The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2736 Take the initiative

Latest website: Ao Bo said: "The formation and development of storms in the universe have their own laws. Although we have not seen how this strong wind ball formed and developed to the extent it is now, judging from its appearance and actions, it is not It is difficult to see that it is similar to some small gaseous planets. In the past, the most effective way for us to deal with some small gaseous planets was to first destroy the solid part of its core. A gaseous planet that has lost its core will soon lose its attraction to those gases. , as a result, the gases will all run away, and the storm will naturally disappear..."

"What a great idea! So the waveguide doesn't mean to divert the storm, but to destroy it directly?" Lembel asked urgently.

"No! Destroying it now is not a good idea!" Obo said.

"But why?"

"The strong wind ball is too close to our field now! With its energy level close to level 13, if it is destroyed directly at this time, it is very likely to trigger a terrible explosion, which will affect our smelting field. In some areas, it has serious consequences,” Opo explained.

"Wo..." When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

"What should we do?" Rumbel asked.

"I have thought of a way, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to do it..." Obo pondered.

"Wait a minute!" Ru Zhi from the side interrupted.

Everyone was listening with great interest, but they didn't expect that Ru Zhi stopped Ao Bo from talking at this time, and they couldn't help but be stunned!

"Brother Ru, what advice do you have?" Ao Bo hummed.

"I don't dare to give you advice. I just want to ask Brother Ao, do you really think it is wise for us to ignore the advice of Master Xuanji?" Ruzhi said.

"This... the advice of the great master is of course very important, but he did not explain the specific reason for us to wait passively. This may not mean anything to him, because he is not a direct party. If something goes wrong, If the problem is solved, he can just watch the excitement from the sidelines, but we, the Yeshi clan, are different because we are directly facing this storm. If the passive waiting method does not work, then we at least need to have another set of backup plans. Only then can we save ourselves at the critical moment!" Obo analyzed loudly.

"Brother Ao's words are indeed reasonable!" Ru Zhi couldn't help but praise.

"Haha, thank you Brother Ru! If our backup plan is really good, then why don't we take the initiative? In my opinion,

Instead of passively waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative to create opportunities for ourselves. This is the temperament we cultivators should have most! "Obo said ambitiously.

"Bogui is absolutely right!"

"After listening to what Bo Guide said, why did my head feel so clear all of a sudden?"

"Yes, what Bird said is really wise. Only by taking the initiative can you truly control your own destiny..."

"In my opinion, the Great Moshi might just want to see what happens to us, the Stone Clan, when we are attacked by that big wind ball. He won't care about our life or death!"

"That's right, the Mojie tribe has long disliked us and is afraid of being overtaken by us..."

"That makes sense! Recently, they have been giving us little shoes and setting up tripwires. The purpose behind them is obvious..."

"That's right..."

When Patriarch Lunbeier heard this, he seemed to feel slightly uncomfortable. He quickly waved his hands to stop him and said: "Everyone, we just need to know these things ourselves, but don't speak too loudly. The Great Mo Master Xuanji may be nearby, and besides, Mo Shi The surveillance network of the Jie Clan is everywhere, even though we are in this hall, we should be more careful with what we say!"

"Yes! Patriarch!" Everyone responded in unison.

Rumbell turned to Obo and said, "What is the proactive approach that Bird mentioned just now?"

Ao Bo nodded and said: "The message sent by Master Xuan Jian before mentioned that the energy level of this big wind ball was constantly increasing along the way, and it also swallowed many small energy vortices during this period. This shows that this big wind ball He has a habit of devouring and likes to devour others to strengthen himself!”

"It should be so!" Rumbel suddenly said.

"So, we can set up bait based on its characteristics, use a series of small energy vortices to draw it away, far away, and let it harm others..." Obo said proudly.

"Wow!!!" There was an uproar in the palace.

Everyone is excited about Obo's plan!

What a genius!

He is worthy of being one of the mentors of the Yeshi tribe. His vision and strategy are to be superior to others!

Even Ru Zhi praised highly: "Brother Ao, this is a brilliant plan! If so, why not lead this strong wind ball to the headquarters of the Mojie tribe. Didn't they set up a tripwire for us to wear small shoes? This time let them too Have a taste of this..."

"Wow!!!" There was another uproar in the palace.

Mentors are mentors. Any idea they have can greatly surprise people and make people suddenly enlightened...

"Zhi Dao's strategy is really brilliant!"

"The Mojie tribe should be made to suffer!"

"I hope this storm can pay back all the debts they owe us..."

"That's right..."

The people in the palace were excited and agreed one after another, having long forgotten the clan leader's warning...

