The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2851 Coincidentally

Wan Shitong was stunned for a moment and thought: "Liu Feng's popularity is extremely rare. It was precisely because of Liu Feng's appearance that Ling Daozi used such a trick. The two complement each other..."

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! Liufeng's reputation has risen so fast in this short period of time! It's as if he had practiced everything well while hiding somewhere, and then suddenly burst out and showed off all his abilities. In front of everyone, it suddenly became extremely amazing and gathered a huge amount of popularity!" said Supreme Treasure.

"Your statement is quite vivid and makes sense! If geniuses like Liu Feng and Ling Daozi hadn't been hiding, they would have been discovered and spread long ago, but they all suddenly appeared in the near future and did what they did. One major event after another, they quickly became famous and made huge gains. Even we have now become their debtors. Such strange things can be said to have never been seen before!" Wan Shitong said fiercely.

"How did they do it? By the way, Ling Daozi's voice suddenly came over before, which shows that he can easily invade our space. You must know that he should be with Liufeng now, right?" The Supreme Treasure suddenly Thinking of this, he exclaimed.

When Wan Shitong heard this, he felt "stunned" in his heart and felt bad!

I was so confused by Ling Daozi that I even forgot about it. If the Supreme Treasure hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought of it.

Thinking of Ling Daozi's proud voice before, Wan Shitong felt as if it was still echoing in his ears...

Now it seems that Ling Daozi must be able to monitor the scene here, including his exchanges with Supreme Treasure, Flush and Lian Chunqiu. Otherwise, how could he say such things at that time?

But as Zhizunbao said, Ling Daozi should be with Liufeng now. These two people must have colluded. So they should be at Puji Star at the moment, which is extremely far away from here. How did Ling Daozi achieve this? What about monitoring?

Thinking about those previous bets, is it possible that you lost because of this?

Wanshitong thought for a while and found that Ling Daozi did not win by relying on the advantage of being able to monitor this place, because he placed bets in advance on every bet and used conspiracy, so he would not know that he would bet after that. , how Zhizunbao and his men would respond, even if he knew, he did not take action again, because he only placed one bet in each subsequent betting market.

Therefore, Ling Daozi's victory was entirely based on his strength. Besides, even if he used surveillance to win, wasn't it also part of his strength?

"Ling must be monitoring me now, right?" Wan Shitong asked through gritted teeth.

"You should feel proud of being monitored by me..." Ling Daozi's voice came.

Wan Shitong couldn't help but panic when he heard this. Just now, he just wanted to try to see if Ling Daozi was monitoring him. Unexpectedly, he responded when he called him, and said anxiously: "What?! You...where are you?!"

Zhizunbao was also confused, looking around in shock, but found nothing.

"Hehe, you might as well take a guess..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Are you hiding near us?!" Wan Shitong yelled.

"If it were hidden near you, would you be able to find it?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Of course it can!" Wanshitong said loudly.

"Oh? Then you might as well look for it, but what if you really find it? Are you in a hurry to pay back the money?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"I..." Wan Shitong was startled and was speechless. His fat face turned red with shame...

"That little fat guy Zhizunbao guessed right. I'm with Liufeng now. Didn't you see the fireworks show here in Pujixing? Is that also what I did? Do you understand?" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Oh my god..." Wan Shitong and Supreme Treasure exclaimed.

I see!

This Ling Daozi is really amazing. Such a fireworks show is unprecedented, but he seems to say it very easily. It seems that this is nothing to him...

"Where did you and Liufeng come from? Why haven't you heard of them before?" Wan Shitong asked unwillingly.

In fact, this issue is very critical. If it is clarified, then Know-It-All may have other means to get out of the predicament he is currently facing.

Of course Xiaoxing knew what the old fox was thinking, so he smiled and said: "Aren't you a know-it-all? Isn't your name a self-proclaimed one? Isn't there nothing in this realm that you don't know? Even if you don't know it for the time being, With your Bogeke website, and of course your ally Lian Chunqiu's Yangqinju website, can't we still find out? If you want to know, go check it out, but what I want to remind you is..."

"What?!" Wan Shitong asked urgently.

"You'd better worry about yourself first! If you can't pay off the debt in a short period of time, a powerful person like you will be chosen by Heaven first and become Liufeng's slave. No matter how deep you hide, They will all be found by Heaven..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This..." Wan Shitong choked and looked extremely embarrassed!

