The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2728 Mojie Clan

Latest website: Xiaoxing smiled when he heard this and said: "Your Excellency is right! We are indeed familiar with the starry sky where the Tianwu Clan is, but there are more unknowns over there with the Lingting Clan, so let's go there!"

"Yes, we go to the dark universe. On the one hand, we collect dark pole particles and generate primary particles. On the other hand, we study the energy distribution of the universe and the extension of the channels, so as to better determine the relationship between the dark universe and the dark universe. The boundary, as for the black hole..." Li Yun thought.

"Black holes can be studied here, and they can be studied there. The monitoring network we have deployed here is studying the central black hole of this galaxy all the time, and the information will be continuously transmitted to the think tank without any delay. Yes!" Xiaoxing said.

"What if I'm blocked by the passage?"

"If you follow Xiaonu's suggestion and take the Duofeng Clan passage, you may be blocked, because that passage is not very stable, but if you take the Lingting Clan passage, you won't, because the energy level there is higher and more stable. It has been used for a long time..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That's very good. Moreover, we also need to inquire about the origin of the belief in Dongtian. Judging from the situation of the Tianwu Clan, there does not seem to be anything about belief in Dongtian in the current information. Therefore, the suspicion of the Tianwu Clan is relatively small. We should still Go over there and have a look!" Li Yun continued.

"Okay! Shall we set off right away?" Xiaoxing asked urgently.

"It seems you can't wait..."

"Hey, this shows that Xiaonu's thirst for knowledge is very strong! Only by maintaining a strong interest in unknown things can we continue to make progress, otherwise it will be like sailing against the current, not making progress or retreating!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Well said! If a person loses his desire for knowledge, it can basically declare that his wisdom development has come to an end. If wisdom does not develop, it will be difficult to make any progress in self-cultivation and practice, but..."

"But what?"

"The battle between the dark energy nebula and the positive matter cluster is still going on, and it seems that it will continue for a long time. No matter who wins or loses between them, it may have a greater impact on the Ika solar system. We A starship needs to be left here to watch, and at the same time, the time in the dark universe cannot be too long..." Li Yun thought.

"That's no problem! We'll go through Lingting Passage, and then we can come back through Duofeng Passage, and we'll be right here!" Xiaoxing planned.

"Yes, this is good! Then let's pack up and go..."


After some arrangement,

The Juyuan Cloud surrounding the core area of ​​the nebula is still tightly wrapped there, and a Starship Ship is still left to guard it. In fact, the people on the main stars have returned to various civilizations in the Starry Castle, so Leaving became easy.


Xingyun Castle made a beautiful turn, plunged deep into the starry sky, and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars...

Even the four major civilized forces in the castle didn't know about this trip to the dark universe, because Li Yun and Xiaoxing went with a mission, instead of traveling in the starry sky like before.

If you are in a traveling state, you can naturally open the eyes of the people in the castle, but doing so will also waste a lot of time, because to ensure that they can see clearly and comprehensively, you will naturally lose more time costs.

Now, the two main goals are to collect dark pole particles and primary particles, to investigate the origin of the Belief Cave, and to examine the boundaries and energy distribution of the universe on both sides. These are extremely secretive actions that require not only flexible actions , and the speed should be as fast as possible...

Therefore, only the dark team in the castle knew the news. Everyone in this team was extremely excited when they heard about this mission. They did not expect that there is such a magical universe, and it is very suitable for their own abilities. No matter what, I also need to get to know him well...

The number of people in this team now exceeds one billion. This number can be said to have reached the extreme, because the total population in Star Fortune Castle has exceeded one hundred billion, and only so many people can be selected from such a large population base. Come.

But after Xiaoxing's organization, the level of power that these billion people can exert has been extremely high. Especially after the polyprimordial substance was created, the dark energy they accumulated from their daily practice and battles is rising sharply. Strongly supported the actions of Li Yun and Xiaoxing.

This team includes Tuke, Duo Huan, Shang Yun, Gedun and other people from the Soul Machine Palace, as well as Wentian, Yangshan, Chu Cheng, Hunte, Mi Tao Fairy and other people from the Soul World. In addition, there are Sui Huan and others in the lower realm...

It took less time for Xingyun Castle to arrive at the periphery of the passage used by the Lingting tribe. Looking around, there didn't seem to be anything particularly unusual there. There was a large, faint nebula, but it was also very special. The thinness is very common in the starry sky of the positive universe.

