The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2845 Join forces to deal with the enemy

During this period, both and encountered Waterloo!

Each side has nearly 10,000 bets. As a result, they have lost more than 6,000 bets so far, and only a handful can win.

In the past, this was completely impossible, because in addition to their strong ability to control the market, the people in the gambling group also had a high winning rate in gambling. When they were trading by themselves, their winning rate was generally very high. Reaching more than 70%, this winning rate can ensure that their income will not only cover all costs, but also allow them to make huge profits!

However, after they were suddenly attacked by the Xiaoqiang Group in the previous round and suffered huge losses, they were under heavy pressure to win in this round. The Xiaoqiang Group's pressing step by step also caused their people to make major mistakes. wrong!

This big mistake is exactly what Wanshitong realized before, that is, Xiaoqiang psychologically oppressed these two groups, and the main method he adopted was to place bets in advance!

By placing bets in advance and placing big bets, each trader was worried about this big bet and wanted to take it immediately to make up for the previous losses. Therefore, they intentionally or unintentionally avoided it in their betting choices. The bet level and direction chosen by Xiaoqiang are determined, because only in this way can Xiaoqiang’s bet be eaten.

However, it turned out that Xiaoqiang's choice was too accurate, and the rate of accuracy was too high. On the other hand, the people from the major forces were too wrong. After losing more than 6,000 bets in a row, they had even lost their pants. It was torn off, my face was greatly lost, and my pocket was empty!

The two major forces represented by Supreme Treasure and Flush are of course the two that have suffered the most losses. Now, both of them have long regretted it. In their opinion, if they had personally gone out earlier this round, they would not have been defeated. To this extent, it is absolutely impossible to reverse Xiaoqiang's situation now.

Even if you win the rest of the bets, you won't be able to make up for much, and losing means that the hole will become even bigger and bottomless...

Seeing that even the chance of making money back became extremely slim, the two of them were pleasantly surprised to see that there was still another chance, and that was the last final!

Mukejie convection wind!

Xiaoqiang Group still followed the previous betting strategy and placed a large bet on the betting markets of the major forces, and this time it was a super large bet. If they could win, all the major forces would be wiped out by them, but If you lose, all the previous losses of the major forces will be recovered!

This temptation is so great that no one can refuse...

Even Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu, who were observing in the dark, could not refuse.

The two of them had seen the scene where their subordinates had lost all their wealth, and they were already heartbroken and about to explode!

However, the two of them could not blame Supreme Treasure and Flush, because even they themselves did not believe that Xiaoqiang Group could be so strong, and if they did not let their subordinates do it, it would be extremely detrimental to their growth and development. , so both of them chose to wait and watch in secret.

Unexpectedly, while waiting and watching, they watched helplessly as their family fortune, which they had worked hard for for many years, was wiped out by the Xiaoqiang Group in one fell swoop. Their hearts were bleeding...

Although the two of them had been traveling during this period to strengthen their mental tempering, they realized at this moment that this kind of mental tempering was really difficult. To maintain a peaceful and comfortable mind, it is not something that can be done just by thinking about it, or in a short period of time. You can do it by traveling.

Facing the huge losses of their own forces in front of them, the mentality of the two of them is about to collapse...

In any case, if you want to continue traveling and temper your mentality, you must first ensure that the rear is not lost, and the money continues to roll in. Only when the rear is stable, can you play how you want, otherwise you will hardly be able to drink the Star Fortune Wine...

Of course, the two of them were also communicating secretly, discussing how to overcome the current difficulties...

The opportunities seen by Supreme Treasure and Flush,

It was impossible for Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu not to see it, and they soon discovered that Xiaoqiang's huge bet was obviously carefully calculated, because this amount of money was almost equal to the huge amount of money caused by his own power after losing in these two rounds. hole!

No wonder this huge bet looks so frightening, even the legs are shaking and almost unable to stand...

Even with all the know-how and Lian Chunqiu’s determination, I can’t stand it now!

Because as long as you win this bet, you can recover all the previous losses, and the choice Xiaoqiang gave seems extremely outrageous. In their view, it is almost impossible to happen. It is like giving back with both hands...

"Brother Wan, how accurate do you think Xiaoqiang's choice is?" Lian Chunqiu asked, with a slight tremor in his tone that only Wan Shitong could hear.

"I can't tell at the moment..." Gao Shitong sighed.

"Can't you tell?!" Lian Chunqiu was startled.

"Both sides only played twenty pieces each, which is like a drop in the ocean compared to this chessboard! It's strange to be able to see that!" Wanshitong said fiercely.

"Not bad! But it's probably close to a hundred moves away. Brother Wan needs to make an idea quickly!" Lian Chunqiu said.

