The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2821 Is power poison?

Hailiang suddenly understood after hearing this, and couldn't help but praise: "You are absolutely right! However, if I don't reuse you and promise Wangfu to you, will I still reuse Tianyuan and promise Wangfu to Sichong?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry! Many things are not necessarily black and white, or white and black. There are still large gray areas between black and white..."

"Gray area?"

"That's right! It means a buffer zone. For example, Your Majesty can take certain measures so that Princess Wangfu does not need to be promised to Si Chong, and Tian Yuan can continue to serve Your Majesty without any grudges..." Li Yun said.

"Oh? There is such a way?!" Hailiang was startled.

"Theoretically, there should be. Of course, it also depends on the individual. For example, what is Tianyuan's character? What is Sichang's character? And Tianyuan's identity, status and power among the Kangtian tribe are now What state is it in? You must know that there are also major power disputes in the court. For the supreme ruler, the most brilliant method is to allow all parties to obtain a certain amount of power and status to achieve a subtle balance. In a state of equilibrium, power can only restrain each other to prevent it from developing wildly and becoming unstoppable! In fact, the power in your hands, including His Majesty himself, needs someone to restrict it to a certain extent in order to be more reasonable and effective!" Li Yun Kankan said.

"What? You power also needs someone to restrict it? As the leader of a clan, shouldn't power be supreme?" Hailiang said in surprise.

"No! It depends on how Your Majesty views this issue..."

"I...I haven't thought about it carefully..."

"Okay, then let me analyze it a little for Your Majesty. For a strong man, it is natural to have the power of life and death, and as a leader of a tribe, it is even more so. He not only has the power of life and death, but also has the power of life and death. There are also financial rights, property rights, human rights... there are so many, such huge powers in one person, it is difficult for one person to control them well. Power is like poison, it can make people do whatever they want without any scruples. , has no bottom line, thus creating a psychedelic feeling, thinking that he is omnipotent and the world cannot function without him. Everyone must rely on him to survive. He will feel like a savior...the more his power becomes, The bigger the feeling, the deeper the psychedelic feeling will be and the more difficult it will be to control! When the feeling of power completely penetrates into a person's body and mind, power has actually been activated. In turn, it controls this person and makes him become His own slave, let him act for him, to exert himself, to infect, to poison... Then, including this person, everyone around him will inevitably be involved in the power game battle! Your Majesty, think about it, If your court, your tribe, and your people are all yearning for power, wishing they could all be officials, servants, and masters of power, and they are all willing to do whatever it takes to get even a little bit of power and sacrifice everything, then Can a tribe where everyone plays power and does not engage in practical undertakings such as production and creation still have a future? You know, many tribes come to an end and perish in the battle of the game of power..." Li Yun said.


Hailiang heard a long and heavy cry, and felt that a fog in his mind seemed to be lifted by Liufeng's words, and a ray of sunlight shone in. The bright feeling made him feel extremely happy...

Li Yun continued: "If your Majesty does not want your race to be in such a situation in the future, then you must put the poison of power, this monster in a cage. You must treat it with care and use it with caution. With the power of restraint, Only good power can truly do more for the race and the people, create more benefits, and allow everyone to benefit from it! When power is restricted, many privileges are lost, and only then can people Those who hold power cannot get too much benefit from it or only get average benefits.

In this way, there will not be so many people who want to strive for power, and their energy will be diverted to production, business, service, innovation... thereby creating more wealth for themselves and the race. Accumulate stronger strength! When the pie of wealth of the race continues to grow, why does Your Majesty need to worry about limitations on his power? Because even if you only get a small piece of the pie, it will be much bigger than what you swallowed all before! "

"This...makes sense! If no one creates and everyone wants power, where will the accumulation of wealth and material production come from?!" Hailiang suddenly became enlightened and praised.

"Yes! Power should serve the people, rather than enslave the people or control the people. Power should not turn itself into a monster or poison, but should love and protect the people, be full of goodwill, and in times of crisis, in critical situations We must dare to stand up at all times and fight on the front line for the life and death of the entire race. Even if it means throwing our heads and blood, or going through fire and water, we will do so without fear... Can such power not be respected? Can those who hold power not respect it? Is it supported? Can such a race have no future?" Li Yun said.

