The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2777 Liufeng’s wine

In fact, whether in the positive universe or the dark universe, there are indeed not many people who can have a win-win idea, because in this universe, it is mainly based on cultivation civilization, and what is emphasized is winning with force, and the strong is respected, not you Death is my life. The rise of one party often means the decline of the other party. Therefore, only people with an open mind and outstanding vision can have win-win ideas.

The Sixth Prince's statement is actually more of an unconscious expression. It does not mean that he truly has far-sighted vision and ideas. His main purpose is to allow the Mojie tribe to have more contact with Liufeng's family and do more business. He would have the opportunity to contact Liu Feng's parents, thus convincing them to give up Liu Feng's baby relatives, and introduce Liu Feng to the Mojie royal family.

As for whether it can really benefit both the Liufeng family and the Mojie clan, it is not within his consideration. For the Sixth Prince, Liufeng is the most valuable "product". As long as he is introduced to the Mojie royal family Everything is going to be fine!

"Your Majesty is so right! With the protection and support of the Mojie clan, our business will definitely prosper! We will definitely be grateful for your kindness, and of course the great help from the Star Master and the Marshal! Here, I would like to first Here’s to all the elders for our successful cooperation!”

Li Yun said, took out a bottle of Xingyun Wine, filled four luminous cups, and gave each of the three of them a cup...

"Wow..." The three of them suddenly became restless after smelling the aroma of wine...

If you look closely at the luminous cup in your hand, you will see that it is extraordinary. The wine in the cup is as red as blood, as bright as jade, and dotted with stars, just like the stars in the sky falling into the cup and flowing slowly...

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

The three of them looked at the wine and were completely confused. How could they be willing to drink it?

Li Yun drank it all in one gulp. Looking at the expressions of the three of them, he seemed to have been fascinated by the Xingyun Wine, so he said: "This wine is one of my family's products. It is called Xingyun Wine. The quality is very good. Outside, Starfield is extremely popular!”

His voice had the power of alarm, pulling the three of them out of their intoxication. The Sixth Prince suddenly said: "Xingyun Wine? What a good wine! Good wine!!! Much better than the best wine of our royal family!! !”


"Of course! This wine is full of countless traces. It is full of vitality and vitality, making people feel refreshed and full of vitality! Drinking such a glass of wine is like drinking a whole brilliant galaxy, like a dream... "

The Sixth Prince spoke so highly of Xingyun Wine that Ye Hu and Jin Feng's eyes lit up when they heard it, and their hands holding the wine glasses started to tremble slightly...

"Your Majesty, what you said is so good! I haven't finished drinking this wine yet.

It already makes me yearn for it! ! ! Ye Hu echoed loudly.

"Haha, I'm a big old man. I can't say nice things about the prince and the star master, but I know that the best compliment is to drink it!"

Jin Feng laughed, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp!

The Sixth Prince and Ye Hu stared at him and shook their heads, feeling sorry that such a good glass of wine could be drunk by him like this!

The two of them tasted it slowly, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became more vivid, and their mood quickly reached the extreme. The intoxicated look made Jin Feng stunned, and he finally regretted the cow drink he just had, because it was like that Niuyin is only a temporary pleasure, but the Sixth Prince and Yehu are sipping it slowly, which means they are always sipping it and are always happy...

The level of this wine is not the best among Xingyun wines, it is just average, but it has already made these three people feel like drinking nectar. It is known as the wine among wines, the best wine among fine wines, and will never be forgotten again!

The Sixth Prince recalled his previous idea of ​​doing business with the Liufeng family and quickly asked: "Master Liu, I wonder what the price of this wine is? Can you supply it to our Mojie royal family? No matter how much you have, I want it all!"

"This wine is currently out of stock. It has been ordered by people from the outer world! I don't have much left, so I will give a box to each of the three elders!"

Li Yun said, giving each of the three people a box! There are six bottles in a box, which is worth a lot of money...


"Thank you, sir!"

"Young master really understands my heart!"

The Sixth Prince accepted the wine and said with a little regret: "I wonder when you will have the goods? Can I order it first?"

"Of course you can order it! However, it is not easy to brew this wine. I believe the three elders can taste it. The vitality thread contained in this wine alone reaches 699, so the price of this wine is currently per A bottle of ten thousand high-grade molasses..."


"Ten thousand...high-quality molten stone?!"


Ten thousand high-quality moss stones are equivalent to one hundred top-quality moss stones. This is a huge amount of money in the Mojie Starry Sky. It can buy countless ordinary items. Unexpectedly, I can only buy one bottle of Xingyun Wine when I use it!

When Jin Feng heard this, he felt even more regretful. He had just drank a cup in one gulp, and one bottle could only fill four cups. One cup was equivalent to twenty-five pieces of top-quality moss. How could he drink so much money in one gulp? ! ! !

"Ten thousand...high-grade not expensive! On the contrary, it is very cheap!" The Sixth Prince pondered and said decisively.

