The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2831 Little Powerful Casino

Yehu said, casually taking out a jade slip and flicking it, and a video light screen "swiped" appeared in the space, "Eh?!"

The three of them couldn't help but scream in surprise when they saw it, because this light curtain was very different from ordinary light curtains. The picture on it was many times clearer. It was so detailed and three-dimensional, just like a real It's like the world is appearing in front of you. With your spiritual consciousness, you can actually travel through it and truly experience the scene at that time...

Looking at the characters inside, each of them looked like a real person. Whether it was expressions, language or actions, they were all the same as real people. No wonder the three of them were extremely shocked when they saw themselves inside!

Could it be that there is another me inside?

Of course this can’t be true, but the quality of this information is so high that it’s amazing!

This message actually starts from Chuan Shengtong and Gui Dagen’s bragging at the Phuket Restaurant, and ends with the scene where the three princes grab the wine after the starry wine. The whole process is completely reproduced, which makes people watch with gusto. The three princes couldn't help but burst out laughing when they saw the alcohol-stealing plot in which they participated...

"Where did you sell this information? It couldn't be better!" the second prince praised.

"The prince doesn't know, Xiaoqiang asked us to sell this! Now in order to repay the debt, we all have to listen to him and make money for him, which is equivalent to repaying the debt!" Yehu said.

"What? Is this made by Xiaoqiang?"

"Exactly! His video information is really high-quality. People fell in love with it as soon as they saw it and immediately paid for it. Many people also bought more and planned to sell it to aliens! We really made money selling this, in a short time , we have already made more money than we made from gambling!" Ye Hu said loudly.


"How can you make any money from gambling? Didn't you all lose to Xiaoqiang?" The Thirteenth Prince snorted.

"I mean, except for the part where we lost to Xiaoqiang, we still made a lot of money. It's just that the difference is too big compared to the part where we lost to Xiaoqiang." Ye Hu sighed.

"I see..." The three princes suddenly realized.

Yehu continued: "Xiaoqiang said, as long as we do as he said, it is still possible for us to pay off the debt..."

"He really said that?!" The three princes became energetic and asked urgently.

"That's true! Even the rules of our gambling group have been changed. We must do what he says!" Yehu said.

"Can... can I make money by doing what he said?"

"It should be possible! Moreover, according to his rules, we can make the plate very big, and we can also do it across the stars. Now, regarding the upcoming star-crossing empty-handed talk competition, Xiaoqiang said that he will make the plate Maximize it and completely defeat the two gambling groups of and!" Yehu said loudly.


"How can this be?!"

"Those two gambling syndicates are our idols, and we can't even count as a fraction of their money!!!"

The three princes screamed in shock...

Yehu puffed out his chest and said, "Nothing is impossible! With Xiaoqiang and Liufeng, anything is possible! Do you know why the gambling group's betting board did not appear in this Phuket Star Chess Tournament?"

"This..." The three of them were startled.

"Yeah, what's going on?!"

"We have been watching out for them, but fortunately they didn't show up!"

"It's really strange. Logically speaking, they are pervasive..."

Ye Hu said proudly: "You don't know something. Those two gambling groups have long wanted to infiltrate.

But we were blocked by Xiaoqiang, because he knew that with our little strength, we couldn't compete with them. In order to protect us from running smoothly, he took action to exclude all their bets! "

"Oh my god..." The three of them were stunned and shouted in disbelief.

"Now, Xiaoqiang is ready to fight those two groups in our name and win all their money. As long as he succeeds, he will not only help us pay off our debts, but also allow us to make a lot of money." Pen!" Ye Hu said harshly.

"Wow!!!" The three of them exclaimed again, unable to sit still!

Unexpectedly, after Han Yuan and others dug such a big hole, they would still have a chance to turn around, which made them feel hopeful!

My body was filled with chicken blood again and I became energetic!

"Where is Xiaoqiang? We want to see him!" the second prince said anxiously.

Yehu shook his head and said, "Xiaoqiang told us online and didn't show up."

"Didn't show up? Can we talk about such a big matter without showing up?" The second prince asked suspiciously.

"The prince doesn't know. To Xiaoqiang, this is just a trivial matter! It's not worth his presence at all. Think about it, he won so much money from us, and he gave it all to Liufeng as soon as he changed hands, leaving no trace behind. , How brave is he?! Look at how easy it is for him to stop the infiltration of those two big gambling groups! We have confirmed this through some channels, and it is said that their backstage boss is furious now!" Yehu said .

"How can Xiaoqiang be so powerful? Isn't that even more powerful than Liufeng?!" the second prince exclaimed.

