The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2873 Network formation and fog

Latest website: The power of artillery fire from the two major forces seems to be gradually overpowering the weird spacecraft, causing a large number of weird spacecraft to be forced to squeeze together and become obvious targets, and the losses are gradually increasing...

Many strange spaceships were blown apart and fell everywhere in pieces of blood and flesh. Some actually hit the formation of the passage base directly, looking at all the soldiers with ferocious faces, making them break out in cold sweat...

As a result, the light of the formation can no longer be hidden, and it shines faintly, like the faint light in the starry sky...

This made Justin and others secretly sweat. Fortunately, this place was far away from the battle and did not attract the attention of the strange spacecraft. Moreover, they were too busy to take care of themselves at the moment, so of course they would not attack the base.

The strange spaceships that Justin and others saw were naturally mutant beast ships. At this time, they were hit head-on by the combined fleets of Bogeke and Yang Qinju, and fell into chaos. The front fleet suffered heavy losses!

However, the fleet at the front also built a protective line for the mutant spacecraft behind, causing them to begin to organize and truly engage in battle.

As more and more mutated spaceships arrived, the Orcs, under the commander's control, began to counterattack!

The battle between the two sides has entered a stage of confrontation of strength. The artillery fire is being sprayed out like crazy. Everyone wants to suppress the opponent's momentum and create conditions for victory later.

There is no need for any deception in such a battle. As long as the firepower cannot be matched, the opponent may seize the opportunity and win in one fell swoop!

As a commander of the Mojie tribe, Jia Siting has rich experience and naturally knows this very well. He is thinking about whether to take action. Why is he so hesitant? It is because it is a dilemma choice!

If we help the two major forces defeat the Orc spaceship, we can end this Star Wars early. Not only is it a great favor to the two forces, but it also eliminates the potential threat of the Orc spacecraft to the base.

However, if you still cannot defeat the Orc spaceships after taking action, but fall into a stalemate, then you will be in trouble. Not only will you get into trouble, but the base will be completely exposed. If the Orc spacecraft attacks in large numbers in the future, that may not be possible. Two major forces came to help...

While gathering the main forces on standby, Justin was closely observing the development of the situation, hoping to see the most suitable opportunity to attack...

In his opinion, the fleets of racial civilizations naturally do not need to be observed too much, because he is familiar with them. What needs to be observed most is the beast ship. Only by knowing more about them can he know how to deal with them.

He discovered that the cannonballs of the Orc spaceships should be the body fluid cannonballs secreted in their bodies. Of course, these cannonballs cannot be fired continuously like the racial civilization ships, but they need to have a certain interval. Therefore, these spacecrafts generally fire out After a while of shelling, there will be a break. This is a good opportunity for the other side's ship!

However, the Orc spaceships seem to have known their own weakness for a long time, so they have made up for it in terms of scheduling. They will be divided into several groups. Each group will retreat after firing the shells, and the following group of spaceships will take over, and then continue. The next group... This cycle allows them to maintain the firepower on the battlefield, and also allows each group of spacecraft to get the rest and energy replenishment they deserve.

Of course, it is impossible for the racial civilization spacecraft to fire continuously. Although the cannon shell reserve is sufficient, the cannon itself needs to be cooled, otherwise it will deform and affect the accuracy, and even risk self-explosion. Therefore, the two major forces also need to be dispatched. However, the combat time for each group of their spaceships will be longer.

What makes Justin incredible is that the power of the cannonballs of the Orc spaceship is no less powerful than the artillery fire of the racial civilization. After those cannonballs hit the protective formation laid out by the opponent's ship, they will spread quickly, causing the formation to be severely corroded. After the corrosion, , the protective power of the formation will definitely decrease, and over time, it may not be able to withstand these liquid shells!

Including the formation of the base, it was actually corroded by the sprayed liquid. Although it was relatively slight, it could be seen that the power of this kind of shell was not small.

However, the two major forces are indeed superior in strength. Their spaceships are all very advanced. So far, they have shot down countless Orc spaceships, but none of them have suffered losses. Such a record is truly amazing!

Moreover, their reserve forces were mobilizing, and they seemed to be preparing some kind of strategy, which suppressed Justin's idea of ​​sending troops to help.

It seems that the two major forces have been preparing for such a war for a long time. This is really strange!

Could it be that they had discovered each other a long time ago?

How did they know that the other party would have such a spaceship and tactics?

Could it be that the backup plan they had left was just to deal with them?

"By the way, Bogeke and Yang Qinju are the largest information forces in the Zhengyu area. It's not surprising that they know that there is such an orc spaceship!" Justin suddenly thought of this and couldn't help but suddenly realized!

