The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2779 The Dao Realm of 1 Glass of Wine

Xiaoxing criticized the racial civilizations of various starry skies. To be honest, he had long disliked them!

It can be said that these racial civilizations in the starry sky are living in peace without thinking about danger, and they have not made efforts to expand the outer star field. Instead, they focus on internal intrigues and mutual strife. It can be said that they are extremely short-sighted.

Of course, not everyone is like this. After these racial civilizations in the starry sky discovered the passages that can lead to the positive universe, they put a lot of energy into these passages, either controlling the passages to collect tolls, or using the passages to go there. The purpose of the positive universe is to move items from there.

In particular, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu took this matter to the extreme and implemented a belief cave plan in the positive universe, which has now posed a serious threat to the order of the positive universe.

But when the major racial civilizations focused their attention on the positive universe, they forgot that there was already a fire in their own backyards, and the fire was becoming more and more intense...

"That's true..." Li Yun agreed.

"After those dark blood beasts and ferocious beasts have greatly improved their strength, they will definitely not be willing to let the dark universe be controlled by those racial civilizations. By then, it will be their time to retaliate and liquidate the racial civilizations. Therefore, currently, this This peaceful state is only temporary and fragile, and it may be broken after a period of time! If our Star Luck Wine trade can promote the accelerated expansion of major racial civilizations and early access to new dark-blooded beasts, it is actually not a problem. A bad thing!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh? How do you say this?" Li Yun asked.

"The gap between the current strength of the major racial civilizations and the new dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts is actually not that big. It should be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Both sides have a chance to fight. If the war breaks out early, then the major races will Civilization can still resist or win, but if a war breaks out again if it is delayed for a while, the situation will be quite different, because the evolution of new dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts is constantly accelerating. As long as they are given more Over time, their combat power will be greatly improved. By then, the major racial civilizations will definitely not be their opponents, and they will most likely be massacred by them!" Xiaoxing continued.

"It makes sense!" Li Yun suddenly realized and praised.

"So, using the opportunity of selling Xing Lun Liquor to prompt this war to break out in advance actually gives various racial civilizations the opportunity to eliminate this crisis and avoid future genocide!" Xiaoxing concluded.

"In this case, we will act according to the plan..."

"Sir, in order for the Sixth Prince and the Mojie Royal Family to fully devote themselves to this matter, we need to make further operations to make the reputation of Xingyun Wine even higher!"

"It's true,

And the opportunity will come soon, because the Phuket Star Chess Tournament is about to begin! "Li Yun said with a smile.

"Exactly! We can use this opportunity to publicize more and add fuel to the Sixth Prince's wine selling business!"

"very good…"

In the Sixth Prince's palace, many people gathered at this time. In addition to the Sixth Prince, the major chess masters and Jin Feng, there were also the Sixth Prince's confidants and disciples, as well as many middle and upper-level personnel from Ye Hu and Puji Star.

These people gathered here not for the upcoming Phuket Star Chess Tournament, but for a kind of wine, a new kind of wine, Star Luck Wine!

Upon hearing the news, everyone who came here was stunned!

They didn't expect that when the chess match was imminent, the Sixth Prince and the Star Lord's minds were not on the chess match, but on taking care of the wine?

However, the Sixth Prince and the others must have their own reasons for doing this, so everyone is eagerly waiting to see what the Sixth Prince will say...

Seeing that the main personnel had almost arrived, the Sixth Prince cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, you should have heard just now that this wine is what you are here for, Star Wine!"

As he spoke, he slowly took out a bottle of wine from the box. The unique ice-cracked packaging of this wine immediately attracted everyone's attention!


"it's beautiful!!!"

"This bottle won't crack, will it?"

"How is it possible? You can see the wine in it from the cracks? Is it really wine?"

"It feels solid! It's not liquor, right?"

"It's so beautiful! What's inside?!"

"It can't be jade, right?"

"It's's really possible!"

"That's right..."

When everyone saw this bottle of wine, they became less calm, talked about it, and praised it...

The Sixth Prince squinted his eyes and listened for a while, with a proud look on his face. He waved his hands to calm everyone down. He held up the bottle with his left hand and said, "This is Xingyun Wine! This wine belongs to the Liufeng Family." It is the most advanced Taoist wine in the Zhengyu Realm so far, and a bottle of it costs five hundred to one thousand yuan of top-quality moss! This wine is popular in the outer star regions, and the supply exceeds the demand!"



"Did I hear it correctly?!!! Is it really five hundred to one thousand yuan of top-grade molten stone?!!!"

"How could the Sixth Prince be wrong! This wine must be worth the price!"

"I'm dizzy..."

"Plop" "Plop" "Plop"...

