The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2752 Lian Chunqiu

Wan Shitong's expression changed slightly, which attracted the attention of the restaurant owner, and he quickly asked: "Lao Wan, could something happen again?"

"Liu Feng... Liu Feng... incredible! Who is he?!" Wan Shitong murmured.

"Isn't he the young genius you just mentioned? He is indeed very powerful. Ten sons will have ten games..." the restaurant owner said.

"But this is only one aspect of his talent. Look at this again..."

As Wan Shitong spoke, he raised his fat right hand, and a light curtain popped up. It was Mojie Xingkong's new poetry list. At this time, the first one was the song "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night", which was extremely conspicuous!

"Spring River Flower Moonlight Night...Flowing Wind? Could it be that he also wrote this poem?" The restaurant owner asked in surprise.

"That's right! It's him! This poem is so well written, so good. No wonder it shot to the top of the new poetry list not long after it was listed!" Wan Shitong said in shock.

"Oh my god..." The restaurant owner and the guys next to him were in an uproar.

Of course they knew how difficult it was to do this, so they couldn't wait to recite this poem...

Master Wan Shitong and the restaurant owner were soon fascinated by this poem. They were immersed in the artistic conception of the poem, shaking their heads and unable to extricate themselves...

This scene was captured by Xiaoxing and passed to Li Yun to watch. Both of them were very happy...

Moreover, Xiaoxing keenly seized this opportunity and checked and searched for Wan Shitong's information. Since Wan Shitong's account is the highest level in Bogeke Information Network, as long as he copies it, he can directly access this account in the future. The core of the information network, you can do whatever you want!

Cutting into the core of the information network, all the information on Wan Shitong was captured by the think tank in an instant!

But the net spirit has no idea about this...

"Sir, it's successful!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Oh? How about it?"

"Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu built a secret base on a desolate planet in Mojie Starry Sky, specializing in making faith travertine! While they were making travertine, they cultivated cave spirits. When the time is right, they will put the cave spirit into the travertine. Then use the channel to transport them to the positive universe, where they can be released in all directions to let them grow on their own. Of course, in the end, they can go to the positive universe to summon them to gather together,

Let’s deal with Tiangang Baoxing together! "Xiao Xing said simply.

"A desolate planet? Can the location be determined?"

"no problem!"

"Where is the Gangbao Star that day?"

"I know it too! In a certain galaxy in the positive universe, it is far away from our previous galaxy... The passage leading there should be a passage on the side of the Ice Crystal Clan!"

"I see..." Li Yun let out a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that the main task of this trip could be completed so easily!

It is said to be easy, but in fact it is not. If the level of the think tank had not reached the current level, how could it be possible to enter the dark universe information network of a higher civilization?

How could it be possible to find out from countless pieces of information that Bogeke and Yang Qinju might be suspected of manipulating this matter?

How is it possible to find and lock in the know-it-all in the vast sea of ​​people?

How could it be possible to capture all his information instantly while he was confused?

And here, there are also the previous operations of Li Yun and Xiao Xing, which made Wan Shitong shocked by Liu Feng's information, and he exposed everything when he lost his mind!

At this time, Wan Shitong was still immersed in the charming poetry of "Spring River Flowers and Moonlight Night", unaware that his Bogeke had all fallen...

I don't know how long it took for him to come back to his senses from the artistic conception of this poem, but he found that there were people all around him, and these people were all immersed in the poetry. This made him extremely emotional for a moment, and he was so impressed by Liu Feng's poem. Love is even more appreciated!

With a flick of his hand, he rewarded this poem with a large amount of money, and murmured: "Lian Chunqiu is known as a troubadour, and the poems he wrote are nonsense. They are a billion and eighty million miles away from Liufeng... Huh?" !Ling Daozi?!!!"

Wan Shitong was suddenly startled again, feeling uneasy...

What makes him a little unbelievable is why strange things and strange people have been appearing in the southern part of Mojie Starry Sky recently?

This is the rhythm of becoming an information hotspot...

There have been eye storms, strong wind balls, dark blood beast disasters, and Liufeng's Ten Sons Ding Shipan, "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night", but I didn't expect that Ling Daozi would appear now!

However, looking at Ling Daozi's account, in addition to having his own singing and dancing music, he also created a Universiade Palace force, which also has various Taoist works. It can be seen that his ability is not as strong as that of Liufeng. Down!

"Huh? There are actually Liu Feng's works? One person, one music world? Is there any relationship between Liu Feng and Ling Daozi?" Wan Shitong quickly thought of this.

He thought for a moment and clicked on this performance. It looked like...


The starry sky chessboard performance instantly caught everyone's attention, and the entire restaurant erupted in exclamation, quickly attracting people from outside to watch. It didn't take long for the place to become a viewing center, surrounded by people ten floors inside and ten outside. layer, the key is that even if these people cannot see with their eyes, they can still see through their spiritual consciousness, so more and more people gather, and their scope of influence becomes wider and wider...