Lunbeier and Aobo's eyes lit up when they heard this. They felt that Ruzhi's strategy was really good. On the one hand, it could divert this scourge, and on the other hand, it could make the Mojie tribe suffer. And through the activity of this wind ball, You can also get a glimpse of the strength of the Mojie Clan. This is an excellent investigation for the Yeshi Clan!

As some people in the palace said before, the Mojie tribe does maintain a certain degree of vigilance towards the Yeshi tribe. Since the civilization level of the Yeshi tribe has been improving and it seems to have great stamina, this has become the basis of the Mojie tribe to a certain extent. An unstable factor in Jiexingkong.

Therefore, although the Mojie tribe seems not to care about the Yeshi tribe on the surface, they are actually secretly restricting their development in some aspects. For example, they restrict some races around the Yeshi tribe from trading important resources to the Yeshi tribe. Increase the charges on some interstellar waterways, and these waterways are precisely the important outlets for the export of metallurgical products, providing a large number of low-priced similar products to importing countries of metallurgical products, thereby disrupting the entire market transaction order...

It can be seen that the Mojie tribe’s methods of restricting the Yeshi tribe are extremely clever. They did not directly intervene in the affairs of the Yeshi tribe, but they controlled the import of Yeshi tribe’s resources and the export of their products to achieve subjugation without fighting. The purpose of soldiers!

This also shows that there are many experts in the Mojie tribe. It is not just the Yeshi tribe that has figures like Ru Zhi and Ao Bo. For the Mojie tribe to develop to its current height, genius is naturally indispensable...

The Yeshi Tribe was trapped in small shoes by the Mojie Tribe, but they couldn't tell the story of their suffering, because they didn't care about you at all, and there was nothing in your hands, so if you wanted to expose this matter and argue about it, you couldn't. So we can only take one step at a time, which is why the people in the palace are so aggrieved towards the Mojie clan now.

It is precisely because of their dissatisfaction with the Mojie clan that everyone, including Aobo and Ruzhi, felt uneasy about the previous suggestions made by the great Mojie Xuanji to the Yeshi clan.

In their opinion, this was most likely another ploy by Xuanji to put his own shoes on. When faced with such a catastrophe, how could there be any reason to be so passive and wait for death?

No matter what, you should control your destiny in your own hands. Even if you die, you must die standing up and die vigorously. You must not wait to die in vain!

Soon, the senior leaders of the Yeshi Clan reached a consensus and decided to take action!

The order was issued, and multiple fleets took off one after another on multiple stars under the Yeshi Civilization. They carried various weapons that could create energy fluctuations. After arriving at the destination route, they began to create energy vortices...

For a mid-to-late level five civilization, it is not too difficult to create a fluctuation with an energy level of eight or nine, especially when such energy fluctuations do not require effective control at all. .

Xuanji had said before when analyzing man-made storms that with the level of civilization of the Mojie tribe, it was very possible to develop a level nine man-made storm, and if it did not need to be controlled, it would be almost a certainty.

Now, the Yeshi clan has put his analysis into practice. Their fleet blasted out terrifying shells. These shells exploded at a certain point almost at the same time, causing energy turmoil around them. The space seems to be shaking slightly...

Of course, this is just an illusion. It is impossible for energy waves of level eight or nine to have any impact on the structure of the starry sky.

The Yeshi Clan seems to have some rather special heavyweight cannonballs. Just place a dozen of them together and explode them at the same time to create an energy storm that is as strong as level 9 or above, which will make people stunned!

Such an energy storm was extremely secretive when deployed, and it exploded at a relatively long distance, so that the Great Mo Master Xuanji, who had been following the wind ball, did not realize that it was a trick done by the Yeshi clan behind the scenes. But he could feel the faint energy fluctuations.

"No! Why are there constant energy waves in this starry sky? I'm afraid it will arouse the desire of the wind ball to move..." Xuanji secretly said in shock.

In his opinion, the best way to deal with a strong wind ball is to let it go quietly. Once its desire to devour is aroused, I am afraid it will not stop...

Sure enough, what he worried about finally happened!

I saw that the big wind ball, which was just strolling in the starry sky, seemed to have discovered the energy fluctuations in the distance, and suddenly became energetic. Even the storm route on the wind ball sped up a lot.

"Huhu——" "Huhu——" "Huhuhu——"

The speed of the strong wind ball suddenly accelerated, and it flew rapidly in the direction of the energy fluctuation!

"Oh my God!!!" Xuanji exclaimed, and quickly controlled the small spacecraft to follow closely...

I thought to myself that fortunately, the direction of energy fluctuations does not seem to be where the Yeshi Clan civilization is, but in a more remote direction...


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