Countless people were completely shocked by the words of the Sixth Prince just now. Their legs went weak and they fell to the ground. However, their eyes were still fixed on the bottle of wine held by the Sixth Prince... as if they saw five people piled there. One hundred to one thousand pieces of the finest mosaic! Sparkling crystal light! Shine!

When the Sixth Prince saw this scene, he felt even more satisfied. It seemed that he would die if his words were not surprising. Only by saying this, could such a strong effect be achieved!

Originally, the goods he got from Liufeng were only a hundred pieces of top-grade molten stone, but since this was a relatively public place, no one knew where the spies were hidden, and the news would definitely spread, so He directly stated the selling price in order to gain a head start...

"Of course, this price is the price after the speculation in the outer star realm. Currently, since I am the only agent of this wine in Mojie Starry Sky, the price is completely under my control. If it is purchased by our internal staff, Three hundred pieces of top-quality mosaic is enough! But if you resell it, it must not be less than five hundred yuan of top-quality mosaic!"

The Sixth Prince is indeed well versed in the psychology of these people. Through the method of profit sharing, these people can suddenly get a shortcut to become scalpers!

Yes, as an agent, if you don't dare to stock too much wine, then selling the wine to these scalpers is equivalent to selling it, and the money can be turned over. This trick is very effective.

For the wine industry, it is normal for channels to stockpile goods, but if you want the channels to help you stockpile goods, you must make them feel that it is profitable, or even hugely profitable, and they will help you stockpile goods at all costs. And the profit margin that the Sixth Prince just mentioned reached at least 200 pieces of top-quality mosaic, which made everyone go crazy when they heard it!

Not to mention 200 pieces of top-grade molten stone, even the profit of one piece of top-grade molten stone, or even the profit of half a piece of top-grade molten stone, will make countless people fight over it, fight for it, and fight to the death to get this. To sell goods, no matter what the price, no matter how bloody or difficult it is, there will always be people willing to do it...

The key is…

Is this bottle of Star Fortune wine really worth the money?

Can it really be priced at such a high price?

All eyes were fixed on this bottle of Xingyun wine, and everyone was thinking about it...

Of course, the Sixth Prince knew what these people were thinking at this time. He gently put the wine on the table, gently turned the bottle cap with his right hand, turned it upside down, and gently pulled it. A cup base popped out from the bottom of the cap, and a see-through The luminous cup with the best effect appeared in front of everyone...

"Wo..." There was an uproar on the field. This operation was so novel and eye-opening!

The Sixth Prince gently opened a thin layer of the bottle with his fingers, and a scent of wine spurted out, quickly spreading out and quickly filling the entire space!

"Huh..." A look of intoxication passed over everyone's faces, and their noses twitched involuntarily...

The Sixth Prince was extremely excited. He had enjoyed a drink in Liufeng's chess room before. When he smelled it again, he felt that the aroma of the wine was irresistible. He really wanted to keep smelling it until he died...

He gently held up the wine bottle, his hand trembling slightly, and tilted it gently. The wine flowed out of the bottle very slowly, slowly filling the entire luminous cup...

After the wine was poured, the aroma of the wine became more intense, overwhelming everyone's senses. Their saliva flowed down uncontrollably, and some people even wet their robes!

The cup is like night light, the wine is like ruby, the jade shines brightly, the stars are reflected, and the stars turn upside down between the flashes. They don’t stop for a moment. Every glance is new. All the stories that happen in this star river seem to be in the flow of stars. It is told and staged, as if weeping, as if dreaming, as if intoxicated...

Everyone seemed to be moved by the Taoist realm transformed by this glass of wine. Tears flowed down involuntarily, their whole bodies trembled, and they fell to the ground crying...

All the bad, evil, ugly, and dangerous...are all washed away, and all the lovely, beautiful, happy, and safe have arrived. Life begins to flourish in everyone, and in everyone's heart A circle of vitality forms around you, echoing the smell of alcohol filling the space...

There is no need to say more!

The Sixth Prince was also in tears at this time. He gently picked up the wine glass and saluted the sky!

Such fine wine, such Taoism, such vitality, there is only one cup in heaven and on earth! ! !

"Star Luck Wine!"

"Star Luck Wine!!"

“Star Luck Wine!!!”


People looked up at the glass of wine in the hands of the Sixth Prince, and couldn't help but shout wildly, and they couldn't stop anymore!

"From now on, Xingyun Wine will be famous all over the world!!!" The Sixth Prince raised his wine glass high and announced proudly.

"Be famous all over the world! Be famous all over the world!! Be famous all over the world!!!"

People were shouting like crazy, the sound was getting louder and louder, spreading farther and farther...

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