The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2731 Artificial Storm

Latest website: "That's right! Without soaking for a long time, no matter how powerful the eye of the storm is, the spirit of life cannot appear!" Justin agreed.

"So, the possibility that this eye of the storm is the product of a certain force cannot be ruled out! During this time, I have been thinking that if this is true, which force is most likely to be able to create such a terrifying thing?" Xuan Ji pondered.

"I wonder if we, the Mojie tribe, can build it ourselves?" Justin asked.

"Absolutely impossible! If it's a level nine storm, it's still possible, but a level ten storm is very difficult, let alone a storm eye of level sixteen or above!" Xuanji flatly denied it.

"What? Can we create a level nine storm?" Justin asked suspiciously.

"Commander, what is talent?! Do you think there are many civilized forces that can create a nine-level storm? In our main domain, I only know of those who can do this, and I can count them on ten fingers!" Xuan Thorn hummed.

"Is this... really so difficult?!"

"Of course! Don't look at the fact that there are so many storms in the universe, but they are all generated by the energy of the universe in a natural state. Many storms exist for a very short time, and there are even fewer storm spirits! They are born in a natural state. It is easy to create a storm, but if it is created by civilized forces, it will face countless difficulties, such as where does the energy of the storm come from? How to continuously supply it? The higher the level of the storm, the greater the energy required, and such energy is by no means The energy that is commonly used can be compared...and how to control the direction of the storm? You must know that the storm does not even have an outer shell, and the materials inside are all loose, which is completely different from the spacecraft!" Xuanji said loudly.

Justin, Long Wei and others were all stunned when they heard this. Only then did they realize that it was so difficult to create a storm, but the universe is so great that countless storms can be generated easily!

Of course, there is an essential difference between the storms generated by the universe and the storms created by man-made ones, because the storms created by man-made ones exist and develop in a controlled state, while natural storms often end without any problem in the end...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing, who were monitoring above the base, also found it extremely interesting when they heard Xuanji's words!

They did not expect that a storm caused by the synthesis of primary particles from positive and dark pole particles would be interpreted like this by Xuanji. Although Xuanji's interpretation deviated greatly from reality, it was also self-contained. This shows that Xuanji interprets it in this way. The Genius of Thorn is worthy of being a great master, and from Xuan Ji, we can also get a glimpse of the level of the powerful talents of the dark universe. It is indeed very high!

At the very least, his imagination is very rich, and imagination is extremely important for a person's growth.

It’s not that you can’t do many things, it’s that you can’t think of them. But if you imagine them first, you’ll be able to achieve them faster and closer…

The dark universe is full of energy, the environment is complex and changeable, and the challenges faced by life are far more severe than those in the regular universe. Objectively speaking, this is cruel to their growth, but it is also more helpful...

In addition, Xuanji's interpretation also involved the concept of man-made storms, which aroused great interest in the two of them...

That's right!

Countless storms can be seen every day in the universe, but these storms are basically naturally generated and die naturally. What would be different if they were created artificially?

Xiaoxing quickly entered this problem into the think tank and began to build a model for research...

In the eyes of the two of them, as Xuanji said, it is not difficult to create a storm. What is difficult is to create a spiritual storm, because for a storm to be spiritual, it must exist and develop for a long time, which requires solving the problem of energy. issues of origin and continued supply.

"Sir, if we follow our previous method, it seems to be possible! Using the synthesis process of positive and dark pole particles to trigger the surrounding energy tide, thereby driving the generation of a storm. Moreover, as long as the synthesis process is not interrupted, the storm will not disappear... "Xiao Xing thought.

"This method is of course a very advanced approach, but it is still different from the concept mentioned by Xuanji. What he means is to build a storm like a spaceship, and to let it exist and be owned for a long time. Weapon Spirit, and our previous method was to use Xingyun Castle to drive the generation of this storm, so naturally there is no need to worry about its energy source and supply." Li Yun said.

"If it's like what he said, it's still quite difficult! But he actually claimed that the Mojie tribe can create a nine-level storm. This is no small achievement!" Xiaoxing said slightly surprised.

"I think what he said is not the reality. If the Mojie tribe really tries to build it, they may not even be able to create a level nine storm. What Xuanji said is that the Mojie tribe has the ability to control a level nine storm. It's just that kind of energy level. On this basis, it is still possible to create a level nine storm that can exist for a long time and can be controlled." Li Yun analyzed.

