Jin Feng laid out all the information he had collected and discovered some time ago, and then opened several light curtains. Soon, those weird spaceships reappeared...

"Emperor, a strange spaceship appeared near Phuket some time ago. They robbed a small race and then left and never came back!" Jin Feng said.


Zhenwei and Guanghuan looked at each other and both screamed in surprise!

"You mean... they robbed a small race and left?" Zhenwei said in surprise.

"Yes! But..."

"But what?"

"Later, Weichen sent people to check the small star, and found that the damage was only a desolate land, and the races and lives on it were fine!" Jin Feng said.

Zhenwei and Guanghuan looked at each other again, pointed at a piece of information and asked, "Is this the damage shown on this piece of information?"

"Exactly!" Jin Feng responded.

"It seems that this matter is really weird..." Zhenwei sighed.

"But why?" Jin Feng asked curiously.

Guang Huan recounted the situation his fleet encountered on the way, leaving Jin Feng dumbfounded!

Unexpectedly, the Emperor and Guanghuan also encountered such a strange spacecraft on their way, and the course of action was very similar. It's just that the damage caused by the strange spacecraft on Nepean Star was more serious than that on this small planet near Phuket Star. What exactly is this? what happened? !

"Emperor, it seems that there are many strange spaceships, including one that you also found that had encountered the Kangtian tribe. Its poisonous mist caused some damage to the outer shell of the Kangtian tribe's spacecraft, but no matter how they acted, they did not cause any damage. Based on the casualties, it can be seen that they most likely have a unified code of conduct!" Guang Huan analyzed.

Zhenwei nodded and said: "That's right! They have the same appearance, just different sizes, and the way they move is very similar, and even the effects of their actions are similar. It can be said that their actions seem to have deep meaning, because they are unlikely to do anything trivial. Meaningless things…”

Guang Huan praised: "Yes! At first I thought they might be practicing, and then I thought they were demonstrating and provoking. But now it seems that things are definitely not that simple, because they also did the same to the Kangtian people. Things! Are they doing this just to prove their existence? For example, a liquid metal spaceship? Or a spaceship evolved from the Dark Blood Beast?!"

"This..." Zhenwei and Jin Feng were both startled and fell into deep thought...

Jin Feng pondered: "If these are the liquid metal spacecraft of the Yeshi clan, then it seems that there is no reason for them to do this, because if they have such a big killer weapon, they will definitely protect this secret carefully so that they can be at the critical moment. Take it out and use it at all times. If you show off like these weird spaceships everywhere, the secret will be leaked soon, which will be extremely detrimental to their future operations!"

"Exactly, in my opinion, we can basically rule out this possibility. In other words, these weird spaceships are not some kind of liquid metal spacecraft of the Yeshi tribe, because if they are, our internal response will pass this information to them more directly. Come here, instead of going through all the trouble to steal this small piece of liquid metal, you have to use the sharp edge to pass it up..." Zhenwei said.

"If, as the Emperor said, these weird spaceships are not liquid metal spacecraft, then it is very likely that they evolved from Dark Blood Beasts, as the pharmacist said?" Guanghuan said.

"This possibility is becoming very great! I believe that it is absolutely impossible to build a liquid metal spaceship in such a short time, and there are so many of them! Especially after seeing this piece of liquid metal, I am even more sure Got this! A treasure like this doesn’t have to be studied and tested for a long time.

Without a group of geniuses with amazing talents to create it, it would be impossible to refine it, let alone to refine so many! You must know that the Yeshi Clan proposed a plan to study liquid metal not long ago, and before that, they were completely blank on liquid metal. Even with geniuses like Ru Zhi and Ao Bo, it was impossible for them to develop liquid metal in a short period of time. Such a breakthrough has been made... Therefore, I tend to believe that these spaceships are some kind of dark-blooded beasts, and they are the kind of dark-blooded zerg that the pharmacist said! " Zhenwei analyzed.

"Dark Blood Zerg?!" Jin Feng said in shock.

"That's right! Pharmacists have discovered that they use fresh body fluids and body mist. Only in this way can their toxicity be the strongest. If it is not the strongest, it will be difficult to achieve such a destructive effect. Even if the Yeshi Clan is in the research of liquid metal There has been a lot of progress, and it is impossible to have such superb methods of utilizing venom and poisonous mist!" Zhenwei said decisively.

"The emperor said it! But..." Jin Feng said thoughtfully.

"But what?"

"Wei Chen has fought many times with dark-blooded beasts. With the temperament and habits of dark-blooded beasts, it is difficult for them to behave like this regularly. Moreover, after many actions, they have not even harmed a single life. Such a style is difficult to determine. They are really dark-blooded beasts. You must know that dark-blooded beasts hate the life of our race extremely. They think that we have suppressed and slaughtered them, making it difficult for them to survive and develop, and they have to be in a situation of struggling to survive. If If given the chance, they will definitely counterattack and kill..." Jin Feng analyzed.

