The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2785 Strange Spaceship

"Hehe, the adults are right! Now let's give them a vague message to make their nerves tense first!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

However, it was said that after the two young princes Ruifeng and Li Ting arrived at the Jinfeng fleet, they quickly went to the commander Jin Feng to tell them about the matter.

Jin Feng was slightly startled. He didn't expect that these two little princes would still be in the mood to take care of this matter if they didn't go out to enjoy delicious food, beauties, games, and chess skills. This was quite impressive. He couldn't help but praise: "Two little princes." Such pursuit of progress is really gratifying!”

"Commander, you are so flattering! As a member of the Mojie tribe, you should work hard for the safety and development of the Mojie tribe!" Ruifeng puffed out his chest and said loudly.

"Me...the same!" Li Ting echoed.

"Okay! Come with me!"

Jin Feng took them to a small space, and saw countless people busy here, and a considerable number of them were monitoring various light screen information...

"Do you see? This is the information center of our fleet. All kinds of information will be collected, organized, and uploaded here to help the fleet fly and fight and complete its mission!" Jin Feng snorted.

Ruifeng and Li Ting were extremely shocked when they looked at this huge scene. They had never been here before, and even if they had, they were not in such a state of actual combat, so they were immediately nervous and angry here. The scene is under control!

His mouth was mumbling and he couldn't even speak!

Jin Feng saw this and felt that these two boys were still too young, so he said: "Look at the light curtain over there. We have people tracking the young man's information all the time, but so far we haven't been able to find out." That’s all you get…”

"That's it!" Ruifeng and Li Ting suddenly realized.

It seems that Marshal Jin Feng is Marshal Jin Feng after all. How could he forget such an important thing?

"You can first follow the soldiers to understand the progress of this matter, and then tell Princess Yunzhi and the others after they return, so that they don't have to worry about it anymore. This time it's hard to come to Phuket Star, so let's have a good time. ! Look at the handsome boys and men, try the famous lion head and braised pork in Phuket Star, and of course, don’t forget the Liufeng Xingyun Wine, hahahahaha..." Jin Feng laughed.

"Yes! Marshal!" The two responded quickly.

Jin Feng turned around and left the space, but in his heart he was thinking about what the Sixth Prince had confessed before.

It turned out that the Sixth Prince was no longer interested in the chess game, and was entirely focused on how to raise the huge sum of 100 million pieces of top-grade mosaic. Therefore, he did not even let Jin Feng and other military officers go, and asked them to start raising funds. Of course , this money is regarded as investment, and a certain amount of interest can be distributed in the future to stimulate those soldiers to spend more money.

"It seems that the Sixth Prince is going crazy...but why am I not? Liufeng's charm is really too strong..." Jin Feng shook his head, thinking secretly...

After seeing the "advertisement" of Xingyun Wine produced by Liufeng last time, almost no one in the army objected to the Sixth Prince's proposal, and they were quite enthusiastic. They all tightened their belts to get more money. To invest, in their opinion, this is definitely a good opportunity to make money. Opportunities like this may not be many in life, so they must seize it!

Jin Feng himself tried his best and spent all his savings. Now, the huge sum of money collected by all the soldiers is placed on Jin Feng. He is thinking about whether to give it to the Sixth Prince now...

"Commander!!! There's a situation!!!" A voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Is there a situation? What's the situation?!" Jin Feng couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw that he was an information soldier.

"We discovered several strange spaceships!" the information soldier said excitedly.

"Strange spaceship?!!!" Jin Feng wondered.

"Yes! Commander, come and see!"


He soon came to the information space again and found that several spaceships appeared on the light screen that was looking for the young man...

"Eh?! What is this?!" Jin Feng was stunned.

He observed carefully and found that these spaceships were really weird. They were quite different from the spaceships he usually saw. For example, the spaceships of the Mojie tribe were all shaped like the body of a Molong, with a thicker hull. , there are fins on the top and on both sides, the tail is simplified into a tail fan, and the head is a slightly exaggerated mouth, which is actually where the bridge is located.

The Molong is the symbol of the Mojie starry sky. When it comes to the Molong, everyone is in awe. If someone can turn the Molong into his own mount, then that person must be extremely noble!

The person who can become the master of Molong must be rich or noble, or have a very high level of cultivation and strong combat power. Only then can he be favored by Molong and be willing to become his mount.

Many ethnic civilizations have their own mythical beasts or birds that they believe in, so when building spaceships, they will imitate their own mythical beasts or birds. For the Mojie tribe, of course, they imitate the appearance of Molong.

