The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2781 1 Rain

There is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in this big restaurant. There are many people who have top-grade Qiniang Liquor on their bodies. They have all stood up to prove that this fragrance comes from the top-grade Qiniang Liquor!

When everyone looked at the testimonials, they all looked like they were rich or noble, or they were people with extremely high levels of cultivation. Some of them were even prominent figures on Puji Planet. Now there was nothing to hesitate about. They all shouted loudly, "Qiniang wine! Qiniang wine!! Qiniang wine!!!"

Chuan Shengtong was a little confused at first. He didn't expect that this burly man was really rich and willful. He smashed this bottle of top-quality Qiniang wine without any hesitation, which made him feel extremely shocked and felt a physical pain in his heart...

Frowning, sniffing, my heart suddenly calmed down, and the panic and uneasiness I had just now quickly returned to normal...

"So this is the aroma of the top Qiniang wine..." Chuan Shengtong murmured.

"That's right! Are you confused? I've never smelled the aroma of good wine, so don't talk about nonsense about Xing Lun Liquor here. I think you should just worry about it and don't mislead the public here, thinking you drank something. Horse urine smells so good! Haha, hahahahahaha..." The sturdy man became more and more excited as he talked, and he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Hahahahaha..." Everyone was paying attention to this scene and burst into laughter. They were so happy.

Chuan Shengtong glanced at the burly man, puffed out his chest, and said loudly: "Your Excellency is a noble man, and I have no intention of offending you! However, if you think that the aroma of this so-called top-quality Qiniang wine can overpower the fortune of the stars, If it smells like wine, that’s a big mistake! I can vouch for my life here. If anyone here smells the smell of Xing Lun Wine, they will definitely agree with me!"

"Oh?!" The sturdy man was startled.

When the people around heard this, they immediately stopped shouting...

Unexpectedly, Chuan Shengtong is really a tough guy. He still carried it under the cynicism of the burly man and countless people around him, and even dared to gamble with his life!

How much confidence and courage does it take to make such a move?

Everyone was slightly silent, including the people in the restaurant and countless people watching the excitement outside. They were thinking secretly, is the legendary Xingyun Wine really much better than this top-quality Qiniang Wine? !

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt that the aroma of Qiniang's wine floating in the air seemed to be nothing more than that. It was really not as good as the aroma of some other foods...

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa"...

A burst of applause suddenly sounded from a distance,

But it seemed to be echoing in everyone's ears. People couldn't help but turn around and saw that the person who came was a young man in purple robe. He had long flowing hair, a bright face, a slight cheekbone, light boots, and a robe. You can tell by looking at it that it is not an ordinary product. The pattern on it seems to flow and shine, making people envious!

From the moment he appeared, everyone's eyes fell on him, as if there was some kind of magic in him, making no one willing to look away from him...

As he moved slowly and swiftly, people consciously moved out of the way and watched him arrive at the restaurant!

Of course this person is Li Yun. When he came here, he first nodded to Chuan Shengtong, then turned to the sturdy man and said: "I am Liufeng, the founder of Xingyun Wine! You are the third disciple of Qiniangxing Du Qiniang." Sixteen beloved slaves return to Dagen, right?”

"Wo..." There was an uproar inside and outside the restaurant...

"Liu Feng?!"

"It turns out he is Liu Feng! Oh my God!!!"

"Too romantic! Too chic! Too detached! Too classy! Too..."

"It's so fascinating..."

"Only such a person can create "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night"..."

"That's right, that's right. Only such a person can achieve the miracle of ten players deciding ten games!!!"

"Only such people can brew the unparalleled star wine in the world!!!"

"That's right..."

"Star wine! Star wine!! Star wine!!! Star wine!!!"

The wind direction suddenly changed, and everyone shouted for "Xing Lun Liquor". The voice became louder and louder, spreading farther and farther. Countless people heard the sound and rushed over, including countless wealthy people in the core area, as well as people gathered in Phuket Star at this time. The dignitaries and members of the Mojie royal family were alerted and rushed over!

The burly man was confused by the sudden change in the situation, and said in great shock: " are Liufeng? you know me?!!!"

Li Yun smiled and said: "It's not difficult to get to know you. In fact, I also know that you came to Phuket half a day ago. During this time, you ate at all 398 famous restaurants in Phuket. But you only drink the top-quality Qiniang wine you brought. After smashing the bottle of wine just now, you still have 5,345 bottles of top-quality Qiniang wine. In addition, you have played 196 There are two females and nineteen males. You are only wearing this robe and nothing underneath. This is to make it easier and faster for you to play with females and males..."