"What about you? You also have to make up your mind. This is a moment of life and death. You can't rely on me alone!" Wan Shitong said.

"I am also thinking and calculating! All my chess critics are studying and calculating..."

"Don't rely on them! At this critical moment, we are the only two who can make the decision!!!" Wan Shitong reminded loudly.

"This...Brother Wan is right!" Lian Chunqiu sighed.

The two fell into silence for a while, obviously trying desperately to mobilize themselves in order to better judge the development of the chess game...

On another level, Supreme Treasure and Flush are also racking their brains at this time, thinking and discussing crazily...

For them, time is running out, and the deadline of one hundred betting hands will soon come. If they cannot judge the future result at that moment, what should they do?

If you don't eat this piece of fat that is delivered to your door, the entire group, together with the entire force behind it, may fall into the abyss from now on!

"Brother Bao, what do you think of the first fifty moves?" The voice of a flush came again.

"You tell me first!" Zhizunbao replied.

"This...Mu Kejie's chess style is steady, watertight, and the pace of moves is very smooth and smooth. These fifty moves have built up the overall picture. According to our judgment, he is confident..." Flush said.

"But have you noticed that Liufeng's moves are faster than him, and he even saves time to think? As soon as Mukejie makes a move, he immediately follows up, obviously more confident than him!" Zhizunbao roared.

To talk, you rely on roaring, to stay warm, you rely on shivering, this is the current state of the Supreme Treasure...

The Flush voice over there was quick and unsteady. After hearing the words, he replied: "I said before, this is a consistent characteristic of Liufeng playing chess with others. There is no need to worry too much. Quick moves do not mean that he is confident. On the contrary , we found that Mu Kejieluozi’s pace was more stable, and it was almost exactly the same as his usual pace. Obviously he was not affected by the flowing wind, which means that he did not fall into the rhythm of the flowing wind..."

"But doesn't this in turn mean that Liufeng's rhythm has not been affected by Mu Kejie? He also maintains his own rhythm, and judging from his face, there is no change at all, he is always so relaxed and comfortable..." Zhizunbao continued to roar .

The two obviously had quite a disagreement on this point. Tonghuashun was obviously more optimistic about Mu Kejie, while Zhizunbao was optimistic about Liufeng.

But I heard Tonghuashun say: "Brother Bao, is this your opinion alone, or does it include your team of chess commentators, or does it include Mr. Zun?"

"My personal opinion!" Supreme Treasure said proudly.

"No! At this time of life and death, you alone are not enough!" Tonghuashun roared fiercely.

He can't stand it anymore!

I didn’t expect that Supreme Treasure would become so arrogant. At such a critical moment, he would dare to make decisions alone...

You know, the outcome of this bet is related to the next fate of the two major forces, and it cannot be overemphasized!

Zhizunbao was startled and finally reacted!

Yes, Flush’s reminder is too correct, but it’s a pity it’s too late!

Because I was immersed in research and analysis, I actually ignored the importance and criticality of this game. If my judgment is correct, that's okay, but if it is wrong, then I absolutely cannot bear this responsibility...

But Know-It-All does not know where he is now, and even if he is contacted, it is too late now. Just explaining the situation will waste a lot of time, leaving him very little time to make a decision. It would be strange not to make a mistake in this situation...

"It's over, it's over...Where is your lord? Is he next to you?" Supreme Treasure asked urgently.

"Of course! But he is now in a state of independent thinking. Our research and analysis are just a basis for him. The final decision depends on him!" Tonghuashun said.

"I will contact my adults immediately. If it is too late, please inform your adults of your judgment in time!" Zhizunbao said quickly.

"No problem!" Flush agreed.

Zhizunbao quickly started calling Wanshitong, but his voice came to his ears: "Don't worry! I'm here!"

"Sir?!!!" Supreme Treasure exclaimed.

"Well, I've been here all the time! The current situation is quite serious, but being anxious will only lead to bad things, so stay calm!" Wanshitong said.

"Yes... sir!" The Supreme Treasure responded.

"Just do your research and analysis. If you have results, speak up. If you don't, don't speak." Wan Shitong said.

"Yes!" Zhizunbao felt relieved and quickly immersed himself in it again...

The emergence of Wan Shitong relieved the pressure on Supreme Treasure a lot. However, he knew that he had to work harder at this time and tell Wan Shitong the research results before he could help him. Otherwise, the situation would still be extremely dangerous!

Zhizunbao mobilized all his attention and stared at the board. He had a lot to observe. In addition to the changes in the chess game, there were also the situations of the players on both sides. Even a slight change in expressions might become the basis for his judgment. One, and as time went by, he finally gained something, that is, when the number of Mukejie's shots reached ninety, the speed of his moves finally changed!

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