The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2754 Xiangsu Fairy

The financial situation mentioned by Lian Chunqiu is mainly related to the income of Yangqinju Information Network.

For his power, the main source of income is of course from the information services of this website.

In the dark universe, information networks are criss-crossed, and almost every force, big or small, has its own information network layout. The know-it-all Bogeke Network and Lian Chunqiu's Yangqinju Network are undoubtedly the two largest networks among them.

Other information networks are basically local networks, mainly serving their own needs, but these two large networks cover all the starry skies. However, and only cover a few starry skies each, not all. Coverage, the two forces combined can achieve the effect of covering the entire known dark universe.

In fact, the various lists of each starry sky are mainly released through these two large information networks, and the release effect of various works is naturally controlled by them, and the income is controlled through various means. It's natural.

In fact, this is like occupying an important resource and platform, involving everyone, and then treating these people as pigs and sheep, and cutting their flesh from them for profit.

For example, each registered account needs to pay a fee every once in a while to keep the account, so this fee is a relatively fixed income for the information network, because few people will cancel after registering, and everyone will There is a need to contact and inquire about external information, so they will try their best to keep their accounts.

In addition, if they want to watch the works, they naturally need to buy them, which is another source of income.

There are also various information and videos produced by offline outlets, which will of course be more secretive, comprehensive and sophisticated, making them worth the money. These incomes should be the focus.

Just now Lian Chunqiu mentioned the exquisite video information about making Liufeng. This information will definitely provide a comprehensive introduction to Liufeng and continue to track it. However, many key information will be hidden or controlled on the information network. This is very important to Yang Qinju. There was no difficulty at all, because half of the information network was under their control, and he believed that the know-it-all Bogge had similar control.

In fact, after he reached a cooperation with Wanshitong, many of the operations of and became consistent. This result is actually conducive to their joint control of the information rights of the dark universe.

Therefore, if you want to know more about Liufeng and Lingdaozi Universiade Palace, it is best to go to various outlets to purchase, or if you have a senior account of Yangqinju, you can pay to check some advanced information on the information network...

Whether it’s Bogeke or Yangqinju, they have already done everything possible to make money, otherwise they wouldn’t have developed to the extent they have today.

As for why financial resources are still tight, it is naturally related to the fact that they have been implementing the Belief Cave Plan, which has eaten up a considerable part of their profits...

However, in the eyes of Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu, such investment is worth it. As long as they can finally get the Tiangang Treasure Star, everything will be earned back!

However, what they did not expect was that their information network had now fallen into the hands of Li Yun and Xiao Xing. In other words, Li Yun and Xiao Xing were now much more powerful than them, because not only could they see their respective They can also see each other's information network. In other words, almost all the information network of the dark universe is under the control of these two people!

Whether in the normal universe or the dark universe, having the right to information is the most important thing. There is no doubt about this.

In fact, the two are still dissatisfied with their information network because its level is low, information transmission speed is slow, information retrieval is slow, and there are many cases of loss. Therefore, the two people's goal is to create another coverage network. Monitoring network for the entire dark universe, thereby fully controlling the information rights of the dark universe!

At present, this plan is in progress rapidly. For small stars, the speed of deploying the monitoring network is now close to the speed of light, because each monitor can achieve a flight speed close to the speed of light. However, due to the need for positioning, their forward speed is It must be controlled, so the layout of the entire information network cannot reach the speed of light, but it is definitely an unprecedented high speed in the dark universe...

Before this new network is fully deployed and can only operate partially, it is necessary to control the two large networks Bogeke and Yang Qinju, because all the previous information about the dark universe is in their hands. If you want to understand the dark universe For the past and present, we still have to go through them. As for the future, it is not necessary, but it can also be used as an effective supplement, so it still has great value.

At present, all kinds of information are pouring into the think tank, causing an extremely real dark universe to slowly unfold in front of the two of them, becoming more and more lifelike...

The two people's understanding of the dark universe is increasing rapidly, and their understanding of the energy of the dark system is also rapidly expanding, which directly promotes the Star Fortune Castle civilization to advance slowly but surely...

As Li Yun and Xiaoxing had predicted before, what the Xingyun Castle civilization needs is the research and understanding of the energy of the dark system. With the continuous progress in this area, things including Xingyun Castle and Tianyun World are beginning to happen. With great changes, larger black holes have begun to form on their own!

