The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2749 Xuanji teaches chess

As Li Yun spoke, he connected to the new poetry list and looked at the amount of click support and reward amount. With his keen eyesight and calculation speed, he could see the amount at this time without logging in with his registration number, which made him What is quite shocking is that if the growth rate continues at this rate, I am afraid that once the time of this poem's stay on the new poetry list is over, it may soon occupy a leading position on the general poetry list!

Since many of the poems on the general poetry list have been in the leading position since ancient times, the amount of support and rewards accumulated along the way can be said to have reached a staggering astronomical figure. The poem "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night" No matter how good they are, it is impossible to catch up with them in a short period of time. In addition, some of the poems at the forefront are indeed very good and worthy of appreciation. Such achievements are well deserved.

But the current achievements of this poem are amazing enough. It can be said that the reputation of Liufeng Poet has begun to rise, and it may spread soon.

"Sir, this poem is a single poem that dominates the entire Tang Dynasty. If placed in the dark universe, will it achieve the effect of a single poem that dominates the entire universe?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Maybe...maybe...not fact, it can be done!" Li Yun thought for a moment and said with certainty.

"Oh?!" Xiaoxing was startled.

"This poem has a novel idea and broad mind. It has its own thoughts about the universe. It has beautiful verses, regular rhythm, strange imagination, rich emotions, and magnificent pictures... Every time I think about this poem, I can't help but be attracted to it! The level of this poem has far exceeded the works on these poetry lists. In my opinion, there are many people with a discerning eye in the dark universe, and many people who understand poetry and appreciate poetry. Everyone has a steelyard in their heart, and good works will naturally stand out! This poem Once written, it has actually become the crystallization of human civilization, and it does not belong to Zhang Ruoxu alone! Its vitality, its power, and its appeal are all destined to be passed down forever..."

Li Yun spoke highly of this poem!

"What you said is great! It seems that we really don't need to upload any other verses. We should let Xiaonu upload some Taoist works such as songs and music to Ling Daozi's registration account..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"That's right! If you want to upload music, why not upload Sheng Zhongguo's "Butterfly". I believe there will be many people who resonate with it." Li Yun suggested.

""Butterfly"? Okay, then Xiaonu will upload this song. Originally, Xiaonu planned to upload a simplified version of the adult's song "Tianyun Song"..." Xiaoxing said.

" not good! Because if you upload this song, it will most likely attract the attention of the Lord of the Universe. In that case, the gain will outweigh the loss!"

"Yes..." Xiaoxing suddenly realized!

"Tian Yun Song" plays the sound of the universe,

Every note has the potential to spread extremely far and shake the world. Even the Lord of the Universe hiding in the six-dimensional space can easily catch it. At that time, he can completely follow these notes to find the dark universe. Starry sky, and then you can discover Ling Daozi, and then use this as a breakthrough, maybe you can discover Xiaoxing and Li Yun soon!

Naturally, the two of them cannot compete with the Lord of the Universe now, so they must hide themselves first, and then find ways to quickly improve their overall strength...

"What do you recommend about singing and dancing?" Xiaoxing asked.

"We have a large number of works in the past, such as Slim's, Fairy Andai's, Universiade Palace Human Model Team, and Feimi's sexy performance last time. You can pass on whatever you want..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What about the one-person-one-sound-at-a-time music performance in the spiritual world?"

"Whatever you want! As long as you can make money..."

"Okay! It seems that we can completely transmit the culture of Xingyun Castle to the outside world, first promote it in the dark universe, and then show its power in the normal universe!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"I'm afraid that if this happens, Kangtian civilization will trigger many people to come to search for the birthplace of these songs and dances..." Li Yun said.

"That's for sure! The town of Shiku will become famous all over the world!"

This is because both Liufeng and Ling Daozi are registered in Shiku. It is estimated that from now on, as a large number of fans flock there, that town will never have peace again...

"Okay, Hailiang, Xuanji and others are coming here quickly..."

"My lord's fan group has arrived!"

Sure enough, not long after, a large group of people arrived outside the Grand Chess Club, and the leader was Hai Liang, the leader of Kangtian Civilization.

Followed by a large group of high-level officials, everyone was eager to see Liu Feng. When they came to the door, they were blocked by people from the chess club!

"Tianzun, please stop!" the guard said.

"What?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Tianzun, please forgive me! Master Siyuan and Liufeng are playing chess to prepare for the upcoming star chess match, so it is not appropriate to disturb..." the guard explained.

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned.

"Elders, please watch the chess game in the hall outside. When they finish the game, you can naturally see them!" the guard said.

"Okay...Okay..." Hailiang said helplessly.