Li Yun praised: "The prince is indeed well-informed. The price is naturally not high, which is our shipping price. If you go to the market to change hands, it is not a problem to turn it over three to five times! In the outer star field, there are places The price of this wine has increased tenfold, and a bottle is hard to find!”

When Jin Feng and Ye Hu heard this, their hearts beat wildly. They couldn't help but hug the box of wine tightly, thinking in their minds, one bottle is one hundred top-quality molasses, six bottles is six hundred top-quality molasses, my God, Liufeng Really so rich and generous!

One move is 600 top-grade molten stones per person. Such a huge sum of money can completely establish a large sect power!

Moreover, according to what Liufeng said, if this box of wine is resold and it is not a problem to turn over ten volumes, wouldn't it be six thousand top-quality moss? !

Although one is a commander and the other is a star leader, these two people are actually just holding the same position, and the money they can get is quite limited. Therefore, from an income point of view, their annual salary plus other income may I can’t even buy a box of Xingyun wine…

Liufeng's image immediately changed greatly in the eyes of the two people. Suddenly it became sparkling, rich and gorgeous, it was like the God of Wealth had arrived!

The two of them suddenly felt that their legs were weak, and they fell to the ground with a "plop" and "plop", breathing heavily...

The Sixth Prince glanced at them and couldn't help but shook his head. Fortunately, these two people were still the commander and the star master. They couldn't even bear this small amount of wealth. Liu Feng really looked down upon them!

He quickly said: "Young Master Liu, how about I order 10,000 bottles first?!"

"Ten thousand bottles?!" Jin Feng and Ye Hu screamed again, feeling bad all over!

I didn't expect that the Sixth Prince was so wealthy that he would buy ten thousand bottles at a time. That was millions of dollars worth of top-quality moss, so he just bought them all into Xingyun Wine?

Didn’t the Sixth Prince want to drink it all himself?

If you are going to do transactions, it must be Dafa Tefa!

Liu Feng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you don't know. There are not many people who can purchase goods from us at the purchase price. They usually have a monopoly on the sales rights of Xingyun Wine in a certain star region. Therefore, if Your Majesty really wants to be a star, For the agency business of transporting wine, I can designate the headquarters of the Mojie Tribe and the nearby star regions as your agency area, but the purchase volume cannot be so small, it must be more than one million bottles each time!"

"What?!!!" The Sixth Prince screamed in surprise, his face changing drastically.

Yehu and Jinfeng were completely knocked down, and they were stunned and speechless...

"Actually, one million bottles is not much at all. If allocated to each race in the area, one race may only be allocated one to two boxes at most. With the strength of a race, such an amount is completely acceptable The accepted ones are even in short supply! In fact, in the outer space, our agents purchase nearly 10 million bottles each time!" Li Yun explained easily.


The Sixth Prince finally couldn't hold it any longer, his legs went weak and he fell to the ground...

The three of them looked at each other. It was hard to imagine how powerful the family behind Liufeng was. Just by selling wine, they could be as rich as the stars!

As long as there are ten agents, and each agent receives 10 million bottles, that is one billion top grade moss stones. Such a huge wealth is enough to buy countless star fields. It is so awesome!

The Sixth Prince was lost for a while and finally came to his senses. After thinking about Liu Feng's words carefully, he felt that his analysis was absolutely right!

With the Taoist quality of Xingyun Wine, there is absolutely no need to worry about not having buyers. If it is put on the market, the supply will definitely exceed the demand. As an agent, the only way to do this is to stock up on large quantities of goods.

Given the size of the Mojie Starry Sky, even 10 million bottles would not be enough to distribute among each race. Imagine how many drunkards there would be among those races?

Real alcoholics don't care about money, they only care about wine. The higher the quality of the wine, the better. As long as there is good wine, no matter how high the price is, there will be people willing to pay for it.

Moreover, wine is not just for drinking, it can also be used for collection and as gifts. How would it be nice to give a top-quality wine like Xingyun Wine as a gift?

No matter what the matter is, there is probably nothing that cannot be done by sending Xingyun Wine. If sending one bottle is not possible, then send two bottles! It can definitely be solved.

The ruling class of each race alone can completely digest one or two boxes of Xingyun Wine. Therefore, what I have to worry about is not that it cannot be sold, but that it is out of stock! And no money to purchase goods!

As long as you have Xingyun Wine on hand, it is more practical and reasonable than holding the best molten stone, because the molten stone will not increase in value in your hand, and may even depreciate, but Xingyun Wine will definitely continue to increase in value. …

If you want to make a fortune, want to make a fortune, want to become the richest prince in the Mojie royal family, it seems that this is the best opportunity!

As long as you firmly grasp the star-lucky wine of Liufeng, there will definitely be a steady stream of top-quality moss rolling towards you, allowing you to reach the pinnacle of wealth...

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