"Okay!!! Great!!!" Hailiang was extremely shocked, his whole body was shaken, and he shouted loudly!

Li Yun smiled and continued: "What I just talked about was aimed at the supreme ruler of the race. For him, putting power in a cage is just a general guiding ideology. Only under this guiding ideology, let's talk about it again Actual control is what makes sense, and there is still a lot to pay attention to..."

"Sir, tell me quickly!!!" Hailiang's eyes lit up and he said anxiously.

"It's still quite complicated to say, but an important point is that if the supreme ruler plays tricks on his ministers and uses excessive tact, then it's fine if his ministers don't realize it. Once he realizes it, it's fine. If I am manipulated by His Majesty, I may also use my cunning and other tactics to deal with His Majesty!" Li Yun said.

"However, power is often played with..." Hailiang sighed.

"Yes, playing with power is indeed something that many people enjoy doing. Some people even use it to become Taoists, and they are at ease in the court, having both sides... However, those who play with power often end up being played by power, and the end is always not much better... When some people are in power, they will build tall towers, pavilions, flowers and gardens, occupying countless areas. When they are in power again, they will often entertain guests, and the seats will be full of friends, drums, music, traffic, and people coming and going. There are endless posts... But once he loses power, his towering tower will collapse to the bottom, and those who often gather in the tower will become like birds and beasts. Everything is like a mirror, like flowers in the water, like an illusion, like lightning, leaving only chicken feathers on the ground... Therefore, those who wield power will There are very few people who can die a good death!" Li Yun said.

"What should we do?!"

"As I said just now, Your Majesty does not need to play political tricks. He only needs to treat his ministers sincerely! Of course, this will definitely require a process and some corresponding methods to coordinate it. First of all, power must be limited, that is, it must be imprisoned. On this basis, His Majesty must clearly define the scope of power so that various powers can be restrained and balanced against each other. In particular, those who hold the highest power within a certain range must be restrained. Otherwise, It is very possible that these people did whatever they wanted because they were not restrained and became local emperors. To put it nicely, His Majesty is trusting them and believes that they cannot become bad and will always serve His Majesty loyally. But to put it badly, At this point, His Majesty is harming them, and the final result is that they will also harm His Majesty..." Li Yun said.

Hailiang thought for a while and said: "Why do I trust them and give them enough power so that they can fully utilize their talents? Isn't this great? Why is it harming them instead?"

Li Yun said: "Your Majesty, there are too few people in this world who can be in awe and strictly control their desires and behaviors. Some people seem to be good people to you and cannot become bad, but under the influence of no restrictions, After the addition of power, the monster of desire in their bodies is activated. They will gradually become arrogant and domineering, and will think that they are so great that no one else can live without him, so there is no problem for him to get some money, and They will also think that they get too little, and they will turn the bureaucracy under their rule into nepotism, and all affairs will become one-spoken. Before long, what he says will be the same as what you say, and people will listen to him. , because those subordinates were promoted and appointed by him, rather than relying on their true talents and extraordinary abilities. It would be difficult to live without him... Just think about it, if a place is filled with such people Will incompetent people, those who only think about filling their selfish desires and enjoying life, and those who have no independent opinions and only listen to the orders and orders of their superiors, will they still create astonishing wealth for His Majesty? Will the people under his rule still be able to create it? Do they have a good life? If they control some important resource in the race, then under their monopoly operation, everyone else may suffer, because they can raise prices at will to make up for the losses they have caused. Huge deficit, ultimately basing their luxurious life on the payment of bills by people of all races... And such worms of some races are definitely not what His Majesty is happy to see, so if they are discovered, measures will be taken to punish them, or Catch them and either behead them, exile or destroy them... If I had known this, it would be better not to give them so much power in the first place, and they would not end up like this, even though they enjoyed the ultimate pleasure for a period of time life, but the final result is disappointing..."

"Of course, it seems that I have indeed harmed many people..."

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