The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2812 Special Function

The emperor's ability to associate is very strong. This information kept churning in his mind, and he soon figured out a clue...

Previously, the Yeshi Clan broke the news that they wanted to use the sudden appearance of the strong wind ball to attack the Mojie Clan headquarters, so they used a large number of fleets to deploy energy waves in the starry sky to attract the strong wind ball to move along the established route. It seemed that And quite effective.

But then they broke another piece of information, that is, a serious dark blood beast disaster suddenly appeared in its territory, causing heavy losses, so all fleets withdrew for rescue...

After these two news spread, the Yeshi tribe suddenly became a joke and was ridiculed by many races. Of course, the Mojie tribe was the happiest.

Of course they know that the Yeshi clan is secretly competing with them, and now they are losing a lot of money. This not only exposes their ambitions, but also makes them suffer a blow. It is really satisfying!

However, the emperor is doubtful about this. For a supreme ruler, being suspicious is almost a common problem. No matter how authentic the source of the information is, he will still have a doubt, but it is just how big or small the doubt is. .

Moreover, the emperor's doubts about the Yeshi Clan are well-founded. Over the years, he has spent a lot of effort and money to get several chess pieces into the Yeshi Clan. From time to time, these spies will pass some information to him. The internal information of the Stone Tribe made him even more wary of the Ye Stone Tribe, because the Ye Stone Tribe seemed to be developing a bit fast, especially the news of liquid metal which shocked him!

Therefore, staying vigilant against the Yeshi Clan is a completely correct choice.

At the moment, the emperor's thoughts were racing, and he felt that this matter was extremely serious. No matter whether this fleet was the liquid metal fleet of the Yeshi clan, or they were dark blood beasts, it was an extremely terrifying thing!

Especially the latter shocked him even more!

Because even if this fleet is the new liquid metal fleet of the Yeshi Clan, they are sure that it has just been successfully built, and it is impossible to reach a very high level. The Mojie Clan still has the ability to compete.

But if it is the latter, that is, if the spaceships of this fleet are actually transformed from large dark-blooded beasts, then this is completely explosive news!

It can be said that this news is enough to greatly challenge the limits of everyone's imagination, including Emperor Zhenwei!

In fact, although he had made such a guess before, he did not believe it at all, so he still tended to believe that this strange fleet was a new type of liquid metal ship from the Yeshi clan.

But he himself didn’t believe it, but Guanghuan did!

Because Guanghuan believed in Emperor Zhenwei's vision, he said to Xiangzhong: "General, quickly check if there is any dark-blooded beast that looks similar to the appearance of this spaceship. If so, it is probably due to their evolution. It’s coming!”

"What?! Sir, are you saying...that there are dark blood beasts that have evolved into those weird spaceships?!" Xiangzhong said in shock.

"Although this sounds a bit weird, it is not impossible! Some large life forms in the starry sky will be much larger than those weird spaceships, including some of the powers we are familiar with. Their bodies are very huge, but they are transformed into human bodies. It just shrinks due to its shape..." Guang Huan thought.

"However, these large-scale beings all have their own blood characteristics and are full of personality. I have never heard of any race that would become like a spaceship and form a fleet to operate..." Xiangzhong said.

"Indeed, but what about the Darkblood Beast?"

"Dark blood beast?" Xiangzhong was startled.

Guanghuan nodded and said: "Those weird spaceships do look like dark blood beasts from a distance. Judging from their activity characteristics and the way they release poisonous mist and venom,

It all seems to explain that they are really some kind of dark-blooded beasts! As for why they become somewhat similar to spaceships taking action, maybe there are some reasons we don’t know..."

The pharmacist praised: "My lord, you are absolutely right! I have long suspected that they were transformed from dark blood beasts! Because these poisonous mist and venom have the characteristics of dark blood life, and..."

"And what?!" Guang Huan asked anxiously.

"They seem to belong to a certain branch of the Dark Blood Zerg. This type of Zerg is good at covering their escape by casting poisonous mist. They are also good at using the venom produced in the body to launch attacks and kill their opponents!" said the pharmacist.

"Can you tell which type of Zerg it is?" Guang Huan's eyes lit up and he asked.

"This... is a bit difficult for the time being, because there are countless people in the Zerg category. We have discovered and recorded only a small part of them, but this small part of information adds up to fill several halls. A small need Let’s check again after returning to the headquarters!” the pharmacist sighed.