"Hehe, Master Xiang is right to say this! This old man Xuanji is so shameless, he scared the little slave into a daze!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"For him, it doesn't matter if he brags in front of people like Justin and Long Wei, but if it's in front of us, he must think twice before speaking, otherwise it will be extremely easy for him to blow his cover..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's right! Xiaonu really wants to go down now and expose his face!" Xiaoxing said fiercely.

"That's not necessary. I just came up with an idea about this man-made storm..."

"What do you think, sir?" Xiaoxing's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Do you still remember the research we did last time on Xuanling Gas Phase One?"


"On a large gaseous planet like Xuanling Gaseous One, the storm on it is almost always like this, and it has even evolved into an internal space like the eye of the storm, which is actually windless..." Li Yun said.

"That's right! Do you want to imitate the mechanism of a gaseous planet to create an artificial storm?" Xiaoxing quickly understood Li Yun's idea.

"That's right! This is exactly what I think. If you look at the gaseous planet from another angle, it is actually a big spiritual storm! It's just that this big storm is quite different from what we usually call the cosmic storm. It appears It has developed a relatively perfect shape, with countless small storms in it, and has also evolved various spaces that allow life to have opportunities to stop and rest, which is conducive to its survival and development... If we imitate the mechanism of Xuanling's gaseous state, not only can Some fixed storms are generated over the years, and it is possible for natural spirits to evolve. Of course, we can also create them in advance, and the internal windless space is the best control space!" Li Yun nodded.

Little !

Because the feasibility of what Li Yun thinks is extremely high, it can no longer be described by imagination, but can be put forward directly into an action plan!

"Your Excellency, your idea is very good! Our artificial storm can be developed according to this idea. Judging from the model..." Xiaoxing said not to be outdone.

"Model? So fast?!" Li Yun was also startled.

"Of course! How can the little slave be so far behind the adults?! In this model, the power of the gaseous planet actually comes from several aspects, including the energy generated by the fusion of the core, and the gravitational force between the center of the earth, the sun and the surrounding stars. The frictional heat generated by the sawing and the energy generated by the splitting of some particles are transferred up layer by layer. As the planet rotates, a storm surge is formed in the outer layer that lasts for many years..."


"For us, the power source of the gaseous planet is too troublesome. We have a simpler method..."

"what way?"

"Juyuan Cloud! A Juyuan Cloud is enough to serve as the core of a gaseous planet. In the Juyuan Cloud, it can absorb high-energy particles such as cathode particles, dark pole particles and primary particles in the universe, and at the same time, it can synthesize them through Particles absorb energy, or split these high-energy particles to release energy. As long as we design it well, we can make this polycloud absorb particles and split particles at the same time, thus achieving the dual purpose of storing energy and supplying energy!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Wo..." Li Yun exclaimed!

Xiaoxing's idea was indeed brilliant, and it solved the two major difficulties raised by Xuanji in one fell swoop!

"After the energy problem is solved, other things will be easier to handle. Our storm spirit can completely control the entire storm through the energy of Juyuan Yun. If you want it to grow, it will grow bigger and stronger. It can also become stronger by swallowing other Use the energy to strengthen yourself. Whatever you want to do, you can do it naturally if you have the energy!" Xiaoxing continued.

"So, can't our man-made storm be generated quickly?" Li Yun said.

"Not bad! Get one first to scare this old man..."

Xuanji was talking about man-made storms with Justin, Long Wei and others in the main hall. His wonderful idea made these people listen with gusto and marveled!

Justin asked: "Master Mo, I wonder how long it will take to create such a man-made storm?"

"It depends on the level of the storm! If it is a small storm like level one or two, it will probably take one to twenty years to build it. If it reaches level five or above, it will take one to two hundred years. , Level 9 to Level 10 storms, it won’t take five hundred years to win..." Xuanji stroked his beard and thought deeply.

"Oh my god!!! Is this too long?" Long Wei shouted from the side.

"No, no, no, what I said is already very conservative! If such a storm is created, it can play a lot of roles, and its value is immeasurable..."

"Oh? I wonder what its value is?" Justin asked quickly.

"Storms strike, monitor the enemy's situation, move wind and rain, and even give birth to special lives..."

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