Of course, he knew what Ling Daozi said was true. The pressure of heaven had actually shrouded him for a long time. If he didn't want to become a young slave like Liu Feng, he would have to desperately find a way to repay the debt. Otherwise, I'm afraid the result would be It will soon fall on you...

But where to find such a huge sum of money?

No matter how capable and resourceful one is, it is impossible for him to become rich in a short period of time and have more than ten times more wealth than before!

This is simply an impossible task!

But I heard Xiaoxing say: "I can give you a suggestion!"

"What suggestions?!" Wan Shitong's eyes lit up and he asked urgently.

"If you want to make money, go to the outer star realm and grab it! From your perspective, you should know that the positive realm is just a small part of this universe. There is an extremely wide starry sky outside. You can find one or two if you just look for it. Crystal mine, maybe the money will be collected soon!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh?!" Wan Shitong suddenly realized.

"It will always be much faster to conquer and colonize than to work hard to make money! With the strength and talents of your power, it is not difficult to conquer some alien star territories. If you are lucky, you may encounter some If you have money but no strength in the star field, you can get rich quickly..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

After hearing this, Wanshitong was stunned for a long time and finally recovered, and said to Zhizunbao: "Summon all the upper levels immediately, our direction is going to change!"

"Yes! Sir!" Zhizunbao quickly complied...

On the other side, even Chunqiu naturally heard what Xiaoxing said, and couldn't help but agree. He quickly summoned all the key figures in the force to discuss, and made conquest and colonization the main line of future development...

As for the leaders of other major forces and racial civilizations, they have also heard the "suggestions" given by Xiaoxing, and they have begun to organize expedition fleets to prepare for interstellar conquest and colonization operations...

For Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu, they actually have another choice, which is the Cave of Faith plan that they began to arrange in the positive universe many years ago.

The original intention of this plan is actually to target the Tiangang Treasure Star. If they can concentrate all the power of the evolved Faith Travertine, in their opinion, it is possible to capture that Treasure Star and become rich in one fell swoop!

Of course, the value of the treasure star is many times the huge debt owed. If you can get it, you don't have to worry about becoming Liufeng's slave...

Unfortunately, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu knew in their hearts that this plan was still far from success. The evolution of those who believed in travertine was not as fast as imagined. It was completely impossible to win the Tiangang Treasure Star now!

At the current stage, the Belief Cave Sky Project is still in the investment stage and is still a vampire. It needs the income of and to fill it. If not, these two networks would have been able to expand further. The scope of...

The two of them are secretly regretting it now. Listening to Ling Daozi's words, it seems that the outer star field is extremely rich, and one or two crystal mines can be found casually. What is the concept of this?

If this is the case, then he can completely transfer the money invested in the Faith Cave Sky Project to the outer star field. Maybe the money he earns now is even greater than the Zhenggang Treasure Star...

Thinking of this, both of them felt a little impatient, and they quickly discussed it. Before long, the two major forces formed a joint fleet and began to explore the outer star field...

This combined fleet is extremely powerful. It can be said that it has gathered all the elites of the two major forces. It is equipped with the best spaceships and weapons, has sufficient energy reserves, and of course also brings countless spaces, which are prepared to store Those who grabbed supplies...

"Brother Wan, have you noticed that Yabo Zhai and Zheng Ye Hall have also organized a huge fleet to colonize outer star areas?" Lian Chunqiu asked.

"I just got the news! However, I also found that Gu Letian, Shan Meici, Wanhuahui and other forces have also formed a huge fleet to carry out colonial operations..." Wan Shitong said.

"What?! How come these forces are all doing this at the same time?" Lian Chunqiu said in surprise.

"Well... they should also owe a huge debt to Liu Feng!" Wan Shitong sighed.

"What?!" Lian Chunqiu screamed.

"Didn't you notice that their gambling boards also disappeared? At this stage of the chess game, all the major forces have withdrawn from the gambling circle, which in itself explains the problem!" Wan Shitong said fiercely.

Lian Chunqiu suddenly realized and said: "It seems that while Ling Daozi is dealing with us, he is also dealing with them..."

"That's right! Even we fell into his trap, so how can those powerful people be his opponents?"

"Eh..." Lian Chunqiu sighed. He had thousands of words in his heart, but he couldn't say a single word...

These two old antiques never expected that after having been in the main domain for so long and enjoying the glory for so long, they would now be defeated by Ling Daozi, and they might have to bow down to a young Liufeng. What kind of world is this?

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