"So that's it... Then send this information back to the headquarters quickly and let them step up verification and comparison. If they can find out which Zerg branch it is, it will be a great achievement!" Guang Huan said loudly.

"Yes! I'll do it right away, little one!" the pharmacist responded quickly and exited...

"Zerg? It's actually Zerg?!" Emperor Zhenwei couldn't help but murmured when he saw this scene.

Although he was still dubious about the pharmacist's judgment, he was greatly affected and wavered in his previous judgment...

After all, the pharmacist's analysis and judgment are well-founded and difficult to refute. This is more reasonable than the other possibility that the emperor himself thought of.

Because, he had thought before, even if the Yeshi Tribe really had a liquid metal spaceship, they would have to have a base near this star field and cultivate a large number of poisonous life forms to extract poisons. But this kind of extraction would be possible. The method of life poisons is inherently questionable.

As a living body, the secretion of poisons in its body is a biological reaction. Through the stimulation of consciousness, the body produces corresponding activities, thereby secreting the poisons.

However, if forced extraction is required, firstly, it may trigger the resistance of the living body and lead to chaos or injury; secondly, this behavior violates the natural process of the living body. If the living body does not cooperate, less poison will be produced and the extraction will be difficult. The effect of the poison that comes out may not be good.

Generally speaking, if the poison is to be taken by force, the breeder will choose to extract it during the time when the living body is most likely to secrete the poison, such as during their estrus or when they are more aggressive, when the poison is more likely to be produced. , as long as the sensitive area of ​​​​the living body is slightly stimulated, the poison can be obtained...

But this is also the time when life forms are most in danger. Feeders must protect themselves, otherwise they will easily become targets of attack by life forms...

In addition, Emperor Zhenwei didn't quite believe that the Yeshi Clan could build a liquid metal spaceship so quickly, because the last time he got this news, the Yeshi Clan's research on liquid metal had just begun. How could it be possible in such a short time? Not only was there liquid metal, but a spaceship was also built?

This is a bit incredible...

In short, this second possibility is worth discussing. On the contrary, although the first possibility mentioned by the pharmacist is unexpected and shocking, it seems more reasonable!

"What if it is really a certain group of dark-blooded Zerg that evolved into this weird spaceship?" Emperor Zhenwei thought secretly.

When he thought of this, he was suddenly shocked!

He replayed the whole thing in his mind, and he suddenly realized that it seemed to be directed at him!

"That's not right. Only Guanghuan knows about me in this fleet. It's impossible for someone to come and take action against me, right?" Zhenwei thought to himself.

But in his mind, he seemed to feel that someone was laughing at him, asking him if he could see what was going on with this fleet?

This feeling is extremely supernatural, but as a superpower in this starry sky, it is not surprising that Zhenwei has this ability. On many occasions, he has relied on this ability to successfully avoid crises and turn defeat into victory!

So he believes very much in his special power!

At this time, he also believed that this incident was directed at him from beginning to end...

This person knew that he was on this fleet, so he deliberately allowed the fleet to appear near this star field, and was discovered by Guanghuan, Xiangzhong and others. Naturally, he could also discover them. Then, after some observation, would become very interested in this fleet and wanted to study what it was about. After approaching Nepean Star, it simply conducted a small drill and demonstrated its powerful attack power. Finally, he used his superb flight performance and cast poisonous mist to show him the powerful defensive capabilities of the fleet! ! !

This is what happened!

Now, I finally understand the basic situation of this fleet, but I still don’t know whether it is the liquid metal fleet of the Metallurgical Tribe or a life fleet evolved from some kind of Dark Blood Zerg…

No matter what the situation is, it will bring great threats to the Mojie clan, Mojie Starry Sky, and even other starry skies!

The purpose of this person's action is not to show off, but to remind him of the situation...


The emperor took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. The contemplation just now consumed a lot of his mental and physical energy, and now he felt a little weak.

He quickly took out the elixir and swallowed it to replenish the consumed spiritual energy. He thought over the results he had just obtained through his special powers and felt that this was a great possibility!

"If my feeling is correct, then who is this person? How did he know that I was on this fleet? Why did he remind me? This fleet... I am afraid it will have a great impact on the Mojie starry sky..."

The emperor's face became extremely solemn. He vaguely felt that the person behind this incident was not simple, and his ability was so high that it was impossible to estimate. This meant that this person was beyond the emperor's control, at least it should be Its equal status!

It may even be higher than him, because he has mastered this new thing and even "kindly" reminded him...

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