, we will definitely be self-disciplined!" Kurong agreed.

"That's right..." all the planets assured.

Li Yun is not worried about this group of people coming to cause damage, because everything in Xingyun Castle is under control, and after demarcating a star field for this group of people, they will not be able to go out to harass other civilizations, so let them be independent Forming a civilization to engage in research would only expand the scope of the cage that imprisons them.

If they were imprisoned until they could not move, the vitality and ability of these people would be greatly weakened. With Li Yun's consistent attitude towards life, this situation was not very acceptable.

Now that these people have sworn to cut off the way of devouring and want to correct their evil ways, Li Yun took advantage of the situation and gave them an opportunity to conduct research in order to keep their vitality alive and prevent them from becoming extinct.

However, as mentioned before, believing that an addict will completely kick that addiction is an absolute joke!

There are not many people in the world who are strong-willed enough to completely get rid of addiction. Li Yun does not believe that these people can completely cut off the pleasure brought by devouring, so he will never give these people the opportunity to step out. Delimited areas of the starry sky to devour other life forms.

In this demarcated area, everyone is a Devourer. They will guard against each other, but it is unlikely that something will happen. Even if something happens, the impact will not be big. And with Xiaoxing's monitoring, the Devourer is certain. Can't escape from the palm of my hand.

It can be said that letting these Devourers form a civilization to conduct research is also an experiment. No matter what, even if it is a death formation, there will still be a door for survival. This setting makes sense. With the hope of survival, who would not go Cherish it?

Moreover, knowing the existence of the living gate, the will of the people trapped in the formation to resist will not be so strong, there will not be so many small actions, and their mentality will gradually become more peaceful, no matter it is the setter of the formation Or is it good for them...

Therefore, after the three major civilizations of Xuanling, Yika and Aitan, there was another independent civilization in Xingyun Castle, called "Hope", which of course was based on Li Yun's expectations for them.

Xiaoxing once wanted to label their names as "sin" or "swallowing", but Li Yun denied it. The reason is that no matter who they are, they don't want to live and do things with the title of sin. If Being called sin or devoured by others may become a hint that they may really continue on this path, and now being called "hope" makes them think about the future. This kind of pursuit is bright and promising in terms of implications, which will certainly make them feel better...

I hope that the addition of civilizations will bring the number of civilizations that can fly at the speed of light in Xingyun Castle to four, just like a carriage, changing from three-wheel drive to four-wheel drive, whether in terms of stability, flexibility or impact. With the new level, the situation suddenly becomes more competitive!

For the other three civilizations, they suddenly felt a strong pressure hanging over their heads. They were in big trouble!

Because they do not want to lose to a civilization composed of sinners and devourers. If that is the case, it will be a shame for them. Therefore, each new civilization has accelerated the deployment of manpower and resources. Strive to win at the starting line...

Xiaoxing did not expect that the emergence of civilization would have such an effect, and couldn't help but said happily: "You are still amazing, you have grasped the psychology of people from various civilizations!"

"No, I'm just letting nature take its course..."

"At your current level, Sir, letting nature take its course means obeying the nature of the universe. Every move, word and deed is in line with the way of the universe. There is a lot of truth in it!" Xiaoxing praised.

"Stop praising me! However, I think the reactions of the other three civilizations are a bit excessive, because traveling at the speed of light is a long-distance race, not a sprint. Winning at the starting line does not necessarily mean winning. Only those who persevere can win. It’s possible to run to the end…”

"Your Majesty is right! To achieve light speed flight, soft power is more important than hard power. If you act too hastily, you will only do bad things. Therefore, this is a great test of the wisdom of the leaders of various civilizations..."

"Speaking of leaders, various civilizations are actually still a little confused. I don't know who should take the lead. From this perspective, the Aitan civilization now has Rosen taking the lead, and it seems to have some advantages. If Ince also takes the lead, If they are here, their advantage will be even greater!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Don't worry, sir. Although Ince and Rosen are both good leaders, other civilizations will give birth to their own top leaders sooner or later. No matter what, a temporary lead is not a real lead..."

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