The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2721 Yutong and Zhao 9

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Zhong Xing's analysis suddenly broadened Yan Xi's thinking!

He was surprised: "Could it be that the person who committed this case was also someone from our side?!"

"Of course this is a possibility! Other races also have channels to come here. Otherwise, besides our goods, why would there be treasures from here circulating in the market over there?" Zhong Xing said.

"Oh my God!!!" Yan Xi exclaimed softly, feeling bad.

If it was really someone from Dark Universe who did it, would his fleet have been exposed? ! This is a big problem!

For the Duofeng tribe, preserving the information of this passage is more important than anything else. If they are exposed because of this batch of goods, it will be more than worth the gain. Moreover, this will pose a great threat to the safety of their own race!

There is no doubt about this!

In fact, this is also the main reason why Zhong Xing, Yan Xi and others have been cautious and dare not cause trouble. They know that once the information that the Duofeng Clan has a channel to enter the positive universe is known, then the Duofeng Clan will leave. Disaster is imminent...

When they thought of this, both Zhong Xing and Yan Xi's expressions changed drastically, and they quickly started discussing secretly again...

Fortunately, they arrived late this time and did not encounter any robbers. In addition, the fleet has been hidden in space, and the appearance of the small airship is also very ordinary, without the special symbol of the Duofeng clan, so there is no need to worry about being exposed for the time being. possible.

But this hidden danger definitely deserves their vigilance. Therefore, the two decided that they could temporarily follow the fleet of the trading company, but they must not show up. In addition, the needle tiger must be kept secret, especially not to leak any information about the Duofeng clan. .

Now the two of them have secretly regretted it, because they actually revealed the name of their race to Needle Hu before. If someone from the Dark Universe learns of it, they will easily think of themselves, because the Duofeng clan has a certain status in the Dark Universe. Well-known, maybe someone happens to know about it...

Therefore, the two of them also made a backup plan. If they found that something was wrong, they would probably have to arrest all the people from the Black Planet Trading Company. In addition, they would rather not have this batch of goods, but they must leave Jialan Star quickly to avoid encountering another incident. People from the Dark Universe…

Zhong Xing was a little worried, but he suddenly thought of a possibility and said, "Could it be that he is also from here, but has dark spiritual power?"

When Yan Xi heard this, he thought: "Of course this is a possibility! But, is it less likely?"

"But why?"

"This man can commit crimes so easily,

If the Black Planet Trading Company's formations and all protections are regarded as nothing, their cultivation level must be very high. Even if people in the righteous universe have dark elements, it is difficult to have a good cultivation environment. If they want to achieve such a high level of cultivation, How easy is it to achieve realm? ” Yan Xi analyzed.

" indeed the case..." Zhong Xing agreed.

"But maybe there are exceptions!" Yan Xi suddenly said with a shock.

"What did you think of?" Zhong Xing asked urgently.

"Elder, isn't there that dark energy nebula here? It is of a very high level. If someone discovers it and practices there for a long time, it is possible to reach a higher level!"

"Yes..." Zhong Xing suddenly realized.

Since my own fleet can discover the dark energy nebula, it is possible that people with dark factors nearby may also discover it. It is only logical that they go there to practice!

"It seems we don't need to panic, just be careful..." Zhong Xing said with a sigh of relief.


When the two of them thought about this possibility, they were really relieved, because even if they were found to be people with dark factors, they could still argue that they were from the positive universe. After all, there were quite a few people with dark factors in the positive universe. People, and in the dark universe, there are also many people with positive factors. Therefore, the previous worries are a bit excessive. Of course, this kind of worry is also necessary. When operating in the positive universe, you must be careful in everything!

The Black Planet Commercial Fleet flew over half of the planet and finally arrived at its destination—Taikoo City!

This city is a prosperous city with a large population, a prosperous economy, intensive business exchanges, and its main water and land transportation are extremely convenient, and can radiate to a relatively wide area around it. No wonder it has been designated as the location for touring performances by Feimi. one.

With the arrival of Feimi's performance team, Taikoo Shing is immersed in an atmosphere of restlessness and carnival these days. In order to grab a ticket, countless people are scrambling and trying every means, some asking for high prices, and some blocking the way. Some of the robbers were those who were accommodating, and some were planning to enter illegally. Even Ling Daozi discovered that someone was secretly digging a tunnel to enter the performance venue...

The Jialan Star has now been monitored by Ling Daozi, so Feimi, the trading firm and other related forces are all under his surveillance.

At this moment, he was following the merchant fleet. The progress of the matter was quite complicated and tortuous, which made him quite interesting. It was hard to think whether he was happy or not...

"Hey, Feimi...Yutong...Zhaojiu...Lingting clan..." Ling Daozi murmured, and the smile on his face became wider.