I am afraid that the people of the universe would never have thought that in this normal starry sky, there is such a huge secret hidden, and there is a passage that can lead to another universe...

However, if there are people with dark elements and their cultivation level is quite high, they should be able to vaguely discover its extraordinary features.

In the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, this starry sky seems extremely extraordinary, because they can clearly feel that there is a relatively powerful dark energy attracting them...

However, they are not in a hurry. Of course, they also maintain considerable awe for the dark universe, including this passage. How it was formed is also shocking!

They did not rush into the nebula rashly, but first set up a monitoring network to see what the situation was like...

Soon, the entrance to the passage was found. As expected, the place has been controlled by someone, and a rather advanced formation has been deployed. This formation belongs to the dark system, and it is even difficult for people in the universe to detect it, let alone Said to crack it.

But this does not pose a difficulty to the two of them. With their current thinking speed, which is close to the speed of light, they can unravel this formation very quickly without the help of a think tank. Under the control of Xiaoxingdi, The monitor passed through the loopholes in the formation and was smoothly deployed inside...

The information started rolling in quickly…

The force that controls this passage is called the Mojie Clan. Their status should be equivalent to that of the Heavenly Witch Clan before. They also control the dark starry sky outside the passage. It is also because of this that they have the ability to openly trade in this passage. Exorbitant passage fees were charged to passing fleets.

The Mojie tribe has controlled this passage for a very long time. It can be seen that they have been entrenched in the dark universe for many years and are becoming more and more powerful. No one will directly challenge them to seize this passage...

According to their data, the average fleet passage time in this channel is about ten years, which is three times shorter than the Duofeng Clan's channel. Therefore, the energy level of this channel is higher and the operation is faster. Stable and more attractive.

Of course, when it comes to channel fees, it is not so attractive. Most of the costs of many fleets are spent on this, and the others are negligible in comparison.

As the monitor continued to deepen, this passage was finally revealed in front of Li Yun and Xiaoxing!

"Huh? This place is still dominated by positive energy and positive matter?" Li Yun was slightly startled and wondered.

"Your Majesty is right. This section of the channel is close to the positive universe, so its energy and matter are mainly positive systems. I believe that as the channel progresses, dark system factors will appear..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes..." Li Yun suddenly realized.

These channels can be said to be the intersection of the positive and dark universes, where positive and dark factors must be blending with each other. Close to the positive universe, the forces of positive energy and positive matter are stronger, so the positive factors have the upper hand!

But you can also see signs of dark elements appearing in it from time to time...

"Sir, this side of the passage entrance is actually quite stable, but as the passage goes deeper and the positive and dark factors blend more, the passage becomes less stable..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That makes sense! Judging from the model, the dark energy force of the dark universe extends over there, and the positive energy force of the positive universe extends over there. The junction between the two should be the most unstable!" Li Yun agreed.

"Exactly! Especially since the energy level of this channel is relatively high, where the positive and dark energy forces meet, it will probably become a more dangerous place!" Xiaoxing continued.

"But a fleet of the same caliber as the Lingting fleet can pass through smoothly, so it doesn't seem that dangerous, right?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"The level of the Lingting fleet can reach the peak of level four, so it is not very weak. Also, if the Mojie tribe wants to do this business, of course they must ensure that the passing fleet can pass safely, so I guess they have also taken some measures to do so. Help them pass smoothly..." Xiaoxing guessed.

"Not bad! You still have to go to the scene to see it to know..."

After a short period of time, the monitor had caught up with the Lingting fleet that had entered the channel before and found that they were flying at full speed...

"Hehe, they are just crawling..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"Of course it's impossible to compare with our monitors that are close to the speed of light!" Li Yun said.

"Huh? There is a fleet coming? The business of the Mojie clan is good..."

"It's indeed good. This also shows that there are many powerful races in the dark universe, and many races have set their sights on the main universe and want to get crystals here..." Li Yun sighed.

"It seems we can't lag behind. We want to represent the positive universe and get all the money from the dark universe!" Xiaoxing said ambitiously.

"How can we alone be enough? Now it seems that the positive universe has completely fallen behind, and many people in the positive universe have not realized that their world is being invaded by people from the dark universe, and do not even have any awareness of risks. It is really sad... "

"Don't worry, sir! Our Xingyun Castle is enough! What's the use of those backward positive universe civilizations? Their going to the dark universe will only hold us back, and they won't be able to give us any help..."

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