"Wow..." There was an uproar inside and outside the restaurant, and everyone was stunned!

Everyone's view of Gui Dagen suddenly changed dramatically. His image suddenly changed from noble and noble to shameless, vulgar, ugly... and simply worthless!

The burly man's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he was trembling all over. His legs were weak, and he fell to the ground with a "plop". He tried desperately to get up from the ground, but his legs and hands were disobedient and he couldn't do it. Supporting his huge body, he fell to the ground again and again...

He was such a powerful person, but he could not control his body even after just a few words. In this situation, not to mention himself, even the people watching around him were stunned by such a terrible verbal attack. The power makes people shudder to think about it!

For Gui Dagen, he never thought that someone would know his details so well, that he could even tell him about the top-grade Qiniang wine that he could not count, and that such a secret thing as playing with male and female would be known to others. It was so clear that I had long forgotten how many people I had played with...

What's even more frightening is that this information was spoken in public. Among all the people present, there were not a few who belonged to information agencies. Therefore, this information will soon be put into letters and passed on. It won't take long. It will be spread to Du Qiniang's ears. With Du Qiniang's character, I am afraid that the situation of his return to Dagen will be very bad! ! !

This is the important blow that completely defeats Gui Dagen's psychological defense!

After thinking of such a terrible result, Gui Dagen suddenly lost control. No wonder his whole body was in a state of chaos, unable to control his muscles and veins, and could no longer stand up...

When the surrounding Mojie royal family, middle and high-level officials of Phuket Star, the Kangtian tribe, the Yeshi tribe, and everyone from other star regions saw this scene, their hearts were extremely shocked. Li Yun's image suddenly changed in the minds of these people. Incomparably tall and majestic!

The strong will always be strong, and the Taoist will have light. Li Yun established his dazzling image in just a few words, which can be said to be so easy!

He waved his sleeve with his right hand, and a soft force lifted up Gui Dagen. But with a flash of inspiration, his left hand discharged a string of star-luck wine bottles in the air, forming a circle, and said: "If the quality of wine can only be attributed to the wine, Whether it is fragrant or not, and whether it tastes good or not, it is too vulgar and low-level! What really matters about good wine is the Taoist meaning contained in it, and the Taoist realm it can be released to create. In other words, a good bottle of wine It must be a bottle of Taoist wine, not a bottle of wine that just tastes good! Whether Xingyun Wine is fragrant or not, whether it tastes good or not is secondary, but Xingyun Wine is definitely a wine that can create a Taoist realm. In this Taoist realm Among them, everyone can taste the taste of Tao, experience the tempering of Tao, and take a step closer to their own unique Tao realm! Anyone who drinks Xingyun Wine can benefit from his pursuit of Tao, even if Even if you have just one drink, a sip, a drop of taste, or even just a smell of alcohol, it will be helpful to your cultivation of Taoism. I believe everyone who has participated in the Liuwangye Xingyun Wine Exhibition can understand this. You can feel it!”

"well said!"


"I just smelled it and my whole person became different!"

"Yes, at that time my whole body seemed to have been washed and became clear and clear!"

"It makes sense! That feeling is really intoxicating..."

"I seem to feel that way again..."

"That's right..."

Those around me who had participated in the exhibition all echoed and were very excited...

Chuan Shengtong burst into tears when he heard this, and choked up: "Young Master Liu is right! I just smelled the alcohol at that time, and it seemed that I had returned to my boyhood, training my Taoist realm... That kind of happiness was only Only you can feel it yourself…”


Everyone exclaimed, staring intently at the circle of Xingyun wine that Li Yun had lined up in the air. They felt that the wine in it seemed to be glowing, shining so brightly that it made people's eyes blurry...

While they were secretly swallowing their saliva and their throats were extremely thirsty, they heard Li Yun say: "Today, I will let everyone here taste the Xingyun Wine to see if it is worth the money!!!"

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"...

The bottle of Star Fortune in the sky exploded out of thin air, and the wine liquid in it spread out like an energy circle, permeating the air and turning into tiny droplets, covering this large core area. in! ! !

I saw a galaxy running across the sky like a rainbow. There were dots of stars in the galaxy. The galaxy was rotating, the planet was rotating, the meteors were passing by, and the nebulae were filling the sky. People felt like they were in the interstellar space, floating like giant dragons and birds, flying in the starry sky. Among them, greedily sucking this charming rain...


"I'm in the stars!"

"My dream came true..."

"It smells so good, so intoxicating..."

"I saw it, that's the other side I've been looking for..."

"I finally met my lover! My relatives! All the people I care about..."

"I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay in this safe harbor..."

"That's right..."

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