The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2760 1 cup of calming tea

The two were shocked by the mutation that appeared in the dark blood beast. They knew that in the orthodox racial civilization world of the dark universe, there was no such information, because now Xiaoxing has controlled and , judging from the above information, there is no news about the mutated dark blood beast...

There should be three reasons for this. First, the unknown space in the dark universe is too large. Dark-blooded beasts are mainly distributed in wild and wild lands outside the territory and are not known to these racial civilizations; secondly, the dark-blooded beasts have such mutations. Maybe it hasn't been too long, and it hasn't entered the vision of the civilized people; thirdly, these dark-blooded beasts that have evolved into life ships are not only powerful in combat, but also extremely smart, and they themselves carefully preserve such a Secret, you only need to look at the video that Xiaoxing played before to know this...

At that time, this flat beast fleet launched a surprise attack on that small racial civilization, and deployed manpower on the periphery to intercept all possible distress messages. Moreover, they acted extremely ruthlessly and quickly, and quickly subdued everyone and transferred them to them. In the inner space of the body, he then scraped the ground for three miles, taking away all the resources of this race, and then quickly left!

The whole process takes very little time and you can tell they are already experts at it!

Because the new network has not yet fully covered them, it is a pity that the monitors lost track of them not long after tracking their whereabouts.

However, Xiaoxing is very confident about this. With the expansion capability of the monitoring network, it is estimated that he will catch up with them again soon, and then he will be able to find their lair, and even the development of their civilization...

"Except for the dark blood beasts, which are particularly powerful, what about other life forms in the dark universe?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this question.

"Sir, other life forms are not weak either, but they often fight on their own instead of uniting to fight like the dark-blooded beasts. This way, they are easier to deal with! Xiaonu saw in the information network that some life forms are also extremely Powerful, in terms of individual combat power, they are much stronger than the dark-blooded beasts, but it is difficult for them to compete with the dark-blooded beasts as a whole. Therefore, those life forms occupy less territory than the dark-blooded beasts. When the dark-blooded beasts riot, , they are often driven by the dark blood beasts to rush to the front to fight..." Xiaoxing said.

"I didn't expect the Dark Blood Beast to be so cunning! However, I'm thinking that since the Dark Blood Beast has a life ship like the Flat Beast, will this happen to other life forms as well?" Li Yun thought.

"This... the possibility that the adults mentioned is of course very high, because the individual strength of those living beings is very strong, it is entirely possible for them to become life ships, but they are not as good as the dark-blooded beasts in terms of quantity and territory, so in the process of evolution It may also be affected by the Dark Blood Beast..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, let's pay more attention to this information so that we can deal with them better in the future! Of course,

This evolutionary direction seems to be transplantable to our Xingyun Castle and Tianyun worlds. You must know that there are a large number of low-end life forms in our two worlds. They have been growing in them, but they have not appeared until now. Can this evolutionary direction stimulate them? "Li Yun said.

"My Lord is right! I will study them carefully to see if we can evolve in this direction. Of course, it would be best if we could capture some flat beasts and study them..."

"You mean to send a starship to capture them?"

"The dark universe environment is still a bit unfamiliar, and the Starship's activities will be restricted! How about sending out the strong wind balls and bringing back some flat beasts?" Xiaoxing suggested.

"This is a good idea! It's not a good thing for the strong wind ball to follow me all the time. Let it distract some people's attention..." Li Yun agreed.


The two of them discussed it, and not long after, the storm ball mysteriously disappeared!

But the people from Kangtian Fleet did not discover it at the first time, but discovered it after a period of time, which subsequently aroused heated discussion among people...

Among them, the most surprised person is Master Xuanji!

After hearing the news, Xuanji was stunned and felt extremely puzzled by the sudden disappearance of Dafengqiu...

Originally, in his opinion, the Gale Ball followed Liu Feng all the way because he was fascinated by Liu Feng's Taoism. He believed that it would follow him all the way to Phuket. But now the situation has been reversed. Gale Ball left without saying goodbye. Missing!

This of course made his previous guesses come to nothing and made him feel a little embarrassed...

Jinhuang immediately found him along with other senior officials and asked, "Master Xuan, why do you think the wind ball left?"

"This... strong wind ball is a spiritual storm. It comes when it wants and goes when it wants. It is really difficult for others to fully grasp its specific whereabouts..." Xuanji said vaguely with a slightly red face.

"Even so, it has been following Liufeng for a long time after all. Even if it wants to leave, it will at least leave some information before leaving, right?" Jinhuang asked suspiciously.

