The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2866 Unknown Poison

Latest website: The Mojie Passage is far away from the Mojie headquarters, so the protection task must be done separately.

In addition, the passage is naturally formed and cannot be sealed at all. Moreover, even if it is possible to seal it, what about the ships flying inside?

Once it is closed, it will definitely cause a chain reaction in the energy system. Chaos is a high probability event. Is it possible to suffocate them all inside? it's out of the question…

It is too difficult to protect such a natural passage!

Because this place is easy to attack and difficult to defend, as long as the attacker disturbs the aura there, it is very likely to cause chaos there. At that time, it will be a catastrophe not only for the defenders, but also for the attackers!

But the mutant beasts don’t know this at all. For them, as long as they find the Mojie tribe there, they will definitely attack. As for whether they will die together in the end, they can’t care so much...

Therefore, this is also the main reason why the passage is occupied by powerful races. Not only is it impossible to keep the passage with insufficient strength, but it will also suffer from it. Even powerful races must be cautious and fully committed to the protection and management of the passage. They dare not There is no relaxation at all.

This problem immediately put the three of them into a dilemma. They could not solve it for a while, so they had to let the fleet return to the headquarters first while discussing...

In the sky of Mojie Star, the Taojing fleet roared past, one team after another. This scene quickly shocked the people in the stars. Of course, they received the news in a certain time, and the one who got the news first Everyone was attracted by this news, and many people were ready to make a move!

Money and silk move people's hearts, and this has been the case since ancient times.

More fleets emerged from all corners of the starry sky and joined in this carnival. For a while, the temporary passage in the Mojie Starry Sky gradually became a bit crowded, leaving many racial civilizations in this starry sky dumbfounded, and then they began to join in. in…

To Li Yun and Xiao Xing, this scene looks a bit like a doomsday carnival. These people have no idea that the disaster is coming, but they are dreaming of getting rich at this moment!

If you want to make people perish, you must first make them crazy. The intelligence of a life in a state of madness has no bottom line. It will only drop again and again. It has almost no independent judgment ability. It is easy to listen to the wind and it will rain. Being bewitched and incited by others, they do things that even they would find extremely unbelievable if they think about it later...

Of course, those who have sweet dreams include the initiators of this incident, namely Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu, who already have some understanding of the situation. They are ambitious and

He planned to go to the outer star realm to plunder wealth, and also targeted the mutant beasts. This really exceeded Li Yun and Xiaoxing's expectations!

"Sir, these two people actually want to rob those mutant beasts and sell them back. I have to say that there is a reason why they have reached their current identity and status..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's right! Think what others dare not think and do what others dare not do. These two people do have heroic natures. No wonder they came up with the Faith Cave Plan..." Li Yun agreed.

"Indeed, the fact that they dared to target Tiangang Baoxing proves this! However, they still overestimated themselves and underestimated their opponents..." Xiaoxing said.

"At this stage, the mutated orcs in that star field are not too strong. They are very likely to achieve their goals. It seems that there is something good to watch..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Then let them have fun first! However, after they stir up a hornet's nest, I'm afraid things will evolve even faster!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense, this is a very likely possibility! However, for us, our goal has basically been achieved! Let's see how these racial civilizations compete with the orcs..."

"Exactly! We are building a new network and watching the show at the same time!" Xiaoxing said happily.

The two people's recent series of operations are precisely to promote the racial civilizations of the major stars to encounter the mutated orcs in advance. In this way, before the orcs' civilization has developed to an extremely terrifying level, these racial civilizations can still fight against it. And accelerate growth in the confrontation, otherwise, the longer time passes, the more detrimental it will be to racial civilization and the greater the losses will be, and there may even be the risk of genocide in the end.

Now it seems that under the leadership of Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu, these racial civilizations are finally going to break out of the starry sky and enter the outer star field. They will inevitably encounter the mutated orcs. Collisions and battles between the two sides are inevitable. This event The smoke of the life-and-death battle for both sides is gradually rising...

For Li Yun and Xiao Xing, after completing the promotion purpose of the collision between the two parties, they did not want to be overly involved, and it was enough to just watch from the sidelines.

They can achieve full control over the dark universe by relying on the New Network, and even travel plans seem to be omitted, because through the monitoring and control of the New Network, they can completely achieve an immersive travel experience, so, The two decided to temporarily stay near Phuket Star and wait and see what happens...