This time he followed Zhong Xing and the dying airship back to Jialan Star, and did not take any action along the way. Therefore, it was not him who was responsible for Che Ji, Zhen Hu and others being stripped naked, and the storehouse of the trading company being robbed. In fact, this matter happened just before he came to Black Planet Trading Company, so Ling Daozi was also extremely interested in this matter.

And with the successful deployment of his monitoring network and the continuous flow of information, he has slowly learned the truth of the matter...

As Zhong Xing and Yan Xi had guessed before, another race from the dark universe appeared here, called the Lingting tribe. As for how they came to the positive universe and how they came to Jialan Star, it remains to be understood.

The civilization level of this Lingting tribe is probably at the late fourth level or at its peak. Their strength is similar to that of the Yimi civilization, higher than that of Jialan Star, but not much higher. The gap in strength is not large, so they do not dare to act recklessly.

The Lingting tribe seems to have taken a fancy to the obsidian mines on Jialan Planet, and they are plundering them here during this period. However, their methods are not like the Duofeng tribe. Instead, they rob openly and covertly. Last time it was exactly Their leader Zhao Jiu and his men took advantage of Feimi's performance to secretly loot the warehouse of Black Planet Trading Company. Later, they skinned Che Ji, Zhen Hu and others naked before leaving...

So what happened to the one named Yutong?

This person is the boss behind Feimi's performance team, and controls the performance actions of Feimi and other entertainers. Since this industry often has access to the top leaders of the major forces on Jialan Star, Yutong has an extremely wide network of contacts. She is good at dancing and has very good information, so she was spotted by Zhao Jiu, who took advantage of some opportunities to capture her, and made Yutong devoted to him and obeyed his words.

This time, the Black Planet Trading Company suddenly made a fortune and asked Yutong to discuss inviting Feimi to perform a special performance. This surprised Yutong and revealed the news to Zhaojiu.

Naturally, Zhao Jiu would not let go of such an opportunity, so he instructed Yutong to take the extra order, and he led others to follow him. He took advantage of Feimi's performance to calm everyone down, and successfully robbed it easily!

However, what made Zhao Jiu feel a little annoyed was that he originally thought he could make a big fortune this time. Unexpectedly, the Black Planet Trading Company claimed to have made a fortune, but the obsidian in the warehouse was of extremely low grade and was not worth much at all. It’s just superficial, I guess I’m crazy about wanting to get rich, I’m bragging...

In a rage, he simply stripped Cheji, Zhenhu and others of their pigs and returned angrily...

In his opinion, it was good enough not to take the lives of these perverts, but taking away some of their belongings and obsidian was nothing at all...

Now, Zhao Jiuzheng and Yutong are having fun in their palace...

Yutong seemed to be a little preoccupied. He stopped eating soon and sighed, "The people from Black Planet Trading Company are coming soon. Are you not worried at all?"

"Hey, why are you absent-minded today? It turns out it's because of this!" Zhao Jiudao said.

"Aren't I worried about you? They must have a large group of people. Our band is unarmed, and you don't have many people..." Yutong said.

"Haha, do you really think there are only a dozen of us?" Zhao Jiu laughed.

"Isn't it?!" Yutong was startled.

"Of course not! Our people were scattered around the world to rob obsidian mines. Now the task is basically completed, and people are coming back one after another!"

"How many people are there?!" Yutong asked in surprise.

"Tens of thousands of people!"

"What?! Count... tens of thousands of people?!" Yutong was stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

"Well, there are tens of thousands of people who can come back, and even more who can't come back. The total number is about one hundred thousand. Even I can hardly remember it." Zhao Jiu said proudly.

"Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me earlier, you bastard?! I've been so haggard and worn out these days that I even had my belt loose..." Yutong's pink fist fell on Zhao Jiu, accusing him.

"Hey, what's there to say? Even if they don't come back, with just a dozen of us, we can beat those perverts to the point where their souls will leave their bodies!"

"How is this possible?! You can't underestimate others..."

"Hmph, how powerful can a small trading company be? If I had known you were so worried about me, I would have killed them one by one last time, and there wouldn't have been so many problems!" Zhao Jiu said fiercely.

"You?! Absolutely not! Absolutely not! You can't be so messy in the Jialan world..." Yutong said in shock.

"Why not? There is only one consequence for offending me. Last time I kept silent for the sake of their property. This time they are coming to kill me. I have no choice but to do what they want!" Zhao Jiu said coldly.

Yutong was stunned when he heard this, his eyes widened, as if he had just met Zhao Jiu...

Zhao Jiu was a little annoyed by her look and snorted: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Did you...have you planned to kill them all for a long time?!"

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