The emergence of these black holes has provided great help to the research of Li Yun, Xiaoxing and the think tank, making their journey to the dark universe more confident and directional...

Kangtian civilization has been in a state of turmoil recently. Because of the appearance of Liu Feng and Ling Daozi, the border town Shiku suddenly became famous!

In a short period of time, countless Kangtian tribesmen flocked to Shiku, hoping to find the Universiade Palace force and watch their live performance...

And many people from other civilizations came with the caravan!

No matter in the real universe or the dark universe, people's determination to chase stars is extremely firm. In order to see their idols and their favorite programs, fans are willing to pay no matter how high the price.

Therefore, Kangtian Civilization quickly became a hot spot in the Mojie Starry Sky, attracting countless people to visit...

In the depths of the Mojie starry sky, a small fleet was flying silently...

This fleet only has five spaceships. They don't look big in appearance, but they are of a high level, and their outer shell decoration is very dazzling, which is quite conspicuous in the starry sky.

The main ship is the one in the middle. Its shell is silver-white, and it is also decorated with many flowers, plants, and cute animal images. It makes people imagine whether its owner is a woman?

Through the porthole, you can find that the decoration inside is more gorgeous, and, as expected, there are many more females than males. The owner is a woman, a young and beautiful woman with a crown.

In the bridge hall, the woman was looking intently at a large light screen, which was playing the starry sky performance of the Universiade Palace Human Race Model Team and Li Yun's "One Person, One Sound World" performance, with an expression on her face. I am so drunk that my whole body is as soft as a puddle of mud, and I am about to be so excited...

The surrounding maids also saw their delicate bodies trembling violently. They could hardly hold the fruit plates, wine plates, and vegetable plates in their hands, so they quickly put them on the ground and knelt down to watch...

"Princess! Princess!! Princess!!!" Suddenly a guard ran in from outside, shouting all the way.

The crowned woman didn't seem to hear it until the guard shouted: "Princess! There is the latest news about Liufeng!!!"

She was startled when she heard this, and finally woke up after being in a daze for a while, and quickly asked: "What's the latest news?!"

"Liu Feng is not with the Kangtian tribe now, but is following one of their fleets to participate in the Mojie Star Sky Chess Tournament held every ten years, and the location is on Phuket!" the guard said loudly.

"What? You went there! Turn around quickly!" the Baoguan woman said anxiously.

"Yes! Princess!!"

This small fleet quickly adjusted its direction and headed towards the location of Puget Star...

At this time, in the hidden place of this dark starry sky, there was a fleet of space pirates cruising. Of course, they had discovered this fleet of only five spaceships long ago, but they did not rob it. This was not because they cared about her. , but because this fleet is the fleet of the Mojie royal family. Judging from its appearance and level, the crowned woman in it should be Xiangho Fairy, a great-granddaughter of Emperor Mojie.

No one would have thought that Fairy Xiangsu would appear here, and this fleet only has five spaceships. Even though they are all relatively advanced, their combat power is far from enough!

Judging from her previous viewing of Ling Daozi's Daoyi works, it was obvious that she was a fan of Liu Feng, and as soon as she heard that Liu Feng was going to compete in Phuket Star, she immediately asked the fleet to turn around. Therefore, it can be judged that her trip was just to go there. Looking for Liufeng, and it is very likely that he sneaked out...

The space pirate fleet is full of people with very vicious vision. Although this fleet seems to be a hot cake, and it is easy to rob, but if it is really robbed, I am afraid that the consequences will be extremely serious, and the gain will not be worth the loss. Therefore, They could only let Fairy Xiangsui and the others leave.

However, they have gained a lot recently, because there are many fleets going to the Kangtian tribe through this starry sky, and several unlucky fleets have been robbed by them, and almost all of these people's goals are to go to the Kangtian tribe. Looking for Liufeng and Universiade Palace, so they can leisurely continue to set up nets here to catch fish...

In fact, with the spread of Liufeng legends, poems and performances on the information network, and the popularity of Lingdaozi's Universiade Palace program, in addition to this starry sky, within the scope of the Mojie Starry Sky, the fleet heading to Kangtian Civilization is There are more and more space pirates taking the opportunity to get busy. Many novices have paid a heavy price for chasing stars. This situation is getting worse...

The Mojie tribe finally woke up and began to play their role in supervising the starry sky, sending multiple fleets to patrol the starry sky to combat the rampant behavior of space pirates...

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