However, it was said that the Trudeau fleet, which had left Phuket before and went to the southern part of the Mojie Starry Sky for inspection, found that the beasts in the starry sky had undergone many strange changes after patrolling for a period of time. Enter the starry sky like a weird spaceship and become a life spaceship!

This discovery surprised Hailiang, and his judgment of the strange spaceship was more likely to be the result of the mutation of the dark blood beast and the vicious beast.

In addition, he also made a new discovery that was different from the Mojie people, that is, the poison sprayed from the bodies of some dark-blooded beasts and fierce beasts seemed not only to have impact and corrosion effects, but also the spread of poison in the later period was even more powerful!

This phenomenon puzzled Hailiang, because as far as he knew, the toxicity of poisons secreted by living bodies generally weakened over time. Why would they become more powerful in the later period?

After doing research, Trudeau came up with some new insights and said: "Your Majesty is unaware that there are some unknown poisons in these poisons. These unknown poisons will survive in the spray after leaving the living body. For a period of time, if the conditions are good, the survival time is still very long. During this period of time, if someone is contaminated with these poisons, they will be infected by them. Moreover, what is even more frightening is that once these poisons enter the life of the race, In the body, it is very likely that new infections will occur through contact between clan members!!!"

"What?!" Hailiang was completely shocked!

"In other words, these unknown poisons will infect each other among the tribesmen. If the infection route is not cut off, it won't take long for the entire race to be infected by them!" Trudeau said in shock.

"What kind of disasters will these unknown poisons cause?" Hai Liang asked urgently.

"Judging from the conditions of those who are sick so far, most of them have symptoms such as unstable Qi, body heat deficiency, general weakness and other symptoms. The main part invaded by these poisons should be in the lungs, possibly in the lungs. Invading from the mouth, nose, skin and other human body surfaces, after they invade the human body, they will grow in large numbers in the lungs, causing lesions throughout the lungs. If there are no drugs to suppress them, the consequences will become extremely serious, and the patient may He died because of difficulty breathing and internal organ failure..." Trudeau analyzed.

"Wo... So, most of the people we saw who died died for this reason?" Hailiang said in shock.

"That's right! Now they don't realize that this is the poison spread by the mutated dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts, so there are many misunderstandings in the treatment. Many people think that they have gone wrong in their practice, causing them to go crazy. In fact, This is a more obvious sign of poisoning..." Trudeau sighed.

"What should we do? We should tell them quickly!" Hailiang said.

"Your Majesty, the problem is that I don't know much about medicine, and even less about poison! Even if I inform them, I can't save their lives!" Trudeau said.

"Don't we have a lot of poison-preventing pills? These pills should be useful, right?" Hailiang asked.

"I have done experiments, and it will have a certain effect, but the effect is average. Pidu Pill also needs to be prescribed to the right medicine. If it is not right, it will not work, and it will also increase the burden on the body of the medicine, because it is three-part medicine. Poisons and medicines taken will actually cause additional burden on the body..." Trudeau explained.

"This..." Hailiang was stunned.

He really didn’t know much about medicine, so after hearing Trudeau’s talk about medicine, he was shocked and speechless.

Trudeau continued: "The anti-poison pill can temporarily protect their lives, but this will lead to another result, that is, the poisons in these people still exist and are still reborn, so they can still survive through breathing and contact. , or even through excretion and other channels to spread these poisons in the body, becoming active poisoners, so that the scope of transmission will become wider and wider!"

"Oh my God..." Hailiang screamed, feeling bad!

He knew in his heart that if these poisons could not be effectively controlled, they would most likely spread further through more channels over a period of time, and maybe they would reach the Kangtian tribe very quickly!

Because there are economic and cultural exchanges between these ethnic civilizations and the Kangtian people, people and ships come in and out almost every day...

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's too late now!" Trudeau sighed.

"Too late? You mean..."

"There will definitely be people in the Kangtian tribe who have been infected with these poisons. We must immediately investigate and isolate all infected people for observation. At the same time, we must temporarily cut off all contact with the outside world and conduct a comprehensive search and kill of dark blood beasts and ferocious beasts within the territory. No beasts left!" Trudeau shouted.

"This..." Hailiang was shocked!

Suddenly, he saw a flash of inspiration. He copied it and found that it was from Emperor Mojie Zhenwei. He quickly checked it and soon exclaimed: "Wow, it's really a mutated dark blood beast and a ferocious beast!!!"


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