"This... you are right..." Zhenwei was slightly startled. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that what Jin Feng said made sense!

That's right, how could a dark-blooded beast rob without killing anything? !

Based on this, we can almost conclude that they are not dark-blooded beasts, but various signs indicate that they should be dark-blooded beasts. They must be dark-blooded beasts, otherwise the matter will fall into complete confusion...

After some discussion, the three of them still could not come to a conclusion. Finally, Zhenwei decided to find the insider of the Yeshi clan. With his level of cultivation, he was certainly confident that he would not be discovered...

Taking advantage of the fact that Hailiang was still in Liufeng's small space, Zhenwei quickly dispatched and soon arrived at the spaceport of Puji Planet and found the docking place of the Yeshi clan's fleet.

He tried to send out the contact signal that he had already arranged with the spy, but after waiting for a long time, no one came out to contact him, which made him a little suspicious...

"Has the spy been discovered?!" He paused in his heart.

If he was killed because he had stolen liquid metal and was discovered, then this person would have deserved his death, because the discovery of liquid metal was definitely a great achievement, but Zhenwei certainly did not want to believe this in his heart.

He thought for a while, and simply took the opportunity to directly enter the Yeshi Clan's spaceship to search carefully...

After a while, he returned to the small space on the Jinfeng mothership...

Guanghuan perked up at the sight and quickly asked: "Emperor! How is the situation?"

"It's strange that our spy is not on the spaceship. Moreover, I have also searched the souls of many people and found that they have not arrested or punished anyone recently. Everything is very stable, which means that there is no one on this Yeshi clan fleet. There is no inner presence of ours, and…”

"And what?"

"There is no information about liquid metal in the memories of the people on the ship. In other words, this information is still top secret among the Yeshi tribe, and very few people know about it..." Zhenwei thought.

Guanghuan and Jinfeng were stunned for a while, confused by this situation...

Ordinarily, if those weird spaceship fleets before were the Yeshi Clan's liquid metal fleet, it would prove that the Yeshi Clan was already building large-scale liquid metal spaceships, and there should be many people who knew about them, but now these People don’t even know about liquid metal, so how can they talk about spaceships?

Also, Nei Ying is not here, and no one else has any memory of liquid metal, so who did Ruifeng get this piece of liquid metal?

This matter seems to be full of doubts and foggy...

Zhenwei continued: "I have carefully inspected their spaceships. It seems that they were all built a long time ago. The materials and craftsmanship used are undoubtedly the characteristics of the Yeshi clan. None of them use liquid metal! Although these The spaceship is just their diplomatic envoy spaceship, but it also reflects that the Yeshi clan has not made any obvious breakthroughs in spacecraft construction! In addition..."

"What else?" Guang Huan asked anxiously.

"It is absolutely true that the Dark Blood Beast Disaster occurred in the Yeshi Clan! Now, many of their fleets are fighting against the Dark Blood Beasts in the territory. At present, it seems that the Dark Blood Beast Disaster has been gradually extinguished by them! " Zhenwei said.

Guang Huan breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "The Emperor's investigation this time is so important! In this way, we don't have to worry about the threat of the Yeshi tribe for the time being! Because they are still in the civil war, and it is impossible to create liquid metal fleet…"

"Yes, but who made this piece of liquid metal?" Zhenwei asked suspiciously.

"Do the Yeshi people also move around on Puji Star? Maybe after this person handed the liquid metal to Ruifeng, he left the spaceport and watched chess on Phuket Star with other Yeshi people?" Guanghuan guessed.

Jin Feng said from the side: "We have been monitoring the actions of the Yeshi tribe. If anyone comes in or out, our subordinates will definitely report it!"

"Then go check it out!" Zhenwei said.

"Yes! Emperor!" Jin Feng responded and hurried out.

Soon after, he brought back the information that since Ruifeng left until now, no one left behind in the Yeshi clan's fleet has left the spaceport at all, and no one who went to Phuket for fun has come back...

"How could this happen? Could it be that this person deliberately acted invisibly?" Guang Huan asked in surprise.

Jin Feng nodded and said: "This possibility is not impossible, because at that time Ruifeng only heard the sound and saw no one. He left immediately after getting the piece of metal. But since this person has already broken into the opponent's camp, then There should be no need to deliberately become invisible..."

"No! There is most likely another mystery to this matter..." Zhenwei said suddenly.

"Oh?!" Jin Feng and Guang Huan were startled.

"Everyone with a higher status on the ship has gone out, and the only ones left behind are ordinary soldiers. It is impossible for our people to be on it..."

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