The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2805 How shameless!

Leaving this universe is the final solution that Li Yun can think of now, and it is also a relatively extreme solution, but it seems that only in this way can the creatures in this universe be saved. It can be said that Li Yun sees this very clearly!

Of course, he would not do this unless absolutely necessary. After all, this universe has developed so well, and the price of leaving is too high...

In addition, the question is, even if Li Yun really wants to do this, can he do it?

You must know that Xiaoxing's ability now far exceeds him. If the two new networks of the positive universe and the dark universe are fully laid out, Xiaoxing's ability will reach another level. By then, I'm afraid he can still change the rules of this universe, then he doesn't have to be afraid of the master Li Yun at all!

This is very fatal, because when Xiaoxing's power develops to the point where it can kidnap the universe, even the Lord of the universe will have no choice but to surrender to him, let alone use the rules of the universe to punish him, then it won't matter at all. use…

While Li Yun was playing chess with Fan Tingyu, some inexplicable thoughts were secretly swirling somewhere in his mind...

I don’t know where these thoughts come from, and I don’t know where they die. They arise and die, and they never end!

However, no matter how they arise or die, they are all restricted to that secret place by Li Yun, and no one can know about them, not even Xiaoxing.

After anticipating the question of whether Xiaoxing would change, Li Yun felt that it was necessary to have such a secret place to think of some coping methods. Of course, for him, he hoped that these methods would never be used. …

"Look! Master Pan looks like he's about to die..."

"It's similar to the people in front, they are all shrouded in their own Dao mist!"

"I'm afraid you'll be bleeding and falling to the ground next, right?"

"Hey, don't say it so horribly! Will everyone who confronts Young Master Liu fall to the ground spouting blood?"

" true! After all, Pan Master is not comparable to those in front of me, but it's quite annoying to see him like this..."

"That's true..."

The spectators were talking a lot, and they were all worried about Fan Tingyu’s condition...

Fan Tingyu no longer had the self-perfection feeling of controlling the overall situation when the game first started. Now he only feels that the chessboard is no longer the same chessboard, the chess pieces are not the same chess pieces, and the world in front of him is not the world he imagined. Almost all passages have been blocked. With his way out and retreat cut off, he fell into a dangerous situation where he could neither advance nor retreat. Moreover, the surrounding aura was extremely depressing. It was tightly wrapping and oppressing him, making him feel like he was about to be on edge. Suffocating feeling!

He desperately mobilized all his Dao power and all his potential, but he was still unable to cope with the huge consumption of brain power. The energy accumulated in his body for many years seemed to be quickly drained away by a pair of invisible hands, becoming increasingly empty and increasingly empty. Becoming more and more powerless...

"Where is the road? Where is the road? It's impossible. There is still such a large area to go, why can't you find the road?!" Fan Tingyu murmured in his heart, his consciousness frantically scanning for...

There are only three hundred moves in the chess game, and there are indeed large areas on the chessboard where no moves have been made. However, Fan Tingyu is almost exhausted!

He is very empty now. He feels that it is impossible to go to those places. Even if he goes further, he may die of exhaustion, thirst, fall off a cliff, be burned to death by fire, or even be killed by an ice sword falling from the sky. Smashed to death…

The road ahead was too dangerous for him to have any intention of conquering. He just wanted to stay in this trapped area. It would be best to find a big tree and have a good sleep under its shade...

Just thinking about it like this, he really slowly fell asleep, and he didn't make a move for a long time...

This aroused the surprise of all the spectators in the stands.

I wonder if he is taking a long exam or sleeping?

Li Yun was helpless when he met Fan Tingyu. Of course, he could tell that he was sleeping and seemed to be dreaming. There were quite a lot of expressions on his face, including daze, surprise, shock, astonishment, and strangeness. Laughter, some laughter, some scary laughter...

Because he was shrouded in thick Taoist mist, only the powerful could see this scene, and many people were unable to discover it.

If he continues to sleep like this, I really don’t know when he will wake up, because this place is in a formation, and no one will disturb his sleep...

"My lord, he is acting like a fool and treating the chess field as a bed in his cave!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"He is extremely empty. If he keeps sleeping, he can sleep for many years... It seems that the only way is to put him down..." Li Yun thought to himself.

"Yes, if he hadn't been knocked down, people would have thought he was taking the long test! There is no time limit in this kind of competition, which is indeed a huge flaw!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"If there was a time limit, I'm afraid he would have been defeated long ago..."

Li Yun secretly cast a spell and gently brought Fan Tingyu down. From the outside, they saw that he was slowly slumping to the ground...

"Wo..." There was an uproar in the stands.

"Finally fell..."

"Okay, okay, Master Pan finally didn't spit out blood..."

"Yes, and he looks quite peaceful. Could it be that he is asleep?"


"Isn't it? How could Pan-Master fall asleep on the field?"