Ye Hu was startled and said: "What the prince said is ambiguous. Both Liu Feng and Xiao Qiang are powerful, but their power is manifested in different aspects. In short, we have now become close to these two powerful figures, and our future will be certain." It’s extremely bright!”

"Wo..." The three of them suddenly realized...

Yehu was right. In the past, it was just a small fight that could not be brought to the table. It was also restricted by Zhenwei and the people in the clan. His power was always too suffocating, and he felt like he couldn't even breathe air. It is not free!

However, the current situation is indeed very different from before. The main reason is the appearance of Liufeng and Xiaoqiang. I don’t know where these two people came from. Anyway, they are extremely strong. The three of them have long thought about how to use their strength. Praising Liufeng and pushing him to the status of emperor, but based on their strength alone, it seems a bit difficult to achieve this, but what if Xiaoqiang is added?

Xiaoqiang's moves are extraordinary, and every time he makes a move, he is very generous. He is definitely a strong man. With his strength and his own power, it is very possible to win over Liufeng!

The three of them thought that their previous situation might have been related to themselves being too weak. They couldn't even compete with Zhenwei, so how could they possibly rise?

Now, with Liu Feng and Xiao Qiang, there is also a leader. As long as I follow them closely and they gain the upper hand, I will surely reap great benefits!

"Okay! Let's take a look at Xiaoqiang's plan. It's hard to repay the debt anyway, so we have to follow him!" said the second prince.

"That's right! It's also dangerous to conduct a coup. It's better to make money first!"

"It makes sense. First make enough money, support Liufeng, and then bribe everyone in the clan. Isn't it easy to make a coup?"

"When the time comes to see my eldest brother become a loner and down and out, I will make someone drink a bottle just thinking about it!"

"That must be Star Luck Wine!!!"

"That's right, haha, hahahahaha..." The three of them became more and more excited as they chatted, and couldn't help laughing...

They soon joined Han Yuan, Ye Hu and others in their research, and no longer cared about the two main fleets that were leaving...

Since the two main fleets were originally deployed in space and were basically invisible to the naked eye on Phuket, their departure did not attract the attention of people on the planet without being announced by Night Tiger. Now, people have been attracted by some of the new gambling games launched by Hanyuan Gambling Group!

These gambling games seem to have a lot more variety and are quite interesting to play. If you have money, you can keep playing, one game after another, almost non-stop!

In the core area of ​​​​Phuket Star, a magnificent "little powerful casino" appeared. It was sparkling and beautiful. It suddenly became the center of people's attention, and they flocked to watch it.

What caught their eyes was the big gambling game in the central area, where people could participate in a variety of gambling games, not necessarily related to chess games, because there were many other gambling methods, which quickly attracted people's attention. Interested, researching and gambling at the same time...

In addition, there are countless cabinet-shaped gambling machines scattered in every corner of large casinos. They are basically a way of combining fun and gambling. If you win the bet, you can get money and other prizes. If you lose the bet, you may lose everything. In short , Small gambling brings pleasure, big gambling harms the body, this is very obvious here, it depends on whether you can control it...

These cabinet-shaped gambling machines attracted countless people to try them. As a result, they became addicted and couldn't stop playing, so that there were many people waiting in line behind them to play, constantly urging the people in front to finish playing and leave...

Seeing that more and more people were queuing up, extending beyond the big casino, the princes were almost stunned!

This is simply a rhythm that will empty these people's pockets...

Looking at the big gambling game in the middle, the gambling board set for the chess game is expanding rapidly, and the amount of money displayed on the light screen has turned into a blur!

"Oh my God!"

"It's big! It's big!"

"How can Xiaoqiang make so many things? I want to make one of these cabinet-shaped gambling machines!"

"There's more than one? Everyone here is different. You'll never get tired of playing!"

"Crazy... these people are going crazy..."

Han Yuan didn't even need to look at the betting board and started shopping, because the betting board now is much simpler than before. No matter how people bet, the banker will definitely make a profit, just make more or less, so it's okay if someone keeps an eye on it, no need Take charge personally.

Seeing that the cabinet-shaped gambling machine caused a big sensation, he couldn't help but play a few games. As soon as he played, he almost got immersed in it. If Xiaoqiang woke him up, he would almost keep playing...

"Why are you playing with yourself?! This is called playing with things to lose one's ambition, do you understand?!" Xiaoqiang scolded fiercely.

"I... it's so fun, I can't stop it..." Han Yuan muttered.

"Hehe, of course! Do you think the things I tinker with will be ordinary? These babies are nothing if not played with. Once you play with them, you will be completely fascinated by them and can't stop!"

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