"Oh my god..."

"So beautiful!!!"

"Simply stunning! Unparalleled!!"

"Beautiful scenery, beautiful people, beautiful dance, beautiful music... everything is beautiful!"

"So beautiful...I'm going to get drunk, drunk..."

"Such a performance is really pleasing to the eye, unprecedented..."

"That's right..."

The audience was mesmerized and couldn't contain their excitement. They shouted and cheered for the model team members...

Those in the periphery who missed the previous scenes have made their own lists and called up Ling Daozi's works to enjoy. Now it's even worse. The light curtains pop up one after another. Countless people can't take their eyes away from it, their hearts are surging, and they can't praise it. Absolutely…

"It's over, it's over, it's so beautiful!"

"Genius, so genius!"


"Look, someone is playing music..."


When Li Yun's music sounded, everyone was transfixed. They felt the music blowing through their hearts like a warm breeze and a clear spring. The dry heart that had not melted for thousands of years was suddenly melted, rising with the wind, and flying with the same tune...

The Taoism conveyed in the music was so contagious that everyone involuntarily swayed, twisted, jumped, and spun to the rhythm of the music...

Even Wan Shitong couldn't help but dance, looking younger and more brisk as he danced. Coupled with his bloated figure, he looked a little ridiculous...

In fact, the power of Taoism revealed from the light curtain is extremely weak, but people with strong Taoism are extremely sensitive to the capture of Taoism, especially the wonderful joy conveyed by Li Yun, can It easily hits their hearts, so that these people can be nourished and infected by Taoism even when they watch the performance on the light screen...

Of course, everyone knows that if they can go to the scene to watch and experience it, I am afraid this feeling will be thousands of times stronger!

This scene soon fell into Li Yun's eyes. He looked at the people staggering around in the chess viewing hall, and his face couldn't help but smile even more. It seemed that people in the dark universe generally had stronger moral principles, so they were subject to their own moral principles. The impact will be greater, there is no doubt about it...

"Sir, even Spring and Autumn are connected!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Lian Chunqiu? Okay!"

Li Yun looked quickly and found that his appearance was somewhat opposite to that of Wan Shitong. He was tall and thin, with a rather gloomy face, slightly cold and aloof, which was similar to the cave spirit in the cave stone.

From this point, we can basically judge that those cave spirits were probably cultivated by him, and there must be part of his consciousness in them!

Judging from the information, this matter was led by Lian Chunqiu. It was he who first discovered the Tiangang Treasure Star and planned the entire incident.

Because Wan Shitong also discovered the Tiangang Treasure Star later, some conflicts broke out between the two parties. In the end, the two felt that the gains outweighed the losses by continuing this way, so they simply cooperated, and then the Faith Travertine Project was released.

This plan has been in operation for a long time, and it has been so long that neither of them is that concerned about it. From the time when the two of them were at a lower level, when Bogeke and Yang Qinju were not very big, until now, the two of them have Both have become superpowers, and both information forces have become existences across the stars. It has indeed gone through a long time in between.

Both of them know that the growth of those stone spirits requires time, opportunities, and a lot of energy and material. Therefore, only when they all grow up can they possibly deal with Tiangang Baoxing, otherwise it will be in vain.

Therefore, every time a group of faith cave stones and cave spirits are created at that planet base, they will send them to the positive universe for distribution according to the established plan, and summon some nearby stone spirits to come over and see how the situation is, and in their time On the surface, there is still a long period of time before the official implementation of snatching the Tiangang Treasure Star...

Lian Chunqiu was riding a ferocious-looking monster, wandering at the junction of the river and the sea. The scenery here was magnificent, the moonlight was like water, there were continuous strange trees on the bank, and there were many sandbars in the river. The flowers and plants on the sandbars were lush and light. The mist is thin, the sea tide is coming towards the river mouth, stirring up the sound of crashing waves. Countless lives are flying high and low here, jumping and diving, which makes people feel broad-minded!

He murmured something in his mouth, and he didn't know what verse he was reciting. Suddenly, he seemed to be slightly startled and said suspiciously: "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night? Liufeng? Who is this? Can he climb to the first place?!"

"The tide of the spring river reaches the level of the sea, and the bright moon on the sea rises with the tide..."

As soon as Lian Chunqiu read these first two sentences, his eyes couldn't help but look at the bright moon that had just risen on the sea in the distance, and he suddenly became crazy!

Isn’t this what is written about the scene in front of you? Why can't I write such a beautiful poem after reading it for so long?

"The twinkling waves follow the waves for thousands of miles, but there is no moon on the spring river!"

Oh my gosh! ! !

It's so beautifully written! It's so wonderful!

Lian Chunqiu couldn't believe that there was such a poem in the world, which could completely bring the scene in front of him to life!

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