"Why is it impossible? If you are too tired and use up all your power, everyone will fall asleep!"

"That's right..."

Hearing the comments from the spectators, Li Yun smiled secretly, stood up and saluted them, turned around and left...

When Fairy Yunzhi saw this scene, her admiration for Liufeng in her heart was like a surging river, endless. She didn't expect that even a master like Fan Tingyu would fall under Liufeng's hands. Could it be that only Master Mukejie could stop it? Can he reach the top?

She didn't know about Li Yun's victory over Mukejie before, because she was now isolated by the royal family, so the information seemed a bit blocked.

When she heard the people around her shouting Liufeng's name wildly, she couldn't help but join in the fanatical crowd and shout...

Suddenly, a voice came from her ear: "Sister Zhi, stop shouting!"

Yun Zhi was startled, turned around and saw that it was Ruifeng, and asked curiously: "What does it have to do with you if I call you mine?"

"Do you still have the heart to shout here? Don't you know that something big is about to happen?" Ruifeng said through the message.

Yun Zhi was startled again, then she realized what she was doing and quickly sent a message: "Why are you so mysterious? If you fart, hurry up!"

"It's not appropriate to talk much here, come with me!"

"This is...good!"

Taking advantage of the cover of the enthusiastic crowd, the two quietly left the stands and came to a secret place. Ruifeng waved his hand and set up a small closed formation to hide the two.

"What's going on?" Yun Zhi asked in surprise.

"Oh, Sister Zhi, didn't you notice that the Second Grandpa, the Sixth Grandpa, the Ninth Grandpa and the Thirteenth Grandpa are not here to watch chess? And Wu Yan, Hua Yang, Zi Qi and Xiang Sui are not here either?" Ruifeng shouted.

"'s none of my business whether they come or not! However, it seems that these grandfathers said some time ago that they wanted to do the Xingyun Liquor business with Liufeng. They collectively didn't come. Could it be that they were discussing this matter?" Yun Fairy Zhi guessed.

Ruifeng rolled his eyes at her and snorted: "Of course not! They are brainwashing those girls right now!"

"Brainwashing?! What kind of brainwashing?" Yun Zhi was stunned.

"You are really big-hearted! Here, take a look at this information first..." Ruifeng stuffed a message to Yun Zhi.

Yun Zhi saw the message and said in surprise: "This is Grandpa Huang's secret order. Where did you get it?"

"Leave me alone, finish reading quickly, I want to take it back quickly!" Ruifeng said.

When Yun Zhi heard this, she didn't dare to hesitate anymore and quickly opened it and read it carefully. The content of the letter was not long, but it was shocking enough to make her whole body tremble involuntarily...

Ruifeng took a look at it, quickly took the information back from her hand, and said, "I can only help you so far. Don't let anyone know that I told you, especially my old fox..."

"Yeah..." Fairy Yunzhi nodded in agreement.

"Goodbye!" Ruifeng quickly got out of the closed formation and went back.

Fairy Yunzhi stayed in the formation for a long time, woke up suddenly, took away the formation, and returned to her residence...

Now, she finally understood why the four princes and four girls were not here!

Just as Ruifeng said, the four princes are brainwashing the four girls. The purpose is self-evident...

With Fairy Yunzhi's intelligence, it is not difficult to know that they just want to naturalize Liu Feng into their royal branch, thereby enhancing the strength of their own royal family!

The method he used was naturally to use the cards of these girls in his hand to attract Liufeng to join!

"Shameless! So shameless!!!" Fairy Yunzhi's face turned pink and she cursed fiercely.

"Princess, what are you so shameless about?" the maid Xixiang asked in a sweet voice.

"Those Grandpa Wangs are so shameless..." Fairy Yunzhi said sharply.

"Oh? Why are they so shameless?" Xixiang asked in confusion.

Fairy Yunzhi recounted the story, and Xixiang was stunned...

"Princess, they are not shameless! What they did is right!" Xixiang reacted and said suddenly.

"What?!" Fairy Yunzhi looked at her in surprise.

"Oh princess, no wonder Prince Ruifeng said you were big-hearted. You haven't woken up yet?"

"Sober what?"

"Why do these princes hide this from you? They don't even let you read this secret order from the emperor?" Xixiang asked.

"This..." Fairy Yunzhi suddenly understood.

"They just want to hide it from you and have done this in advance! As long as Mr. Liufeng is intercepted by them first, it will be useless even if Grandpa Huang comes in person, right?"

"It makes sense!" Fairy Yunzhi is very smart and can break the truth at a glance.

"They are isolating us now and not letting us know these things. The reason is that they are worried that you will become the biggest opponent of those girls! Hum, as long as you personally take action, princess, will you still be unable to defeat Liu Feng? Then they will No chance at all!" Xixiang said excitedly.

"This..." Fairy Yunzhi's face turned pink upon hearing this, and her heart was beating like a deer...

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