These people were rejected and had no choice but to watch the chess game in the lobby outside. A large space had been vacant for them, so they quickly took their seats and started watching...

At this sight, everyone was involuntarily attracted. They saw that the chess game had only started not long ago. Liufeng held white and Siyuan played black. Each had played more than a dozen pieces, but the people in the hall had already experienced the thrilling turbulence of the chess game. , everyone looked a little dizzy, and even the arrival of Hailiang and others did not cause a sensation among them...

Song Zeng, Jing Hui, Zhuo Guang and others were still awake, but some of the others were on the verge of death, so they had to close their eyes and adjust their breathing, not daring to look anymore...

Xuanji came with Hailiang and others. Naturally, he wanted to see what kind of person Liufeng, who had just become famous among the Kangtian tribe, was, especially the chess skills he was good at. He needed to know more about it. Maybe in the next starry sky In the chess match, Liufeng will also face off against the Mojie tribe!

Xuanji himself is also a good chess player, and his level can be said to be higher than Siyuan's. He did not participate in the last competition. The reason was not for other reasons, but because he was focused on his own research project and forgot about the results. Already…

He was of course completely shocked when he heard what Jin Huang said about Liu Feng's "Ten Sons Set Ten Plates" and the magical display of the Great Wind Sphere. He was extremely regretful that he could not see such a miracle on the spot. People are frustrated.

Now watching the game between him and Siyuan live, the feeling was different from before. He could watch and ponder at the same time to further confirm Liufeng's chess prowess...

Soon, he found that he seemed to be confused about the purpose of Liufeng's chess pieces!

If he were to play against Siyuan on his own terms, those chess moves would appear completely different. And what exactly is Liu Feng's chess style? I really can’t tell…

"It's's weird..."

Xuanji's thoughts turned around and he realized that there was a big problem, because from the first move of Liufeng's chess, he felt that the game was a bit inexplicable, and it was completely inconsistent with the chess record of Mojie Starry Sky!

It can be said that the chess played by Liufeng has no trace of the chess players of Mojie Xingkong. Even including the chess players of other Xingkong, no one plays chess like Liufeng!

"What's going on? Why did his chess pieces fall here?" Xuanji thought hard...

At this moment, Hailiang turned around and said, "Master Xuan, can you tell us about chess? This game is really puzzling..."

"This...can..." Xuanji said bravely.

Here, he is the only one from the Mojie tribe, and he is also known as one of the masters in the chess world. He can't escape from the battle, right?

Xuanji stepped onto the podium steadily while concealing his broken heart. In fact, even he couldn't understand it. How could he explain it to others?

He stared at the chessboard closely, and suddenly an idea flashed through his mind: "Yes, Liufeng's chess is indeed incomprehensible, but Siyuan's chess has no problem at all, so I will talk more about Siyuan's chess." Just chess!"

In his opinion, with Liufeng's "ten pieces determine ten games" chess strength, it does not seem to be a problem to defeat Siyuan, so it is understandable that he does not understand it, but can Liufeng really defeat Siyuan? Whether the information is absolutely true or not, you need to be there to witness it!

To be honest, now he finally sees Liufeng here with his own eyes. He looks like a young man. Is his chess ability really that high?

At Liufeng's age, it was a miracle to be able to sit in front of Siyuan and play against him, let alone defeat him. Thinking of this, Xuanji couldn't help but have a big question in his mind...

So he said: "Everyone, this chess game is still in the opening stage, so we can review it from the beginning. The first piece, Siyuan, takes Liufeng's left corner star all the way to the right. This is a very normal start. The purpose of coming down is to see how Liufeng responds and then plan his next move..."

Everyone nodded after hearing this...

"Generally speaking, if you go black first, you have to take the initiative to maintain your advantage of being the first mover. It is a better strategy to gain more ground. I believe everyone will understand this..." Xuanji continued.

Everyone nodded again and again...

Jing Hui said: "That's what the master said! Generally speaking, in the opening stage, everyone will move faster in order to occupy some strategic points as soon as possible. Therefore, the response at this time will be in the diagonally diagonal positions of the chessboard, so as to We achieved a balance of power with the opponent, but why did Liufeng's first response fall on the big angle of my master's son? I wonder what his intention was?"

"If this piece falls here, you can restrict the Heizi from moving in this direction. If Heizi is allowed to drop two pieces here, it will be difficult to keep this big corner..." Xuanji said vaguely.

"This...even so, I still feel that this player's efficiency is too low and should not be at the pace of the start..." Jinghui insisted.

"Xiao Jing, everyone's chess style is different. You can't agree on the position of the pieces. If everyone makes the same moves, then... wouldn't the chess games become the same? How exciting would that be?" Xuanji said.

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