But the spaceships in front of us look flat, like a big flatworm. Could it be that it is also a mythical beast of a certain race?

Isn't this too outrageous?

"Commander, the strangest thing about these spaceships is not that they are so unique in appearance, but that they can twist freely! Look at it now, while it is flying, its head is turning to the upper left, as if it is talking to another spacecraft there. It looks like..." the information soldier reminded.

"This..." Jin Feng was startled and became more interested!

I didn’t expect that there was such a spaceship!

Can you twist freely? How is this going? How is its shell created? What materials are used? How is it controlled?

These questions flashed through his mind instantly, making him think...

Ruifeng on the side suddenly exclaimed: "Look!'s really moving! It's like dancing!!!"

Everyone was in an uproar, and saw that one of the spaceships was really twisting, sometimes twisting up and down in waves, sometimes shaking its head, tail, and jumping up and down, seemingly very happy!

"It's alive!" Li Ting shouted.

"Oh my god!!!" Everyone was stunned!

Jin Feng's huge eyes widened and he asked urgently: "Where is this starry sky?"

"Judging from the detection location, it is about 50,000 miles away from Puget Star!" the information soldier responded.

"Fifty thousand miles... How big can it be measured? Is it a life or a spaceship?" Jin Feng continued to ask.

"Its size is more than three times that of our frigate. It can't be a life, it should be a spaceship!" the information soldier responded.

"This...can't make a conclusion. Some life forms are extremely large, more than three times larger than our spaceship. I have seen them before!" Jin Feng said.

"Yes! Commander! We will continue to track and detect!"

"Can you find out their flight direction?"

"It's in the direction of our Phuket star!"

"No! Be on guard immediately!" Jin Feng ordered loudly.

"Yes! Handsome!!!"

The entire fleet quickly moved into action, and Star Master Ye Hu also got the news and quickly activated Puji Star's full alert mode, ready to be ready...

When the people on the star heard the alarm, they were all frightened. They didn't know what happened. Rumors spread all over the place, and everyone was in danger...

After Ye Hu transmitted the information to the information agency on the star, the rumors gradually stopped, but a bigger sensation began again, because no one had ever seen a spacecraft that could twist like this, and they were all surprised!

Bogeke has an outlet on this planet, so the news quickly spread on this Internet, and everyone in the entire Phuket planet and nearby star fields knew about it...

As the surveillance footage continued to play, people discovered that these spacecraft were getting closer and closer to Phuket Star, but they seemed to become increasingly blurry...

"What's going on? Shouldn't it be getting clearer and clearer?"

"No, haven't you noticed that these spaceships seem to be puffing away?"

" seems like there's still jets of air coming from behind!!!"


"How does this look like anything but a life form?"

"Is it a spaceship?!"

"Look! What do they want to do?!"

"It seems to be heading towards that small star..."

"Oh my god..."

Under the gaze of almost everyone on the planet, these strange spaceships suddenly turned around and flew towards a nearby small star!

This small planet is quite desolate, but it has a lot of resources. It is an important resource area that is competed by many forces. Including Puji, there is a small fleet stationed there. Obviously, many forces there have not discovered it at all. These spaceships are heading towards them!

Because judging from the picture, the small planet is quite calm, and there are no fleets organizing defensive operations.

"Not good!" Ye Hu stared at the screen and screamed!

But now it is beyond our reach. There is almost as far as a small star field in the starry sky tens of thousands of miles away. It is impossible to fly over from Phuket Star for rescue now. Even sending a message will take a lot of time...

But they saw these strange spaceships passing gently under the starry night sky, and not long after they arrived above the small star, the next scene shocked and worried everyone!

Because they raided a fleet base on the small planet, blew up all the spaceships in that base, wiped out all the supplies in that base, and then took advantage of the chaos there to escape quickly...


"It's terrible! What kind of shells are they firing?!"

"It seems like it's not a cannonball, but some kind of terrifying liquid bomb!"

"Liquid bomb?! Not bad, not bad..."

"See how quickly they move? How skillfully they cooperate?!"

"They are obviously not spaceships, but some kind of terrible creatures!"

"No! They should basically be spaceships, because their actions such as flying, fighting, and loading supplies are the same as those of spaceships, except that they look more flexible, more vivid, and more elastic..."

"That's right..."

After people saw this scene, they couldn't help but talk about it, each holding their own opinions. Some thought it was a spaceship, and some thought it was some kind of life. The two sides argued fiercely...

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