"Eh?! What you said makes sense!!!" Xuanji's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh? I wonder what Master has thought of?" Jinhuang asked curiously.

"Haha, didn't you just say that? Even if Dafengqiu leaves, he will leave some message behind. Think about it, if Dafengqiu really wants to leave any message, who will it be left to?" Xuan Thorn laughed.

"Liu Feng?!!!"


"It must have been left to him..."

"Let's go! Go and ask him!"

"that is…"

Everyone quickly came to the space where Liufeng was, and found that he was making tea alone, looking like he was enjoying himself. The strange fragrance of tea filled the small space, making everyone feel intoxicated and secretly swallowing it. saliva…

"Please sit down and watch the tea!" Li Yun said with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, a cup of tea was given to everyone...

As soon as everyone received the tea cup and looked closely at the tea soup, they found that the tea was as red as jade, with faint starlight twinkling in it, as if there was a galaxy flowing in the tea soup...

"Wow!!!" Everyone couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration...

After staying for a long time, Li Yun was surprised that no one had the taste to drink this tea. Could it be that these people didn't dare to drink the tea they brewed?

Are you afraid of being poisoned by yourself? !

This possibility is not small, because he appeared too suddenly. Although they think he is a member of the Kangtian tribe, after all, they have had little contact and are not familiar with each other, so it is normal for them to have doubts. In fact, this tea The Middle Way is full of vitality, and these people are all powerful and are very sensitive to the vitality of the Way. Therefore, it is almost certain that they will get drunk after a cup of tea!

Li Yun really didn't want to have an in-depth chat with them. He just wanted to go all the way to Puji Star and wake them up. Could it be that they had seen through his idea?

Just when I was about to come up with another idea, I suddenly saw them starting to taste the tea one after another, praising it and looking extremely excited...

Li Yun suddenly realized that they were so intoxicated by the tea he brewed that they were so lost just now that they finally regained consciousness and drank it all in one gulp!

"Seniors, you are tired from the long journey, so why not taste my Dahongpao first? This tea is very rare. I cultivated it, picked the leaves, and made it carefully..."

Li Yun smiled and introduced the origin of this tea. Everyone nodded, but as they listened, they all became drunk involuntarily after a while...

"Haha, just have a good sleep. You don't have to worry about the storm..."

Xuanji, Jinhuang, Tianyuan, Siyuan, Jinghui and Zuoguang felt that they had had a long and beautiful dream. In the dream, they seemed to be on an endless field with undulating hills and green surroundings. , there are clumps of tea trees, and the fragrance of tea leaves drifts in the wind, which makes people feel refreshed!

Wandering in the mountains and fields, there is a gentle breeze and warm sun, clear springs, mountains of flowers and grass, and a faint fragrance. Everyone gets drunk even if they are not drunk. They linger here one by one, almost forgetting who they are. Already…

Just when they felt the most comfortable in their lives, they suddenly felt a strong wind blowing, sweeping away the beautiful scenery here. In an instant, it turned into violent wind and rain, lightning and thunder, hail, ice knives, and ice swords followed. , smashing them so hard that they could hardly bear it, and they woke up one after another!

"not good!!!"

"The storm is coming!!!"

"That's right! I just saw it!!!"

"Exactly! It's so scary! I didn't expect the energy level of the wind ball to be so high!!!"

"That's right..."

Everyone agreed, and after talking for a while, they suddenly realized that this place seemed to be a small space. They couldn't help but be slightly startled. After taking a closer look, they realized that it was the space where Liu Feng was, and Liu Feng was looking at them with a smile...

They calmed down and finally remembered what happened before, and couldn't help but feel horrified!

"Liu Feng, that cup of tea?!"

"What kind of tea is that cup of tea?"

"Is it the tea that makes people dream?"

"Yes, I seemed to have had a dream just now. Is it because I drank that cup of tea?"

"No, no! Generally speaking, tea is refreshing. How can it make people dream?"

"What about the big storm?"


Li Yun waved his hands and said with a smile: "Seniors, please calm down for a moment. You seemed a little uneasy before you came here, so what I brewed for you seniors is calming tea. After drinking this tea, you can usually feel calm, but, maybe Because the seniors were uneasy before, after drinking this tea, they were greatly affected by the Taoist meaning, and as a result..."

"What's the result?!" Everyone asked anxiously.

"As a result...all the seniors fell asleep, and now our fleet has arrived at Phuket!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"What?!" Everyone screamed and looked at each other.

"As for the strong wind ball that the seniors mentioned just now, I found that it is not far behind us. Is it because of it that you came to me?"

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