At this time, the reserve forces of the two major forces began to be dispatched. They divided their troops into two groups and outflanked them from both wings. Since they were far away from the Orcs in the middle, the Orcs did not pay enough attention to them, so they did not notice these two. While flying, a flanking fleet also laid two super large nets in the sky! ! !

This is a network formation laid out according to the method of formation. Each mesh is a small formation. They flash with a faint blue light and spray out colorful mist. As the fleet moves forward, the mist also moves to the center. The Orc spaceship passed by at great speed...

When the two large nets gradually closed and approached, the entire starry sky battlefield was compressed, and the space was quickly filled with colorful mist. The Orc spaceships were a little panicked!

They had never seen such a trick before, and they didn't know what the colorful fog did, but it was probably not a good thing. So they began to desperately avoid contact with the fog, or to hold their breath, but in the encirclement, so what? Maybe it can be avoided?

The fog will not only enter the body along with their breathing, but also stick to their skin, eyes, acupuncture points, etc. In addition, the area where the Orc spaceship sprays the cannonballs is relatively moist. Once it is stained with the fog, it is basically difficult to get rid of it. How long did it take for the effect of the fog to appear...

I saw that the Orc spaceships began to become a little swaying, as if they were drunk and had difficulty controlling their bodies...

As the amount of mist erupted increased, their level of intoxication became even greater, and their offensive involuntarily weakened...

It is extremely difficult to lay out such a large net in the vast starry sky battlefield. If the two major forces had not planned and practiced it long ago, it would not have been possible to lay it out so quickly. This scene made Justin and Long Wei They were stunned and almost fell to the ground in admiration!

so amazing!

It's like fishing in the sea, except that this operation is moved to the starry sky!

The orc spaceship, which was once vigorous and vigorous, was affected by a powerful drug. At this time, its combat power was greatly reduced, it fell into chaos, and its formation began to fall apart...

They were in trouble as soon as they were alone. They were trapped by the God-binding ropes thrown by the two major forces' spaceships that had been prepared long ago. After these God-binding ropes caught them, they would extract the spiritual power of the beasts from them, making them weak. Powerless, despite struggling crazily, they could not get rid of it. In this way, many lone orc spaceships were captured alive by the two major forces!

This made Justin and others stunned again. They didn't expect that this would work!

These Orc spaceships must be alien species among the Orcs and are of great value. Each one is undoubtedly very valuable. Thinking of this, Justin's eyes almost turned red!

Could it be that the two major forces had been preparing to capture this kind of beast ship early in the morning?

It must be, otherwise why would they go to such trouble to set up nets to catch animals?

You must know that there are risks in doing this. If the Orc spacecraft wakes up and takes precautions, as long as it is destroyed in advance, it will be difficult to deploy a network array in an open environment like the starry sky.

But this time, the plan of the two major forces was successfully realized!

One after another, the Orc spaceships were captured by them. There were some more sober Orc spaceships behind them. Seeing that the situation was not good, they did not dare to fight anymore. They quickly turned around and fled, and got out through the gap surrounded by two large nets. …

This time, the vanguard of the beast tribe prepared to march into the Mojie starry sky with great momentum. Unexpectedly, they were hit hard just as they stepped into the starry sky. It was extremely unlucky!

If you underestimate your opponent, fail to prepare, and act haphazardly, no matter how strong you are, you will still suffer. This encounter between the two races is a painful lesson for the Orcs...

In fact, nearly half of the Orc spaceships escaped, and except for the dead ones, the other half were captured alive by the two major forces. This scene is simply very satisfying!

Everyone cheered...

Including the garrison at the Mojie Channel Base also cheered. It's really not easy!

There are such alien species in the beast race, but they are still defeated by racial civilization. In any case, this will greatly enhance people's self-confidence, and they will not feel particularly terrible about those beast race alien species...

While Justin was excited, he felt vaguely worried about the other half of the escaped Orc spaceships. He still couldn't figure out what race these Orc spaceships belonged to? Are they all here, or just some of them? Will there be other Orc spaceships?

Once this kind of thing starts, it means there may be trouble later!

What should I do if another beast ship attacks?

According to the momentum of the Orc spacecraft today, I am afraid that this base cannot be defended, and everyone will be buried in this place by then...

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. I took a closer look and saw that it was the headquarters letter talisman!

I quickly copied it and found that it was a letter from the emperor. The content of this letter was obviously written not long ago, asking him to summon all the soldiers immediately, temporarily abandon the passage, retain the concealment formation, and then return directly to the headquarters!

"Go back?! Could it be that the Emperor had a premonition that what happened today would happen..."

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